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New puppy coming!

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  • #79150 Report Abuse

    For those of you not on my fb or did

    Next month, we will be welcoming a puppy into our family! It is a longhaired whippet who was born on September 4th. I don’t know if it’s going to be a boy or girl; either will work so it’s all about temperment. The breeder will, hopefully, have a few for us to choose from. There is an assortment of different brindle colors, a sable & a fawn.
    It’s been almost ten years since we’ve had a young puppy so it’s a little scary LOL but LHW are generally very easy puppies, so….!

    #79151 Report Abuse

    Congratulations! What made you choose that breed? Have you had one before?
    If I am ever able to offer another dog a home, it would be a corgi, a mature one.
    I will always miss the one I had.

    #79152 Report Abuse

    Thanks! We first saw them at a MA Pet Expo….then at NH Expo & we were enamored with them. We’ve been talking about them & talking with breeders/owners for 4 years and they sound perfect for us. LHW are not an AKC registered breed and there are not many non-pups that need a home.

    We went to a “whippie party” on Friday night then a LHW show on Saturday & I think that just made the wait worse LOL.

    #79153 Report Abuse

    I understand (about getting a puppy). I just don’t think I’d be up for it, but, you never know 🙂

    #79154 Report Abuse

    I never thought I’d be up for another puppy; Boone was SO hard but if I want a LHW, I have no choice. I’ve seen two older ones available, same home, in the last four years.

    #79155 Report Abuse

    Congrats! I would so love another puppy right now and I know Bentley would love a friend, but we have to wait til we get a house 🙁 I myself have been looking at breeders for Cane Corsos, so by the time we can get one I’ll be prepared and have the breeder chosen already. Corso’s are not for everyone, so I’d much rather get a puppy and train it myself having experience with powerful breeds, than go through a mastiff rescue. People don’t give away Corso’s for no reason…usually its temperment problems.

    Make sure and post some pictures when he/she comes home!!!

    #79156 Report Abuse

    A breeder of Cane Corso’s is in a group I am on. If you are on FB, look up PrideNJoyz Cane Corso. Website is pridenjoyzcanecorso dot com. She is a raw feeder if I remember correctly.

    #79160 Report Abuse

    Hee Hee Hee! A puppy? You go girl!!! I didn’t know they came in long hair. Very nice looking. My fingers, toes, and eyeballs are crossed for you.

    I’m sure it will be a great experience. Best wishes! 🙂

    #79161 Report Abuse

    I told you this already, but I’m so excited for you! I love Whippets, and I love dogs with some hair, so it’s gonna be great. And you’ll rock the puppy! I agree they are a bit daunting, but so much fun 🙂

    #79181 Report Abuse

    Marie- Thanks I’ll look them up. I’ve looked into a few, but I could always use more to pick from

    #79205 Report Abuse

    Hii everyone.. Just got a 2month old smooth fox terrier.. He is just so adorable.. Trying to toilet train him but it aint easy. .Havent been sleeping since . Hardly for 2hours. But the joy he brings to me is way more than anything else in the world. I am so lucky to have him . He has injured his hind leg bone somehow.. but nothing to worry. The vet said it should heal with complete rest and salt water compressions. Fingers crossed. Wynn just cant stop running hes like this turbo machine ..picks up everything and anything !! Exhausted. (lol)
    Anyways needed some good tips on his diet.

    #79210 Report Abuse

    Thanks everyone!

    #79211 Report Abuse

    Congratulations and good luck with the new puppy! Be sure to post some pics of the little one when you get it home. Does this mean you’ll be changing your profile picture? 🙂

    #79212 Report Abuse

    C4D: I haven’t wanted to remove this picture because I miss my Gemma but yes, a new one wil take it’s place.

    #79214 Report Abuse

    I can totally relate. :'( I clicked on your photo and saw your dog’s names and breed. They are so cute!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by C4D.
    #79218 Report Abuse

    Thanks. They’re good pups. Gemmy died in January & I can’t bear removing the picture.

    #79219 Report Abuse

    So sorry about Gemma :(. She’s a beautiful dog. I know what you mean about removing the picture. My kitty that died last Christmas is still the background of my phone

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Pitlove.
    #79221 Report Abuse

    thanks. Sorry about your kitty.

    #79223 Report Abuse

    Awe, so sorry Pitlove. I kept my old boy as my laptop BG pic for a couple of years after he died. He was on my old phone too!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by C4D.
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