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Springtime Supplements

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  • #30847 Report Abuse

    I have used springtime products in the past for my(then) older horses with wonderful results. One of my 15 plus year olds is starting to show arthritis/mobility issues so I placed an order with them that I just received today. Just curious-has any one tried the Longevity or the Advanced Joint and Hip chewables? Since they have a sale going on, I bought two bottles of the human joint product(for me and hubby) got 1 free, and bought two bottles of the Longevity powder, and received one free. Then, they threw in another bottle of the Longevity for free as well as the Advanced Joint and hip. Just started Murphy on it today, but wondering if any one had any specific experiences with these particular products?

    #30849 Report Abuse

    I’ve used loads of Springtime on my horses and dogs, just not those, so I’m only bumping this up to the top.

    #30850 Report Abuse

    Thanks Patty : ) I can’t believe another year has come and gone-Yogi will be 1 yr old on the 4th and another will be turning 15 on the 3rd. Since I have so much of the longevity, everyone over 10 will be getting some, lol.

    #30852 Report Abuse

    Wow! Yogi is already almost 1 y.o.?

    Angel will be 12 on 2/24 and has just recently started jumping less, so I’ll be thinking about if she needs something more soon. Gideon will be 3 on 2/13 and Micah will be 2 on 3/3. I have a couple 13 year old cats that are starting to show their age too, but I don’t think I can get anything extra into these two.

    #30862 Report Abuse

    Sorry, all I’ve used is the Bug Off Garlic.

    #30869 Report Abuse

    Thanks Marie..I am hoping these work as well as the horse products I used in the past.

    #30872 Report Abuse

    I’ve used the regular joint health chews and the advanced joint chews when they came out. With Desi, my now deceased Shih-Poo who had both rear luxating patellas that were bad, I used the regular joint health and they kept him surgery free all his life. Of course, I did curtail his jumping a little. Once Lucy apparently pulled a muscle in her leg (or something?) and I immediately started giving her the advanced chews. She was better in no time! I love Springtime supplements and have used them for many years for my dogs.

    #30873 Report Abuse

    I’m currently using the Joint Health powder for dogs. So far so good. I don’t see any miraculous improvement with Max’s arthritis but I know it’s helping some as his joints don’t pop all the time like they do when a supplement is clearly not working. I’m going to try Cortaflex next.

    Marie- how did the Bug Off Garlic work for you? I was thinking about trying it.


    #30874 Report Abuse

    Thanks! I started them yesterday and will report how they seem to be doing.

    #30888 Report Abuse

    Caroline: I have used bug off garlic for years; it works great for me!

    #33460 Report Abuse


    I was just looking over the Springtime website today and they have some deals again. How did the longevity or advanced joint and hip work out for your dog? Would you order again?

    Let me know…..


    #33461 Report Abuse

    Pugsonraw, I used the Advanced Joint and Hip once for Lucy (pulled muscle at the time) and it worked great. Mine get a Fresh Factor tablet every morning for their vitamin and their 3/6/9 supplement 2 days a week. I’m not using their Joint Health (the regular formula I use more often) right now because I’m using Annamaet’s Endure. I really like Springtime’s stuff. I also have some of their Bug Off Garlic, Bee Pollen and Spirulina on hand.

    #33467 Report Abuse

    Sorry..just saw this. I bought it for two specifica lly. It worked for the younger w/out much stiffness but not for the old man…and neither has the longevity. I am sort of surprised as the horse products worked so well. He is very stiff in this cold weather right now and taking rx for it. I am not sure if I had increased it if perhaps that would have made a difference but the tabs gave him soft stool when doublef up. I am going to continue the longevity even if only as a green supplement.

    #33494 Report Abuse

    Thanks guys for the responses… I’m going to try some of their products out. Just ordered the Advanced Hip and Joint, C-formula and Fresh Factors.

    #35928 Report Abuse

    So, is the consensus that it’s safe to give Bug Of Garlic daily during flea season? I plan to start it this week and the recommendation is to give it daily.

    Even though we still have snow on the ground and in the forecast and the high today was 17 degrees, I am a person of faith and I truly believe Spring will eventually arrive!

    #35937 Report Abuse

    I use Bug Off Garlic granules daily, year round.

    You should feed Sam the granules too and not the chewables, just because you don’t know exactly what causes his ears to flare.

    #35939 Report Abuse

    Hey, all….I just started the Springtime, Inc. supplements for people. I’m using the Joint Health capsules, the Tonic Blend and the Boswellia Extract tabs. I’ve been using for about a week now, instead of the nsaids I normally use for my back and sciatica. I believe it’s helping, so yay! Of course, it could all be the placebo thing, too, lol. Regardless, I’m going to keep using them and see how it goes.

    #35940 Report Abuse

    Start feeding the garlic now. It says it could take a couple weeks to fully be effective.

    #35946 Report Abuse

    I plan to start this evening! I decided to mix mine in with a bit of Oracle tripe while they’re getting used to the taste of it.

    I believe the jar said that it takes from two to four weeks for the garlic to permeate the tissues. I can only hope the weather breaks within a month. This winter has been just horrible.

    Thanks for your feedback on the human products too, Jan. So glad you’re having some relief! What a blessing! I have lots of herniations in both my neck and lower back and I know how miserable a sciatica flare up can be. Like you, even if it’s a placebo at work, bring it on… I’ll take it!

    #35970 Report Abuse

    Let me know how it works over the course of 4 or so weeks : ) I read the bottle and took two per day-all was well for about two weeks, and then it started messing with my intestines-lol. Same thing with hubby. Maybe I will try it again as I still have some!

    #36026 Report Abuse

    Hey guys-
    What I don’t understand is how it is safe to give the garlic pills or granules everyday but not ok to feed fresh garlic everyday. Both HDM and Patty recommend only feeding the fresh 3 days a week. Are the pills missing the active ingredients that the fresh has. If so, how are they still as effective? I’m confused. Thanks for any help anyone has on this subject.

    #36027 Report Abuse

    This is also the question I have in the back of my mind. You can go to their site and read and they do explain it, but I’m just not too sure about it. I’ve used the Bug-Off chews, but admit I don’t do it consistently enough because I’m nervous about it all.

    #36450 Report Abuse

    Hi Pugsonraw. How did the Advanced Hip and Joint Springtime supplement work out? Have you seen any improvement? I’m thinking of using this on Hannah. She’ll be 15 years old on 9/9/14. I rotate her supplements as well as her foods so I’m always on the look out for supplements that some may be having some luck with. She’s got arthritis, a couple of degenerated discs center spine, but lately I’ve noticed that the swing in her gait seems to be coming more from her hips than her legs. She’s also developing a tremor in both back legs. She had it a while back but it would only be one back leg or the other. Now it’s both back legs trembling when she’s standing still. Thanks, Dori

    #36455 Report Abuse

    Hi Dori

    I don’t have an answer for you about the supplement, but the rear leg tremor is fairly common for dogs with spinal problems. Over time they develop weakness and muscle wasting because of the damage to the spine. What are the chances you can swim her when the weather gets better? It’s the best exercise for these things. The swing in her gait may also be her spinal issues rather than hips, or she may have damaged her hips compensating for her spine.

    #36456 Report Abuse

    Hi guys,

    I just received the Springtime Inc., 2014 Spring flyer this past week. It had a lot of very interesting education type information in it.

    I just pulled it out and found this page, which is also on their website: http://www.springtimeinc.com/product/bug-off-garlic-dogs. Click on the “studies” tab and take a look in particular at the yellow-ish colored box toward the middle of the page that begins with “Conclusion.” Also, if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of this same page, you’ll see they’ve provided links to a bunch of different garlic studies.

    I think also the reason that the Springtime garlic products are safe is because they don’t contain the allicin that fresh garlic does. Ah ha, found the article on their site I was looking for: http://www.springtimeinc.com/product/bug-off-garlic-horses. Again, click on the studies tab and scroll down to an article titled, Top U.S. Garlic Expert.”

    After reading the flyer this week, I feel much better about giving my dogs this product daily.

    #36460 Report Abuse

    For some of the positives of fresh garlic, you want the allicin. If your only concern is the bug repellent properties, then Bugs Off is great. I used it for years.

    #36463 Report Abuse

    So Patti. Are there any type or specific supplements that you can think of that might help Hannah? I’m having a hard time dealing with the fact that I can’t believe the years have passed so quickly. Seems like last week that she was a puppy. She’s totally healthy with everything. I mean, she runs around, plays, barks at anything that moves, plays with her toys and the other dogs. She runs up and down the stairs. The only thing she can no longer do is jump onto the sofa or the bed (our bed) so I’ve got the little doggy stairs all over the house so she can get to all her favorite places. Thanks for any help and advice. I know swimming would be good for her but I’ve been bathing her for over 14 years every 7 to 9 days and she has never ever been great with her baths. Actually she hates water, before we moved to this house we used to have a pool but the trauma she would undergo when I would have her swimming with me with incredibly difficult for her so I stopped. Now we don’t have a pool. She also hates going out in the rain.

    #36464 Report Abuse

    Hey Patti. Another quick question. Do you think a chiropractor or acupuncturist would help with Hannah’s condition or am I just reaching for straws?

    #36465 Report Abuse

    Hi Dori,

    I would totally look into that if I were you! I started taking Sam to a TCVM who practices both (actually my regular vet does acupuncture too, but she suggested that I see the other vet) and I felt like it helped Sam a great deal. Sam would come home after an adjustment and be so calm and just nap away. When Sam starts limping, I take him in for a recheck. When I was dealing with food intolerance and the resulting reoccurring ear issues, my TCVM helped me with that as well and actually, chiropractic adjustments can help with some of those symptoms as well also. I give it a big thumbs up! Wish you were close to me, I’d take you to my guy. : ) http://www.avcadoctors.com/avcadus.htm

    Edit: Actually, I know that laser therapy is something that my vets do quite a bit of for joint pain / issues also. I’m also adding a link to my vet, even though I know you aren’t close to me, I seem to recall he had some interesting info on his website. You can see him do an adjustment on a horse! http://evetclinic.com/

    #36467 Report Abuse

    Hi Betsy. I wish I lived closer to you too. I asked my traditional vet about chiropractic or acupuncture and could they recommend someone in the Atlanta area and I was told that No, they didn’t know of any. I love those guys and gals but I can’t believe that that was true so I’ve googled best chiropractic/acupuncturist for dogs in my area and it would just be a shot in the dark. I don’t want to wind up in any situation like Cyndi did with Bailey and some nut job quack who is going to do more damage than good but I don’t have much of a choice. I have swear by chiropractors for myself but don’t know anyone local that uses one for dogs. I’ve been thinking that it might be helpful for her just don’t know where to go. As I said, I don’t want to make her worse and we all know how many quacks are out there.

    #36469 Report Abuse

    Betsy. How did you find the chiropractor that you use for your dog? I’m gonna check out your guys website. Oddly enough she doesn’t seem to be in the least bit of pain. It’s the odd gait that she has plus both back legs trembling when she’s standing still. My traditional vet gave me rimadyl for her to see it would make a difference. She thought maybe the trembling might be coming from pain so I tried it but it didn’t make a damn bit of difference so I stopped giving it to her and put the bottle away.

    #36470 Report Abuse

    Dr. Dan was a referral from my regular vet. My regular vet practices integrative medicine. I just remembered that my vet used to work at Natural Family Pet, Dr. Becker’s clinic (which is also not too far from me), before she came to the city in which I live. Maybe ask your traditional vet if she works with lasers. Anyway, I started out with Dr. Dan because I was worrying about Sam’s limping on his front leg (which was pano) and his right front leg sometimes trembles.

    Did you look at the ACVA link, here are the doctors in Georgia with several near you (I once lived in the South so I have a general idea where you are):

    M. Spencer Newman DVM Marietta GA 404-822-1110
    Heidi Bockhold DC Kingston GA 678-207-6678 [email protected]
    Kara Yarbrough DC Marietta GA 678-612-4488 [email protected]
    Evelyn Laura Orenbuch DVM Marietta GA 678-803-2626
    Charlene Kickbush DVM Bishop GA 706-769-0230 [email protected]
    Gaile Daley DC Pendergrass GA 770-851-7849 http://www.heartfelthealingarts.com
    Kimberly Neff DVM Cumming GA 770-906-1030 http://www.horsesnhoundsvet.com
    Bill Connolly DVM Snellville GA 770-972-0447
    Karen Voss DC Savannah GA 912-312-2046 [email protected]

    Very exciting stuff!

    I’m running off to church and will check in with you when I return!

    #36475 Report Abuse
    Harpers Mom

    Patty, I have a question for you. I remember you say you give your allergy dogs bee pollen. Multiple friends recommended I do the same for Harper. Today I happened to run across a local honey stand that had bee pollen so I picked some up. But I am unsure of the dosing. Harper is currently about 55lbs and had moderate allergies but they always get worse as spring gets worse.

    #36477 Report Abuse

    I live close to Savannah, what does DC after their name mean? (Betsy Greer)

    #36481 Report Abuse

    DC means licensed Doctor of Chiropractic.

    #36483 Report Abuse

    Some have my same area code others not too far I don’t think. I’m gonna make calls Monday morning and start making appts for Hannah. Thanks so much. I want to find someone good not too far since she’ll probably need on going or intermittent sessions.

    #36487 Report Abuse

    I found my chiropractor through my horse connections. There are many more people with horses that have chiropractic done than with dogs in my area. Yes, it could definitely help, but I would look for an acupuncturist first. And cold laser therapy is also excellent. The local vet. college may have a rehab vet or may be able to refer you to one. What I would recommend for joint care is to get a single bottle of a few different things and try them. Different supplements work differently for individual dogs. My favorites have glucosamine, MSM, and HA, but that’s because that’s what mine responds best to.

    Harper’s Mom
    You probably want to give 1/2 tsp per day, BUT you need to work up to that amount. Start with just a small pinch for a couple days.

    #36488 Report Abuse

    My 14 yr old has been more mobile lately and the only new item I’ve been giving him is Longevity and Fresh Factor.

    #36491 Report Abuse

    Antioxidants help with joint damage/inflamation.

    #36494 Report Abuse

    Dori, I’d definitely agree with Patty about the horse connection. My Dr. Dan doesn’t even have his own office, he works out of a couple different clinics, some boutique pet stores, etc. A large part of his practice consists of making house calls on horses!

    #36504 Report Abuse

    Thank you for the bug off links. I thought it was the allicin that was the bug repellant. But I guess it is actually something else. Anyway went to order it and noticed the bee pollen also. It states that it contains digestive enzymes. If I were order the bee pollen, would it take the place of the digestive enzyme I am using? I don’t really want to be putting too many scoops of different jars in their food. Does anyone have any experience with their bee pollen as a digestive supplement?

    #36509 Report Abuse

    Hi Dchassett,

    I took both my pugs off several supplements right now (not just Springtime)… I have food & allergy tests run about every 6 months and this time around something I’m giving them triggered for NutraSweet in it as well as some of the normal food allergies I usually see. I’m not sure what it is so I’ve completely scaled back to rotating in a few of these things:
    organic coconut oil, mercola krill oil, mercola enzymes and probiotics, braggs apple cider vinegar, and a hypoallergenic phycox joint supplement. I’ve used these over the year… and these have not triggered anything for the pugs. Not sure where the NutraSweet came from but I don’t want it in their diet.

    Just when I think I’m wining the battle with their allergies or food choices, something changes…. and Spring is here in CA! My pugs are so different and it is hit and miss with products I try… what works for one, makes the other super itchy…

    I have been looking at the Bug Off garlic though… even ordered the granules but they have not arrived yet. I was just at the vets yesterday and they were trying to suggest accuguard which is an oral pill.

    Not sure if this helps but I find sometimes you just need to test it out, cross your fingers and see how it goes…

    Dawn aka Pugsonraw…

    #36519 Report Abuse

    Hi C4C

    They think it is the sulfur that repels insects, but they know some of the vit Bs affect this too, so who knows. I haven’t tried their bee pollen in ages and certainly not since long before the dog that requires digestive enzymes, so my suggestion would be to see if you could find their info on how more of what is in it to compare it to the digestive enzymes you are currently using.

    #36549 Report Abuse

    Hey Sandy,
    Gemma seems to be a bit stiffer the past few weeks. She takes Swanson joint mobility plus five days on/two off and Kan Essentials Benefits hips & knees (Chinese herbs). I believe you said on the previous page that you’re having luck with Springtimes Longevity and Fresh Factors (hope I have them right); I may try Gemma on them. If I do, should I discontinue the Swanson’s?

    #36552 Report Abuse

    Yes, Marie, those are the two products and I think you can still rotate your other ones in. I give the full dose once a day, most days.

    #36565 Report Abuse

    Thanks Sandy. I don’t know if it’s the unwavering cold weather or if she’s hurting more. I know i’m hurting. I’ve barely slept in four nights. Seriously. I wish tomorrow was May 14th and I was heading in for the new hip.

    thanks, will take a look again at those Springtime products.

    #36643 Report Abuse

    I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Sam was doing fine on the Canine Caviar, one of two foods that work for him.

    I added in the Bug Off Garlic and within a week, he’s flapping his ears, which are now gunky. So, either the CC wasn’t working or he can’t do the Bug Off Garlic.

    I’m getting so frustrated!

    #36649 Report Abuse

    Betsy. Oh no! I hope it’s not the Bug Off Garlic. I just put an order in for it yesterday. Have you been giving Sam the Bug Off Garlic long enough for it to have caused his ear problems? One just one week cause this? How long had you been feeding him the Canine Caviar. Yikes, we’ve got to get to the bottom of this before I give any to my girls, especially Katie. Crap!!!!!

    #36650 Report Abuse

    Garlic!?!? I’ve not heard that one before, but it is very possible.

    I’ve got an unknonwn going on with Micah now too.

    Don’t worry Dori, it’s a food intolerance issue not a quality issue.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by theBCnut.
    #36652 Report Abuse

    Hey theBCnut. Good Morning. Have you ever heard of any dog having issues like what Betsy’s going through with Sam and the Bug Off Garlic or just plain garlic cloves. I placed an order yesterday for the Bug Off Garlic but now I’m afraid to give it to any of them when it arrives, especially Katie. Do you think Sam could be having reaction to CC food? I waiting to hear how long she’s been feeding him the CC.

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