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Raw feeding with possible colitis

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  • #151549 Report Abuse

    Hi everyone,
    I have a 2yo Weimaraner cross Staffordshire bull terrier who I switched over to raw food 3 weeks ago. I was using a guideline found on BARF UK FB group but I’ve been unable to get some advice on the issue I’m facing now so hoping someone on here can help!

    We were on week3 of transitioning from kibble so she was being fed 1/4 chicken and 3/4 beef mince. 600g per day split between two meals. She was on that from last Tuesday until this Monday when she did a bloody poop.

    This has happened before six months ago when she was being fed kibble. Vet prescribed antibiotics I think and bland diet for a week. Since it was only the one poop this time around and she wasn’t off as she had been before I’ve just had her on boiled chicken/cod and rice or sweet potato from Monday night.

    However her poops have not quite firmed up yet and I’m confused as to what do going forward. The guide I was following said in week four she should be fed duck and beef both of which are high fat and low fat seems to be the way to go after some research.

    I’m very new to this and would like to keep her on raw as I’ve noticed many improvements over the past couple weeks including breath/teeth/coat and the fact that she’s eating it and scavenging less which was the main reason for switching her as she would go off kibble constantly.

    Hoping someone with experience of this can help me through.

    #151550 Report Abuse

    Stop the raw immediately. There are no veterinarians or veterinary nutritionists affiliated with this site.
    Hope this helps


    and https://avmajournals.avma.org/doi/pdf/10.2460/javma.243.11.1549

    Please take your dogs to the vet, asap, they may need emergency treatment. based on the symptoms you described,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by anonymous.
    #151553 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    C.S maybe too fast of a transition. Take her to your vet and make sure she’s okay first. Make sure the boiled chicken is white meat only. I’m saying this because dark meat always gives my dog soft poops. Maybe too high in fat. Your doing the right thing by getting off the kibble diet. I have not transitioned mine to what the raw community considered “true” raw diet however, I did go to a high quality freeze dried. I stick to the ones lower in fat and I SLOWLY rotated the proteins/flavors AND also brands. Their stools are great and they are full of energy and last checkup perfect blood work. Some dogs maybe just don’t do well with raw but you can try freeze dried which is the next best thing nutritionally for your dog. Just remember a SLOW transition.
    If you are interested in premade in either raw or freeze dried Susan Thixton has her new list out for 2020 with companies she knows to be not only totally transparent of everything that goes into their food but also farmers who are truly humane to their livestock. There is a ton of information regarding the reasons behind why a manufacturer/food makes her list each year. Dr. Becker also respects her list along with thousands of other pet lovers.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Patricia A.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Patricia A.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Patricia A.
    #151557 Report Abuse

    @ CS
    Susan Thixton is not a veterinarian. She is not a veterinary nutritionist. Therefore, she is not a reliable source of information.
    Dr Becker is a homeopathic vet (quack) Again, not a source of reliable information.


    PLEASE, take your dog to the vet for a checkup ASAP. The dog is very sick because of the non veterinary professionals you have been listening to. I am going by the symptoms you have described.

    I am not a vet

    #151598 Report Abuse

    Hi, she’s been to vet and all is well. She’s going back on plain tripe and we will try to transition again with low fat meats, if not successful we will look into what the next best is. Thanks.

    #151633 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    anonymous you are being very closed minded. Susan Thixton does NOT endorse ANY dog food/companies. She gives ONLY factual information regarding practices of manufactures, where their food sources comes from, if they are humanely sourced and also feed grade or truly human grade and not road kill. Why don’t you view this video of her and see for yourself how she does this and why. MAYBE you’ll appreciate all her hard work that goes into holding companies accountable and transparent regarding what exactly goes into the food we feed our much loved dogs. VETS DO NOT research pet food. She is working to get companies which the food is FEED quality to have to put that on the bag. DOG FEED . Companies which are using human grade manufactured in human grade facilities will put on DOG FOOD!!!! Big difference between the two . Look it up yourself. This is her video if your interested . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpfWkji64IE

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Patricia A.
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