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What are your dog's names?

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  • #20697 Report Abuse

    I always get a kick out dog names! Some people are very creative and have stories behind the names they choose. What does everyone call their dogs? I have the 5 Labs- Judd (9), Molly (6), Will (6), Grammer (4), and Stone (2), and the ‘mostly Dobie’ Deana (3).

    #20698 Report Abuse

    And too many foster Labs over the years to mention, but currently–Gunner (11), Mandy (2), and Royal (2).

    #20702 Report Abuse

    I have two male Labs. The oldest is Hank, 11 years (yellow), and Dewey, 8 years (black).

    No real stories behind their names. I could not think of a name for him….and finally I said what about Hank? And it stuck…he totally fits the name. Dewey was named by the pound (we adopted him when he was 5 months old)…and I liked it…it fit him…kind of goofy yet really sweet.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by dogmom2.
    #20704 Report Abuse

    Mr Ducky, Pluto Magoo, Boss McChubby, MissyPoo (RIP), I’ve had almost 200 fosters now but currently have Bennett, Hitch, PJ, and Macy and Buddy Holly. Then there was Cinder Ella & Dr Pepper, Flower, Trixie, Cowboy, Satch, Tonka, Tank, Frank…Killian, couple of movie star names and sports star names, singers…even one named Godiva.

    #20705 Report Abuse

    Cute names pugmom! We have to get creative sometimes in the rescue and we had a litter of 5 pups come in once that we named Michael, Marlon, Tito, Jermaine, and Janet…that poor little girl kept us from having a true Jackson 5.

    #20706 Report Abuse

    dogmom2-Your dogs are beautiful! I love your yellow. My Judd, who is 9, is a big yellow too. He’s a lunk head, doesn’t do much more than hold the couch down these days, but I love him dearly.

    #20707 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Gertude Margaret (aged 2); Nicknames: Gertie, Trude, Princess
    Mabelline Jean (aged 1); Nicknames: Mabel, Mabes, Poopy
    Augustus George (aged 8); Nicknames: Gus, Goob, Gussy Goo [RIP]

    No real real interesting stories behind the first names. I just think, as some would term, “old lady” names are fitting for hounds. Margaret and Jean, however, are the first names of my great grandmother (RIP) and great-great aunt. For Gus (RIP), I really just wanted to call him Gus but I decided on picking a “proper” first name for him (he was always called Gus though). George was my grandfather’s (RIP) middle name.

    In the past I had a Chesapeake named Hazel, a Shepherd named Sophie, a Chocolate Lab named Allie and a Yellow Lab named Ghost (may they all RIP).

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    #20709 Report Abuse

    OHMIGOSH HDM! You give middle names too! Lol! I do also, but didn’t say as much for fear of being poked fun at. Here goes- Judd Mitchell, Molly Elizabeth, William Joseph, Grammer Edward, Stone Michael, and Deana Marie. The list of nicknames is endless-Juddster, Mols, One-eyed Willy (he is missing one), Grammy, Stoney Bologna… It goes on and on and on!

    #20711 Report Abuse

    PrettyPotamus (Mr Ducky) and his adopted brother – Plutokamus (Pluto) because he looks so serious or scholarly all the time. Hubby calls him Rain Man. You can talk to him and he reacts like 10 seconds later! He use to collect rocks and put them in a pile on the back porch. Looking back, thank goodness he never ate any of them!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    #20714 Report Abuse

    Who is the kid in your gravatar, pugs? Cutie! A good friend has had pugs for years and I always love to go visit them.

    #20717 Report Abuse

    Fluffy was my first dog, a Peke, Chi, terrier mix.
    Sporty was my Beagle.
    Wizard, Angel, Blink, Jetta, Strider, Docha, Nadja, Shadow, Ronny, Rodeo, Girl, and Toby were my GSDs. Plus a litter of 15 puppies.
    Frosty was my Saluki.
    Shady and Ashby were my Whippets.
    Lady and Mary were my Dachshunds.
    Munchie and Dax were my Malinois. Plus a litter of 6 puppies.
    Mondo was my Great Pyrenese.
    Kodi and Snuggles were my Cattle Dogs.
    Scrappy was my Cattle Dog/Rat Terrier.
    Buddy was my Aussie/Golden.
    Chrysta was my Doberman.
    Micah and Gideon are my Border Collies.
    Angel is my JRT.
    There were others but good grief! isn’t my list long enough, and I didn’t list any of the ones I had in for training.

    #20719 Report Abuse


    That is Mr Ducky, my heart and soul!

    #20720 Report Abuse

    That’s quite a list Patty! Did you train the GSDs or the Mals for police or military work? I met my first Malinois about a year ago (not too common around here). She is something! She’s a K9 officer at the jail but, off duty, she’s a big ol lap dog.

    #20721 Report Abuse

    Mr Ducky is so precious! He has a very expressive face!

    #20723 Report Abuse

    He’s a character along with his other buddies!


    #20724 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Wow Patty, that’s a lot of dogs. No wonder you know all these random tidbits of info – you’ve had a lot of experience!

    #20725 Report Abuse

    Those were my personal dogs, but yes, they had some “special” training. I trained Mals, GSDs, and Labs for our local police dept. and helped with training for several different agencies

    #20727 Report Abuse

    ROFL, Sandy! That story about Pluto, Rain Man, is hilarious!

    My two furballs are Arabella, who my daughter likes to call Arabella Louise and Sam. Poor Sam. Sam is registered, well not yet though, because we have yet to file his paperwork. I can’t decide on a good name for him.

    Arabella, my sweet Cavalier, came from a rescue when she was 8 months old. The rescue was a small family operation and they actually had both of Bella’s parents. Bella was born there and both of the adults and all the pups were adopted out. The owner of the rescue was keeping Bella as her own. However, she quickly realized that Bella needed a much smaller family where she would get a lot more attention ~ the woman who had the rescue had several dogs of her own and all were large breed dogs. The day were adopted Bella, we didn’t get to meet the owner of the rescue in person because she couldn’t bring herself to be there and see Bella go. I completely understand. Arabella was given her name at birth by the owner of the rescue and it means answered prayer in Italian. I wasn’t about to change her name when I learned what it meant. My daughter was previously scared to death of dogs and Bella completely brought her out of it. Which brings us to Sam…

    “Mom, may I pleeezzz have a Golden Retriever puppy.”

    So last year, on July 4th, we picked out Sam. When he was officially 8 weeks old, a scant two days later, he was ready to come home with us.

    So, maybe you guys can help me finishing naming Sam! The name of the kennel is Five Shy, so that has to be the first part of his name and the rest is up for grabs. He’s been Five Shy Katie’s Firecracker Sam and he’s been Five Shy Samuel Angyus Adams.

    I don’t mean to hijack the thread, but you opened the door! : )

    #20729 Report Abuse

    I have Bailey who’s about a year and a half & who I just adopted in January. She’s a border collie/pit bull mix. Her middle name is Trouble, because it fits. (I call her by her middle name quite often). My doberman was Moose, he was my doggy soul-mate. His was a joke name because he was always the biggest puppy in the litter and he learned his name very young so it stuck. I also had a collie mix named Toby and when I was little I had a terrier/lhasa apso mix named Scout.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by Cyndi.
    #20730 Report Abuse

    You didn’t hijack at all! I really like the Five Shy Samuel Angyus Adams. I don’t know anything about naming a registered dog though. Mine are all homeless pound pups from rescue.

    #20735 Report Abuse

    I always liked the name Moose for a dobie, Cyndi. It just seems to fit the bigger boys. Those dobies…they have a way about them, don’t they? I think we’ve talked about it before, I love my labs like there is no tomorrow. But Deana, it’s different. She’d throw herself in harms way for me and not think twice. She stopped a stranger from coming at me once while on a walk. He came around corner on us fast (I don’t know if he was TRYING to attack me, or just scare me, or what), and she jumped at him and knocked him down so we could get away. She didn’t even think about it. Just reacted. And I love her for it! She’s a total B with the other dogs, but I don’t care about the extra work segregating her. She accompanies me almost everywhere and sleeps in my daughter’s room at night…just for the extra piece of mind.

    #20736 Report Abuse

    I have a 10-month old male Chesapeake Bay retriever, registered name Sandpipers Waters Edge. His call name is ‘Salty.’ He is brown with a big white spot on his chest. 🙂

    #20737 Report Abuse

    Salty! Cute name! We get a CBR pass through Lab Rescue every now and then. The last one ended up a therapy dog. Smart pups!

    #20738 Report Abuse

    My Moose protected me from his best friend Forrest, who was a Basset Hound. Forrest growled at me once and Moose jumped up and got between us in a split second. Him and Forrest had grown up together and were best buddies. I was shocked. Your Deana sounds like a special girl. You’re very lucky! My Moose was one in a million. He was a big baby, but I knew nothing would have ever happened to me with him around. I do love my Bailey and she’s been a godsend, but I miss my Moose more than anything.

    #20739 Report Abuse

    Even my “meanest” Lab (if there is such a thing), would have just asked the stranger for a snack! Lol! Is Bailey a staffie or pittie mix? I love her ears!

    #20740 Report Abuse

    All I’ve ever thought of when I hear Sam’s name is Samwise, Hobbits have furry feet.

    #20741 Report Abuse

    Lol! That would be a lab for ya, lol! When I adopted Bailey, they said she was a Border Collie/ Pitbull mix or BC/lab mix. I see alot more pit than lab in her. I look at her sometimes and she looks just like a pittie to me. I call her pittie girl at those times…..then she just goes back to Trouble, lol!

    #20743 Report Abuse

    I definitely see pittie. The shape of her head, for sure. Bet she’s a lot of fun!

    #20744 Report Abuse

    Yes, especially that picture of her. & she really is alot of fun. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t make me laugh atleast a few times because of her silly antics. She’ll get all wound up and take off into the other room and come running back and park it at my feet and look at me like “I know I’m not supposed to run in the house Mom, but I just HAD to!” She does that quite often and I can’t help but laugh because the look on her face is priceless.

    #20745 Report Abuse

    Lol! We call that “living room zoomies”. Deana does it when she hasn’t been walked yet, and a couple of the labs do it when they get all wound up over treats. They always look so surprised when they stop…like they didn’t know they had it in them!

    #20746 Report Abuse

    Yep, that’s the look, lol! I may have to get a tread mill for her, because I walk her twice a day and play fetch in the yard with her and she even runs the fence with the little terrier next door quite a bit and she still gets that way. I feel bad, like I don’t exercise her enough, but I think she could just keep going all day if I let her…

    So how is your one that was having issues with the DE, & being constipated? I think you mentioned it was Deana. Hopefully she’s doing better…

    #20747 Report Abuse

    It was Deana. She’s fine now. Cut her back to 1/2 a tablespoon and that fixed it. Everyone is doing wonderfully! I’m not usually the type to buy into the “cure-all” hype, but my 9 year old, who has had arthritis since he came to me at 2 (old injury) is running and hopping like a pup. Everyone’s poo is NORMAL! I have one that I’ve battled runny poo off and on forever (and we’ve exhausted all medical reasons). Never diarrhea, never solid–regardless of food, eliminated foods, medicines, supplements, etc.

    Good luck on that treadmill. A trainer friend of mine (she rehabs former fighting pitties, actually) relies heavily on her treadmill and swears by it. Never can get any of mine to use it. Well, Grammer does. He rides it like a carnival ride. Run run run WHEEE! Fling off the end into the side of the couch. Run Run Run WHEEEE!

    #20751 Report Abuse

    I have a retired racing Greyhound whose registered racing name was RC Danger. I couldn’t imagine calling out “DANGER” in a public park without being arrested. One week of staring at his picture online before I got him I thought he just looked like a plain lovable Harry and so he his. A giant 85lb red brindled mush ball. <3

    #20753 Report Abuse

    Darn it! Remember when we could up-vote posts in the forums! I wish we still could! And, I love Harry!

    #20763 Report Abuse

    Same here Betsy! Wish I could have upvoted too! & I love Harry too! & Lol @ Danger!

    That’s awesome, Karen! So glad your dogs are doing better! & that is too funny about your dog & the tread mill. Dogs DO know how to have fun! Lol!

    #20764 Report Abuse

    Danger! Danger! Come here! Danger! I can see it now. I like Harry too.

    #20765 Report Abuse

    He is a mess! He’s my comedian dog. Grammer is the live bird eater of the group. I always thought he’d make a fine hunting dog…aside from the consuming part. He’s a lot of fun. He came straight from the shelter to my house to be fostered for the rescue. His very first night here I was grilling outside and THOUGHT he was napping in the living room. Came back inside and he was on the counter, all 4 feet, eating the baked beans out of the pan on the stove. I hollered at him and he just looked at me like “What? Did you know these beans are delicious?!” and kept on eating. He was such a comical thing that I couldn’t bear to let him go and adopted him for myself.

    #20768 Report Abuse

    FreeholdHound-I love Harry’s picture. He does look like a Harry! I’ve always wondered what the transition is like from racing life to life as a pet. Is it true that the racer never really leaves them? I heard someone say once that the only racing their retired hound does now is to the couch for a nap! Lol!

    #20769 Report Abuse

    Omg! That is too funny! Where’s the camera when you need it, huh? So, you’re a foster failure? That’s great! Good for you! & good for Grammer! Lol!

    #20770 Report Abuse

    All 6 of mine are foster fails. Either because I fell in love and couldn’t let them go or because they were really “unadoptable” to the general public and just sort of stayed. Molly, the dog in my gravatar, came from a horrible abuse/neglect/abandonment situation and was so terrified of humans that she wouldn’t let me touch her for close to a year. The only time she was comfortable and would relax was around Judd, her “boyfriend”. In her best interest, we decided that she would just live out her life with me..and Judd. They are inseparable. When he goes, I don’t know how she’ll react. She has come so far modeling his happy-go-lucky behavior.

    #20771 Report Abuse

    That’s exactly why I could never foster anything. I already know I’d be a failure. I wish I could afford to rescue/adopt another one or two. You’re awesome for doing what you do! 🙂

    #20773 Report Abuse

    I find it rewarding. I’m not gonna lie, those first few fosters were hard to let go. But, the more I did it, the more I realized that not only was I helping a dog; I was completing a family. Oh, there are those dogs that I can’t WAIT to get adopted. They test my very last nerve, but, it’s worth it. Taking a dog from a shelter (we only have kill shelters around here) or abuse situation and turning them into a beloved family pet is challenging, fun, and gives me a ‘purpose’, so to speak. I don’t have a lot of money so this is my contribution to society.

    #20774 Report Abuse

    Never Fostered any dogs, don’t know if I could, well to begin with we live in a senior’s townhouse complex, so limited on space like no back yards fronts are mostly for parking..

    Yea I do see and hear a lot of unusual dog names. I named my first rescue dog Eddie after the TV program Fraser..

    My second rescued dog was older and knew her name Abby, so it remained the same, no sense in confusing her..

    My last dog Abby came from a shelter, she gets the dogs from the Humane Society when there filled and it’s time to put dogs down, she steps in and takes them and places them in Foster Homes..

    I thank these people, they have to have a good heart to do things like this for our animals..They didn’t ask for this to happen to them..

    I am proud of each one of you who are Foster Homes..


    #20777 Report Abuse

    What kind of dogs do you have, Ronald?

    #20779 Report Abuse

    Hey KarenC,

    Ron shared the sweetest story about how his first dog, Eddie, came into his life on a thread that he started called “Best Dry Dog Foods.” : )

    #20787 Report Abuse

    Some retired racing Greyhounds are balls of energy… Harry isn’t. They do call them “40 mph couch potatoes”. Harry was only off track about 5 weeks when I got him & never fostered. I was prepared for the worst, but it didn’t happen. Since they are “turned out” at the track kennels several times per day , he didn’t know to ask to go out so there were a few accidents the 1st week. Once we established a schedule he learned very quickly. He had to learn to play with toys, and how to climb stairs. He didn’t know what windows or sliding glass doors were. I have never met a more beautifully trained leash walker, and a dog who listens. He’s never been cat or small dog tested but his prey drive is VERY low – he’s interested in rabbits (duh) but doesn’t go for them. He does sleep ALOT lol. And I can definitely see why they are good in apts, condos, etc. I don’t have a fenced yard – our 2 walks a day are fine by him. Some need to run off they’re energy – Harry not so much. He also is a total love sponge. A true gentle giant. I honestly never met or owned a dog like him. <3

    #20788 Report Abuse

    Harry sounds wonderful! And it sounds like he has adapted nicely. He’s a beauty for sure!

    #20798 Report Abuse

    Karen Eddie was a vizsla mix all red and a red nose and red eyes..

    Abby is a Lab mix..all black little white on chest..has a new collar ‘pink’

    #20822 Report Abuse

    Here goes with my bunch…

    Before we had human children, my husband and I had 3 cats. Their names were Jezebel, Solomon and Delilah. After they passed and years later when we had children we got another small black female cat, the runt of the litter. The kids named her Smokey Jo. She lived to be 21 years old and passed away last year. Then we started with the dogs….

    Lucy Mae – we adopted her from a local non-kill shelter. They found her wandering the streets in the month of May covered in Mud, oil, grime. They already had another dog they were calling May, so the spelling Mae was chosen. I really didn’t like that for her total name so we decided on Lucy Mae.

    Desi Ray – a few years later we decided Lucy needed a playmate/companion. I wanted a purebred Shih-Tzu because a friend of mine had one from a litter that was precious and I wanted one from that same litter. My husband said they were too expensive and a friend of his at work knew someone that had Shih-Poos that were inexpensive…ACK! I didn’t know a thing about dogs then! Anyway, we ended up with Desi, but he looked like a Poodle, not a Shih-Tzu. I wanted to name him Sandy for his coloring or Ricky (Lucy & Ricky Ricardo lol!) but no one else liked either name. Then I decided on Desi with Ray for the middle name and it stuck. He is at the bridge now, too.

    Stella Agnes – I had decided to work parttime for a local pet store because the kids were grown and I thought it’d be fun. I became their food specialist and learned quite a lot about pet foods and nutrition. There I met a breeder of Cavaliers who always bought her food there. After we became friends she offered to have me visit a retired Blenheim girl she had. When I visited she offered to give her to me!! The rest is history lol. This was Ch. Stonecroft Sincerely Yours, aka Stella Agnes. We gave her the middle name Agnes because my husband’s grandmother’s name was Stella Agnes!

    Hazel Louise – A few years later the breeder called me and asked me if I wanted to adopt a Black & Tan female that was 2 years old. Wye Witch About It, aka Hazel Louise, and her brother came directly from England when they were 2 months old. At Ohio State when they were health tested it was found that Hazel had a grade 1/2 heart murmur. When she was 2 years old I adopted her and gave her the middle name Louise.

    Laverne Marie – Two years ago, right after Desi passed away (I like to say Desi sent Laverne to me lol), the breeder called me about Athercroft Isle of Ewe, aka Laverne Marie. I adopted her, of course, and gave her the middle name Marie because that was Laverne’ middle name on the TV Show lol!

    Here’s a bit of info.: Both Laverne and Hazel have the same birthday, August 16th. They’re 2 years apart in age. Desi passed away on August 16th.

    Princess Di – Now for the cat LOL……My daughter lived and worked an hour from us right after college, she was a high school math teacher. She was kind of lonely and her landlady allowed her to adopt a cat for her apt. We went to the town’s local non-kill cat shelter and chose a pretty little Tortie they were calling Princess. My daughter wanted to change her name but when she found a really cute food bowl with “Princess” printed inside she decided it was fate and kept her name. When my daughter moved again, she couldn’t take her with her so asked us if we’d “board” her and she’d take her back when she could (hahaha…I told her that her Dad would not give her back…he’s a real cat person). Well, needless to say, we didn’t give her back. Now my daughter has 3 more cats (named Penny, Leonard and Sheldon after the Big Bang Theory). I added the “Di” as her middle name because it just fits.

    #20856 Report Abuse

    Current dogs:

    Ginger- almost 3 yr old Brittany. A friend actually named her. Breeder named her Tessa
    Gemma-10 yr old sheltie, we just got her in January, came with the name
    Boone-7.5 yr old pbgv, which is a French scent hound. I did a google search for French boy names
    And we chose Boone. It fits. Boone-dawg, Boone-doggly

    Prior dogs were Kasey & Molly the smooth fox terriers, Tucker, Katie & Jasper the Shelties (we only named Tucker & it was after a jrt), Emma the foxhound. She came to us as Trollop but I felt like I was calling her a whore so we changed it.

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