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Yorkies and Smaller Breed dogs with similar Health/Diet Issues

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  • #70712 Report Abuse
    DeAnah G

    I have a 11yr. old 4lb Yorkie, she has been THE BEST dog ever!! I recently took her to a Vet for her annual teeth cleaning and physical. Come to find out she has COPD, Enlarged Heart, Fluid in her lungs, Arther, and Tracheal problems due to the enlarged heart. He put her on 5 different medications and prescription dog food (which she hates!) Heart controlled, very low sodium. Anyway, he said she can live for another 5-10yrs with this controlled diet but I don’t want her last years to be miserable. I’m fine to keep her on the meds but the food even looks gross! I was wondering if anyone suggest a more natural type food that she can enjoy that will also give her the vitamin nutrients she needs? Also, has anyone ever given their dog these meds and how well have they worked for your pet? Furoquid and Enalapril
    Thanks for your help! 🙂

    #70736 Report Abuse

    One of my previous cockers had an enlarged heart, tracheal problems and fluid build up and she was on similar medications. She started coughing when she was 7 years old and enlarged heart was diagnosed. Vet put her on theophylline at that time and was on it for 5 years before changing her to Enalapril and Lasix, which is a diuretic like Furoquid. The meds did help and she lived to 14 1/2 with a very good quality of life during the entire time. For the last 3 or 4 years, I home cooked chicken and brown rice with vegetables and gave her a senior multi vitamin to help with missing nutrients. This was several years ago when chicken and brown rice was recommended for heart conditions–don’t know if it is still the recommendation now.

    I am sure some of the other people here have more knowledge about this than I do and they will be along to give assistance.

    #70740 Report Abuse
    DeAnah G

    Thank you for your response CockalierMom, I was hoping someone on here could relate. I was thinking of doing the same, cooking her own chicken and rice but didn’t know how she would get all her nutrients. The senior multi vit added is a great idea. I will call the vet tomor in regards to the changes I would like to make. Besides, if she is already taking a diuretic why be on such a low sodium diet? I don’t want her to get dehydrated..? I would much rather her last years be happy ones rather than miserable. He also said her heart won’t get any better anyway unless she gets a heart transplant, so what’s the point right? I will check into the correct natural foods and vitamins that will be best for her, thanks again!! 🙂

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