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TOTW new ingredient and owner/manufacturer?

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  • #50853 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    I am having a discussion on facebook regarding who owns TOTW. I have always known it to be manufactured by Diamond who is owned by Schell and Kampeter, Inc. A dog food retailer is telling me that as of April 2014, ā€œMars bought Nutura. Natura was owned by P&G. Natura owned TOTW, Innova, Evo,Calif Naturals and Healthwise.ā€ I told her I didnā€™t think TOTW belonged in that group. She goes on to say ā€œDiamond never owned TOTW. They manufactured it for Natura. P&G owned Natura until they sold it to Mars in April of 2014. Mars is an owner AND a manufacturer.ā€ She also tells me that Mars is the worst of the worst (I agree) but that TOTW is a great food. Iā€™m very confused. Does Mars own and manufacture TOTW now? If so, thatā€™s a deal breaker for me.

    Also, did anyone see that TOTW posted on their FB page that the High Prairie formulas now contain beef? Thoughts? They kind of admit itā€™s for pricingā€¦

    #50856 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    TOTW is owned by Diamond.

    #50858 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    This lady insists itā€™s not and has never been. She says it was manufactured by Diamond, but, well, you see what sheā€™s saying. Weā€™re having a rather heated debate. Sigh. You wouldnā€™t think itā€™d be so hard to find information on who owns what and who makes what. Thank you!

    #50859 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    She is dead wrong. It is a well known fact that Diamond owns and manufactures TOTW. No one else has ever owned or manufactured TOTW in the US. Try googling ā€œWho owns Taste of the Wild dog foodā€ and see what you get. Post the link to her. People like that often donā€™t believe the facts when they are presented with them, so donā€™t waste too much of your energy on it.

    #50860 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility
    Bobby dog
    #50862 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    TOTW is a Diamond brand, just like Diamond Naturals. Itā€™s not even a case of Diamond being the co-packer for TOTW.

    Itā€™s funny how we think sometimes we know something to be a fact and are completely wrong, and itā€™s very hard to convince someone otherwise when they think theyā€™re right AND being stubborn.

    This is old (from the 2012 Diamond recall), but it is on the TOTW Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/tasteofthewildpetfood/posts/10150797118044524

    #50864 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    Oh, sheā€™s adamant about it but wouldnā€™t give me any proof. For a minute, I thought she was just trying to discourage TOTW sales. She insists that because she owns a pet food store, ā€œIā€™m a retailer I get notifications from my suppliers on when companies change hands or manufacturing. I canā€™t share those publicly.ā€ Why not? Iā€™m not sure her intentions but she has a lot of people believing her. Youā€™re all right, though. Iā€™ve spent too much time debating something I believe to be true and Iā€™ve wasted entirely too much energy and emotion on it. Thanks so much for your input!

    #50866 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility
    #50868 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    LOL Haleybop! That article doesnā€™t say anything about TOTW. I wonder if sheā€™s confusing TOTW with EVO. All you can do is share your links and maybe sheā€™ll eventually read them and then, at least at some point, be better informed.

    #50870 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    Who knows?! She insisted that it included TOTW ā€“ I told her I thought she was confused. Thanks for making me feel better. I just didnā€™t like her leading people in the wrong direction. Recalls or not, TOTW is much better than so many others.

    #50872 Report Abuse Edit Post Visibility

    This is DIAMONDā€™s own website. It lists Taste Of The Wild as one of the foods made by DIAMOND.


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