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Raw Dog Food Recipes (multi-mix patties)

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  • #102017 Report Abuse
    Megan D

    Hi All!

    I have fed my cats a commercial raw diet for years, and recently began making it myself. I have also began feeding my dogs raw. It is most convenient and comfortable for me to make a multi mix patty with all the ingredients needed incorporated in. I’m having a hard time finding an assortment of recipes for this sort of food.

    I really want Dr. Karen Beckers book, but it is out of stock.

    Does anyone have any recipe suggestions, or have that book sitting around that i could buy it from them? or lend? or take pictures of the pages? LOL. Thanks!


    #102130 Report Abuse
    Cathy B

    Hi Megan,
    I just mailed off my book to an out of state poster looking for Dr. Becker’s book. So keep looking, you may get lucky. Also, she does have a raw recipe on her website that I’ve made a few times. Try calling the library and asking if they can get ( or if the have) her book that you can borrow. I’ve done that a few times with some pet recipe books.

    #102134 Report Abuse
    Megan D

    Hey Cathy,

    Thanks for the tips! Do you happen to have the link for the recipe on her website? I don’t know if I’m blind or what, but I cannot find it.


    #102137 Report Abuse
    Cathy B

    Hey Megan,
    I’m not good with links (sorry!) but if you get on her FB page and click on videos you”ll find it. Someone else may jump in with the link

    #102138 Report Abuse
    Cathy B

    It’s about the 10th or so video down

    #102139 Report Abuse
    Cathy B
    #102140 Report Abuse
    Megan D

    That link worked, thank you. There is no bone in that recipe? I thought that bones were necessary?

    #102141 Report Abuse
    Cathy B

    I believe if not using bone, you can use egg shell for the calcium. I made mine into patties and lightly sauted in pan since there is no bone in it

    #102142 Report Abuse
    Cathy B

    Egg shell for the bone mean I meant to say

    #102143 Report Abuse
    Megan D

    Ok great. Thank you so much for your help!

    #102144 Report Abuse
    Cathy B

    You’re very welcome! Good luck on getting the book 🙂

    #102219 Report Abuse

    Hi Megan don’t forget if your making your own home made raw for cats they need dietary source of amino acid taurine which is found in meat but when you cook meat it can be destroyed but your raw feeding…Whole Mackerel, shellfish, Turkey legs, beef liver, chicken liver, lamb all high in taurine…
    I feed pre-made raw to my 1yr old cat but cause I got her at 5months old she must of eating dry cheap kibble, she always wants her dry kibble as well as the raw, if she doesn’t have any dry kibble, she comes over & tries to eat the dogs dry kibble, acts like she hasn’t eaten & wasn’t feed so I bought “Ziwi Peak? Lamb & Mackerel air dried & the wet tins but the tins are too expensive, the price for x Ziwi Peak wet tin raw rabbit cost the same as 5 sachets of pre-made kangaroo & chicken pack, I also buy Sunday Pets, freeze dried Green Lipped Mussels, I give her 2 mussels a day as a treat for lunch she loves her mussels…
    I give Indy chicken wings twice a week for breakfast, I cut the chicken wings in 1/2….Chicken bone is the softest bone & excellent for cleaning their teeth….
    You have a very lucky cat..

    #102360 Report Abuse

    Hi Megan D,
    are you following “Rodney Habib” on his face book page? there’s a video of Dr Karen Becker & Rodney Habib are having coffee & talking about how her book is sold out & some nut has her book on Amazon for $750….Karen has said “Don’t Pay That”
    after seeing this, now she is bringing out a NEW 2.0 updated version Book….

    I just looked to get you the link & now her new book is on Amazon for $4,167.80, un believable, Keep following Rodney so you know when her new 2.0 updated version comes out, before they’re all sold out…. I’m going to order new book thru my library, the library seems to have more of a pull when ordering books….This book is going to have diets for diseases… http://www.facebook.com/rodneyhabib

    #102361 Report Abuse
    Megan D


    I was not following him but now I am! Thanks for the tip! Exciting news that there will be another!

    Cheers to good health! 🐶🐈

    #150454 Report Abuse

    Hi Megan,

    So happy you have decided to feed your dogs raw. Below is a link to an online Recipe Maker I love using every week, that will help you create convenient multi mix patties with the ingredients you have available;


    I hope this helps. Wishing you and your pack all the best in good health! 🙂

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