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  • This topic has 363 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Dori.
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  • #56139 Report Abuse

    Forgot to set my clock back, dang! I’m up bright and early. Hope everything is going well!

    #56155 Report Abuse

    Ha, me too! I thought I was up at 5:30. Oops.

    #56156 Report Abuse

    BCnut, what a good advice – I was actually just kind of sitting here, fretting… Brian is at work, but will be back by 2.30pm. That is when I plan to call the parents to see if they’ve seen it. In the meantime, I did take Bruno out on a nice walk, and talked to some really close friends (“sisters” by choice) in Bulgaria. So I am a bit calmer for now…

    I think my mom may have already seen it actually, but I want my dad to see it too, and he got off work at 12.00pm (our time), so this is why I’m giving some more time, hope he sees the video…

    Thank you, Zach, and C4C… It is getting closer to knowing what at least the initial outcome is… As long as everyone is still alive and plans to be, I will consider it a good one…

    Thank you all again for the help… I should have news soon…

    #56166 Report Abuse

    The family you choose is the best!!

    #56172 Report Abuse

    I came hoping for an update!

    #56175 Report Abuse

    Announcement: I am changing my avatar, it is still me, do not be alarmed. 😀

    #56177 Report Abuse

    Has anybody heard from Naturella yet. We’ve been emailing but I haven’t heard back from her from when she was going to call her parents. Just hoping she’s not too devastated.

    B.C. The family you choose is always the best. I’ve always contended that we all have some family member (or more) that if we weren’t related to them they would never be in our lives. I mean they aren’t anyone that we would particularly pick as friends. I think we all also have friends that are more family than some family members.

    #56179 Report Abuse

    Dog Obsessed. Thanks for letting us know not to be alarmed. Did you mean for the pic to be upside down cause I think it’s adorable just the way it is. : )

    I never think to change mine, maybe I will some time.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Dori.
    #56181 Report Abuse

    I hope Brian got home from work and they went and did something fun together!

    #56182 Report Abuse

    Have you noticed that the REPORT button has disappeared? Too many threads accidently reported, I guess.

    #56183 Report Abuse

    Well, she was going to wait for Brian to get home from work around 2 ish and then call her parents. There’s no way that she’s still on the phone with them so that’s what has me concerned for her. She really is such a sweetie I hate that she’s going through this.

    #56184 Report Abuse

    I did notice that and was thinking the same thing. I think we were all used to having the other button (having a senior moment and can’t recall what used to be there) in where the report button was that we kept reporting people accidentally. So I guess if there’s some crazy troll on here we can’t report anymore? I hope maybe they’ll put it back maybe in the middle of the line as opposed to near the edit / reply buttons.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Dori.
    #56186 Report Abuse

    Hey, all!

    I know, I know, long time…

    Well, the talk is over and went as expected. Complete breakdown and crash on my Mom’s side. Dad too. He hasn’t even seen the video yet – she told him, which I didn’t want to happen… She may have told him her version of it, not what it actually says…

    Anyway. They were both pretty devastated. My Mom’s focus is on the fact I didn’t tell them or ask their opinion. I already know their opinion and wouldn’t have taken it anyway. She didn’t really hear that I want to try to work on a better relationship. But it’s normal. She’s in shock…

    I just hope that one day we will be able to actually talk about things honestly and openly. I hope time helps. They can have all the time they need.

    So yeah. I’m okay. Just emotionally drained. Not devastated… Just hope this was the worst… My Grandma still doesn’t know. My mom is supposed to be telling her tomorrow. IDK how that’s going to go. So it will be pretty bad (hopefully only reasonably bad) here for a few days, but like I said, I hope time helps…

    Thank you all for checking on me! I really, really appreciate it.

    And BCnut, Brian and I will go have a nice dinner somewhere now… I think it’s better to do after the endeavor…

    P.S. I am happy I did this. I feel so much stronger, albeit my mother called me “cruel”. I am not a perfect person, and I make some bad choices and bad actions, but I don’t see myself as an inherently bad or cruel person. She was in affect, so it’s okay. But I think this was good. I hope so.

    #56187 Report Abuse

    Yes, the pic is supposed to be upside down, she was on her belly when I took the photo. Gravatar made me crop it, it is more clear in the original.

    I am also waiting for an update, I hope she is doing okay.

    Oh yeah, the report is gone. I think it used to be a “like” button, and to many people reported when trying to like a post.

    Edit: Just saw the update, I’m really glad you had the courage to do this. I hope time will help with your parents reaction, sending lots of good vibes!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Dog_Obsessed.
    #56189 Report Abuse

    P.S. Yes. Family by choice is the ultimate best. And while some family members do belong in the “family” category, some don’t, and it is sometimes sad when they are very closely-related to you, but sometimes, it is for the best to not keep them in your own personal “family”…

    #56190 Report Abuse

    Thank you, Dog_Obsessed! Love the new picture by the way. 🙂

    #56191 Report Abuse

    I’m glad you know you are OK. I knew you were stronger than you were giving yourself credit for!! Things will get better, but just remember that you are much more likely to know what is better for you than your parents are, and don’t give them the power over you. If they can’t see how positive your relationship with Brian is, they obviously aren’t looking for what is best for you, just how they want things to be. That’s called selfishness, and your **supposed** to outgrow it.

    Dori, if you need to report someone, email Dr Mike with the thread title and reply number. He will really appreciate it.

    #56195 Report Abuse

    The mom in me just wants to wrap you in a hug. I’m a huggy person so consider it done.

    I went to a wake today for our friends 27 year old daughter. Tomorrows the funeral. Tell your parents that life is too short for this s**t.

    #56196 Report Abuse

    So sorry I am just seeing all this now. I haven’t been on here all week or I would have wished you well, Naturella. I’m glad things went as expected or as well as they could have. Just stay positive and continue on trying to improve your relationship. All you can do is try. If things don’t work out, you’ll know it wasn’t because you didn’t put the effort in. Also, I commend you on being so brave and being the bearer of news you knew wouldn’t be received well.

    ps- I have seen pictures of you two on FB and you are really cute together! 🙂

    #56197 Report Abuse

    Wow! Well said Marie! & BCnut, well said too!! I always have trouble with putting into words what I want to say, but you basically said what I was thinking.

    I hope your parents see that you’re happy and just accept every thing. Marie is right, life is too short!

    #56198 Report Abuse

    Yep Marie. I told Aleksandra in an email tha,t as a mother that has lost her only child her and, she being an only child, her mother will eventually come around. The alternative will be too much for her mother to bare. All will be well for them both and that she just needs not to pressure her mother and let her sit and digest it. She will come around. Alek just can’t push or pressure her. In the end it will all be alright. It is very difficult for a mother, especially of an only child, to give up control. If you’ve raised your children right, that’s what you hope and pray for. You want them to be able to go into life and live their lives. It’s just difficult. Especially an only child.

    #56199 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Naturella, I’m so proud of you. Stay strong and do what you need to do. I hope your family comes around and accepts things but if not, that’s on them, not you. You can only control yourself and your life, nobody else. Make the choices that make you happy.

    #56204 Report Abuse

    Oh my God, all the love!

    You all are making me cry my eyes out in happy tears this time (I am kind of an emotional one)…

    Marie, I do consider myself hugged. Thank you so much… And I did tell my parents something to that effect in the video, that we have it so much better than people in a war situation or something, who wonder if their children will even make it, so if the worst part of your life is being hurt over whom your daughter married, and yes, didn’t honor you by telling you, you still have it pretty good. But this part must have slipped by her ears somehow…

    Thank you, RescueDaneMom – we ARE cute, aren’t we? 😉 Tee hee! But Brian is also the man to whom I dedicate this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5c4ARb5ORw for all the reasons in the song, and many more – he is simply amazing. And he was made for me too.

    Cyndi, thank you so much as well!

    Dori – as in the email, I will give them all the time they need. We all need time to heal, including myself. I just keep hoping and doing the best I can to be a more honest person and not fear their reactions anymore. I pray to be a better parent to our children, but God only knows what mistakes we’ll make one day, as we’re only human. I just hope my kids won’t be afraid to openly and honestly be able to speak to me. And I keep telling myself, and I know… It all comes from a place of love…

    And Jake’s Mom, thank you! If it weren’t for you all, I don’t know if I would ever have been able to click that “send” button to the email and to call them today. I am so happy I did this, and I am proud of me too, despite my Mom telling me the total opposite today – people say all kinds of things when severely upset. So, all will be well in the end. Because I only have one life to live, and I have to, I HAVE to live it to the fullest…

    It is funny though, a few years ago, during one of my Mom and I’s arguments, I told her that it turns out that my happiness is her misery, as she’d only like me to be happy her way… And vice versa, her happiness is me doing what she believes is best, which would be miserable for me… Today, she came to the same conclusion, after a few years… It is sad, and I hope she chooses to change her outlook… And stop living for others (me or anyone else), and find something that makes her truly free and happy… Because I am doing the same…

    #56209 Report Abuse
    Zach M

    Continue to stay strong Naturella! We will all wish you the best!

    #56212 Report Abuse

    I’m late to the party, but I’m so happy for you that everything went relatively smoothly. Hopefully after some time to mull it over, she’ll come around. I bet it feels good to at least have it done. Fingers crossed the end result is good, and everyone comes around, and lots of hugs and love to you! <3 🙂

    #56214 Report Abuse

    Thank you so much, Zach and Akari! Times a million! Hope all works out in the end. <3 🙂

    I will keep you posted for sure, but please all, feel free to use this thread for anything anytime, as originally intended. No need for my “Lifetime”-style drama to hog the threat. LoL

    #56231 Report Abuse

    I hope your parents come to realize that you didn’t tell them because of *their*’past actions.

    #56237 Report Abuse

    Marie, I think my mom kind of does and it is also contributing a lot to her pain… but I did say thet I am accepting them, as they are, in the video, and I think over time it would be good to hash out the old stuff, but also focus on moving on forward in a better way… so I hope she hears that eventually…

    #56478 Report Abuse

    Just wanted to say I am still alive. I haven’t posted in like two days because I have been super busy, but I should have more time after tomorrow. 😀

    #56489 Report Abuse

    It happens to the best of us. I think I had to take close to 3 months off for the end of summer. I guess 3 months makes it all summer.

    And on an unrelated note, I found out today that my aunt thinks she has aged terribly just lately. She thinks she is only a year older than me. She is adamant that I tell her what year I moved to Tennessee, even though I have never lived there. And apparently, I got lost going to pick her up for LUNCH today, because I wasn’t there well before 10am. No amount of talking ever got any of those issues sorted out today. I still haven’t figured out if I’m 81 years old or if she is 50, but I think she is 50…or maybe we are both younger!

    #56502 Report Abuse

    Took Bentley and Ginger on a 1 1/4 mile long walk this morning before I had to leave for work, and they’re so tired Ginger doesn’t even care how close Bentley is laying to her LOL (she’s usually very grumpy about personal space).


    And I’m really not even sure how this is remotely comfortable lol


    #56510 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    What cute pics!! 😉

    BC, I am sure you both look fabulous regardless of what age your aunt thinks you both are and whatever state you live in. 😉

    #56514 Report Abuse

    And on another note, I have a bald eagle hunting my chickens. I have mixed feelings. My chickens should be a very healthy meal for a bald eagle family. Yeah!! Could they please just catch the old ones that don’t lay anymore?! Boo!

    #56516 Report Abuse

    How cute Ginger and Bailey are! 🙂 And I second Bobby Dog regarding the BCnut and her aunt – age is just a number – fabulousness is forever! 🙂

    On my end, things are meh, but I am getting used to it. I think that even though I had been “preparing” myself for this for a loooooong time, I was a bit numb myself when it actually happened. I hadn’t fully thought out the aftermath. I forgot to consider the possibility of my family (mom) not REALLY hearing my message and just retaining her shock factors and not the explanations for them or the reiteration of love for my family and desire for us all to love and accept each other and be open and honest with each other. BUT, I am adjusting, as is she, and we will play it by ear and see if time plus constant/consistent demonstration of care and love on my part will help. Hope is still in me. 🙂

    Also on another note, I went through Bruno’s “treat box”, which is overflowing actually, and I pulled out a few things to give to the dog of the family I babysit for. An early Christmas present if you will, lol. After I pulled out a can of Weruva, a dental bone, a sweet potato chew, a bully stick, a lamb ear, a pig snout, a cow ear, a beef trachea, a fish skin, a stingray tail, a tripe swirly chew, a pack of salmon treats, and a few buffalo liver treats, I still have an overflowing box of some of the above treats left for Bruno, plus a Himalayan dog chew, a pig foot (I will probably let Bruno share it with the roommate’s dog), and a ton of food samples! I use them as treats, but I may need to up my usage and just give him meal varieties, i.e. give him his regular food and additive for breakfast; a sample (his normal serving of it, not the whole sample) with THK for dinner. Probably 2-3 meal replacements/week will take care of one sample. And if I do this every other week, I should be good until my kibble supply runs down. And then we start over with collecting food and samples. I really think I won’t hoard like that anymore though… I don’t want to keep more than 6 months’ worth of food at a time in the house… I want more variety, freshness, and deals too, so I will stock up when deals come every 6 months or so, and try to include more fresh/natural additives like freeze-dried/dehydrated/frozen commercial raw. But for now, he’s doing well it seems, and I should be transitioning him to Back to Basics in about 2 weeks. Hope he does well and not like the NVI disaster! LoL.

    (P.S. I just realized that my post is halfway entirely related to dog food, but I didn’t know where else to put that second half, so sorry guys – it s here!)

    #56517 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Akari, cute pics. I have those same doggy stairs! lol! Cats use them more, tho.
    BCN, I have friends who have a hawk problem and have to escort their 2 tiny dogs every time they go outside. Scary thought.
    Naturella, just bought Jake his first bag of Back to Basics, had an $8 off coupon! I’m lucky, he’s never had any problems with food, eats anything without issues. Sometimes I don’t even think he chews, just vacuums it up!

    #56518 Report Abuse

    When you share pictures of Ginger, it makes me so, so happy she’s with you. To think that someone brought her in to be euthanized.

    #56519 Report Abuse

    Hi Jake’s Mom

    We have 2 different kinds of hawks, osprey, and now, eagles. It’s amazing I don’t lose more chickens than I do. The hawks only took young birds, so I just had to keep them up until they were big enough. The osprey fishes out of my pond, so all of my pretty koi are gone, but the chickens are safe from them. And now the eagle is taking full grown chickens. The chickens usually figure out to stay under the trees and bushes when something aerial is hunting, but they haven’t figured out the eagle yet. The eagle may be more willing to dive under the trees or between trees that are closer together. IDK

    And if the chicken eating birds aren’t enough, I also have racoons, foxes, coyotes, and bobcats. We have Florida panthers pass through, but so far, none have stayed in our area. Thank God.

    #56521 Report Abuse

    That is so funny about your aunt Patty LOL

    We used to have some sort of very small black hawk with a bright yellow beak that would watch our chickens. I think the only reason it never went after them was because it was small than the rooster was, who was smaller than the silki hen LOL

    DogFoodie, thank you. I couldn’t leave her there when all she needed was a change handling. She’s still a snotty little turd most of the time, but it’s worth it see her running to the end of her 16ft leash, and having such a great time, and having her snuggling with me on the couch or in bed.

    Lol Jakes mom, they were the cheapest ones we could find, so that’s what came home with us! I can’t believe how expensive doggy stairs are!!

    Naturella, they’ll come around eventually I’m sure 🙂 and I wish I had that many goodies stashed away! I hardly ever find deals on treats and chews, so end up having to pay full price for them unless I find something in th clearance bin.

    #56553 Report Abuse

    Akari, I “stalk” BestBullySticks.com and shop for most of my chews there; two local pet boutiques have tons of the other extra chews – I really like the stingray tails, wish I could find them online, but alas… Anyway, I stock up from BestBullySticks about once/year with sale stuff, then I “spice” it up from the local stores, if the deal is good. Sometimes I pay full price just cause Bruno HAS to have this special new item, lol. One thing I still haven’t bought for him though are Kangaroo tendons or something like that, but they are just waaaaay too pricy for us, lol.

    #58560 Report Abuse

    This actually is related to dog food, but I put it on the THK topic a few days ago with no response so, I’m reposting it here. I know people are probably busy for Thanksgiving, and I heard about BCnut’s goat injury so it’s fine if no one answers this right away.

    I just got this CRAZY idea: would it be okay to use a THK base mix and mix in Wellness 95% canned instead of meat? I would definitely check with my vet first, but what do you all think of this idea?

    #58562 Report Abuse

    I think it would be fine, but isn’t the Wellness canned a complete balanced food? I think the base mixes are meant to be used to balance out plain meat, either raw or lightly cooked. I use the See Spot Live Longer base mix with either ground turkey or burger once a week and my dogs love it.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by crazy4cats.
    #58564 Report Abuse

    Wellness 95% is not complete. I guess it could work, but for that $3 or $4 a can, you could buy a pound or more of most meats, which would last more several more meals.

    #58565 Report Abuse

    Thanks! It’s actually more convince then price that I’m worried about–I don’t really have enough time to cook meat every day. I did some rough calculations and I don’t think the pricing would be too bad, especially if I learned some Akari saving skill. 🙂

    The main thing I would be worried about is whether this is a complete and balanced meal–I also might want to use a 95% product other than Wellness, because it is pretty high fat to make up half of a dog’s meal.

    #58566 Report Abuse

    You don’t have to cook for pre-mixes. I freeze all Bentleys raw meals for several weeks to kill of any nasties. When I do this, I portion them out into 5 oz servings that I can throw in the fridge every night and use the next day with his See Spot Live Longer mix. It’s very easy. I must say, I’d rather deal with Bentleys raw than Gingers canned and dry mixed meals LOL

    Check out By Nature 95%. I used that for Bentley for the longest time. It’s cheaper to feed him raw, however. Kind of weird lol

    If you want meat that is higher in fat, ground pork and dark meat chicken are great, less expensive choices. Bentley is small, so the higher fat meats help keep portions down. Pork is Bentleys favorite for raw. When he was on kibble (back when we still thought his problems were protein allergy related) he loved beef.

    #58571 Report Abuse

    Does freezing kill bacteria? I know it prevents it from growing, but I didn’t think it killed it. Thanks for the suggestion on By Nature, I just looked at that on Chewy.com and it seems quite good and reasonably priced. It is listed as a complete food in the review section though, so is it really eligible to be mixed with a pre mix? If not I might use it as a normal canned food.

    #58574 Report Abuse

    It’s cheaper on PetFlow, just so you know 😉 it is a complete food, though, so not sure. You can always just email THK and ask them their thoughts on mixing balanced and unbalanced canned into a pre-mix.

    Freezing kills a lot of things. Some doctors recomend freezing your toothbrush after being sick so that everything on the toothbrush is killed and you don’t get sick again. Pork for one needs to be frozen for a minimum of 2 weeks to kill off any worms living in the meat. Very few things can survive being frozen for extended periods of time. Just have to find that magical length of time.

    #58575 Report Abuse

    Thanks! Emailing THK is a good idea, I’ll try that. I guess I could also consider mixing a freeze-dried prey model raw with it, though I have a feeling that would get pricey.

    #58577 Report Abuse

    The issue with mixing THK with canned is the mineral levels. The canned should still have a balanced calcium/phosphorus ratio, so adding THK would add calcium and unbalance it.

    #58578 Report Abuse

    Thanks BCnut! Can you recommend an unbalanced canned food (that is an extremely strange sentence.) that is mostly meat and would be suitable for mixing with a pre mix? Would Wellness 95% work, or is that too high fat?

    #58580 Report Abuse

    The unbalanced canned foods should still have balanced calcium/phosphorus. You could probably give a half serving of a premix with them, but not a whole one. The fat level should only be an issue if your dog has an issue with that fat level.

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