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Leg spasms and panting

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  • #104663 Report Abuse

    Last night the weirdest thing happened with one of my dogs. Out of no where I noticed she was shaking and when I picked her up I could feel her legs near her joints quivering, like a spasm? She would occasionally pant too. After checking her out and finding nothing obvious I got her to bed with me and massaged her with a warm heated rice bag until she went to sleep. I noticed she drank a lot of water prior so maybe her tummy hurt. Or she drank too much water causing her tummy to hurt. Another thought was I washed and dried. Y hair at night which is out of the Ordinary and maybe she thought I was leaving and got nervous? She is my shadow. She had a total wellness check a month ago along with labs and she was found good to go. She is 12. Any ideas? Today she is acting normal and happy.

    #104664 Report Abuse

    Any changes in appetite? Behavior?
    If not, I go by a 72 hour rule, if it get’s worse, or continues, go to the vet.

    If you have a good relationship with your vet, leave a message for the vet to call you back when he has a minute. As a senior dog, it could be anything, impossible for anyone over the intrernet to diagnose.

    PS: Panting usually indicates pain and/or anxiety.

    #104673 Report Abuse

    No changes. Don’t worry, I am not wanting people here to diagnose my precious girl. If it happens again I will be at the vet asap. I’m just looking for information so I can perhaps piece it together and figure out what hers could be. If anything. She did start eating the Honest Kitchen Seal about 3 weeks ago and had a couple of their new treats, Cuddles. But she’s been on THK for a year now and her transition to the fish type was slow. She has been tolerating it well. The only other thing was she had 2 new treats yesterday. They are human grade and we’re made of fish and coconut.

    #104674 Report Abuse

    Hard to tell, senior small breeds can have spinal degeneration, that might cause spasms and pain?
    Keep an eye on it. Is her back arching? Don’t let her jump up on couches and stuff. Maybe less activity for now, check with your vet.

    #104675 Report Abuse

    I really thought it could be spinal related. She jumps a lot. Would I see a massage therapist? How would I know? A year ago I suspected her spine because I felt she was walking stiffly but X-rays were normal.

    #104676 Report Abuse

    The vet could diagnose and advise, at the least there are prescription meds that would help.
    Does your vet clinic offer aqua therapy (swimming)? If it is within your means I would look into that.

    #104677 Report Abuse

    Sadie would hate swimming. She truly hates water. I would go without food if I had to pick testing her or eating. Lol. She’s my baby. I’ve seen business cards at my vet’s for massage therapy. But unless I knew I didn’t want I put her thru that. I would use medication as last resort. I should look into tumeric.

    #104678 Report Abuse

    What do you think tumeric will do? http://skeptvet.com/Blog/2017/08/evidence-update-biologic-plausibility-of-curcumin-turmeric-very-low/

    Look into massage and acupuncture if you think it might help.

    #104679 Report Abuse

    Regarding your dog hating swimming. I hate walking on the treadmill for one hour everyday. But I do it, because I feel better afterwards, lol

    Aqua therapy is in a warm heated pool 10 to 20 minutes, 2 or 3 times a week. It really helps some dogs with pain and weight control. It also helps elevate mood.

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