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Petco: Stop selling ineffective homeopathic products for pets

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  • #92315 Report Abuse


    excerpt below:

    The scientific evidence is definitive that homeopathic remedies don’t work. They provide only placebo effects for people, and they have no health benefits when given to our pets.
    The U.S. Federal Trade Commission recently ruled that over-the-counter homeopathic products for humans cannot be sold unless marketers, “effectively communicates to consumers that (1) there is no scientific evidence that the product works and (2) the product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.” Pet owners deserve the same honest information about homeopathic products for pets!
    Petco currently sells the  Homeopet line of homeopathic products, online through Petco.com and the Petco subsidiary Fosters and Smith, and in the company’s retail stores. If pet owners mistakenly believe such products have real health benefits, they may delay seeking veterinary care, and this can harm the health of the pets they are trying to help. 
    Please sign this petition and encourage Petco to stop selling these worthless products with misleading marketing suggesting they can help sick animals.

    #92340 Report Abuse

    Petco currently sells these remedies in stores and online, through Petco.com and its subsidiary Foster and Smith. These products clearly intend to falsely imply they can treat medical conditions in pets. With names like “Digestive Upsets,” “Anxiety Relief,” “Skin and Itch,” “Worm Clear,” “UTI+,” and so on, these products suggest they can treat real medical conditions when the evidence is clear and robust that they cannot. This misleads and deceives consumers and endangers pets whose owners waste time and resources on these products instead of seeking real medical treatment.
    So how can you help? Well first, SIGN THE PETITION!

    the above is an excerpt from:http://skeptvet.com/Blog/

    #92345 Report Abuse

    Interesting. How long have you studied and used homeopathy, anon101?

    #92347 Report Abuse

    Only someone whom actually used homeopathy, in appropriate ways, would/could actually understand how profoundly beneficial and safe they can be.

    “delay seeking veterinary care” is a joke as there are numerous vets that recommend homeopathic treatments — like my own vet that recommended a $6.00 homeopathic for my dog’s colitis. Somebody forgot to tell Gizmo that it wasn’t supposed to work though — lucky for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #92365 Report Abuse

    Patch does not do well on medication for his IBD, worming & flea meds, Patches vet also suffers with IBD & she always recommends Natural herbs like *Slippery Elm Bark for his nausea/stomach, 1 teaspoon slippery elm powder add boiling water & make a paste, I just put 1 teaspoon on a plate & he licks it then 5-10mins later does a big burp….
    *Bilberry herb for IBD/Colitis also used for eye problems, reduces blood clotting….
    *Insect & flea repellent, add 5 drops of Tea tree oil, Eucalyptus Oil & Lavender Oil mix 1 cup of hot water put in a spray bottle, spray legs & back, stops mozzies & fleas, you can even soak their collar in mix for outdoor dogs…
    There’s heaps of natural remedies that work great for dogs…..

    #92366 Report Abuse

    Skepvet conveniently forgot to mention that petco also sells medicated and “special” shampoos for dogs with allergies, as well as “allergy” diets, not to mention the ear drops and ear wipes meant to avoid a vet visit even though your dog has a raging double ear infection. Don’t forget the myriad of chews, water additives, and toothpastes to avoid a dental at the vets from years of eating their selections of poor quality food…Petco also sells Hartz and Sergeants flea “prevention”, which is responsible for killing many, many pets. If you’ve been lucky enough to never have seen the reactions and the slow, neurological deaths these crap drugs cause, your life is slightly better than mine.
    If the blog insists that homeopathy is the sole cause of people delaying vet visits, and why on earth would any thinking person sign a petition to stop it when all of the above are still easily accessable in the store aisles? And what about those of us who have actually studied homeopathy and used it in the past and healed what their vet and doctors could NOT heal? I’ll have to tell my cured animals that they’re victims of placebo. I bet they were “faking it” anyways.

    #92367 Report Abuse

    Shawna, after thousands of dollars of drugs, X-rays, medications, bloodwork panels, “special” foods and exploratory surgery, the vets came up empty handed with what was causing my dogs GI problems. A 7 dollar tube of pellets from Boiron (2 doses, 12 hours apart) stopped the problem. I have no idea HOW homeopathy works, but it works and works well, and to me this “petition” is just another way for Big Pharma to shut down anything that threatens their legal drug pushing. My dogs are doing very well without drugs for every little problem, as am I.

    #92571 Report Abuse

    Hi Anon101,

    There is a lot of money to be made in Woo, so I doubt that stores will stop selling homeopathic “remedies”

    People encase themselves in a system of belief and reject information that conflicts with that belief. My husband uses the term “bubble of belief” to describe this phenomenon, the person is insulated from evidence.

    Correlation doesn’t equal causation. I think though that to make such links is strongly rooted in the primitive portion of our brain which is why people have such difficulty setting aside correlation and evaluating objectively. If the correlation was a personal experience the “bubble” is thick.

    The movement to evidence based medicine is in response to the recognition that what we think works often doesn’t.

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