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What's a safe and healthy fish to cook

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  • #82595 Report Abuse

    I’m cooking for my dog and using preference and veg to bowl as a premix. I have used salmon, ground round, chicken and turkey. I’m getting a pack of venison from my brother next week. I want to also bake fish. I’ve seen flounder fillets, whiting, cod. What would be a safe one? I worry about Mercury.Also what are some other good premixes? Thanks

    #83354 Report Abuse

    I don’t worry about mercury. I personally eat a lot of fish but I cook my dog a fish meal once a week. He loves Mackeral. Mackeral is such a fatty fish and contains so much Omega 3.

    So when I feed my dog cooked fished once a week I try to feed him fish that is super rich in Omgeo 3 so I rotated between these:

    Fresh Wild Salmon
    Fresh Sardines
    Fresh mackeral
    Fresh Sturgeon
    Fresh Lake Trout

    I stay away from canned fish. Why feed them canned when fresh fish is so much better.

    here is a good link:


    Again don’t worry about Mercury, it’s not like you are feeding your dog fish everyday. They don’t need it everyday but once a week is sufficient. Since I only feed him about a pound each weekend I just cook it in a frying pan all by itself. He gets half and I eat the other half.

    I use prremixes here and there. I do it more for food rotation where my pup gets a premix meal every other week or so. I normally just used preference and the Honest Kitchen. Heck you can make your own premix. Just look at the ingredients in prefence-go to the grocery store-invest in a Vitamix blender and combine the ingredients yourself.

    #83355 Report Abuse

    When I open a can of tuna for myself, I give the dogs a tablespoon or more as a topper on their kibble. I only do this maybe once a week. I’m practically a vegan except for an occasional fish craving. But, I feed my dogs meat, chicken, fish etc.
    I don’t worry about mercury either.

    #83775 Report Abuse
    Andrew B

    The safest fishe to cook are
    1 Wild-Caught Salmon
    2 Pole-Caught Albacore Tuna
    3 Farmed Rainbow Trout
    4 Wild Atlantic Longfin Squid
    5 Wild-Caught Pacific Sardines

    #84503 Report Abuse
    GSD Len

    Wild caught salmon is such a “great catch”, but pricey.. I personally use sardines as snacks with my GSDs.

    #84510 Report Abuse

    As far as the toxins they pick up over a lifetime, small fish like sardine and herring have less toxins, but I feed them raw.

    #86030 Report Abuse
    alexis w

    anchovies, salmon, mackerel, trout and herring are all high in omega 3 and low in mercury
    on my blog calliefoodrecipes.wordpress.com there is an article for dehydrated dog treats with a recipe for dehydrated salmon treats you might like

    #86092 Report Abuse
    Kerven F

    My dog ate my cats omega 3 supplements(full bottle) should i be concerned?

    #86093 Report Abuse

    I be more concerned why you are feeding your cat fish pills and not the actual fish. Studies have shown that fish pills are lacking purity and the omega 3 has degraded over time.

    So your pup probably ate rotten fish oil. Take him to the vet

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Cannoli.
    #86099 Report Abuse

    Kerven F,

    If your dog is not accustomed to consuming a large amount of fat (not sure how much a full bottle means) he could end up with some GI distress. A call to your vet or a visit would be a good idea.

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