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Raw cat food recommendations ?

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  • #57360 Report Abuse
    Z B

    Hello all
    I’ve been lurking for a while and enjoying the site and all the great info here! I have a finicky 13’yr old female spayed cat who I finally put on good quality canned food about a year ago. After lots of trials I found a couple brands that she liked (hounds & gatos and simply nourish) but she still wasn’t eating all of it so I tried Darwin’s raw and she loved it!

    So she was on Darwin’s raw for 6 months or so until last week. She was acting sick and I had to take her to the ER for what turned out to be severe constipation. One kitty enema under anesthesia and a thousand later she is doing ok and back on simply nourish and hounds & gatos canned, but not eating as well as I would like.
    I tried Pet Fresh this week but she wasnt crazy about it.

    I’m guessing it was high bone content in the Darwin’s raw that caused the constipation??Does Anyone have a recommendation for another commercial raw food that has a lower bone content?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Z B.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Z B.
    #57367 Report Abuse

    Do you alternate canned and raw or just mainly feed raw now? Alternating raw and the canned foods may help prevent the constipation. As far as bone content in raw foods, check out the ash content in various recipes and try to chose ones with lower ash. You might have to contact the food companies to get the ash content. You can also use boneless raw intermittently.

    #57368 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Did the Vet mention anything about adding more fiber to your kitty’s diet?

    I rotate (constantly due to finicky kitties) commercial raw, canned, and some dry. Not sure of bone content, but I feed NV Instinct frozen, Stella and Chewy’s freeze dried, and Primal freeze dried with no issues. None of my cats will eat the same food two days in a row.

    #57371 Report Abuse
    Z B

    Pugmom-,I was feeding only raw for past 6 months because I find that when i try to rotate her foods she gets even more finicky and so much food gets wasted.
    I’ll research the ash contents of the commercial raws, thanks for the suggestion.

    Bobbydog- the vet didn’t have any recommendations about adding fiber, she only said to continue on a low dose of laxative a few times a week for now and then see how it goes decreasing it from there.

    Thanks for the responses !

    #57374 Report Abuse

    Primal Frozen Formulas in venison and beef/salmon are lower in bone content. Venison is 7% and beef/salmon is 6%. The other flavors are around 10%. ZiwiPeak has around 3% bone and ash around 7 but it is air-dried food. Not sure how well it rehydrates. Unfortunately, not a lot of companies post the bone content of their formulas.

    #57376 Report Abuse
    Kristin C

    Hi Bri – I have dogs so I’m not sure this applies, but have you tried pumpkin for the constipation? It’s supposed to work for diarrhea too. I’ve been using Darwin’s but terminated because of price, increased fat in their newest formula, and the meat turns brown

    #57378 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Yes, pumpkin works for cats too. I used it successfully for both constipation and diarrhea in one of my cats. Unfortunately, my other cats don’t care for the taste.

    #57432 Report Abuse

    Hi Guys-
    When you feed the frozen raw to your kitties, do you warm it up a bit or bring it to room temperature? I’ve been curious about raw. Thanks!

    #57452 Report Abuse

    My cats prefer it at room temp. When I get raw for my cats, I divide it up into single serving portions. I have saved little yogurt cups with lids that are exactly the right size. I take one out of the freezer and float it in hot water and go do morning chores. When I’m done with chores, the food is usually close enough to the right temp. Sometimes I have to add more warm water and let it float a bit longer, and sometimes I just add a little warm water to the food and mix it in. There is a certain amount of extra water that is OK, and a certain amount that is just too much. I don’t quite know where that line is yet.

    #57458 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey c4c:
    I feed mine room temp. I put it out to thaw after I feed them in the morning for their dinner. Only three of my kitties eat the freeze dried or frozen commercial raw; they seem pretty enthusiastic eating it when I feed it to them. They lose their enthusiasm if I feed it for more than two straight feedings so it’s part of their rotation with canned foods.

    #57481 Report Abuse
    Z B

    Pugmom – I found one place not too far away where I can buy primal. Thx for the tip.

    Bobbydog & Kristen – haven’t tried pumpkin but I will. But I have doubts my cat will go for that !

    Crazy4cats- my cat doesn’t seem to have a preference. She’ll eat raw and canned food cold or room temp.

    #57486 Report Abuse

    Thanks for the help!

    I hope you find something that works for your kitty. I know what it is like to have a kitty emergency. Very stressful! Good luck!

    #57796 Report Abuse
    Z B

    Thanks, crazy4cats!

    Bobby dog – do you notice much poop odor feeding primal, NV, and S&C? I ask because I really liked how my cat’s were odor free on Darwin’s. Feeding canned again, i noticed the smell right away.

    #57804 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I have five indoor/outdoor cats that share several litter boxes. It would be hard to tell unless I confine the three that do eat the raw; they only have it about once a week. I can add that I really haven’t noticed too much of an odor for any of them at any time.

    Glad your kitty is eating canned, hope he continues to heal. 🙂

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