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Sardine Oil

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  • #33497 Report Abuse

    Does anyone have any thoughts on sardine oil as a supplement (Primal sells sardine oil)? I’ve seen a lot about adding oil to your dogs food but I’ve not seen sardine oil mentioned. Good, bad are other types of oil better? As always, thanks to all that reply. Dori

    #33502 Report Abuse

    Sardine oil is a great way to give your dog omega 3’s. As I understand it, Sardines have less mercury than an oil like Salmon oil….I may be wrong and I’m sure some of the more knowledgeable posters will post here soon.

    #33503 Report Abuse

    Thanks mom2cavs. I saw the sardine oil at my local boutique type pet store but I wasn’t sure whether it was ok or not since I’ve never heard it mentioned in any of the posts so I waited to hear from posters hear before I purchase it. I do read alot on this site about feeding them the same sardines that are packed in water in the small tins so I thought it should be fine but didn’t want to take a chance.

    #33510 Report Abuse

    Oil from small fish is supposed to have less environmental contamination, not just from mercury. I like sardine and anchovy oils. I have definitely jumped on the rotation bandwagon, I rotate my omega 3 sources as regularly as I rotate everything else.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by theBCnut.
    #33513 Report Abuse

    Thanks Patty. I didn’t realize that the oils should be rotated also. Makes sense now that I think about it. I’m just not comfortable with the salmon oil. What omega 3 sources to use use for rotating. How often do you add to food and how often do you rotate the oils? When the bottle is finished or do you keep different ones in the fridge for rotating. Dori

    #33517 Report Abuse

    I finish the bottle first. I use sardine, anchovy, krill, and have recently found algae, and calamari. One of my dogs only gets a meal a week of oily fish, another gets a meal a week of oily fish plus some omega oil 3 days a week, and the third gets a meal a week of oily fish and omega oil every other day(he seems to require more).

    #33519 Report Abuse

    Wow those are some good ones. Does your allergy prone poodle do alright with all of those oils? Just thinking of Katie my maltipoo with the allergies. I’m going to sound ignorant here for a moment, but how do you know when your dog seems to require more omega 3 oil. What should I be looking for. As you probably know I’m fairly new to all this and doing well or should I say my dogs are doing well with the commercial raws. I’d like to be smart about the supplements and oils. Don’t want to mess up too much.

    #33555 Report Abuse

    My Greyhound can’t tolerate Salmon so Salmon Oil is out here. I add sardines (canned in water & no salt) to Harry’s kibble about 2-3 times a week. I also use Icelandic sardine/anchovy oil – he loves it. Start off slowly is my only advice or loose stools can happen. I also alternate in Coconut Oil when I remember.

    #33556 Report Abuse

    Hi FreeholdHound, I purchased sardine oil by Primal at my local pet store and will start off slowly. I also have organic extra virgin coconut oil. Do you alternate days that you put oil in their food with the different oils? So only two or three times a week but only one type of oil?

    #33558 Report Abuse

    I give coconut oil every day, except when I’m feeding something that I already know has higher than usual fat, like pork ribs or mutton.

    #33561 Report Abuse

    It’s okay to give dogs pork ribs? Oh my! I still have so much to learn. Do you add coconut oil even on days you give commercial raw which seems to have a lot of fat already? Or only every day if feeding kibble? I know enzymes are for when feeding kibble but probiotics are every day regardless of what I feed? Is that right? This really does make you (me) dizzy trying to keep it all straight. I started putting down things on index cards but I’ve got to figure out a better way to organize the cards now because it’s taking me forever to find what I’m looking for. It’s exhausting trying to keep it straight.

    #33562 Report Abuse

    It would depend on the commercial raw that I was feeding. I use Darwin’s and their fat levels are not as outrageous as some, so I give coconut oil with it.

    I use enzymes every day, every meal for one of my dogs, only with kibble for one, and not at all for the third. If I’m feeding green tripe I don’t give probiotics at all. Otherwise, I give my dog with issues every day, and the other 2 get them one other time a week.

    I use index cards too, and figuring out how I wanted them organized was the tough part. I now have notes on commercial raw, homemade, supplements, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, kibbles, and probably other categories that I just can’t remember right now.

    I also keep a file on my computer of the different foods that I’ve tried for Micah and their ingredient lists with the ingredients color coded for how he does on them. That’s how I was recently able to tell that it was tomato pomace that set him off when I tried a new food on him that I thought had only OK ingredients in it.

    #33581 Report Abuse

    I wish I was as organized as Patty 🙂 Since Harry gets kibble in the AM I give him the coconut oil and/or sardine oil then, along with a probiotic and a joint health cap. I am also having good luck with Honest Kitchen’s Perfect Form powder in lieu of his usual enzyme at the moment. In the PM he gets a raw grind/ kibble mix that includes tripe.

    #39396 Report Abuse
    cindy q

    I just ordered sardine and anchovy oil, how much should I add for a 6mos old standard poodle.

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