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  • This topic has 363 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Dori.
Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 364 total)
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  • #66005 Report Abuse

    So, I present to you, our little dog pack for the weekend:

    Bruno (middle), Snowy (the small one on the top), and Casey (the big one – the roommate’s dog). 🙂

     photo Bruno Casey and Snowy_zpsh1pdogu9.jpg

    #66012 Report Abuse

    So cute! Let me guess, Snowy is the boss!

    #66013 Report Abuse

    C4C, Snowy is the odd man out. She is here just for the weekend and she’s not used to playing much with humans or dogs. She will happily be petted and get tummy rubs all day long, sleep, and chew on Bruno’s toys. She wouldn’t engage in play with Bruno or Casey and doesn’t like being sniffed or have body contact with other dogs much. Bruno and Casey have been living together ever since we got Bruno in 2013, so they play, wrestle, chew on each other (not really, lol, more like he tries to chew on her feet, ears, and cheeks during play time), groom each other (lick each other’s eyes and ears), cuddle, and are just very much close. I think Snowy is slowly warming up to Bruno a tiny bit, but she is definitely stand-offish with Casey and Bruno has had to “defend” poor Casey from Snowy’s little attempts to be the boss, lol. As for Casey, she is a gentle giant and perpetually looks sad and confused no matter what, lol. 🙂

    #66030 Report Abuse

    I want Smokey he is just precious-i can’t make out the breed-he looks so cute
    what a great photo so peaceful!!

    #66047 Report Abuse

    Cheryl, do you mean Snowy? She is the beige-white-ish one on the top. I believe she is a maltese-shihtzu mix of sorts, or something like that. They were pretty tired in that pic. Casey sleeps a lot anyway, and Snowy had just had a bath, and Bruno was at Snowy’s house before that, and both had gone to the pet store as well. So they had an eventful day and were pretty tired. 🙂
    Can’t wait for them to get that stage again tonight!

    #66050 Report Abuse

    HaHaHa!!! Cheryl, do you want my miniature horse? He would love to live in your house.

    #66071 Report Abuse

    I guess it would add to the chaos why not the more the merrier,Pepper being blind would bump into Smokey ,Millie would ride him-what a pic

    #66072 Report Abuse

    Sorry I did mean Snowy-brain freeze
    My great niece has one that looks exactly like that -that’s why I asked.
    Isn’t it funny how bathing and a few added activities wipe them out!!!

    #66077 Report Abuse

    So my nearly blind mini could have a blind seeing eye dog? Wouldn’t that be a hoot!

    #66083 Report Abuse

    Who would lead who? We certainly can’t rely on Millie -she would lead them both into big trouble-so is BAAAAD

    #66096 Report Abuse

    Smokey would lead outside and to any potted plants you may have, but that’s about it.

    #66167 Report Abuse

    If Smokey likes plants no problem, at least he would keep Millie from eating them!!!!

    #66186 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Yes, if I live to be the equivalent of my horse’s age I hope someone is around to indulge my every whim! I plan to eat lots of fried foods, candy bars, and maybe take up smoking again. lol

    Glad to read he probably had a belly full of hay! Those senior equines can certainly keep us on our toes. I found some really soft hay and bought everything the hay guy had to sell. Although my senior will eat chopped hay, he clearly prefers (and can still chew) regular hay if it’s not course. I was busy stacking it in the hay area and of course my Sr. was sneaking bites of the hay because I had the door open. So to avoid him knocking over the stack I opened the bale he was snacking on and gave him a few flakes. Well a few minutes later he was back and busy snacking on another bale of hay, didn’t want any parts of the flakes I gave him. I thought to myself I have been around horses all my life, how many times am I going to fall for that? The hay you’re not supposed to have is always better than the hay given to you. lol

    Love the pics!!!!!!

    #66207 Report Abuse

    Hay in the wheelbarrow is also better than the hay you already gave them.

    Today, I’m dealing with sick goat. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

    Cheryl, if he didn’t like your choice of houseplants, he would at least give the floor a nice even coating of dirt and pottery shards. Just sayin’.

    #66216 Report Abuse

    Millie would be in HEAVEN -more stuff to eat-that she shouldn’t.
    My Millie is going through her 1st heat, so for all our sakes we might have to wait on this momentous meeting!!!
    Hope the goat gets better-bring him/her to the gathering!!

    #66231 Report Abuse

    The goat is now on meds and feeling much better.

    #66237 Report Abuse

    BCnut, glad goat is better! I have a soft spot for goats and lambs as when I was younger (way younger) I milked some family friends’ goat once and we bonded, lol, and plus, goat milk is awesome, and so is goat stew and goat curry, and whole roasted lamb (so sorry if I am horrifying the vegetarian/vegan population)! I don’t know if said goat is a food goat, milk goat, or a companion goat, but ether way, glad she is feeling better! 🙂

    #66272 Report Abuse

    She is a dinky 25lb Nigerian Dwarf, which is a miniature dairy breed. I don’t know if we will end up milking her, but we plan to try and see if it is something we want to do. She is very much a pet, not food, but her sons may be food for either me or my dogs, we shall see.

    #66276 Report Abuse

    Naturella the black/white dog in the middle (from your post on Feb 7th) looks JUST LIKE my Tebow!

    #66280 Report Abuse

    @Peggy, that’s my baby Bruno! He’s my ultimate little sweetheart! We think he is a Jack Russell – (miniature?) Rat Terrier Mix, some think he may have some Chihuahua in there, some thought he was a Jack Russell – Chihuahua mix… His body (torso?) is REALLY long though, IDK where that’s from. God only knows what exactly he is, but I know this for sure – he is so loved, now and forever! 🙂

    P.S. We want to see the infamous Tebow and LadyBug!!! 🙂 I do at least!

    #66281 Report Abuse

    BCnut, I see, well, just don’t tell her that her babies may become food! 😉

    #66540 Report Abuse

    Soooo, it is Brian and I’s first year of marriage anniversary tomorrow! I was having such a hard time figuring out what to do! So FINALLY I got it! I am snatching up this yummy hunk of a man, and taking him either to Chattanooga, Tennessee, or Athens, GA (we live close to Atlanta, GA), and we are exploring new lands! We love doing that anyway, and Chattanooga has a river and river cruises! We did one in Chicago, and loved it, so I’m leaning toward TN for tomorrow. Just a day trip, but should be nice. And we can just walk around Downtown, see what’s up, NOT go to the Aquarium (I mean… The GA Aquarium… Can anything even beat that?! JK, JK, just not feeling it for some reason… But I AM feeling the river cruise, walking down unknown streets, getting lost in a different city with the man I love to the moon and back (and beyond), and finding little quaint eateries, stores, etc. to explore. I just hope the weather permits, it should be warmer in ATL, but I think it will be kind of cold in Tennessee and I already have a mild cold… Meh… Either way, I am sure we will find something to do! 🙂

    #66541 Report Abuse

    Oh my goodness Naturella, if you are going to take Brian to Chattanooga, Tenn. you absolutely must go with him to the Aquarium. It is one of the most fascinating and enjoyable aquariums in the U.S.A. My favorite is the aquarium in Boston but second is the one in Chattanooga. I assure you, you will both be in awe of it. Not to mention that Chattanooga is a fun time had by all. Fun place to be. Hope you both go and enjoy. If not, Happy Happy Anniversary to both of you.

    #66543 Report Abuse

    Dori, I trust your judgement, you know it, so if you say the Aquarium is worth it, then it surely is! So we will check it out, but first, we will try to catch the daytime River Cruises. And my roommate said there is a really good restaurant across the street from the Aquarium, so we may look into that, or into some local hole-in-the-wall place for good grub. Tennessee BBQ? Maybe! 🙂

    #66549 Report Abuse

    Happy Anniversary!

    #66550 Report Abuse

    Happy anniversary Naturella and Brian!!!

    #66553 Report Abuse

    Hope you and Brian have a good time. I know you will. Daytime cruise was also really lovely. Congrats to both of you. Have a great weekend. Funny, as we all know hole in the walls and diners typically have the best food. Have a ball.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Dori.
    #66557 Report Abuse

    Thank you, Marie, D_O, and Dori!

    Ok, so we were just going to do a day trip… But I found a REALLY affordable offer for a pet-friendly hotel DOWNTOWN (2 miles from the Aquarium, 3 miles from the River Boat), so I booked a room. If we decide not to stay, as long as we call before check-in time, they won’t charge us. I am pumped though! This way we can see a bit more of Chattanooga and do more, plus have our baby with us sometimes! It is our first anniversary and I feel like we deserve a tiny little splurge, like a weekend trip! We never had a honeymoon anyway, lol, so here it is! 😀

    I am pretty excited, but done hogging the thread! Thank you all for the kind wishes! 🙂

    #66607 Report Abuse

    A whole two days late, but Happy Anniversary Naturella!! Have a good time in Chattanooga, take lots of pictures! (人 •ᴗ•)

    #66684 Report Abuse

    @Oleanderz, it was actually yesterday. Thank you so much! It was a wonderful trip, just wonderful! We got to walk around, take pictures till or phones died, lol, go to 2 museums in the Art District (with an artist (potter/ceramist) husband, that was to be expected, lol), got a year-long membership to one of the Art museums there for each of us (we plan to go back at least once/month, even if just for a day trip!), we went to a wonderful hole-in-the-wall cafe/winery/beer place called Chattz (amazing charcuterie and cheese plates btw!!!), to some cool restaurants, walked around downtown, watched people blow their own glass ornaments, realized how pedestrian/bike/dog-friendly this city is, swore to bring Bruno with us next time (we ended up not bringing him this time…), and swore to see the Aquarium next time (Dori, there was so much art and city to see, we just didn’t make it there on this trip. But we will next time for sure!). I really like this city because it reminds me of my homeland in its structure, architecture, and how pedestrian/bike/dog-friendly it is. AND, it has a RIVER! I love mountains and rivers, so it has Lookout Mountain there (more of a hill really, but it still does the trick), and the Tennessee river flowing right through the city, plus a ton of dog-friendly establishments, quaint little restaurants, cafes, and bars, and it is just great! Ok, rant over, thank you all again for the wishes, Brian and I agreed to the same event for next year as well (hopefully at a different place! We love exploring!). So yeah.

    #66779 Report Abuse

    That sounds wonderful, with all the cold in my area. (‘ w ‘ ) It’s awesome to get out and explore every now and then, and including Bruno it must of been an amazing trip. Glad you both had a lot of fun!

    #68283 Report Abuse

    I got home with my new flock of sheep! I got 4 ewes(2 are pregnant, I think) and 6 ewe lambs. They are all different colors and soooo cute!

    #68286 Report Abuse

    OH MY GOD I NEED PICTURES!!!! loves me some baby sheeps :3

    #68291 Report Abuse

    . Good luck with the sheep. We had them for years (as pets) and just lost the last one this winter. Got three nigerian dwarf kids a month ago.

    #68294 Report Abuse

    When the dust has settle BC I think we’d all love some pics. So exciting, especially with the possibility of two pregnancies. So many more names to pick. Congrats!

    #68303 Report Abuse

    Awesome! What breed?

    #68304 Report Abuse

    They are mixed breeds and they are all named Rachel, it means “ewe.” That’s our family’s sick sense of humor at work. They may get individual names later, but some of them are destined for the freezer, so not all of them will get names.

    #68307 Report Abuse

    Aw man, I love me some lamb! Yum, yum, yum!

    #68359 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    This is for theBCnut, hopefully you have never seen this commercial before; it’s a few years old. If you have maybe others will enjoy it. 😉


    #68364 Report Abuse
    #68373 Report Abuse

    Very cute. Congrats on successfully posting pics on the forum!

    #68376 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Love the pics and the commercial

    #68379 Report Abuse

    Love every single Rachel.

    #68382 Report Abuse

    The odd colored ones would probably have more value for their fleece then freezer. People pay good money for wool if sheared correctly..especially colored wool..

    #68383 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Jakes mom: 🙂

    BC: Glad you liked it, I thought it was awful cute and funny. Just to be clear, I don’t need a dog to herd me into the pub, I get there on my own just fine! 😉

    #68384 Report Abuse

    Oh my gosh!!! They are all so cute! I especially love the brown one, and the two that are white on top, and black spotted on the bottom :3

    Rachels. So. Many. Rachels!!!! :O

    #68421 Report Abuse

    C4C: Thanks! There’s a first time for everything.

    Melissa: They are all hair sheep. In fact, two of them have coats just like the goats.

    #68432 Report Abuse

    I guess I’m going to have to give it a try. Did you use photo bucket?

    #68489 Report Abuse

    Yes. I finally had to break down and get a photobucket account for something else, and once you have it, you might as well use it.

    #68516 Report Abuse

    Hannah, Lola & Katie photo IMG_0082_zpsuzhupxtp.jpg

    The Girls. Hannah, Lola and Katie. Katie with her bedhead look as usual. Lola is kind of blurry so I’ll post a different pic.

    Thanks BC. Finally decided to take your lead and go onto photo bucket.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Dori.
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