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Lots of hair in dog food

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  • #82678 Report Abuse

    Had no idea were to put this “none” haha so I put it here, anyways I recently received my order of the k9 natural which is fine it looks good no noticeable hairs on that one, but the Sunday Pets grain free senior baked version has a tonne of hair in it and I mean every single piece is filled to the rim with hairs, black hairs at that in a lamb formula, there is also white hairs and there’s more whites than there is blacks.

    Is this even as safe as everyone says it is? I mean if you see 1-2 hairs its probably not a big deal but this is like a hair festival :p, the company assured me via email that their ingredients list is meant to be read as meat and meal and meat and bone meal lamb, however its been 4 months since they said they were in the process of changing the packaging and their website info and I feel that maybe there’s more lies going on here than truth and that these hairs are from extra animals been mixed together not just lamb and fish.

    Also here’s the ingredients list so you don’t have to look it up, it looks really good except for the top part, which does kinda look fishy.

    Our Ingredients/ Composition:Meat & Meal(min 78%) including Meat & Bone Meal, Free Range Lamb, Fish Meal. Vegetables(min 10%) including Potato, Carrot, Pumpkin, Celery. Fruits(min 5.5%) including Apple, Blueberry. Egg(min 1%), Apple Cider Vinegar(min 0.6%), Manuka Honey(min 0.6%), Green Lip Mussel(min 0.4%), Kelp(min 0.1%), Flaxseed(min 0.1%), Fennel(min 0.07%), Molasses. Nutritional Additives: Vitamins -Vitamin A 16 kIU/kg, Vitamin D3 1 kIU/kg, Vitamin E 400 IU/kg, Vitamin B1 0.9 mg/kg, Vitamin B12 0.5 mg/kg, Thiamine 50mg/kg (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 45 mg/kg, Niacin 450 mg/kg, Pantothemic Acid (Vitamin B5) 50 mg/kg, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 38 mg/kg, Biotin 1 mg/kg, Folic Acid 5.2 mg/kg, Choline 2700 mg/kg, Ascorbic Acid 55 mg/kg. Minerals- Magnesium 0.1% , Manganese 27 mg/kg, Potassium Carbonate, Cobalt 0.47 mg/kg, Selenium 0.9 mg/kg, Iron 240 mg/kg, Zinc 200 mg/kg, Copper 26 mg/kg, Iodine 1.8 mg/kg.

    #82864 Report Abuse

    Well thank goodness I’m not feeding this as a main food because I apparantly would have to wait forever for an answer, I think people think I’m talking about pedigree or something and that’s why they didn’t even think to check out the thread, really sad people I needed your help and you let me down big time.

    #82865 Report Abuse

    What help do you need: if hair in food is okay or if the company is lying? If you don’t like what the company said, stop feeding the food. A picture of the hair in the food would be helpful.

    #82876 Report Abuse

    If hair in the food is ok because its really quiet a lot of it and I have no idea how to attach photos off of an ipad if its even doable off of these smaller devices.

    The company never really said anything as I wasn’t able to get in touch with them via a 2nd email, I’m surprised they even wrote back to the first one, it did take them 2-3 months to respond however.

    #82879 Report Abuse

    If it took that long for them to respond, I wouldn’t feed the food. *Are* you still feeling it? Did you call them?

    #82887 Report Abuse

    I’m feeding the lesser hair pieces to the puppy as treats because she loves it, but I guess since it was only $10 because of a $10 off code that maybe I should just trash it, their website is generally very interesting and they mention a lot of good things and the ingredients list looks really good but it seems their food making practises aernt up to par with what they should be, I wish I could ask some of the people buying the food if they also have hairs in it, but I can’t which is too bad.

    No I’ve never tried to call them because of my general shyness over the phone but maybe I should just do the best I can and call anyways to find out from them if this is how their food is meant to look, based on a Mercola article I’m reading right now it seems hair is a bad idea to feed specially at such amounts, even if its only as a treat, because dogs tend to ingest enough hairs each day that extra could be dangerous.

    #82898 Report Abuse
    Jenn H

    I wouldn’t feed them that food.
    Obviously the quality control (in that batch anyway) isn’t very good. If there’s hair in it who’s to say there isn’t other questionable problems that aren’t visible? Like bacteria.
    The company isn’t responsive in a timely manner.
    1 of those reasons alone is enough to stop feeding it and move on.

    #82938 Report Abuse

    Yeah I guess, I was also reading a forum of people asking about Sunday Pets and no one had mentioned hair in the food and it was 18 pages long so I guess I got the short stick bag lol.

    Thanks for the help, I guess I’ll just stick to Ziwipeak and K9 natural as I’ve never seen hair in that and rusty does really well on it, less of everything pretty much.

    #82939 Report Abuse
    Jenn H

    When in doubt throw it out.
    Or take it back to the store you bought it from and get something else. The merchant may have had other complaints. They should be told about it anyway.

    You have no idea if that hair came from a human or a rat. Why risk it over $10/$20? I understand that’s a lot of money these days, but it’s nothing compared to vet bills and certainly not as important as a priceless pet.

    I’m glad you’ve decided to just give up on that brand. Nothing is worth risking the health of your animals.

    #88295 Report Abuse
    Val C

    Hi Amateria,
    I have a photo of the hair in the Sunday Pets Deliganics (for Senior) dog food.
    How do I post it in this forum though?

    I’ve asked the pet shop (in Singapore) who sold me the food and it seems like there’s been multiple complaints before of the same issue.
    The pet shop was nice enough to allow me to exchange for another product.
    The response from Sunday Pets to the pet shop was that those are part of the herbs ingredients. Those little short strands of black & white “hair” certainly do not resemble any herbs I know of, in my view. It brings me to wonder what animal and what was the process of producing the food. With a very imaginative mind, I see the image of whole animal parts (with fur / hair etc.) being thrown into a grinding machine! 🙁

    #90355 Report Abuse
    Jack T

    Yes i know

    #91627 Report Abuse
    Sarah B

    Hi All, As other reviewers have mentioned on this website and on petfoodreviews.com.au – I HAVE ALSO FOUND BLACK HAIR IN SUNDAY PETS GRAIN FREE ADULT DOG FOOD. I purchased a 1.5kg bag of the Sunday Pets Tasty Holistic Grain Free Adult from an online pet store in Australia and noticed as I was feeding it to my dogs it had allot of black hair / fur baked into the dog biscuits, with some of the hair in clumps, it was very noticeable and I have never struck this in 10 years of buying good quality holistic dog food. I can say with confidence I have tried 80% of the grain free and holistic/natural dog food on the market available in Australia from dry food, tin food to barf. And I have NEVER seen/heard of such large quantities of hair in a baked biscuit. Nor have I ever struck any visible hair/fur in any dog food. I have heard of people in our show/rescue/breeding community striking the odd hair, but not clumps of it, in almost every biscuit. It does not look like ‘herbs’ at ALL, it is definalty some sort of animal black hair, which makes me seriously question Sunday Pets quality control. If ‘meat’ in their ingredients is Lamb, aka Sheep then why is the hair BLACK? After I struck the hair I purchased a 2nd bag, thinking that maybe I had a bad batch, but once again there was black hair in the biscuits of the 2nd bag. I hope the Sunday Pets review their QUALITY CONTROL as the food ingredients otherwise are very good and I like the idea of the large dry biscuits as its good for dogs teeth and digestion. Also my dogs did love the biscuits. I was feeding it to my dogs just as a morning treat as they have barf in the afternoon. I hope in future Sunday Pets make their Ingrediants label more transparent in particular what ‘meat’ and fix the hair issue in the biscuits, until this time I won’t purchase this product again. Regards Sarah (Australia).

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