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  • #110187 Report Abuse
    Regina D

    Our standard poodle was just diagnosed with Lymphoma. Decided against chemo. Giving Prednisone in hopes of moderating symptoms. Any diet suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thank you.

    #110200 Report Abuse
    Steve M

    A top veterinary university in Alabama now has a hyperbaric chamber for dogs. Cancer hates oxygen and this chamber can provide at least 4x the normal ambient not hurting your dog in any way. I recently lost a greyhound to Osteosarcoma but didnā€™t know about this cancer treatment at that time. Itā€™s being used on humans with some good results. Good luck to you. Call I.U.

    #110201 Report Abuse
    Steve M

    I made a mistake. The school with the hyperbaric chamber is Auburn in Alabama.

    #110205 Report Abuse
    a c


    I am sorry about your poodle. I lost my schnauzer to lymphoma almost a year ago. He was getting chemo but passed away short of 2 months.

    I did a lot of reading back then. Some people recommend high protein diet. Some people recommend raw diet(vet oncologist was against the idea). Anything to boost the immune system may help.

    You may want to check out Dr Dresslerā€™s website for more info.

    #110213 Report Abuse
    Chris s

    The diet information is often conflicting…and requires a lot of time to read and cross check. I lost a dog from hemangiosarcoma 6 years back. My oldest dog now had a mast cell tumor in the last year. Some of the information on Dr. Dressler’s website may be helpful–however, I have found the general diet suggestions are not favorable for a dog with a history of mast cell tumor. The dietary goal with that cancer is low histamine foods–which conflicts with some of the foods listed on Dr. Dressler’s canine cancer diet. I would highly recommend looking into I’M Unity– it is a type of mushroom supplement which has been and continues to be studied by UPenn Vet Hospital for cancer treatment. It may be a useful alternative to chemo…without the side effects. It is worth a try. NOT doing chemo was the hardest decision I ever made for my guy who had hemangiosarcoma. I went to 3 top oncologists and contacted the NIH division of translational medicine looking for treatment options– but there had not been any advances in decades. He had severe separation anxiety as well. I decided on quality of life and followed the diet in Dr. Dressler’s book, but got very little time given the nature of his cancer. I hope you find good options for you and your poodle. Wishing you peace at this hard time. Follow your heart.

    #111587 Report Abuse
    Regina D

    Thank you for all the caring support & information. I am feeding high protein, low carb. We are on day 30 & quality of life is still very good.

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