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  • #65417 Report Abuse
    Nikki J

    Hello everyone, I have just joined this very interesting website forum. My name is Nikki and I currently have one dog, a low content wolf cross. I have owned wolf crosses for the past 15 or 16 years, and for most of that time have fed a raw diet, preferring BARF to prey model.

    I believe passionately that ALL dogs should be fed raw, but in particular the northern breeds and mixes. None of my boys have ever been able to tolerate kibble, especially my first dog, Hal, who was a higher content wolf cross.

    I am looking forward to joining in on discussions and generally getting to know everyone. It looks to be a very friendly site.

    #65436 Report Abuse

    Hi Nikki, welcome to DFA! 😀

    #65611 Report Abuse


    #65617 Report Abuse

    Hi Nikki! I have never heard of a wolf cross?

    #65618 Report Abuse

    Welcome to DFA Nikki!

    @HHM A wolf cross is a part dog part wolf hybrid. Personally, I don’t recommend attempting this at home. 🙂

    #67876 Report Abuse
    joyce h

    Hi Everyone, I’m Joyce and I am also new to the forum…ready to learn and exchange ideas. I’m a positive dog trainer that used to feed her dogs raw years ago and stopped for some unremembered reason. I’m BACK!! A lot had changed in the arena.
    At another trainers recommendation I’m trying a raw food called “Tucker’s’ (www.tuckersraw.com). I looked it up on DFA and it’s not listed…so, don’t really know what that means…has anyone heard of it? It’s complete and balanced.

    I also bought a 3/4 horse power grinder (that can easily grind any and all chicken bones) in hopes of making some raw ‘patties’ to freeze of my own. Bought Dr Karen Becker’s book on Raw Food , but hadn’t yet actually tired any specific recipe yet. I’ve been watching her on YouTube speaking on raw food and it’s advantages.
    I noted that she was against mixing raw and kibble together as it moves thru the short digestive track at different rates which is not good for proper absorption…just an informational thought 🙂
    So…is anyone grinding their own raw dog food and freezing it? I understand that if you do this you will need to add supplements for sure for it to be complete and balanced.
    Looks like a great forum…thanks for any comments or help you can give…Joyce

    #67887 Report Abuse

    Hi Joyce,
    Welcome! Up above in the red line, click “reviews”. Scroll down to the “T’s”, you will find the review for Tucker’s.

    #67888 Report Abuse

    Hi Joyce-
    As Marie mentioned, Tucker’s is reviewed on this site. It gets 4.5 stars. There are a handful of people on this site that feed exclusively raw either home made or commercial. The queen of raw, Hound Dog Mom, does not frequent the site as much anymore due to going to school to become a vet. Woo Hoo! I am actually considering getting a grinder which surprises the heck out of me. But I’d like to grind at least some various poultry necks and such as my dogs are such gulpers, they scare me when I feed them.
    I do feed some frozen raw nuggets (NW Naturals or Nature’s Variety) mixed in kibble to my dogs occasionally with no upset. Also freeze dried raw as well. That seems to be a controversial subject. But there are many of us that do it with no issue. I also feed my pups lightly cooked ground turkey with the See Spot Live Longer Dinner Mix once a week. Pre-mixes with raw could be another option for you. There is some info on those on http://www.dogaware.com if you have not already checked out the site.
    Welcome aboard and good luck to you.

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