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Renal diet?

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  • #33317 Report Abuse

    My cocker spaniel Brody was recently diagnosed with renal insuffiency and a grade 3/6 heart murmur. His BUN was 93, creatinine 2.6, Phosphorus 6.1 and sodium 150. My vet recommended that I place Brody on Science diet prescription renal diet or Royal Canine Renal. I looked at the ingredients for both of those and was disappointed with the quality of ingredients. I was feed grain free Merrick before all of the this came about. I am thinking of doing home cooked meals for him, but I am not sure what he can and can not have. Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks 🙂

    #33320 Report Abuse

    I helped my sister research other alternatives for renal diets for her dog. The best source of information I found was: http://dogaware.com/health/kidney.html

    Also, if you post on the review side, Shawna has experience with this topic as her dog had kidney problems from a puppy.

    Good luck! 🙂

    #33342 Report Abuse

    Hi Adrien,

    If the ingredients in canned k/d are not within your comfort level than home cooking is an option. (Personally I’d have no concerns with canned k/d, or the dry either for that matter.) For home cooking your vet can approve a recipe from balanceit. com. Balanceit and petdiets. com are services from board certified veterinary nutritionists. I’d avoid recipes found on line/in books as most were found not to be balanced properly. Balanceit makes a dry diet that looks to be geared to kidney patients. Rayne nutrition offers a fresh diet. Your vet would have to decide if either of these are appropriate.

    You also have the option of having a vet nutritionist custom make a diet specific to Brody. There are a number of services that do this. The balance it site provides contact information for this service.

    Best of luck to you and Brody

    #33343 Report Abuse

    You can get phone consultations from PetSynergy.com (Dr Anna Gardner, she even makes house calls when she’s in my area, very nice lady) and you can also email Mary Strauss of Dogaware.com through that website. I’m not sure if Lew Olsen PhD Nutritionist does consults but her site is b-naturals.com and there are several articles there.

    #33755 Report Abuse

    I just came across this site,and great information with the post.Thank you very much! My Pomeranian female was just put on Hill’s k/d for 2 kidney stones. So,I am new to all this and wondered about the k/d.I read a lot of negativity about it,and some good responses. I am not sure which route to take on the food but will remain on the k/d until I decide or get the proper ingredients and quantity for her weight by a professional. I don’t want to just take a online website recipe,better from a professional. My financial situation is not good and with all the vet.bills lately.The professionals probably will charge for a proper recipe also. Need to save again first…lol.

    #36231 Report Abuse

    Hi ! I’m new to this forum but got some advice from Pug Mom Sandy for my soon to be 14 year old Chihuahua Nicki Negrita, thank you. I will check out websites she suggested. And since I live in Califoenia, I may make a trip up to UC Davis School of Veterinary Science which has an excellent reputation and have a vet nutritionist devise a home made diet for Nicki. A good , however traditional vet here gave me three cans of commercial type kidney foods to try, however the ingredients are of poor quality esppecially for a kidney-compromised dog. March 29 she will see a SPCA vet here in San Francisco for some accupuncture to support the kidneys. Money is a consideration but this dog was surrendered to a shelter at age 12 and I will not let her down again.

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