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  • #35602 Report Abuse

    Hi, Guys! Just wanted to let you all know I’m adding another Cavalier to our household! He’s a Blenheim, 6 years old, a champion who’s now retired. He’s from the same breeding partners that rehomed Stella, Hazel and Laverne with me. His name is Rupert, I’m gonna add William as his middle name lol. We are so excited! I update with more info. later when we pick him up. We have to determine when and where I’ll meet up with them to get him.

    #35606 Report Abuse

    Congratulations!! 🙂

    #35608 Report Abuse

    Thanks, Sandy!

    #35613 Report Abuse

    How exciting!!! Congratulations!

    #35616 Report Abuse

    I’m so excited for you and the lucky new addition to your family. Keep us posted.

    #35618 Report Abuse

    Oh Jan, that’s so great! I’m really excited for you!

    I don’t dare look, because it would be too tempting to add another Cavalier to my home. They’re just so sweet!

    #35619 Report Abuse

    Thanks, all! We’re very excited and a little nervous, too, lol!

    #35622 Report Abuse

    Betsy, when we get Rupert he’ll be my 4th Cav I’ve had come to live with me from these breeders. I’m so glad they think of me when they want to rehome one of their dogs.

    #35627 Report Abuse

    Congrats! Its always so exciting to add a new family member.

    #35676 Report Abuse

    Jan, Congratulations!!! How exciting! I so wish I could afford to have another dog! I’d love to rescue another one. Love the name Rupert too!! 🙂

    #35687 Report Abuse

    Congrats, Jan!

    #35688 Report Abuse

    Thanks, all! I’m really excited. I’m going shopping today for a name tag. I have everything else he’ll need lol…..bowl, crate, harness, collar, leash, toys, etc. I even have boy style things from when I had Desi. I think the Des would be happy to let Rupert use his old harness, winter coat, etc. I’m probably going to have to get him neutered, too, but I trust my vets so will make an appt. soon for all that. We’re gonna pick him up next Wed.!

    #35757 Report Abuse

    That’s great, Jan! 😀 I really wish we had the funds to add a small dog. I’ve never owned one under 40lb (or one over 90lb, hahaha!). I hope Sir Rupert adjusts quickly and everybody else gets along with him! So happy to you!

    #36028 Report Abuse

    Well, tomorrow we go to pick up Rupert! I’m so excited, and nervous, I can’t sleep lol. I’ve been asking the breeder all about him. Even though I’ve adopted 3 other Cavs in this same manner, I just feel more nervous about this one for some reason. I think because he’s a Blenheim. I know it’s because Stella was a Blenheim and I’ll think of her even more. But, thank goodness he’s a boy….so I won’t be calling him Stella by accident!

    #36030 Report Abuse

    Oh, you will probably still call him the wrong name. I get my pet and human kids names mixed up all the time whether their human, males, females or what, it doesn’t matter! LOL! I can actually feel your giddiness. That is awesome. Good luck!

    #36471 Report Abuse

    Jan, I was wondering how Rupert is settling in…..and when you’re gonna post pics?! 🙂

    #40837 Report Abuse

    Sorry, it has taken so long to post an update on Rupert. Bear with me, as this may be kinda long. When I took Ru (as I like to call him, lol) to the vet for his pre surgery blood work for his dental and neuter (and to get a rabies vacc.) the blood work came back that everything seemed fine except his white count, which indicated some kind of infection. Also, as a side note….my breeder friend had taken him to a health clinic to have his eyes and heart checked out, by a cardiologist. They told her that his eyes were good but he did have a grade 1/2 murmur (out of 6). He was heart clear a year ago, at least that is what she was told. So….when both my vets examined him (separately) they said his murmur was not a 1/2 but definitely more in the 5 range! They thought maybe the infection was from his teeth and perhaps had settled into his heart! They put him on an antibiotic. 🙁 My vet didn’t feel comfortable putting him under anesthesia until he saw a cardiologist. So we made an appt. to see a very good one locally. Now….in the meantime, pretty much overnight because Ru had been professionally groomed and I had brushed him, too, and no one noticed anything amiss….he had an abscessed anal gland! I took him back to the vet and she tried to get it to express. She had some trouble and told me we were gonna switch his antibiotic to a different one and that now she thinks this was the reason for the infection. I took him home and began hot compresses and such. A few days later it did burst!! Yuck!! I called the vet and she told me to monitor it and told me what to do and what to look out for. It seemed to be doing fine. About a week later on a Friday (with his cardiologist appt. on the following Mon.) I took him back to my vet just to be checked over. The gland is healing okay, so far. He had his cardiology appt. and it was determined that he does have a grade 5/6 murmur. He also has MVD (Mitral Valve Disease) which is the number one killer of Cavaliers. 🙁 He has been put on enalapril (twice a day) for his blood pressure. One good thing is that so far he is asymptomatic. This coming Tues. he will see my vet again to check to see if the enalapril is doing its job. If so, he can be scheduled for his dental and neuter (and possibly anal gland removal?). Of course, the vet will use a certain anesthesia for such cases and I will be a nervous wreck!!! My breeder friend did say she would take him back, but we will not be doing that as we love him very much already. He is now a part of our family.

    Well….that is Ru’s saga so far. I will give you updates when I have them. Currently, he is a joy and acts like any normal Cavalier! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Mom2Cavs.
    #40841 Report Abuse

    Poor Ru!! It’s a good thing that Cavs are such jolly little guys. I think their attitude helps them live longer healthier lives.

    #40845 Report Abuse

    For sure, theBCnut! Btw, I’ve also transitioned the dogs over to Wellness Small Breed Senior kibble to go along with the Wellness cans I always use. It has controlled sodium levels which won’t hurt. Even Laverne seems to be doing well with it.

    #40846 Report Abuse

    Oh Jan! I’m so sorry that poor Ru is having health issues. I know he’s in good hands and getting tons of love there with you.

    #40853 Report Abuse

    Aww Jan, so sorry about Ru.

    #40867 Report Abuse

    Thanks, Betsy! We do certainly love him! If you didn’t know about his health issues, you wouldn’t know by looking at him and by the way he behaves lol. He is a very handsome boy and a very good boy, too. So loving and funny. We feel blessed to have him in our lives and will treasure how ever long that might be. 🙂

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