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Multi vitamins for dogs

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  • #72205 Report Abuse
    Lazaro B

    Do you feel it’s necessary to give a dog a multivitamin daily even though they get there vitamins from there food? What Brands do you recommend?

    #72207 Report Abuse

    I add a GNC Mega multivitamin, because I lean toward homemade with a quality kibble as a base. I also add a fish oil capsule, as whatever oils are in the kibble tend to dissipate as soon as the bag is opened.

    #72213 Report Abuse

    Lazaro. If you are feeding a high quality dog food from a company you trust then no, I see no reason to add any vitamin supplements to their food. If you have a dog that is a senior or ill, then the only vitamin supplement that I would recommend is from Standard Process. Canine Whole Dog Supplement.

    I’m a commercial raw feeder to my three dogs. The only one that gets a vitamin supplement daily is Hannah, my Maltese. She’ll be 16 years old in September.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Dori.
    #72224 Report Abuse
    Lazaro B

    Dori that is absolutely wonderful that your Maltese will be 16 years old in a few months. Many blessings to her and too you for taking care of her all those years.

    #72225 Report Abuse

    Oh thank you so much Lazaro B. Hannah has been a blessing to my husband and I. She got us through a really horrendous time in our life when our only child, our son, passed away almost 9 years ago. Forced me to get out of bed and take care of her, walk with her, play with her and laugh and be entertained by her. I think she took care of us more than we knew was possible for such a little girl, she weighs all of 7 lbs. Otherwise……who knows????

    She was diagnosed over a year ago with a tumor in her bladder and a mass on the lobe of one of her lungs and very high liver levels. Last vet check up last week….tumor and mass cell remain the same, no growth. She continues to remain asymptomatic to her illnesses. Liver levels back down to normal. She’s as spunky and playful as ever. We love her dearly. She runs around all day long playing with her “sisters”, our 5 1/2 year old Maltipoo and Yorkipoo. They have all bonded and are a joy and entertaining to watch. I do my best by her and the other two. She’s somewhat regressed since we brought the other two puppies into the family. She thinks she’s as young as they are. She’s got a little night blindness and doesn’t hear as well as she used but, hey…..aging is not for the feint of heart. I don’t see or hear or move as well as I used to either.

    #72231 Report Abuse
    Lazaro B

    I’m glad to hear she is doing great. Dogs give us so much unconditional love throughout our lives. I’d rather have dogs around then most humans.

    #72257 Report Abuse

    Dori..I am very sorry to hear about your son.
    I would consider Standard Process as my maltese gets older..especially after seeing how well your beautiful maltese is doing at 16 years…inspirational really.

    And Lazaro, I feed mostly commercial raw and give a whole food multi every other day and give joint support on alternate days. I rotate between Mercola, Dr. Peter Tobias, Nature’s Farmacy, Animal Essentials and Wholistic Pet Organics. All these companies focus on whole foods, use a lot of certified organic ingredients and limit gmo’s.

    I also give enzymes/probioitcs with meals, fish oil and ubiquinol most days, and bladder support every other day for my maltese prone to stones.

    Here is Dr. Karen Becker explaining the importance of Spirugreen…Mercola’s pet multi.

    #72285 Report Abuse

    Thank you for the kind words JeffreyT. No need to give you any advice on anything. You sound like you’re doing a fabulous job for your family. Love all the companies that you are dealing with as well as the supplements you are using. My best to you and your family.

    #72322 Report Abuse

    Thank you for your encouraging reply Dori!

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