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Nature's Variety Raw Patties
- This topic has 43 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by
MemberWe started feeding our Yorkie puppy Nature’s Variety raw patties approx. 2 weeks ago, and now, he has a terrible body odor.
Anyone have any idea why?
MemberDoes he feel greasy?
MemberNo, he doesn’t feel greasy. Just smells terrible.
MemberLike rotten fish?
MemberNo, not like rotten fish, just a bad odor, that he didn’t have before we put him on the Nature’s Variety raw. My husband built him a great playpen, 3′ x 6′, with a separate potty area.
When we open the French doors in the morning, the odor is awful! And he poop’s before we go to bed at night. So, there’s no poop on the potty pads.
MemberSo it isn’t an anal gland problem. Could it be a strong urine smell? Is the smell only first thing or is it all day? I wonder if he could have a UTI.
MemberNo, it’s not an anal gland problem. He smells bad all day long. My husband & I wondered the same thing, if he might have a UTI. He has an appt. with our Holistic Vet.
He pee’s very frequently & it has been over 14 years since we had a puppy.
We’ve had Yorkies for 32 years, but this is the 1st one, we’ve ever fed raw. I homecooked for my last two, when all the food recalls started, but I have MS now, and cannot stand long enough to cook for this little guy. (:
Funny-he didn’t smell bad when he was eating Stella & Chewy’s dehydrated raw, rehydrated.
MemberWell, it is possible that it is the food, but if he has a UTI then it is likely that it’s coincidence. It might be a good idea to get some cranberry powder, just in case.
MemberI researched the symptoms of a UTI, and he doesn’t have them. We are going to put him back on Stella & Chewy’s until his appt. with our Holistic Vet.
MemberThat’s what I would do!!
MemberThanks-we need to find out if it is the food, before our Vet runs tests. Poor puppy is already going through so much. He came from a Show Breeder in S. IN and she promised us, after we made the trip down when he was 12 weeks old, that he would be seen by her Vet, before we came back down when he was closer to 17 weeks old.
Ha! He had yeast infections in both ears, Giardia, and worst of all, Lacrimal Gland Aplasia of his left eye.
I’ve always trusted AKC Show breeders. I’ve had 3 oh-so-beautiful girls over the past 32 years, each one from an AKC Show breeder and not one of my sweet girls came home with a single health issue.
MemberIn my state, it is illegal for a breeder to let a puppy go home with health issues. Of course that doesn’t stop it from happening.
MemberHi Yorkieville,
I’m in NWI also. : )
MemberHi, Betsy Greer!
Where in NW IN? I’m in Valparaiso.
MemberHoly smokes. Me too. : )
MemberNow, what are the odds that two people that live in Valparaiso, IN would meet here???
MemberHow ’bout it!? I was chatting here with people from Bosnia this morning and now Valpo this evening. It really is a small world, isn’t it. : )
MemberIt really is a small world! I have made friends all over the world, through forums.
I have a friend In Cardiff, Wales-we consider ourselves-sisters”Separated at birth”. đ
MemberHi, Betsy.
I was just wondering, are you coming to the “Garage Sale” at the Expo Center on the 16th?
If so, you can find me with some friends at booths 17 & 18 in the main hall.InkedMarie
MemberI’m jealous you may get to meet Betsy.
MemberHi, InkedMarie.
Betsy hasn’t replied to my question, if she is coming to the Garage Sale at the Expo Center, so I don’t know if I am going to get to meet her.
I hope she’s coming to it!
MemberOh, am I stupid!!!!
Judy Marksbury told me that Maxwell has a great new Mom waiting for him, that she is a 15 year customer, and lost her little girl last year, is on disability, so she is home most of the time, so she can adhere to Maxwell’s medication schedule.
Last night, I found Maxwell for saleon this site:
And I hadn’t even sent the picture of him until December 29th.
MemberIt sounds like it’s all about the money, not about the poor pup. How sad! I’m sorry you ever got involved with that breeder and the whole mess.
MemberI am afraid you’re right, Patty. I can’t begin to tell you how heartsick my husband and I feel.
MemberPatty-my husband went through all the e-mails we had exchanged with this breeder, and I had actually sent her the picture on October 12th.
And he had begun making plans with the breeder to take Max back beginning on 12/13.
He took Max back on the 21st.But the Ad hasn’t been updated since the 17th, so, I am hoping that she really does have a lady that lives nearby, that truly wants him.
I may sound naive, but I really want to believe this breeder. She is a very prominent Show breeder.
MemberI like believing that people are basically good too, so I completely understand, and I hope your faith is well placed and I just misunderstood your post. Being a show breeder is definitely not a qualification for people ofthe year though, I’ve know many, many show people and breeders. Some are great and some put on a great show.
MemberPatty, I do believe this breeder is a good person. I’ve had 3 beautiful female Yorkies in my life, from reputable AKC Show breeders. And you’re right, being a Show breeder is not synonomous with being reputable.
I have a good friend in WA, bred Yorkies for many years, didn’t Show them, but I consider her one of the best breeders I’ve ever known.
Hi, Patty.
Well, I am sorry to say, my faith in this breeder, was sadly misplaced.
We sent her all the medical reports, confirming that Max has severe dry eye. She e-mailed my husband on 1/10 and told him that her Vet didn’t think he had dry eye, but had hidden eyelashes.
Well, we contacted our Vet to see if she had checked Max for eyelashes growing under his eye-lids, and they said if he’d had eyelashes irritating his eyes, his eye would have been watery, not dry.
She refused to send our Vet a copy of Max’s diagnosis & operative report.
She had promised me a female puppy at no additional charge. My husband saw that she has an 8 month old female listed on puppyfind, and the listing states, that she held her back for Show, but she is too small, and needs to go to a pet home.
My husband e-mailed her, and she said the female is not out of her breeding, there is another breeder involved. And she said the puppy is $2,000. and we are only getting a $1,200. puppy from her.
She hasn’t honored her word from the start-told me on the phone that she would do the same as my Kia’s breeder said, and pay Vet bills, if Kia got sick and I still wanted to keep her.
It’s not in her contract, and now, she is sticking to the letter of her contract.
I expected better from a member of the Yorkshire Terrier Association of America.
Kia’s breeder was Susan Harasim, and a friend of mine bought a year old Yorkie from her, when Dixie died of renal failure, Susan paid all of the medical bills, and when my friend was ready, she gave her another puppy.
As you said, Patty, “Some are great, some put on a great show”.InkedMarie
MemberSorry you’re going through this, Yorkieville.
MemberThank you, InkedMarie.
It was an expensive learning experience.
MemberI’m sorry to hear about your experience. Any person who has been around dogs as much as a breeder should be, should know that entropion(inward growing eye margins) causes eyes to water profusely just like having a speck of something in your eye would cause. This is a bad breeder on so many levels, including charging show quality prices for dogs that they have already determined are not show quality. Unfortunately, breeders get away with this kind of behavior because we fall in love with our puppies and don’t want to give them back for the sake of a guarantee. It’s all good for those shady people. I would go so far as to say that the fact that she advertises on Puppyfind should have been the first red flag. Reputable breeders should have a waiting list before they ever breed a dog, so there should never be a need for those kinds of ads.
MemberThank you, Patty. I had no choice but to return my puppy, after having him 3 months. I have MS, and the Rebif that I was injecting caused a form of Lyphmocytic Colitis, and I didn’t respond to medication/diet for a year-so, my G.I. Doc was sending me to Rush Presbytarian in Chicago, IL for a partial bowel resection, after the 1st of the year.
And we didn’t have anyone that could take care of our puppy-his schedule was pretty limiting.
7:00 a.m. Tacrolimus drops in each eye
7:15 a.m. Puralube in each eye
12:00 p.m. Puralube in each eye
5:00 p.m. Puralube in each eye
9:30 p.m. Tacrolimus drops in each eye
9:45 p.m. Puralube in each eye
And his eyes needed to be cleaned with Collyrium, before each Tacrolimus treatment. And before the 12 & 5 Puralube treatment.
I have to admit-I am at fault for buying him. I knew better than to look on puppyfind.
But I researched her name and found so many good things on the Internet.Well, she has finally agreed to refund $700.00.
But we have to sign an agreement that we won’t discuss it any further, on-line, in any forums or groups.
She is mailing the agreement tomorrow.Yorkieville
MemberWell, I have another update. My husband and the breeder had a heart-to-heart talk via e-mails, and she is going to give me a puppy out of one of her Champion Sires.
We’ve had so much miscommunication and we both believe, she will make sure my puppy will be very healthy.
So, once I have my puppy, I will be back to talk puppy food.
MemberI personally wouldn’t take another dog from her. I am no expert in buying puppies from breeders but finding a pup on puppy find isn’t the place to go. I wish you good luck.
MemberA very few reputable AKC Show Breeders do advertise on puppyfind. I “think” it is because they live in more remote areas.
She does have amazing Champion’s.
But more importantly-I have to get well, before I can even think about another puppy.
I have MS and the drug Rebif that I was injecting caused Lymphocytic Colitis-I haven’t responded to treatment in 14 months. I was due to have surgery after the 1st of the year, but my weight dropped from 78#s in Sept. to 70#s in Dec. and in Jan. the surgeon said I was too “high risk” to have the surgery.
Surgeons don’t like operating on MSer’s, let alone people that are so underweight.It’s ironic-in 2001, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and I was complaining to my DO that I felt fat at 98#s.
MemberHi, InkedMarie,
Well, I thought it over, and we’re not going to get another puppy from her. I don’t really want another Yorkie-none would compare to my beautiful Kia. The 1 year anniversary of her death is on the 28th.
I miss her more than words can say.
MemberI’m sorry you’re still hurting, Yorkieville. We lost four dogs in five years (we adopt seniors, two who passed were those) but it still hurts. When you’re ready & it’s the right breeder, you’ll know. For what it’s worth, I’m glad you decided top pass on this breeders dog.
MemberThank you, Inked Marie. I’m so sorry that you lost four dogs in five years. It hurts so much to lose them. I lost my sweet Sydney, two years to the exact date, before I lost my precious little Kia. They were our children. Kia’s picture is my Avatar. She died, so unnecessarily, and that is why, I am struggling with such deep grief. She was perfectly fine-but a year ago on a Wednesday, she refused her breakfast. She loved breakfast the best, and at 5:30 in the morning, she would be demanding it! She refused it-her little nose seemed stuffy. I gave her Nutri-Cal, then, 1/2 t. of CVS Brand Children’s dye-free/alcohol free decongestant. When she refused another freshly prepared meal, I put a call in to my Vet. He was our Vet for since my sweet Sydney was just 6 months old. All the staff knew me so well, and they knew my girls. Before Sydney died, all I had to do was call, and they’d say, “Which baby, Sydney or Kia?” And I’d get a call back within a few minutes to bring her in immediately.
My Vet always said, “When you call, I know something is wrong, because you know you’re girls so well”.
Well, that afternoon, I spoke with a fairly new receptionist, and I told her, “Kia’s Vet needs to see Kia today-she’s very tiny (4#s) and she’s not eating, and she’s breathing through her mouth.”
She kept asking me to repeat my name, spell it, etc.
My Vet didn’t call me back until 7:45 in the evening. I told him, “Her temp. is down to 96.3” and he said, the decongestant would lower her temp. He said, “With Kia being so tiny, it could be anything. I’m looking at her records, and she had so many teeth pulled last summer, it’s probably an infected tooth. If the decongstant doesn’t relieve her stuffines, bring her into the office in the morning, I’m off on Thursdays, but one of the girls will take care of you”.
This is the same Vet, that used to slip in the back door of the Clinic, meet us in a back room, in his softball uniform, give my girls their vaccinations & go back to his game.
I stayed up with her all night. Listened to her breathing. She wasn’t gasping for breath. But I picked her up in the morning, and she seemed cold. I quickly heated a microvable heat pad, my husband placed her on it in my hands, I wrapped her in her favorite pink blanket, and held her, and she looked into my eyes, trusting that I was going to take care of her. I said to her, “Kia, focus on Mommy. I love you. We’re leaving for the Vet in an hour & you’re going to be fine”. And she made one small sigh, and she was gone.
I was hysterical!
I held her until I knew someone would be in the Vets office. And then, I called and told them, that Kia had died. One of the Techs that knew us so well, met us at the side door, and the Senior partners daughter, who is also a Vet, came into the exam room. She wrapped her arms around me and cried with me. She had lost her two Maltese, two weeks apart.
The next day, my Vet called, and said, “It sounds like it was something in her lungs. Even if you had brought her here, or taken her to the ER, and spent $1,000. we might not have figured out what was wrong.” He knew we had never spared any expense on our girls.
The Vet that took care of us that day, called me about 10 days later, and said her Dad was furious-he said, our Vet should have had us bring her in immediately the evening before and put her on oxygen. They both believed, he would have found what was wrong.
Before MS, I spent 35 years raising Orphaned Wildlife, and I did a lot of work for that Clinic.
So, the Senior partner, was my Wildlife Vet.
I’ve since learned from other people, that my former Vet is all about the money now.Yorkieville
MemberHi, theBCnut.
I’m sorry-I missed your post. I have to say, after thinking about the 3 wonderful AKC Show breeders, that entrusted me with my 3 girls over 30 years, not one of them ever advertised on puppyfind.
Actually, not one of them ever advertised. You needed a referral from another AKC Show breeder.
Today, many Show breeders have websites, but they don’t even advertise their puppies.
We returned our puppy-it was very hard, but necessary.InkedMarie
MemberMy breeder research has told me that reputable breeders usually have waiting lists and don’t advertise except for the akc website (advertising upcoming litters or litters with their paws on the ground). I’ve always been surprised when I read of someone saying they’re buying such & such purebred puppy in a couple months but haven’t contacted breeders. That tells me they have no idea how to find a reputable breeder though some of us have gotten lucky.
I’m sorry you had to return the puppy but I think it was the right move.
MemberYes, InkedMarie, you are absolutely right, reputable breeders usually do have waiting lists.
I bought my 3 girls from exactly those kinds of breeders.
I was so fortunate, to have met my 1st Yorkies breeder through a friend, over 30 years ago.
I was trying to make time go faster, (I was struggling with the lonliness of missing Kia) when I was looking at pictures on puppyfind. The fact that the listing said Champion Sired, piqued my curiosity, and I googled the breeders name before sending an e-mail.
Really appeared to be active in Showing, etc.
Yes, I agree, it was thr right thing to return the puppy.theBCnut
MemberHow heartbreaking, but you did the right thing!! It’s too bad that others don’t or can’t do likewise, it would make it harder for these people to make a living off their dogs.
MemberYes, theBCnut it was heartbreaking, but not nearly as heartbreaking as losing my precious Kia. And believe me, she has nothing, compared to the dogs Kia’s breeder, bred, and Showed. How I wish she hadn’t retired!!!
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