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We just got a new Labrador puppy. 9 weeks old.

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  • #145487 Report Abuse

    We just got a new Labrador puppy 9 weeks old. The breeder wants us to feed him Purina pro Plan Sport. 30/20 for all life stages performance. It doesn’t seem to have very good reviews. any help advice suggestions would be appreciated. Especially with the news of grain free causing health issues

    #145488 Report Abuse

    Check out what Fromm has to offer (grain inclusive) puppy formulas. Example https://www.gofromm.com/fromm-family-large-breed-puppy-gold-food-for-dogs


    Also, see this site for science based info http://skeptvet.com/Blog/2010/01/nutrition-in-large-breed-puppies/

    Also discuss your concerns when you see the vet. Remember to transition to a new food very gradually with a puppy.

    Maybe mix some soft food and a little water in with the kibble.

    #145489 Report Abuse
    Jaky S

    We fed Tender and True Rice and Chicken or Rice and Turkey until they hit one year and we switched to raw.

    #145490 Report Abuse
    joanne l

    CMZ, if your pup is doing well on the pro plan leave him on it. However, if he isn’t doing good than find another food. I heard a lot of good things about pro plan, and you will find good and bad in any dog food. I heard Fromm is good and I also heard that some pups couldn’t handle it. So is he doing well right now on Pro Plan? like I suggest if yes than continue. Don’t get wrapped up on what’s better go by the dog.

    #145491 Report Abuse
    joanne l

    I would also like to add, changing a pups food is not good if he is already dong good and he like his food. He is growing and if you change it and that food doesn’t work than you have to change again and you need to do it slowly and it is a headache. That is why I said feed what works. I went through this and I was trying to find better, and sometimes it didn’t work. And some one said to me stop changing and feed what works so I am passing it on to you. I hope this helps.

    #145496 Report Abuse
    Nadia K

    I would leave your puppy on the Proplan. The 30/20 formula is the same food that my breeder used when I got my bichon. We left her on it since we didn’t want to make any more changes given she was going to be in a new environment. She did really well on it.

    #145500 Report Abuse

    I think that Purina ProPlan Large Breed Puppy would be a better choice. It has the correct calcium and phosphorous to keep your growing puppy’s joints healthy!

    Good luck with our precious pup. Labs are the best!

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