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  • #61043 Report Abuse
    Karen S

    Looking for a recommendation on shampoo. I had a really good one, but when my dear Cubby of 14 years passed, I donated it thinking I wouldn’t get another. Now I have a puppy and can’t figure out what it was.

    #61075 Report Abuse

    I use Earthbath Orange Peel Oil Shampoo, which is supposed to be all natural and stuff and good for pets with sensitive skin. I don’t really know how effective it is, or if the claims are true, but it smells like oranges anyway. Here’s a link to the Earthbath products from Chewy.com: http://www.chewy.com/dog/grooming-355/earthbath

    #61094 Report Abuse

    I use Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, if I’m not using a medicated shampoo.

    #61162 Report Abuse

    We sometimes use Earthbath. They have a puppy shampoo which is very gentle and it’s half price at Marshalls/HomeGoods.. or else any of the baby shampoos (except Jason) at Whole Foods which we try to get on sale. Also make sure there’s no Xylitol.
    You can check purity of many shampoos on EWG’s website.
    We stay away from conventional pet, baby and adult shampoos due to toxic chemicals.

    Healthiest and cheapest option is to make your own, which I’d like to try one of these days. There’s some great info on this sight about shampoos, oral care, etc you may find useful.
    Congratulations on your new puppy.

    #61163 Report Abuse

    IMO I wouldn’t recommend using a baby shampoo, if you have the choice. They’re not really meant for dogs and can cause skin irritation.

    #61166 Report Abuse

    IMHO you should not use shampoos meant for humans on dogs. Dogs PH levels differ from ours. One of my favorite dog shampoos is put out by Vet’s Best. I use their hypoallergenic formula for all three of my dogs. I bath the girls approximately every 7 – 9 days and their hair and skin are soft, shinny and it easily rinses from their hair. Scent is pleasant (barely noticeable) but not overwhelming by any means. I am allergic to all perfumes, fragrances, etc. and it doesn’t bother me in the least. Also doesn’t bother my allergy prone girl Katie, my maltipoo.

    #61167 Report Abuse

    I’m also allergic to purfume. The Earthbath doesn’t bother me or Lily, but the shampoo they use at her groomer’s may bother both of us a little. I will look at Vet’s Best.

    #61176 Report Abuse

    Vet’s Best is a really great shampoo. When the girls used to go to a groomer I had to remind them every single time to not spritz them with cologne and not to use scented shampoos etc. Some times they did it anyway and I’d have to bath them again when they got home. One of the reasons why I learned how to groom the dogs myself at home, bought all the equipment I needed and now do it myself. I’ve always bathed them at home but once a month they’d go to the groomer for their hair cuts and nail trims. I bought a dremel to do their nails as I’m too squeamish to trim their nails. They all have black nails. Once in a blue moon I’ll walk them over to the vet and have one of the techs do it. Anyway, we were talking about shampoos. Vet’s Best is really easy to find. I know Amazon has it and so do most of the pet stores I go to. I don’t go to Petco or Petsmart so I don’t know whether they carry it or not. I know they have other formulations than just the hypoallergenic one but for me and Katie that’s the one we have to use. I also figure it’ll probably have the least amount indistinguishable ingredients in it.

    I’ve used Earthbath before, I just prefer Vet’s Best.

    #61177 Report Abuse

    Chewy.com also has it. It’s not too expensive either.

    #61179 Report Abuse
    Karen S

    Thank you Dori and Dog Obsessed. I saw Vet’s Best online. But I was leery due to the name. It sounded like a con.

    #61180 Report Abuse
    Karen S

    I also had perfume issues, so that was really helpful.

    #61181 Report Abuse

    I guess vets often sell low-quality products and market them as high-quality ones, particularly food. Is that what you mean?

    #61184 Report Abuse

    Karen and Dog Obsessed.

    It’s just their name. I don’t think it really has anything to do with actual veterinarians. If it does or doesn’t it wouldn’t influence me as I only count on my dog’s vets for medical issues not nutrition or bathing products. If you buy the product, I think you and Dog Obsessed will like it. Also it’s pretty inexpensive as dog shampoos go.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Dori.
    #61196 Report Abuse

    My friend raves about the Furminator brand shampoos that help her shedding dogs shed less. For Bruno, I use a mix of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap (Castille soap, the Baby Mild kind), coconut milk, Vitamin A, E & D oil, and essential oils. Works fine for him and us, so far.

    #61199 Report Abuse

    Yay! You’re back! 😀

    I have never used the Furminator shampoo, but I have used the Furminator de-shedding tool and it works like magic, so I’d imagine their shampoos couldn’t be too bad.

    #61218 Report Abuse

    Yes, Dog_Obsessed, I am! LoL! I have been on a reading hiatus, I was starved for reading for pleasure, so in 8-9 days I read 6 books, on to #7. 😀

    But on another note, IDK if the shampoo would contain particularly healthy ingredients, but my friend swears by it. I use the Furminator tool too and it works well as intended, I just need to be more careful when I do use it…

    #61236 Report Abuse

    I’m positively addicted to reading and frequently binge. I reread the whole Harry Potter series in 9 days once. I did have to come up for air a couple times. Life sure does get in the way of reading sometimes.

    My favorite shampoo is called The Last Scratch. It’s locally made. You can find it at thelastscratch.com

    #61246 Report Abuse

    I use earth bath when I need to as well, and so does my groomer. I like the oatmeal and the tea tree ones

    #61323 Report Abuse

    I, too, have always used Johnson’s Baby shampoo. It’s never caused skin irritations on any of my dogs.

    #61325 Report Abuse

    Dog_Obsessed, you use the Furminator deshedding tool?
    I’ve wanted to use it but was told it would hurt my dogs, so never bought one.
    Both of my dogs – but especially the JRT – shed like nothing I’ve ever seen.

    #61331 Report Abuse

    I don’t use it with Lily, because she is a non-sheding dog, but I have used it on foster dogs with great results. It could potentially cause bald spots if used too heavily on one particular area, but if you do it often for short periods of time then you should be okay.

    #61343 Report Abuse

    It shouldn’t be used aggressively on double coated breeds. It damages the guard hairs.

    #61348 Report Abuse

    You also have to be very patient and gentle when using the Furminator. I’ve known more than one person that has irritated their dogs skin using those things. I’ve never had a shedding dog so have never had a need.

    #63718 Report Abuse

    Does anyone know if it’s okay to mix shampoos together? My Vet’s Best has arrived, and I was thinking about mixing it with the Earthbath to get the benefits of both.

    Also, do shampoos expire? I’ve had the Earthbath for over a year, and there is no expiration date that I can see. The Vet’s best has no expiration date either but a manufacturing date of 8/19/14.

    #63722 Report Abuse

    Medicated shampoos can expire depending on what they are medicated with, but you shouldn’t have to worry about anything else.

    If the shampoos are supposed to have some therapeutic properties, they may not work if mixed, but regular shampoos shouldn’t be an issue. I wouldn’t mix medicated shampoos. Some have iodine, sulfur or other ingredients in them that you need to be careful what they are mixed with or they could burn the skin.

    #63723 Report Abuse

    Neither of these are medicated, and their only claims are that orange peel oil is good for skin, (Earthbath) and that the Vet’s Best formula is “Hypo-allergenic and soap free.” I think we should be fine, thanks!

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