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Suggested Raw Dog Food Menus?

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  • #20366 Report Abuse

    The most I’ve paid for a pound of raw was $3.19 plus another buck for shipping, and there is no extra water or anything the skew the weight. So that is $1.05 for 4 oz of pure sardine.

    #20368 Report Abuse
    shelties mom

    I agree whole raw sardines is definitely cheaper! I have not found any safe raw sardines locally. Not sure if I will buy from the ethnic grocery stores where they may come from China.

    #20369 Report Abuse

    Mine were wild caught. Can’t remember from where.

    #20370 Report Abuse

    When you guys buy them whole, do you feed them whole? The ones I buy are just the body. The tail and head are cut off…

    #20372 Report Abuse

    Lol! I thought so! I was looking for that picture, because I knew I had seen it before, and I was pretty sure the fish was whole. Thanks for the visual clarification, lol!

    #20373 Report Abuse

    I wonder if I can get raw whole sardines at Costco?

    #20375 Report Abuse

    I don’t know, there’s a very…I mean very small Asian shop/store but I don’t know if they’d have frozen sardines but I should check. I did manage to find a can for about $1.25 that was in spring water and didn’t have any salt added. That’s really a lot though for what it is…I think! I’ll check at Marc’s in a pouch.

    #20377 Report Abuse

    Do you have any Mexican supermarkets? That’s where I got mine. They had chicken necks, duck gizzards, pork heart, gnawing bones and other weird things…and wild caught sardines!! And 5 different kinds of ceveche! This store even has a cafeteria center and bakery.

    #20401 Report Abuse

    I saw beef honeycomb tripe at Walmart, does anyone feed this? I also saw the Crown Prince sardines in a pouch that was mentioned, so yay!

    #20403 Report Abuse

    Any tripe from a grocery store is not raw but is cleaned and bleached for human consumption. This is not the kind of tripe for dogs but my coworker makes soup with it! Raw dog tripe is red to greenish-gray and dirty looking. You can see the picture of greentripe.com products on their website.

    #20405 Report Abuse

    **Any tripe from the grocery store is not the raw tripe for dogs but is cleaned and bleached for human….

    #20406 Report Abuse

    Yeah I figured that, I’ve fed Tripett and have seen and smelled it before. Just thought I’d ask.

    #20408 Report Abuse

    Yum, Menudo, fond childhood memories…

    #20410 Report Abuse

    My childhoold memories are chicken heart soup and some sort of dish with duck blood (solid like tofu). Can’t actually remember if I ate the second one but was at a relatives house when they were making all this weird food for a party and actually had dispatched a real live goat.

    #20412 Report Abuse

    So I gave my dog one little ol’ sardine (in spring water and no added salt) and three hours later she had loose stool! Weird because she doesn’t have a sensitive stomach. Scratch that off the dog treat list…. UGH!

    #20415 Report Abuse

    Oily fish do have a bit of oil in them, it might be best if she had them with food.

    #20417 Report Abuse

    When I try something new, I add a little to their meal.

    #20418 Report Abuse

    It wasn’t horrible so I’ll try again with it as a topper for her food. I can’t remember how close to her meal she had the sardine. Maybe just half a sardine for the next try 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by somebodysme.
    #20422 Report Abuse

    I live in Steinbeck country so I’m pretty sure I can find some Mexican markets lol 10and I’ve been to a local Asian market that has fish but I can’t remember what kinds. Alrighty, yay, new leads to check out 🙂

    #20814 Report Abuse

    So I am trying to get myself organized to start feeding Dawson his raw meal in the pm. I saw Hound Dog Mom’s simplified recipe and I would like to start with that. Is there a certain multi-vitamin that would be better? Could I use the Green’s multi-vitamin? Here is a link:

    I was also looking at the Swanson’s glandular and concentrated multi-fruit complex, could I use a mixture of these things? or would I still need a multi-vitamin? I like using krill oil for him anyways, but he does like sardines, could I feed him a sardine for a meal a couple times a week and that would be ok? Or would it just be best to use the krill oil?
    He also hates vegetables… He picks the carrots out of his grandma Lucy’s and he just isn’t a fan of vegetables in general. Any suggestions?
    I would follow Hound Dog Mom’s 1Ib boneless meat+1/4 cup cooked vegetables (unless you could suggest an alternative)+multi-vitamin (could I use the Green’s for this? if I could and then maybe need to add one or two things that would be nice. Or another multi-vitamin you like)+calcium+krill oil, or the sardines? Or would the sardines just be an “extra” that he would get?
    I would like to start him by next weekend if all goes to plan!

    #20816 Report Abuse

    I also had questions about supplementation with vegetables and with fish oil!
    Costco has Wild Alaskan Salmon oil pills (not in the pump like they have at Pet Smart), would these be okay? Coated or uncoated? Do I poke a hole in them and squeeze out the oil? How many mg’s of omega-3’s and 6’s does he need (what should I look for on the label as far as levels are concerned with a supplement like this)?
    I also found some Herbacil Artichoke Dietary Supplement at Target, it’s in a little bottle/vile thingy in liquid form, I guess, and it contains artichoke, grapefruit, fennel, prickly pear, apple cider vinegar, and L-Carnitine. What fruit/vegetable supplements would you guys recommend? I just sort of didn’t feel right about the Herbacil (idk, I guess I was looking for something with more superfoods?), and it was a little pricey. I also had no idea how much I should be adding to his food. Maybe a powdered supplement would be better?

    Right now, here’s what I’m doing for Louie:
    1/2 cup raw whole chicken grind
    1/2 tablespoon of golden flax (for fiber and a little extra omega-3’s and 6’s)
    1/2 tablespoon of low fat plain yogurt (enzymes/probiotics)
    1/2 cup of Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural (I’ve kept this in so far because I have yet to figure out my supplementation and this formula has omega-3 sources (fish) very high up on the ingredient list as well as fruits and vegetables… Also, it wasn’t cheap to buy and I still have quite a bit left)

    I’m hoping to get here:
    1/2 cup raw whole grind (alternating between chicken, beef, pork, etc.)
    1/2 cup XKALIBER green tripe grind (greentripe.com)
    Some sort of fruit/vegetable supplement (for antioxidants and vitamins)
    Some sort of omega-3 supplement (fish oil, whole fish, etc.)
    RMB’s: I was giving him pork necks (which were GREAT, he LOVED them!!) but then my mother-in-law cooked them -___________- So now I’ll have to go out and somehow find pork necks for him and freeze them for 3 weeks before I can start giving them to him again, or find some chicken necks or something comparable for his size (he’s a little silky; 10 pounds)
    I believe everyone said that I wouldn’t need to add any fiber, enzymes or probiotics because of the green tripe, but I’d like to be sure. Also, any fruit/vegetable supplement should contain fiber, anyway.

    Your advice, as always, is much appreciated!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by mah4angel.
    #20819 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi shihtzumom –

    Unfortunately I can’t seem to find an ingredient list for the “Greens Multi.” Some human multi’s (especiall those with added whole foods) can contain herbs or fruits/vegetables that are unsafe for dogs so it’s important to know that all the ingredients are safe prior to feeding.

    I use both the glandular and fruit complex – they add an extra immune system “boost” but would not take the place of a multivitamin.

    You can use sardines or krill oil. If you’re using krill oil give enough to provide about 400 – 600 mg. combines EPA and DHA per day per 20 lbs. body weight. If you’re feeding sardines give 1/4 can per 5 lbs., 1/2 can per 15 lbs. or 5/8 can per 25 lbs. per week.

    I feel that vegetables provide important antioxidant benefits, however if your dog won’t eat them they aren’t essential. I would however be sure to add a green superfood supplements (kelp, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass, etc.). Depending on whether or not you’re feeding bone, you may also need to add some supplemental fiber (such as psyllium) if you aren’t feeding any vegetables.

    #20820 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi mah4angel –

    I use capsules and poke a hole using a thumbtack and squirt on the food. It’s generally recommended to give enough fish oil to provide 400 – 600 mg. combined EPA and DHA per 20 lbs. of body weight (most fish oil capsules have around 300 mg. per capsule).

    If you plan on feeding fruits and vegetables and you’re feeding RMB’s, a fiber supplement shouldn’t be necessary. I’d also say probiotics and enzymes aren’t necessary if you’re feeding raw green tripe regularly.

    For vegetables, just pick some out at the grocery store (no onions!) cook and puree them. I give my dogs about 1/2 C. per day (they’re both around 70 lbs.). Good green “super food” supplements include: kelp, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass, etc. etc. I make a homemade super food supplement mixing equal parts kelp, alfalfa, wheat grass, spirulina and bee pollen (I switch up the ingredients occasionally). I give my girls 2 tsp. each – I’d say around 1/2 tsp. per 15 – 20 lbs. would be a good dose.

    #20821 Report Abuse

    Thanks HDM!
    So, do you think that pretty much any combination of super foods would be a good idea? My Costco has organic baby kale at an AMAZING price. Unfortunately, I prefer “adult” kale (I guess?) so I don’t ever actually buy it. Do you think that kale would be a good superfood for dogs? I don’t know that it’ll be super easy to find alfalfa, wheat grass, kelp, etc. Someone also said they add in berries for antioxidant benefits.
    I guess I’m just being cheap and lazy lol. I’m just trying my best to get in a lot of nutrients and whatnot with a little less work hunting down the ingredients and making the food.

    #20823 Report Abuse

    Hi Hound Dog Mom,
    Thanks for replying! The ingredients for the Green’s Multi are:

    Ingredients per serving (16.9g): Medicinal Ingredients – Vitamin A (palmitate), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbates), Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), Vitamin D (cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl acetate), Vitamin B5 (d-pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamine), Folic acid, Biotin, Calcium (citrate), Magnesium (citrate), Zinc (proteinate), Chromium (proteinate), Selenium (proteinate), Manganese (proteinate), Iodine (proteinate), Vanadium (HVP chelate), Molybdenum (proteinate), Lipotropic factor – Inositol. Also contains naturally occurring – Beta Carotene, Iron, Choline. In a base of greens+ – Natural fresh fruit flavour blend with stevia, Phosphatide complex (26% phosphatidyl choline from 97% oil-free lecithin), Organic alfalfa, barley, wheat grass & red beet powders, Spirulina, Apple pectin, Japanese Chlorella (cracked cell), Organic soy sprouts, Organic whole brown rice powder, Seven non-dary bacterial cultures containing Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (2.5 billion per serving) in a special base of fructo-oligosaccharides, Malic acid, Royal jelly (5% 10-HDA), Bee pollen, Licorice root extract standardized to 10% glycyrrhizin, Acerola berry juice powder, Siberian ginseng extract standardized to 0.8% eleutherosides, Milk thistle extract standardized to 80% silymarin, Citric acid, Organic Nova Scotia dulse powder, Ginkgo biloba extract standardized to 24% ginkgo flavonglycosides and 6% terpene lactones, Japanese green tea extract standardized to 90% polyphenols, European bilberry extract standardized to 25% anthocyanidins, Full spectrum grape extract standardized to 95% procyanidolic value and 500ppm Resveratrol

    Would this be ok? If so how much would he get? If not is there a multi-vitamin you would recommend? Or could I make up your whole food supplement and that would provide all he needs?
    Could I use the glandular supplement as well? How often would he get that? I still will try with the veggies for sure, maybe “hidden” in raw meat he will gobble them down!
    Thanks for your help!

    #20824 Report Abuse

    Is stevia safe for dogs? It’s in the ingredients for the Green’s Multi, which is why I’m asking.

    #20825 Report Abuse

    Here is a raw food supplement. Comes with calcium or without.


    And I use this green product sometimes:

    Natural Dog Supplements & Vitamins

    and also Dr. Harvey’s http://www.onlynaturalpet.com/products/Dr-Harveys-MultiVitamin-Mineral-Herbal-Supplement/269030.aspx

    Stevia being plant derived would be ok in moderation of course, just like using honey.

    #20826 Report Abuse

    Do you think Dr. Harvey’s would be the best of both worlds as far as supplementation? It has both vitamins and super foods, whereas as the Young Again has more vitamins and the Daily Greens has more super foods.
    Because I’ll be adding green tripe into his diet (within the next week, hopefully), it seems that he won’t really need the added probiotics, enzymes, or fiber that the Young Again product offers.
    The Daily Greens is essentially what I was looking for but now I’m wondering if that’ll all be enough or if I would also need to add a multivitamin or something. AH idk 🙁

    #20827 Report Abuse

    Also, the Young Again supplement specifically states not to supplement with anything else.

    Also, should I be adding anything to the future menu? Is it missing anything essential? I’m sure it’s missing some vitamins and minerals.
    1/2 cup raw whole grind (alternating between chicken, beef, pork, etc.)
    1/2 cup XKALIBER green tripe grind (greentripe.com)
    Some sort of fruit/vegetable supplement (for antioxidants and vitamins)
    Some sort of omega-3 supplement (fish oil, whole fish, etc.)

    #20828 Report Abuse

    Actually I alternate the green supplement. I’ll use Dr Harvey’s in one batch, then ONP Super Daily Greens the next batch. Just like rotating foods. Remember, “balance over time”. I just noticed the Young Again supplement when the review came out for the food so I might try that in the future. I like the fact that Dr Harvey’s has herbs/botanicals and bee pollen (which I have bee pollen anyways) but it doesn’t appear to have all the crucifers like ONP Super Daily Greens (which I don’t want to feed crucifers everday). So a balance for me is to alternate those. I could even make a batch of food and use one supp on half and one supp on the other half so that they are alternating with each feed. It’s totally customizable.

    And if you’re making a homamade veggie/fruit mix, don’t use foods from the broccoli family everytime. (broccoli, kale, cabbage, etc)

    On your menu above, you could also offer a glandular supplement.

    #20829 Report Abuse

    Yeah, when I was lying in bed after doing my research on the vitamins I was thinking of alternating between the two supplements for variety. I just wasn’t sure if that would a good balance over time so yay 🙂
    I actually only feed once a day because it’s easier on me (because, again, I’m lazy haha) so I would probably alternate every day or every other day.
    What glandular supplement is recommended? I’ve seen a few mentioned, but I’m not 100% sure where lol. How would I include a glandular supplement (every day, every other day) and would that be something else to alternate between multiple formulas? Also, what does a glandular supplement consist of? And, what does it do, exactly (I’m thinking it supports the body’s glands but that’s a tiny bit vague lol)?

    #20832 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi Shihtzumom –

    Unfortunately that supplement wouldn’t be safe for a dog. It contains green tea extract which contains caffeine, caffeine is toxic to dogs – this was actually the main reason I asked for the ingredients list, most “green” supplements for humans contain green tea extract. It also contains grape extract – grapes are toxic to dogs (grape seed extract is okay though).

    If you’re feeding an unbalanced diet and want some extra nutritional assurance I’d go with a basic one a day type human multi that has no calcium or that is low in calcium (<5% dv) so you don’t throw of the calcium to phosphorus ratio of the meal. For a small dog I’d give just 1/4 of a human tablet. No, the green supplement I have posted wouldn’t be a substitute for a multi, it will however provide trace nutrients and immune boosting effects and would be great to give in addition to a multi. You could use the glandular supplement as well – you can give this as daily if you want or just a few times a week (my dogs get a capsule of a glandular three days per week).

    #20834 Report Abuse

    HDM uses Swanson’s glandulars and so far I’ve used Pet GO. It is made up of body glands that aren’t normally available at the store. If you feed a whole prey then you would get these glands. I just give intermittenly, like all the other supplements.



    #20835 Report Abuse

    Okay! Yeah, next time I go to my local raw supplier I’ll ask if their grind contains glands. I believe they said it was a whole grind but now I feel like I may have misinterpreted because that was a week or two ago and goodness help me if I can remember that far back -_-

    #20836 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    hi mah4angel –

    I have read mixed things about the safety of stevia for dogs and I personally would not risk feeding a stevia-containing product to any of my crew.

    The Dr. Harvey’s supplement doesn’t contain vitamins and minerals so it wouldn’t take the place of a multivitamin. It’s a whole food supplement that will contain some trace nutrients and immune boosters.

    Looking at what you plan on feeding I would recommend adding a multi – what’s standing out to me right off it that it would be deficient in vitamin d, vitamin e and probably manganese or you would want to add whole foods that would supply these nutrients. Dairy, raw sardines and cod liver oil are high in vitamin d. Nuts and seeds are high in manganese. Wheat germ oil, certain nuts and seeds and some cage free eggs are rich in vitamin e but I personally prefer supplementing with this vitamin to ensure adequate amounts.

    #20838 Report Abuse


    Would cod liver oil supply enough omega-3’s to replace something like a salmon oil so that I can kill two birds with one stone? I know that the whole sardines would be high in omega-3’s but I’m not sure that cod liver oil would be acceptable. Would flax seed be high enough is manganese (I have a lot of flax seed here lol)? How much manganese should I supplement? Would the human multivitamin supply enough vitamin E (obviously there are a million human multi’s and you can’t know for sure, but, just in general)?

    I’m up to here with my menu. This is all assuming all of my questions are answered with a “yes”:

    1/2 cup raw whole grind (alternating between protein sources)
    1/2 cup XKALIBER grind (greentripe.com)
    1/4 capsule of a no-calcium human multi
    1/2 tbsp flax seed (this is what I’m currently giving, I don’t know that this is adequate, too little or too much)
    Alternate between Dr. Harvey’s and Daily Greens
    Alternating between cod liver oil and whole sardines
    Swanson’s glandular supplement (assuming my grind happens to not include glands)

    #20840 Report Abuse

    OH and RMB’s in the evenings.

    #20842 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Cod liver oil is lower in omega 3’s than most other oils and in order to supply enough cod liver oil to give adequate amounts of omega 3’s you probably end up with excessive levels of vitamin a and d. I give each of my dogs a 1,000 mg. capsule of Carlson brand cod liver oil daily (provides 250 IU vitamin D, 2,000 IU vitamin A and 240 mg. omega 3’s). Dogs should receive about 2.3 mg. manganese for every pound of food they eat on a dry matter basis (so for a raw food which is high in moisture this would equate to about 0.6 mg. per pound fed). Ground flax has 0.2 mg. per tbs. Some other foods rich in manganese pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and oysters. I would say that, yes, a human multivitamin should have adequate levels of vitamin e. I would make sure your dog is getting around 50 IU per 25 lbs. (the minimum dietary requirement is lower than thus but vitamin e requirements increase with omega 3 supplementation and it it has antioxidant benefits so for this reason I think it’s important to give a little more).

    #20844 Report Abuse

    I really need to get a kitchen scale, because everything is in pounds and grams/milligrams and I have no current way of measuring that. Which only adds to the anxiety lol. Actually, I think this would be about 10000000000 times easier if I just invested in a kitchen scale 🙂 HDM, your advice and information is SO appreciated!! I’m such a troll on here and you’re always so kind and helpful, and never condescending or impatient. THANKS SO MUCH, and Louie thanks you, too!

    #20846 Report Abuse

    Just so you are aware, a lot of places say their grind is whole animal, but when you go to read the fine print, you’ll find out that they really aren’t. A lot of the time whole animal means it has the right amount of bone, muscle meat, and fat, with liver, kidney, and tripe. This is nice, but it isn’t whole animal. The only true whole animal I’ve found was at Hare Today. They have Whole Carcass Grinds. These have everything except intestines, and in some cases might have those too.

    #20848 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    No problem, I love helping people start raw 🙂

    BTW – I just wanted to add (in case I didn’t clarify before) if you’re adding a multivitamin/mineral to meals you don’t need to worry about things like vitamin D, manganese, vitamin E, etc. There should be adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients in the vitamin. I balance my meals using whole foods only so it’s necessary for me to add ingredients such as these.

    #20865 Report Abuse

    Hi Hound Dog Mom,
    I see what you mean about the Greens supplement now, I will just use a regular human multi vitamin. So here is my “meal plan” so lets see how close to right I get it, Lol!
    am- Ziwipeak Daily Dog air dried cuisine-Lamb

    pm- (I would make up a batch of a pound then divide it into his appropriate meal size)
    – 1Ib boneless lean ground meat (chicken, beef, or pork) could I also use chunks for his size?
    – 1/4 Ib vegetables, cooked and pureed… perhaps I could use organic baby food? To see if he will even eat any “slop” veggies?
    – daily 1/4 tab multi-vit without calcium
    -800mg calcium
    – krill oil or another fish oil or sardines whatever I feel like that day lol.
    – Swansons Glandular supplement, 3x a week or daily?
    -Swansons Fruit concentrate, daily? or 3x a week?
    How is that looking? Then I may need to add in the fiber, he does already get 1 tablespoon or so plain natural yogurt with his evening meal as his BM’s were fairly mushy on the Grandma Lucy’s Artisan. Speaking of that I guess I will use my leftovers as a kong stuffer or a quick meal… maybe give it a couple times a week in the am instead of his ziwi till its gone. He likes it well enough and I feel ok about it, but I would like it more if it didnt show up in his poop so much looking the same way it went in! Oh and maybe add some garlic into his meal… Does anyone know where I can get the Bugs Off Garlic in Canada? I looked on the website but it wouldnt ship to Canada at least when I last checked.
    I completely agree, you are so patient with is newbies Hound Dog Mom, all your advice and time is greatly appreciated!

    #20870 Report Abuse

    I’ve been wanting to start my Louie on a raw diet for awhile, he has been on kibble and his stools have always been soft and I just didn’t feel like he was getting the best nutrition possible. I’ve been reading so much on feeding raw and all the benefits and I’m so excited to start it with him. I originally was going to feed commercial frozen raw, I bought a bag of the Primal Venison nuggets, but with his size (58.5lbs) he would go through 3 bags a week of that stuff ($90/week). So I started researching the Raw Prey Model and that seemed more feasible. Ive just started shopping around for everything, but I had a couple of questions I was hoping to run by you guys. I think I may have spent a little too much time creeping on here already, I feel like I already know everyone and their dogs haha. Anyway, I was wondering first how long you freeze your meats when you buy them in the store. I read that for the pork it has to be for at least 2 weeks but what about other meats? Also, in terms of adding the vitamins and supplements is that a necessity or just depends on what you like to feed? Im thinking of including some vegetables to his diet, do they have to be cooked first and pureed? or are raw vegetables allowed. Finally, the addition of vitamins/minerals that some people include in their diets are those something that I should definitely be including because of this type of diet or its just more a personal preference type of thing. Thanks in advance for any answers.

    #21321 Report Abuse

    What multivitamin would you recommend, HDM? I found this one: http://www.swansonvitamins.com/natures-answer-multiple-vitamins-8-fl-oz-liquid and I like that it’s liquid and that it has no calcium. And I also found this glandular supplement: https://www.swansonvitamins.com/natural-sources-raw-multiple-60-caps
    Is there anything store bought that you personally recommend for supplementation? Especially a multi?

    #21323 Report Abuse

    I don’t see manganese in this vitamin, so if I were to use it (assuming it’s safe and adequate), should I maybe continue to add the flax seed?

    #21366 Report Abuse

    AH I feel so dumb the glandular is the one that was linked to me a while back in this conversation. I found it again and I guess I picked right LOL. Aye aye aye I’m such a basket case it’s not even real o_O

    #21434 Report Abuse

    Just thought I’d share, already posted this on my Multivitamin topic, but it’s more appropriate for this forum.
    So here’s my recipe (I make eight batches for Louie right now and I will be continuing to do that, and adding a couple things every day so I’ll be able to mix it up and give him some variety)

    Morning (recipe makes 8 meals, aside from the parts to be added on a daily basis):

    4 patties / ~1.1 lbs / ~2 cups From the Heart whole grind (~0.1375 lbs / ~1/4 cup per serving)
    2 cups XKALIBER blend (greentripe.com) (1/4 cup per serving)
    1/2 650 mg capsule of Swanson’s glandular supplement (~40 mg per serving)
    1 200 IU capsule of vitamin e (25 IU per serving)
    1 1000 mg capsule of cod liver oil (125 mg per serving)
    Rotating every day (adding to above recipe on a daily basis):
    -1/2 tsp salmon oil
    -1/2 tsp coconut oil
    -1/2 tbsp flax seed
    Rotating every day (adding on a daily basis):
    -Dr. Harvey’s Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement
    -Only Natural Pet Super Daily Greens


    RMB’s (rotating)

    I’ve ordered the green tripe and am going shopping for the RMB’s tomorrow! Everything else is on its way here 🙂

    #21497 Report Abuse

    HDM – in your recipes when you feed green tripe, do you feed Hare Today with spleen or do you purchase it from somewhere else? Instead of feeding beef do you sometimes rotate in venison, bison, or buffalo? And when you feed poultry do you sometime rotate in duck, pheasant, or quail? Does chicken and turkey have more nutrients than the others I listed? I’m very new to feeding raw (just started this past week with pre-made NV and now Primal) but would like to feed one premade for one meal and homemade raw for the other meal. Mila is loving it so far, like I knew she would. 🙂 The amount you feed in your recipes is for your 3, I would be feeding my one 1/3 of that, right? Is Urban Wolf pre-mix what you recommend over HK, GL, Sojos etc.? When you feed eggs, that’s the whole egg correct? Are your dogs active, do you feed based on that? Mila is about normal in activity, but plan to do more long walks/runs with her and bring her to the dog park again this week after she has her staples taken out tomorrow. Sorry for all the questions, I’m sure I’ll have a lot more. lol I just want to be proactive and have knowledge of what I’m doing before I start.

    #21500 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi SanDnMila –

    I generally use the green tripe with spleen from Hare Today (cheapest shipping to my location) however I do occasionally buy the green tripe supermix, lamb tripe and bison tripe from My Pet Carnivore and I’m able to get venison tripe during hunting season. The more variety the better.

    The recipes are for my three, 1/3 may still be too much for Mila though. I’m not sure exactly how much she eats but my dogs are very large and very active ( the girls are both about 70 lbs. and get about 2 hours of activity per day). Feed her the usual amount she gets – you may get 4 or 5 servings out of a batch.

    I do prefer Urban Wolf to THK and Sojo’s. However, I’ve recently tried See Spot Liver Longer dinner mix and I think that’s my new favorite. If you’re using pre-mixes frequently, however, I’d recommend rotating.

    My main protein sources that I feed are beef, pork, chicken and turkey as they’re the cheapest and easiest to get. However I occasionally get some more novel protein sources for variety. I order whole prey quail and rabbits from Hare Today a few times a year. I get venison during the fall. I’ll also sometimes buy ground lamb or bison from the grocery store and add it to a pre-mix for something different. I don’t think any one protein source really has more or less nutrients than the others, they all just have slightly different nutrient levels which is why variety is important. You should feed an even mix of red meat and poultry and I’d recommend using a least three different protein sources per week but the more the better. When I feed eggs I feed the whole egg.

    #21501 Report Abuse

    Wow, thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I know variety is best, just wondered what you used and if your dogs like a certain protein or did better on one more than the other. Don’t think I saw you mention Pheasant, Bison or Buffalo, do you not like feed them those? Mila is smaller than your dogs (50 lbs and less active since her spay surgery), more lean and she has long legs but could use some more weight not too much though. So if I used your recipes as a frame of reference I could make 4 to 5 servings, would it still be fresh the 2nd and 3rd day or do I just make a seperate portion each day? I do like the ingredients in the Urban Wolf premix more than the others but don’t think I can find that locally, maybe I’ll look into See Spot Liver Longer that you mentioned. Thanks again, I appreciate it!!

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