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Pork – red or white meat?

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  • #20030 Report Abuse

    IS pork considered red meat or white meat when feeding it to dogs? I can’t find a straight answer online anywhere. One website says white and the next says red.

    #20088 Report Abuse

    I’ve seen the same thing. I know it is supposed to be based on the type of fats that are in it. Even Steve Brown, who is all about balancing fat, has a lot on ruminants and poultry, but I couldn’t find pork anywhere. HDM will know the answer and why too.

    #20096 Report Abuse

    I always thought it was white. I don’t feed it to my dogs though because its a complicated meat LOL.

    #20097 Report Abuse

    I know whatever pork grower advertizes on TV every once in a while calls it the other white meat, but some raw feeding sites have said it is red meat. So I don’t know. I’ve also heard rabbit is an excellent red meat and an excellent white meat. Go figure.

    #20108 Report Abuse

    LOL well now that you bring up Rabbit, The Rabbit I get from Hare Today looked like chicken. It was the same color as chicken but it was tougher. Well I ordered the Vital Essentials from a local Company and when I got there to pick it up the patties were bright red and I thought to myself that it did not look right but I took it home and tried it with my dogs the next day after I thawed a patty over night and it was a Big no go with my dogs….none of them wanted to touch it. I took it back and told them what had happened and they said it was more red because the company adds in extra blood for more nutrients and I thought to myself well looks like some color was added too. I wasn’t impressed with it but the place where I took it back said it was one of the best Raw patties on the market.

    Well I went to a different store but same chain store and the guy working there told me that Natures Variety Instinct was the best on the market but it has veggies added so its for sure a no go in this house. A lot of different advice out there.

    #20144 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi number1sticky –

    I feed pork as a red meat (I only consider poultry to be white meat), although it is a bit difficult to classify and there are differing opinions on what its classification should be. Red meats are lower in omega 6 fatty acids and high in saturated fat. Poultry is lower in saturated fat and high in omega 6’s. Using beef and chicken for comparative purposes – pork is, typically, higher in omega 6’s than beef, but lower than chicken. Pork, typically, has around the same amount of saturated fat as beef and more than chicken.

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