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  • #110434 Report Abuse
    Rick W

    *I posted this is a Editors Choice forum but didn’t know if I needed to post it here as well*

    We had our dog fixed a couple weeks ago and when we got him home, we had some issues with diarrhea and vomiting after eating. We chalked it up to anesthesia but went ahead and put him on a chicken and rice diet just to keep it bland until his stomach settled down. Then we dealt with him being constipated so we added some pumpkin to his bowl after much research on that. While his poop never fully returned to normal over the next week, it wasn’t diarrhea so yesterday we started to re-introduce a little of his dry food with the other ingredients listed above…last night he woke us up twice needing to go out and full on diarrhea ensued.

    The only variable we can think of is the dry food (Fromm’s Large Breed Gold Puppy). It’s weird because he was just fine on that food prior to surgery. Could it be that he basically developed an allergy or incompatibility with this food literally overnight?
    Any help would be awesome! When the vet was included in the conversation, we were told he is a healthy pup and not to worry about it…but we havn’t reach out yet this morning after this last bout.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    #110437 Report Abuse

    I would call the vet and tell him you would like a quick follow-up visit (some clinics don’t charge)
    The dog is status post surgery times 2 weeks and the dog is still not back to normal despite dietary changes.

    PS: Call the vet that did the surgery, and leave a message for him to call you back when he has a minute. Just talking to the receptionist or vet tech is not sufficient (imo)
    I had one dog years ago, and status post spay surgery she developed a hernia at the incision, they didn’t pick up on it till weeks later when they gave her a thorough exam.
    They said it can happen; it’s in the fine print :-/

    Of course that may not be what’s wrong with your dog but something is off. I’d be inclined to ask for a follow up visit, asap

    #110438 Report Abuse

    Hi Rick-

    You did not mention if you were given pain medications for after the neuter (I’m assuming you did though?). Some dogs don’t tolerate certain pain meds as well as others.

    #110439 Report Abuse
    Rick W

    Thanks. We were going to go ahead and reach out today. It’s just so strange that the upset stomach symptoms happen immediately after eating the kibble but not anything else. Thanks for the suggestion! If we figure something out, I’ll keep this thread posted.

    #110440 Report Abuse
    Rick W

    Hi Pitlove,

    Zero pain meds. He never even messed with the point of surgery. No cone or anything.

    #110446 Report Abuse

    He could possibly be eating too fast and the sugery was a coincedence, not causal. I would start with a slow feeding dish and see if there is any improvement, but it never hurts to contact your vet.

    Edit: I remember some of your previous threads and posts. I believe you have been having an issue with soft stool for a long time now with Fromm? Is that correct?

    #110447 Report Abuse
    Rick W

    I agree. I don’t think surgery was the cause…just happened at the same time. Strange part was when we reintroduced it last night, the diarrhea came back. Vet said to feed very bland until there are 2-3 days straight of normal stools and then slowly reintroduce food.

    Thanks for all the assistance!

    #110448 Report Abuse

    Nothing wrong with asking for a quick follow up, status post surgery exam by the vet that did the surgery.

    The good vets are glad to oblige. Telephone contact isn’t enough. Physical exam and possible lab work may be needed.

    Complications do occur (rare with males) However I have learned it is best to err on the side of safety.

    I would insist on a quick physical exam, if the vet minimizes or dismisses my concerns I would go to another vet.

    I have done so in the past. In fact it was an emergency vet that found the hernia in the dog I mentioned in a previous post.

    #110450 Report Abuse
    Rick W

    We are going to call on Monday and get her to see him. Better safe than sorry!

    #110496 Report Abuse

    Hi Rick,
    Patch had an Endoscope done 3 weeks ago & was put under anaesthetic & the next day at night he was doing sloppy poo with red blood thru it I rung his vet & left a message & Patches IBD vet rang me back & said its probably from all the stress from going under anaesthetic nothing to worry about it will clear up this happens with some dogs.

    I would change the Fromm Large Breed puppy formula, Fromm has alot of ingredients in their kibbles, find another large breed puppy formula with less ingredinets then the Fromm has, also the good bacteria in your dogs stomach & bowel is probably un balanced & he has more bad bacteria at the moment buy some “Purina Forti Floria” Probiotic & start him on a dog probiotic for his stomach/bowel & start a new LTD Kibble & see how he does….

    Have a look at “Canidae’s” All Life Stages, Turkey & Brown Rice large Breed Puppy formula it has less ingredient & balanced properly for a large breed growing puppy. Good for dogs with stomach/bowel problems.

    #112028 Report Abuse
    Rick W

    I forgot I didn’t provide this group an update. I wanted to let everyone know that we solved the riddle in case others are needing the same help. I stumbled across what some might consider a “hole in the wall” pet shop but inside that shop was a couple whose passion are your pets and solving riddles like what we were dealing with. When I described everything to her, she put our dog on a different food with different supplements. By the way, I forgot to mention above that he was dealing with bad eye drainage too which I didn’t know was relevant until she asked. Bottom line?? He is allergic to chicken and everything we were feeding him had chicken in it. We are now on a the large breed puppy food from NutriSource whose main proteins are turkey and whitefish. It’s grain-free as well. She also changed his probiotic from ProPlan version to a brand called Herbsmith. The specific probiotic is Microflora Plus. Last, we were giving him canned pumpkin and she suggested a more concentrated version (dehydrated) that we sprinkle on his food. The brand is Super Snouts and the product is called Pumpkin Latte. It’s a mixture of pumpkin and whole goat’s milk.

    Soon after switching over, he was much better and he no longer has all that drainage in his eyes. Glad we found her!

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