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Lumps and bumps
- This topic has 22 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
ParticipantThere’s a major gross factor going on here, just to warn you, but Ginger has this…. Thing… for lack of anything better to call it, on her back. It’s been there since I got her, along with several fatty tumors on her neck, chest, and on one mammary gland.
The thing on her back is like some sort of crazy skin tag, tumor thing, which hair growing out of it. Vet looked at just tuesday, in fact and said as long as nothing changes about it we won’t do anything to with it. Of course, that just cursed it because since then, it began to swell, and tonight popped, oozing all kinds of nasty puss and blood. Since it didn’t hurt her, and it was about 1 in the morning, I sqeezed out the nastiness the best I could, and then held a napkin over it until the bleeding slowed. The first bit was about 2/3rd’s puss and the rest blood, following that it was a really dark red blood, with some “stuff” (I think most of it was dead skin, given the hole tumor his entirely black, leathery skin.
What really gets me is the thing popped for no reason. Vert strange that it just up and bursts for no reaskn! I saved all the napkins I used to squeese it out and will be taking them in tomorrow, since i need to have him sign something for P4P anyways.
Until then, any ideas on any of his business? I’ll also keep you updated on what the vet said about it.
MemberWas it thick greasy stuff? Sebaceous cyst?
ParticipantIt was thick, but not greasy. Lots of thick, white puss, but it cleaned easily, and stuck to the napkin. We have an other appointment for Tuesday morning. Hopefully it was just an isolated incident where the what-ever-it-is got infected and it will not happen again or need to be removed. Lord knows I can’t afford that @.@
MemberUm, did you feel it? Pus isn’t usually that thick in dogs. It could have been a kitty claw mark that healed over before bleeding enough to clean out, but from your description, my first thought was sebaceous cyst. Almost always infected areas are hot and drop all the hair. When they rupture, the skin over it thins out until it ruptures and then it’s a sloppy oozy mess. Also extremely painful before rupturing.
ParticipantHere’s a picture.
It’s always been that tear-dropped shaped lump, and the part that swelled and burst is at the top, in the rounded area. You can see some blood and what-nots still in the fur there. Her fur holds on to grime and stink a little too efficiently for my liking. It does not bother her, and never has, nor has it ever been hot to the touch. It’s never had hair on it, since I’ve had her.
Just to be clear, as I’m Googling images, it wasn’t a formed, ropey puss, it was more like half-set jello. It held its form when left alone, but it changed shape fluidly under manipulation.
MemberI would have thought they would have just cut it off or freeze it ??
MemberMaybe she has a papilloma there and it got a blocked gland in it.
Akari 32,
I don’t know (sorry) the breed of your fur-kid, my Pepper is a mini-schauzer that had a mole just like your picture shows. It was on the top of her head and it kept getting bigger as she got older. It also would develop a crust on top and got darker. Long story short, it was a melanoma and she has had a bunch also on her back removed. They would ooze also.
I am surprised your vet hasn’t told you that.
Schnauzers are prone to these, so I am always checking.
Ask your vet if the mole could be a melanoma?
Good luck!
Cheryl, Pepper & Millie-BelleAkari_32
ParticipantThat doesn’t quite look like what it is, Patty. It does look like what we thought was a wart on my grandmas dog, though lol
Cheryl, I honestly would not doubt that she had some form of cancer. Sometimes she’ll just sit in one spot and shake miserably, like she’s in pain. She also flips out if you don’t pick her up just right (no hands on her tummy– she’ll bite you for that!). I have to get down next to her with one knee on the floor, pull her against my leg, hand under the chest, and elbow pressed against her hips. It took a long time to get her let me give her tummy rubs, and even still she’s wary about it. Her stomach and shoulders (really bad joints, too) are a big problem for her. So, I wouldn’t doubt if some of her apprehension about having her stomach touched had something to do an internal tumor or something.
Mom doesn’t think we need to see the vet Tuesday, but I’m just worried that it’ll countinue to sit there and fester, at the very least. And if it’s something worse than that, I want to get it removed if she is a candidate for the anesthesia. If there is a way to do it with out anesthesia, I would also like to talk about that with him.
ParticipantI really hope it’s not cancer, but that was my first thought when I saw the picture also. đ
MemberI hope she is okay. It would probably be worth at least calling the vet and asking what they think.
ParticipantShe’s got a few smaller spots like this on her face, as well. Not all crazy shaped, they’re still round, but I can tell they are the makings of something just like if they ever get that big.
I have not canceled the vet appointment. The thing still bleeds when it’s bothered. If it needs some antibiotic cream or something to help it heal over (provided it doesn’t need to be removed) or something else needs to be done to it to keep it from getting nasty (or nastier, anyways), I want to do it. Tuesday will also have been a week since she’s been on her ear drops, and I’m supposed to call and tell him how she’s doing on them, so he can adjust the dose, so we might as well just do it all in person. I’d also like him to peek in her mouth and see if the antibiotics are clearing her mouth up. The poor things gums were bright red, and she’s been snipping at me when I get too close to her mouth during ear and cheek rubs. I wish I could get her to chew bones or something. I can’t stand the thought of putting her under anesthesia at her age, and she needs a dental some sort of terrible. She just doesn’t know how to play and have fun, much less chew a bone. Her idea of a good time is a bowl full of food lol I did buy her a dental chew for Christmas (I think it’s Fruitables brand, actually), as I’ve gotten her to eat greenies before, but it’s pretty hard. I may just buy her the senior greenies, as they are softer, even though greenies aren’t the best. The dog can’t live on antibiotics the rest of her, weather they’re free or not! lol
How old is Ginger?
ParticipantAbout 4 bazillion years old. No lol She’s 14-16, depending on if you ask her (terribly unkept) vet records or her previous owner.
Akari 32,
This sounds like your talking about my angel pepper. Yesterday was 3 full yrs since I have her. She is 11 and was never cared for. I could bring you to tears but I won’t with what we have been through-such bad teeth and gums, when she was able to undergo a dental 6 teeth just crumbled in the vets hands. Pepper went completely blind in 2 days-a very rare disease calf SARDS, then there was the aspiration phunmenia last yr that almost killed her then the IBS/IBD that i have been fighting with, the melanomas, i could tell you more, but you get the point.
I love her more than I can put into words, she never learned to play, her greatest joy is our am walks & food,the walks had to be curtailed because of arthritis, the food has to be changed because or recent regurgitation and vomiting eposides-I WiLL not give up on her as long as she has SOME quality of life.
sorry to go on & on, but the good news is that Pepper’s melanomas were shaved off no general anesthesia, not saying that would be in your case, but ask if they can do it with a local.
I would stay away from greenies i got a smell free bully stick at Whole foods, there is also a product called ORAVET (you can get it at Amazon) that helps with the gum disease. Pep hates to have anyone touch her teeth(no one ever did it probably) but with some patience she allows this to be applied to the gums.
The reason I say stay away from greenies they are very hard for the fur-kids to digest, Pepper got very sick on them.
I wish you the very best of luckneezerfan
MemberI had a Shih-Tzu that developed a wart on her face when she got older. It would get infected and look like that. I had it removed when she was 13. She did very well. It had become a real nuisance and she was constantly rubbing her face on things and oozing and gross. I think if it wasn’t such a nuisance I would have left it alone.
ParticipantI will occasionally give her and Bentley a raw hide stick to chew on, and some times she will chew on it for a while, especially after Bentleys got a hold of it and slobbered it all up, but it just doesn’t seem like the most fun thing for her. It’s like she feels obligated to do it, but doesn’t really want to. It’s almost like she only does it because she doesn’t want Bentley to have two bones lol I’d imagine is also hurts her mouth to chew it, as well.
Neezer, that’s my thought as well. If it doesn’t bother them, then I leave it. She’s got this unsightly fatty tumor hanging from her neck that looks, as the vet she came from puts it, like testicles. It’s not attached to the muscle underneath at all, it’s just chilling there, in its little skin-pouch looking all inappropriate and such LOL Oh well, such is life :p
ParticipantWe went to the vet this morning and he looked at, messed around with it some, and cleared away some of the yucky stuff on the outside of it. Without getting to see what came out of it, his best guess is that it was a cyst, as Patty though, and it just happened to be in that spot, under her whatever-that-is tumor-thing. He also said its not uncommon for these things to randomly flare up and bust open and ooze, and as long as it doesn’t seem to be nothing her, or become infected, we can just leave it alone. She’s on antibiotics for her mouth, so it should heal up with no problems.
MemberI can’t tell you how many times I’ve had an old dog with papillomas end up with a sebaceous cyst under it or right up against it. I have to wonder if the way the bump grows puts pressure on the normal opening of the oil gland or something like that and the body oils get blocked in there. They are like giant pimples on steroids, nasty. Unfortunately, they often recur.
ParticipantDo they ever get to a point where they need to be removed? I’m really hoping I don’t have to put her under for any reason, growth-removal, dental, or otherwise. She’s just too old for me to want to risk it, not mention the price >.<
MemberI’ve only had one get bad one time, and they used a local anesthesia and zapped it off with electrocautery, so it still wasn’t that bad. It was in a scratching spot right behind the ear, so it got nasty because of that. She had to wear a cone for a few days, but that was about it.
ParticipantThat’s good to hear. It’s not even in a place that she can turn around to chew on, much less scratch at. But she likes to roll in the dirt when it’s really hot out (she may be part pig, but the we are still trying to figure that one out for sure right now), and it’s right on the top of her back, so it always touches the ground when she rolls. That’s the only thing I’m worried about now, at this point. I guess once it’s closed up it should be fine, but I’m sure it’ll bust back open at some point. It’s still more swollen than normal, but the vet didn’t get any gross stuff out of it, just some blood and a small bit of plasma. Nothing that doesn’t mean it’s not healing nicely. It’s just inflamed, I guess.
This morning, one of the girls in the office was like “does she have a lump on her neck??” When I said she was covered in them, she said to Ginger “how could anyone give you up? You’re just so cute!” The random tumors add to her character and charm LOL (The other girl said she also knew how it felt to be old and lumpy XD There’s a reason we’ve gone to this vet for the better part of 15 years– every there is fantastic lol)
MemberThat’s one of the reasons I love my vets. Another is that when I have to put one down, they cry as much as I do. They really allow themselves to get attached. I like that.
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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
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