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Natures Variety VS Natures Logic

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  • #12849 Report Abuse

    So on my search for Natures Variety I went to a few mom and pop dog food stores and 2 of them told me they did not carry Natures Variety anymore because they sold out to a bigger company (but they carried Natures Logic) and they were changing some things. The man who broke off from Natures Variety created another brand called Natures Logic. Looking it up on this site it gets great star rating and seems to have excellent ingredients in it.

    I was just wondering if any of you heard anything about Natures Variety being sold off to a larger company therefor probably reducing the quality in the food. Or if you had heard anything about the man who broke off from Natures Variety creating Nature’s Logic.

    Sorry I don’t really have anymore info on it besides what they told me.

    Edit: Hound Dog Mom if you read this, how do you go about asking a company the actual % of calcium in their food? Do you just say I am wanting to know the actual calcium content on (place name and flavor here)? And do you also need to ask how many grams of calcium per 1,000kcal. or less? And do you remember if you asked Natures Logic?

    #12853 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi DieselJunki –

    Nature’s Logic is a great product and I have a lot of trust in the company. My cats eat Nature’s Logic kibble and when my oldest dog used to eat kibble I used the Nature’s Logic canned food as a topper quite frequently. I’m also a big fan of their whole food supplement and occasionally use it in my rotation (although I’ve mostly gone to formulating my own supplements lately..).

    Unfortunately, all of the Nature’s Logic foods are MUCH too high in calcium for a large breed puppy (I’d wait until your pup is at least 6 months old and through his rapid growth phase before trying this food). Generally, in order to get the actual calcium level you have to call or email the company because most companies only list the minimum calcium percentage on their packaging and website and often the actual calcium percentage is much higher than the stated minimum. Nature’s Logic, however, is one of the few companies that discloses actual nutrient levels on their website – the reason I know they’re actual is because at the top of the analysis for each food it say “Actual Analysis Units Dry Matter Basis” and there’s no “min” before the calcium percentage. All of their dry foods are 2.123% calcium and well over 5.5 g. ca. per 1,000 kcal.

    When I compiled my calcium list I called or emailed every company with a grain-free food rated 4 or 5 stars on DFA. Some companies never responded to my emails, didn’t pick up the phone or wouldn’t disclose the actual calcium level so it’s possible that some 4 or 5 star grain-free foods are appropriate and not on the list, however I think I’ve covered the majority. If you do call a company to get the calcium levels be sure to ask for the actual level and make it clear this is what you’re looking for (otherwise they may give you the minimum). If they don’t have an actual level from a lab analysis ask for the maximum and calculate values based off this.

    #12856 Report Abuse

    This is an interesting post….I knew that Nature’s Variety was sold to a larger co. but I didn’t know that the person who developed Nature’s Logic was a former employee of Nature’s Variety. Is this true? Just curious. I know that Nature’s Logic has been around a few years.

    #12858 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Yeah, it’s true. I believe the creator of Answer’s raw left NV as well.

    #12863 Report Abuse

    Thanks for the information!

    Yeah that’s what they said. I tried looking it up online thinking maybe there would be an article out there but there isn’t.

    #12865 Report Abuse

    Thanks for the info. HDM! Interesting..I’ve been toying with the idea of feeding Nature’s Logic to my crew. The dogs are eating Merrick grain free for their kibble atm. They love it and all are doing very, very well with it. No allergy issues like tearing, anal glands, etc. I’ve also been using Merrick cans (concerned about the carageenan, of course), S. Nourish cans, and recently some Instinct cans as toppers. As I mentioned before on the recent comments section, I’ve also fed some freeze dried raw. The dogs get Fresh Digest half/dosed daily (prebiotics and plant enzymes). Lucy gets Standard Process Renal Support, too. I’m currently not using any extra omegas. My cat is eating Instinct Raw Boost kibble (which she loves) and Merrick, S. Nourish, Fromm, Soulistic, and recently some Tiki Cat cans. I tried Instinct cans with her but she absolutely will not eat them! I find this strange….maybe it’s the smell, texture, or even flavor? She is kinda picky. I know that Nature’s Logic is technically not grain free but I like the fact they don’t use synthetic vits. I might start wih the canned as toppers for the dogs since I do so like the Merrick kibble for them. My cat also has some issues I deal with. She has a pharyngeal polyp (husband won’t okay $ for surgery…but that’s another story) and she does do some obsessive over grooming (back only). I leaning toward allergies (re the overgrooming) but she is very finicky and won’t even try the limited ingredient diets I’ve tried (Natural Balance, various flavors). I believe her sense of smell is not the greatest with the polyp and the LIDs are usually bland. I’m thinking of trying Instinct’s LIDs with her, though. Except for the overgrooming on her back her coat is like silk! I know that overgrooming can be an OCD thing in cats, too, and she does seem to have that personality (she’s a Tortie). Anyway, I think I’m gonna get some Nature’s Logic for her, too, and see if she likes it and does better without the regular vits. She also gets some freeze dried raw. Sorry for going on and on….haha, just wanted to vent. Thanks! 🙂

    #12883 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Well, Nature’s Logic contains millet which is technically a “pseudo-grain.” As far as grains go – millet doesn’t concern me too much. I have an awful time finding foods for my cats – well one of my cats. My males can and will eat anything, but my female is very picky and has had an extremely sensitive stomach since she was a kitten (as a kitten she was very sick so I almost wonder if this had something to do with it?). Anyways, the vet can’t find anything medically wrong with her and of course the vet’s only suggestion is prescription food. The hardest part about her food sensitivities is that there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to which foods work and which don’t. I’ve tried many foods and can’t seem to find any correlation between grain-inclusive vs. grain-free, protein source, protein levels, fat levels, etc. I had her on Blue for awhile and she ate it and it agreed with her, but after getting some moldy food decided it was time for a switch. I tried several new foods and all the foods I wanted to work, like Orijen and NV Instinct, she either wouldn’t eat or ate and then puked up (go figure…). I finally decided to try NL and she loves it and doesn’t puke it up! I’m even able to rotate between all three formulas without any issues.

    #12885 Report Abuse

    @ Hound Dog Mom, check your school email, my cell phone isn’t working

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