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Potential changes to AKC showing RE: vaccines

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  • #11777 Report Abuse

    To those of us that show, have shown, or plan on showing:

    As more us lean toward holistic treatments for our dogs with regards to the vaccines, the AVMA is going to bring its overblown ideas to the AKC. This spring they are to sit down with the AKC and update the clubs rules with regards to vaccines and other preventative uses. The AVMA is proposing that the AKC mandates that exhibitors dogs need to have all vaccines as required by the area the show is in. They MUST be on heartworm and flea and tick preventatives. Dogs that show out of state must be certified by a vet in their home state that they meet the protocols of that show.

    This will impact those of us who show and don’t do all the yearly vaccines. I for one, will no longer support the AKC and look to other venues to compete in, if this comes into effect.

    #11780 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I don’t see why the AVMA needs to keep sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong – it’s not their business how someone wants to raise their dogs. Whether someone wants to feed kibble and vaccinate every year or feed raw and never vaccinate – it’s the owner’s choice. I sure feel bad for all you guys that show your dogs..

    #11785 Report Abuse

    This is awful. And I am seeking an exemption for Dante, as he is dealing with vaccinosis. So, if they pass this, Dante would be in eligible. 🙁

    #11788 Report Abuse

    I have to think about this more. I have not heard about this. Can you direct me to some online info showing what is being addressed etc? On one hand, it does have its merits-who wants their $5000 show bitch to be kenneled next to Uncle Skeeter’s parvo exposed dog with no vaccines? On the other hand, I don’t want to be told things have to be done yearly…

    #11794 Report Abuse

    Hi Melissa,

    Here is the link. This is the proposed topics for a meeting with the AKC and what they plan to accomplish: https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Pages/American-Kennel-Club.aspx

    While I agree with what you are saying about Uncle Skeeters dog…

    My 5000.00 show dog may no longer be eligible as he will be exempt from vaccines. He is battling vaccinosis right now, after a Lepto and Lyme vaccines were administered without my consent, while he was in the back being titered. So does that mean no more Rally and obedience for my dogs? How is that fair? Considering there is a lot of research about all of the over vaccinating of our pets?

    #11795 Report Abuse


    Just took a quick look and I am not getting the same thing you got : )

    1) it says the guidelines would be vaccinated as appropriate for the shows area-this makes sense. If parvo is a huge factor in a show area, it only makes sense that all dogs coming to the show be current or titered The question would come into play as to what each individual show is requiring(which some shows already do!) I am betting that exemptions would not be an issue since the vaccine status is verified by your own veterinarian : )

    2) Dogs would have to have certificate for interstate travel(this is a basic health exam and form that gets filled out) Believe it or not, many states already have these laws in place, owners just ignore them or never look into them. Rescues/transporters for rescues keep a travel log and any dog travelling through an affected state are certain to travel with required paperwork

    3)No where does it say flea/heartworm preventative is required. It says the dog must be internal and externally parasite free. For me, that is a no brainer. This can be accomplished with a fecal and visual check at the health exam for transport.

    #11804 Report Abuse

    Hi Melissa,

    I am concerned that they don’t mention titering or exemptions. I know when I register for shows vaccines or health records NEVER come up.

    I did misread the heartworm/parasites stance.

    But how can a private organization feel that they can tell a club what they should allow? Who drives the AVMA?

    First they frown upon raw foods, now they are going after homeopathic practices, where do they stop? I doubt that their motives are 100% pure. Their vets would gain an influx of business by having vets do all of these tests, and most are probably not necessary.

    I have been skeptical of this organization for sometime, and even more so recently.

    #11807 Report Abuse

    I took a look too. It seems AVMA is inviting AKC into a discussion revolving around animal health. I looked at the AKC rules and reg for showing and their section on health seems very limited in scope and outdated. Maybe I just was looking in the wrong location??

    The take away I had was the AVMA wants to encourage the clubs hosting the shows to establish health recommendations for the exhibitors based on local disease incidence. They are recommending that all exhibitors dogs be free of parasites but I too didn’t see this as AVMA saying all dogs had to be on heartworm and flea and tick prevention just that they not be carrying. : )

    I also took a skim through the AVMA’s Prinicples of Vaccination and it seems if anything AVMA is saying use vaccine judiciously based on risk assessment.

    #11808 Report Abuse

    Hi Aimee,

    Like I said, I have never had to show my dogs medical records to show BUT I have to to enter training classes. The AKC rules are out of date in that respect.

    My concern is that they maybe won’t accept exemptions, and I would be able to participate with Dante.

    The “judicious” use of vaccines can be pretty vague. I have dealt with three vets in my area and not one even agrees with a vaccine protocol. How often would they want these tests performed? Kinda sounds like revenue raising to me…admittedly I am jaded by this organization.

    I don’t like the AVMA using their influence to the levels that they are: raw feeding, homeopathic medications, currently being debated, and then telling a private organization what they “should” require.

    #11810 Report Abuse

    I’m not sure who the “they” is. I’m interpreting the rec. as being that it will be up to the hosting club, in which case there likely will be variations. Where I do see a problem is how to do confirm that a dog doesn’t have internal parasites ? A test is only a snapshot in time.

    I’m wondering if the increasing public presence of the AVMA has anything to do with the “One Health” initiative???

    #11812 Report Abuse

    Hi Aimee,

    “They” is the AKC.

    That’s what I mean, how often does the animal get tested? And as you said, they are reflective of the day of the test. It smells fishy to me, because of that.

    Maybe it does, I feel that the AVMA is doing the anti raw at the request of the companies that many of them prescribe.

    The homeopathic battle can be linked to traditional vets taking a hit as owners are waking up to issues stemming from over vaccinating. Alternative therapies to help our pets, saying no to flea and heartworm prevention, which causes more harm to the dog then a flea bite will.

    I think they are doing this not for “health” as they claim, but to keep their group in money. Ultimately, who benefits from this? The vets. And what concerns me it it the close minded ones that benefit the most. My traditional vet doesn’t want to hear about the benefits of raw, never mind that my four year olds teeth look like a two year old, pearly white. No body odor, smaller stool volumes, etc. am I to lie and say kibble all the time to avoid the lecture?

    #11875 Report Abuse

    Oh Ok… i thought you meant the “they” was the AVMA.

    I’m not a big conspiracy theorist. I don’t think the AVMA anti raw had anything to do with commercial kibble providers. If it did why do they specifically recommend cooked foods or leave a loop hole for raw diets rendered pathogen free by processing?

    I saw that the Connecticut VMA is bringing the homeopathy issue to the table, so it really isn’t the AVMA that initiated it. It seems to me a process, like bringing a bill before congress. The CVMA wants the issue evaluated.

    I do see that AVMA passed a policy to encourage to allow exemption from Rabies vaccination. Not all states allow this and AVMA is saying they should. So to me that is advocating for the animals health. shrug

    And yes vets give raw feeders “the lecture” to CYA against liability. but once given and documented in the record hopefully the focus should be on making sure the person is feeding a balanced diet. JMO

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