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Who knows Autarky, and is this a good dog food?

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  • #22823 Report Abuse

    Hi, anybody knowing anything about dry-food AUTARKY?
    And if it’s so healthy as they say….?

    Do sound very good; my dogs likes it and my male has no more problems with his anal glands.
    I’m very thankfull for all answers!

    #22827 Report Abuse

    I copied my reply from the other thread:

    It’s only recommended to add up to 20% of something to a food so you don’t mess up the balance of the food – the vits/minerals/essential fatty acids. I’m not sure you could add enough (depending on the size of your dog) to make it better and not mess up the balance. Instead you can add a canned food that is balanced and high in meat to the kibble. But buying two kinds of foods and additions might as well cost more than buying a better kibble.

    But yes, adding fresh meat/eggs/fish to a kibble is always an improvement.

    #22828 Report Abuse

    Oh, I thougt fresh meat was far better than canned food…. how knows what they put in there?
    Yes, ofcourse you can read the table of contents, but for a “no-specialist” it sounds strange to buy fabricated foor in place of “real” food (meat)…

    I’ve also been giving Duck’s Chicken and Energique as deepfrozen “fresh” meat when I had a litter

    #22829 Report Abuse

    Fresh meat and organs, eggs, fish, etc is better than any processed food. I’m saying that if you add too much of fresh food (more than 20%), then you will unbalance his diet and then he will not be getting enough of certain nutrients and the result will be a diet that is lacking and therefore not a good food afterall.

    That’s why I suggested a “complete and balanced” canned food that has vitamins and minerals if you need to add alot of fresh food because with the canned food you will also be adding vitamins and minerals and EFA’s.

    A fresh food diet that does not have the necessary vits/minerals/trace elements, etc is a bad diet even though it is fresh.

    #22831 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I had never heard of it but I just checked out the website and it looks pretty bad. It’s very low in protein, and corn is the first ingredient. I’d say maybe 3 stars at best.

    #22840 Report Abuse


    Thank’s Hound Dog Mom and pugmomsandy!

    I’ll try the canned food and see 🙂
    Not that we have this Kirkland Cuts & Gravy in Belgium though… have to Google that one.

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