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  • This topic has 363 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Dori.
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  • #59706 Report Abuse

    Just thought I’d share something my dad shared with me.

    #59707 Report Abuse

    OMG!!!!! BC this is hysterical. I near wet myself. I may not actually be from the South but I’ve been here for 13 years so all of it rings true. Her husband coming home with the groceries is just too darn funny. I’m passing it along to all my Southern gal pals. 🙂

    #59708 Report Abuse

    LOL! She’s so cute! I bet she has lots of funny stories to tell. I’ve spent my share of time living in the South as well…, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi. I’ll share that with my parents also. My mom’s an old Southern hall from way back when.

    #59710 Report Abuse

    This is soo funny, cute, and Southern! Hahaha, so GA-like! 😀

    #59711 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    Funny! Thanks for sharing.

    #60107 Report Abuse

    Well we seem to have survived the California “superstorm” anyway. We were lucky; we had no leaks or power outages. It has been raining on and off today but nothing too bad. Everyone on the East Coast is probably scoffing at California right now for getting so freaked out about rain.

    #60108 Report Abuse

    If they are, they have never lived where wildfires climbed the canyon wall right by your house last year and mud slides are threatening to bury it this year. I’m not the least bit afraid of wind and rain, but a wall of mud and rock is a whole nother kettle of fish.

    I’m glad you and yours are OK.

    #60109 Report Abuse

    We actually haven’t had wildfires in this near my house in a few years, but there are some places that have been rampant with them. It’s been so dry that this summer the fire danger was extremely high. We’ve gotten off to a good start for rain this year, so hopefully it’ll keep up. Yesterday was pretty extreme though.

    #60139 Report Abuse

    People on the East coast don’t realize the devastation that a rain storm after a long draught in Cali can cause. I’ve lived through mud slides before and they are so frightening. They scare me more than the earthquakes ever did.

    #60152 Report Abuse

    I’ll totally agree with Dori! As long as I’m not in the city standing in or under a tall building that is dropping parts, earthquakes are a piece of cake. Mudslides, no way!

    #60156 Report Abuse

    I hope I’m never in a mudslide, I’ve seen pictures of people being crushed by volcano lava and I no longer volcanoes are cool. I’ve been in minor and moderate earthquakes, but I’ve actually never been in a major one (knock on wood again). There were some places that got pretty affected by the storm, I saw a video of people Kayaking in a Safeway parking lot somewhere. Flooding aside, that actually sounds pretty fun!

    #60159 Report Abuse

    I’ve slept through major earthquakes. I started talking in my sleep. “Mooooommmm! Make her stop shaking my bed!” True story!

    #60163 Report Abuse

    Oh gosh, lol. There was a moderate on last summer, but from where we were it was pretty minor. I still woke up though, and I thought I was going crazy, until the next morning I looked it up and realized there had been an earthquake.

    #60974 Report Abuse

    We were washing Lily’s blanket last night, and somehow her Kong Goodie Bone (made from the same material as normal Kongs.) got into the washing machine with it and got waged for two cycles, one of them on hot. It doesn’t seem damaged or anything. Is it still okay to use?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Dog_Obsessed.
    #61008 Report Abuse

    Yes, it’s just fine.

    #61012 Report Abuse

    Okay, thanks. It’s actually pretty funny. 😀

    #61079 Report Abuse

    It will definitely be clean, well, right up until you give it back to her.

    #61081 Report Abuse

    Lol yeah. It actually had a few treats in it, which I took out and then rinsed the thing. I already gave it back to her with another two treats in it, and she spent a full 20 minutes or so trying to work them out. She got one out and little nibbles of the other. Her Goodie Bone and her regular Kong are both puppy versions, left over from when I was fostering senior dogs and wanted something softer on their teeth. I think the different Kongs for different life stages is purely marketing hype, and Lily has barely made a dent in either toy, so I think this “off-label use” is okay.

    #61858 Report Abuse

    I logged onto my email and had a strange set of emails coming from the Homemade Dog Treats thread . There were email alerts from BCnut’s and Dori’s posts yesterday that are no longer visible on the thread, then there were email alerts from what appeared to be posts by a troll with user’s personal information, then there was a post from Dori asking what was going on, all of which are visible in my email but not on the thread. This is scary, what is going on?!

    #61859 Report Abuse

    Dog Obsessed. Dr. Mike is on top of it all and has taken care of the issue. The reason we’re getting the emails that were here is because we clicked on the button down below to be notified of any follow-up replies via email that were added to this thread. Dr. Mike has removed the troll posts. That’s the reason you’re still seeing them on your email but not here. Just delete them and don’t respond to the troll or on this DFA thread about them. If I get anymore I’ll forward them to Dr. Mike as he requested I do last night.

    #61862 Report Abuse

    Okay, thanks. I deleted the email.

    #62401 Report Abuse

    5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!(For EST anyway. I got another 3 hours. 😛 )

    Edit: Ooh yeah!!! First post in 2015!!!!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Dog_Obsessed.
    #62409 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    Happy New Year! Second post in 2015.

    #62410 Report Abuse

    Happy New Year to all! 🙂 May it be better than 2014! I wish you all health and happiness, and the motivation and determination to achieve what you will, and the peace of heart and mind if you do not… For nobody’s perfect, we just do what we deem is our best. 🙂

    #62411 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Happy New Year everyone, hope you all had a fun safe NY eve. I’m on my way to work so no partying for me last night! 🙂

    #62414 Report Abuse

    Happy new year everyone!! Start this year as the best you and continue on as you mean to go. May this be a year of growth and renewal for all of us.

    #62416 Report Abuse

    Thank you! Happy New Year!

    #62421 Report Abuse

    My wish is for all to have a happy, healthy and peaceful new year for yourselves and all your loved ones and remember……Don’t Look Back, That’s Not Where You’re Going. Please be safe. 🙂

    #64601 Report Abuse
    #64602 Report Abuse

    Oh my lord, how many do you have?? LOL

    #64605 Report Abuse

    Today I just have 7 dogs (6 pugs and 1 bulldog) and 7 chickens. Over Thanksgiving week, I had 14 boarding for other people.

    #64609 Report Abuse

    Wow, that’s house full! All those 7 are yours, or boarders?

    #64611 Report Abuse

    3 are mine, 4 boarders (fosters).

    #64613 Report Abuse

    Those pics are so cute!

    #64616 Report Abuse

    Aww that’s great! How do you like fostering? Is it hard to see them go?

    #64619 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I think that is one pack of dogs I wouldn’t be afraid to run into!! They look adorable, but my favorite is still the bath time pic. 😉

    #64624 Report Abuse

    No, it’s not hard to see them go (for me). It’s like kid-sitting! I’ve been fostering for nearly 6 years now and over 260 dogs. I took all three for a holistic check up one year and it was $800 a piece! So, I don’t plan an owning any additional ones. Plus, my first pug is still my favorite.

    #64626 Report Abuse

    Wow, that’s amazing! Do you ever call any of them by a previous dogs name? :p Heck, I get my four mixed up all the time LOL can’t imagine having nearly 300 names going through my head!

    Does whatever agency you work with help with medical and food expenses for your fosters? That’s the biggest thing with me. I would love to foster or raise service dogs later down the down the road, but I suppose it would depend mostly on finances if/when I was able to do it.

    #64628 Report Abuse

    I fostered for about a year before adopting Lily, and I would totally get the names confused when I had close to back-to-back fosters. It was an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience.

    #64632 Report Abuse

    The rescue pays for everything including food if you request it. Since I taxi the pugs around town alot, they’ve also given me gas money. There is also a rescue store sort of local to me (70 miles away) where rescue folks can get food for dirt cheap. I volunteered to drive out there this past weekend to pick up a load to pass out to other fosters. You would need to email me direct for info on that. Somehow I’m really good with the dog names, it’s human people’s names I can’t remember! If I have 10 dogs here, I can remember them all. The bath photo was from several years ago and I can still remember 3 out 5 fosters’ names without looking them up – Harley David, Victor Newman and Lulu. I keep photo albums of all the fosters.

    #64634 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I haven’t watched in many, many years, but I know that name Victor Newman!

    #64635 Report Abuse

    I’ve never watched that show either but I think it’s from The Young and the Restless!

    #64636 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    It is, but I did use to watch! lol

    #64638 Report Abuse

    The “Bath ” pic is hilarious -they are all precious.
    I salute you for fostering!
    You are the PUG-Meister.
    I confuse 2 names ,i can’t fathom remembering all the fosters names

    #64732 Report Abuse
    #64737 Report Abuse

    Well, if you’re making up meals, he doesn’t see why he can’t have one now…

    #64738 Report Abuse

    OMG, cuteness overload! I get the exact same look while freezing Lily’s wet food. Or cooking. Or…eating. 🙂

    #64743 Report Abuse

    Lol well he gets one tomorrow! He already ate his ground pork tonight :p Usually it’s the cat I have to worry about when fixing up Bentleys meals. I tend to have to throw him scraps to keep him off the table LOL I about sat on him when I put the package of meat on the table and went to sit in the chair! I tend to get a lot of help in the kitchen and while eating… LOL

    I want to get the cat on all raw here soon, as well. I gotta see how I handle it with Bentley. And I may not do completely raw, come to think of it, because I seems cats need a lot more per pound than dogs do. Might not be able to afford it. May just have to half and half balanced raw and canned or something like that.

    #65106 Report Abuse
    #65750 Report Abuse

    Just signed up with Azure Standard. They have a drop-off location near me and sell bulk items and organic chicken feed for alot cheaper than Amazon!

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