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Large and Giant Breed Puppy Nutrition

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 2,508 total)
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  • #23433 Report Abuse

    Hi Kobe’d dad,

    I have a 17 week old Berner that tolerates Fromm just fine. I’m started with a big bag of Surf and Turf and now we’re into a bag of Beef Frittata Veg. I mix in canned food, switching around between different Wellness stews and Kobe varieties. I mix 25% canned, 75% kibble.

    I wonder how much you feed Kobe? Last vet visit Lux was 29 pounds. I know she’s more that that now! I’ve been giving her 3 cups of the mixed food, (1 cup 3 times) a day. Plus a little of the mix in a kong I freeze and give to her when I put her in her crate for the night, plus she gets little tidbits of training treats during the day. But, you’d think we’re STARVING her. Yesterday found a shredded bit left of a pair of my underwear. My 16 yr old daughter said there was some fabric hanging out of Lux’s butt yesterday that she was biting at, so my daughter helped her and pulled it out. So gross. Seems like we have our old Berner, Bailey back. He’s been gone for 7 years now and man did I go thru underwear back then! Crazy. I guess it’s in the breed. Some form of Prader Willi or something!

    #23435 Report Abuse


    any opinion on NOW brand large breed puppy kibble

    Kobe’s dad

    #23460 Report Abuse

    I think the list is somewhere near page 15 and it is definitely in one of HoundDogMom’s posts.

    #23497 Report Abuse


    Ok i think now i am switching my food choice again… Please Help me! I was going to do a mix between petcurean and Fromm thinking it would be the best for my puppy, but again the more I read the more I am learning. You have so many to choose from on your list so I wanted to see what your top five choices might be? I will be adding 20% percent of my homemade raw diet to it a day. Again I will have a Saint Bernard 8 weeks old puppy and i just want her to have a great start on life. I just dont want to be spending a lot on a bag of dog food “Petcurean”, if there is an even better one out there that i could be giving her for the same price of even cheaper. I am willing to order the food online if i have to….

    #23501 Report Abuse

    HI patty vaughn,

    you wrote near page 15 to find HDMS list but 2 of us cant find it—could you give me a specific page number—i really would like to see this list

    Kobe’s dad

    #23502 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I wouldn’t feed Petcurean to a large breed puppy. All of their foods are too high in calcium.

    #23503 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi kobe’s dad –

    I would like to repost the list because it keeps getting buried unfortunately I don’t know how I posted it and I can’t figure out how to do it again lol. If someone knows how to link to a pdf let me know and I’ll repost it.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    #23506 Report Abuse
    #23507 Report Abuse

    If the link does not work go to page 15 and look for a 7/23/13 post from HDM. The link is there.

    #23513 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Thanks sharfie! I’m going to have to bookmark that because I have no idea how I got that link and can’t figure out how to do it again. lol.

    #23519 Report Abuse

    Thanks sharfie, I did not want to have to search for that!!!

    #23524 Report Abuse

    HDM, can dr mike make the list a stickie?

    #23531 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Probably, I’ll try to remember to ask him. He’d have to make the topic a sticky then close it for commenting I’d assume because this topic is sticky it’s just that the list keeps getting buried in all the comments.

    #23534 Report Abuse

    Hi everyone, looking for some support from dog lovers and I’m pretty sure this is a good place. Took LUX is for her last set of shots today. It’s her 17 week birthday. Vet and I talked about feeding her, she’s 33.4 pounds and Vet said I need to watch protein, not calcium. I am confused about that, but not why I’m writing.

    ANYWAY, Vet does routine check and she felt a lump on Lux’s leg. Turns out to be Mast Cell Tumor. CANCER. Our baby Lux is having surgery this afternoon at Adobe Animal Hospital in Los Altos, CA. I am freaking out. Spent yesterday with my BFF, who has cancer, on her 50th (and last birthday) and now this today. Oh the things life dishes out.

    Thanks for listening.


    #23537 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Oh no, this is horrible news! I’m so sorry. I hope everything turns out okay! Let us know! 🙁

    Oh and your vet is very wrong about telling you to watch protein levels and not calcium, it’s really unfortunate that a vet would think this and be passing such incorrect information on to clients. There’s no evidence suggesting protein plays any role in developmental orthopedic disease – any article written by a veterinary nutritionist will verify this.

    #23545 Report Abuse

    I’m so sorry about your friend & dog.

    #23551 Report Abuse

    I’m sorry to hear about your puppy and your friend. That is a huge amount to have to deal with. Make sure while you are taking care of everything else, you take time to take care of yourself.

    I’m also sorry about your vet. I can’t help but wonder how many dogs have not had proper care because of his bad advice.

    #23652 Report Abuse

    Thanks Patty, Marie and Hound Dog Mom! We are hanging in there. My BFF was diagnosed about 1-3/4 years ago and it’s been a struggle, hoped for a long time that she’d beat it, but it’s not happening. She is doing fairly well in her spirit. Saying goodbye to people. Working on getting her cancer experience blog published and just coming to terms with letting go of everything, including life. Now, if only I can come to terms with her dying!

    Anyhow, since this is a dog food forum, I’ll try to get back to that, but first about Lux, I have done some research on MAST cell tumors and it’s not all bad. If all goes well, checking her whole body as often as daily as we can for the rest her life might be the worst.

    We will know around mid-week or so what “grade” the tumor is and if they got it all.

    As far as the food situation goes, when the Vet (a she, btw) told me not to worry about too calcium, but to worry about giving Lux too much protein, I have to admit, I did think I trust HDM and the advise and things I’ve learned and I’ve gotten here more than her! Yikes. It is scary to think about what Vets are telling people. I told her we’re feeding Lux 3 cups of food a day, 1 cup X 3 a day. She said to stay with 3 cups (Lux weighs 33.4 pounds), but change to to twice a day instead of 3 times a day. I know I was going to have to do that eventually, but man, the way Lux acts like she’s absolutely STARVING every time we feed her, I’ve been reluctant to reduce the times per day!

    Anyhow, then I told the vet that I give Lux a mixture of wet and kibble, 25% canned, rotating between Wellness stews and Kobe, and 75% Fromm’s kibble (Surf and Turf and Beef Frittata). She said to cut the canned food out, that it has too much fat. She said I need to limit protein and fat so Lux doesn’t have ortho problems later.

    I don’t know how to address this with them, as I do believe this is one of the best vet clinics in the area. and I don’t know enough about it to make an argument with them so they look into and give better advise to their clients.

    #23655 Report Abuse

    If they are good, they are open to learning, so find the links and print up some info for them. Then politely tell them that this is why you have a problem with following their advice and see what they say.

    BTW, something I read just the other day about mast cell tumors was that once removed they only have a 50% chance of coming back. If that’s right, it’s much better odds than they used to give you. They used to say, it’s just a matter of time.

    My puppies never minded getting a bigger breakfast and then waiting for dinner, but I don’t start 2 meals a day by skipping lunch and then increasing dinner, I always start at breakfast.

    #23658 Report Abuse

    I am wondering why Acana Duck and Bartlett Pear and Acana Chicken and Burbank potato were not included on the list of grain inclusive foods that are appropriate for large breed puppies?

    #23663 Report Abuse

    I will do that Patty, I will get together some articles and talk to them about it. It would be interesting to hear their take on it.

    Thanks for the info about the mast cell tumors, I have done some research and if it’s grade 1 and they get it all the prognosis is very good!! I didn’t realize it used to be “a matter of time”. I’m hoping that’s not the case here. After losing our first Berner at 3-1/2 years, we were so heartbroken, we couldn’t get another one. Then after almost 7 years, we went ahead and got Lux. This is terribly heart breaking. But, I am HOPING for the best, so we’ll see!


    Correction, I’m feeding Lux a rotation of Wellness and WERUVA canned food, not Kobe. Kobe is the specific type of Weruva, with Kobe beef.

    #23664 Report Abuse

    They used to believe that mast cell tumors always came back if the dog lived long enough. That was a while back though. They have definitely learned better.

    Good luck talking to your vet.

    #23665 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Unfortunately Bernese Mountain dogs are very prone to cancer. I read somewhere something like 80% of Bernese Mountain dogs are diagnosed with cancer prior to the age of 5? I really hope everything turns out okay!

    #23666 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi tigerlily –

    Those foods aren’t on the list because they aren’t appropriate for large/giant breed puppies.

    #23670 Report Abuse

    Well, clearly! 🙂 I am curious as to how they deviate. I know quite a few breeders who consider these to be very appropriate foods for large breed puppies so am surprised to see them not included on the list of appropriate foods.

    #23672 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    The criteria is outlined in the document. None of the Acana formulas meet the criteria for required level of calcium.

    #23673 Report Abuse

    What is the formula for calculating the mg. ca per 1,000 calories? I would like to see exactly how much calcium is in the food. At 1.3% calcium and a cal:phos ratio of 1.2:1 I am not sure that I need necessarily discount Acana Chicken and Burbank Potato for my future litter of poodle puppies whom I expect to mature in the 40-50 lb range (medium to large breed).

    My other choices are Dr. Tim’s Kinesis (grain inclusive) or Fromm, though for a few reasons they are not my top choices.

    Thanks! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlily.
    #23675 Report Abuse

    I think the first thing to do is email the company for the actual calcium instead of the minimum. But you are probably right that you don’t have to worry for your poodles, since large breed is usually considered to be 70 lbs and greater.

    #23677 Report Abuse

    That’s my thought process, but just the same, slow and steady growth is important to avoid orthopedic issues.

    I actually called Champion Petfoods a month or so back and spoke with a representative on the phone who told me that the “minimum” was the same as the “as fed” due to the fact that the food is sold in the EU where labeling requirements are very particular, or something to the effect of that.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlily.
    #23679 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi Tigerlily –

    1.3% is the minimum calcium level – the actual level is higher. I think it may be find for your purposes however, I wouldn’t consider a standard poodle to be a large breed dog.

    #23690 Report Abuse

    I’ve always understood that an expected mature weight of 50 lbs. or more falls under the large breed puppy category. Std. Poodles are a medium to large breed and can be prone to issues such as hip dysplasia and other orthopedic issues so avoiding excessive calcium content is important with a puppy.

    Like I said, I spoke directly with an Acana representative on the phone and was specifically told, when I asked, that the “minimum” calcium actually IS the “as fed” because of the EU requirements. The values are the same. So unless she gave me incorrect information, the as fed IS 1.3%.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Tigerlily.
    #23695 Report Abuse

    No, 50 lbs is medium breed, even proper sized GSDs are considered medium breed at 65 lbs. I have know standard poodle breeders that had standards big enough to qualify for large breed, but that was back when they were breeding them huge. That’s kind of gone out of fashion, thankfully.

    #23705 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi Tigerlily –

    Generally, dogs that are expected to be 60 lbs. or more at maturity are classified as large breeds. I’m not familiar with standard poodles or their genetic predispositions, but if you’re planning on breeding a litter these are issues you should be knowledgeable about prior to breeding. I’ve spoken with Champion’s reps several times concerning the calcium levels in their foods (Acana/Orijen) and the values on the package are not the actual calcium levels. The max calcium levels in their formulas deviate by 0.2% – 0.3% from the stated minimum. The actual would fall somewhere between the minimum and maximum values. Even if 1.3% was the “actual” calcium level (which it’s not) the food would still be too high in calcium.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    #23708 Report Abuse

    Well that is quite frustrating that I was given incorrect information.

    I am quite familiar with standard poodles and all too aware and educated on the genetic predispositions in my breed. Also, in general, those of us who are knowledgeable and involved in the breed consider them to be a “medium to large breed” and we are careful to promote slow and steady growth to avoid orthopedic issues. I have always been careful to feed foods with moderate calcium levels to my puppies. That said, because poodles are closer to the “medium” end of the spectrum (or should be, in my opinion), I am sure that my precautions are just that – precautions.

    I am not going to entirely rule out the two Acana formulas, but I am pretty happy with Dr. Tim’s at the moment so I may consider the grain inclusive version of Kinesis for the puppies. If puppy owners are reluctant to order online, I can suggest they feed Fromm Chicken a la Veg. Or, heck, maybe I’ll just raise the puppies on the Fromm. 🙂 A large percentage of my of my poodles’ diet is raw, but at this point I do plan to raise the litter on kibble.

    On another note, does anyone know how to add a photo above my name?

    #23717 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Go to gravatar.com

    #23722 Report Abuse


    #23724 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Is that your poodle in the pic? Nice!

    #23729 Report Abuse

    Yes, he is one of my poodles. 🙂 Thank you, he is a very special boy.

    #23736 Report Abuse

    BEAUTIFUL!! And I’m with you, I have a medium breed that some individuals are large and I also would rather ere on the side of caution rather than find out too late that I missjudged the size of the puppy or the rate of growth. Good luck.

    #23863 Report Abuse

    HDM: a few months ago, we talked about converting my 8th month old mastiff/lab mix to Dr. Tim’s GF Kinesis. One of my main purposes for this transition was to also put my 2 year old lab/vizsla on the same food as him.

    He’s doing fine. In fact, they both love the taste. However, Quinn (2 year old) has been chewing her feet like crazy since she transition 100% over to Dr. Tim’s (3 weeks ago). She developed a rash on her stomach and I actually took her to the vet to get her on steroids as over-the-counter wasn’t working. Additionally, they gave me a pill to help with the itching prior to the steroids, but that also did nothing.

    At first, I thought it was her allergies flaring up. She had to be put on steroids last summer. However, she had lasted all of the summer (June and July) without any itching while on Fromm’s Adult Gold. The reason I believe it may be the food is that she’s also thrown up twice since I started feeding it to her.

    The basis for the background question is this:

    In your opinion, can I feed Riggs (now 10 months — will be one year in mid-October) the Fromm’s Adult Gold? Note that I said Adult Gold, not Large Breed Adult Gold.

    Quinn just hasn’t done well on any grain-free food that I’ve fed her. Acana, Taste of the Wild, etc. May be too rich for her. She did fine on Adult Gold — it’s just that I wanted her stools to be a bit firmer. That’s why I decided to try and make a household swap.

    Would really love your feedback as I find it valuable. Thank you very much!

    #23880 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi Saireah –

    Fromm Adult Gold is labeled for all life stages – so it would be fine to feed a puppy. Personally, however, I would feed the Fromm Puppy Gold to both your adult and puppy if the sensitive dog tolerates it as it’s higher in protein. The ingredient lists are very similar so I wouldn’t think there would be an issue. Is the grain-free Kinesis the only Dr. Tim’s food that you tried? Did you try any of the grain-inclusive formulas?

    #23886 Report Abuse

    Thanks! Yes, it is the only Dr. Tim’s food that I’ve tried. I didn’t try the grain-inclusive formula. That’s an idea. They have similar first ingredients and the grain-inclusive Kinesis is 2% higher protein than Fromm’s Adult Gold.

    My only concern with Fromm’s Puppy Gold is that the calcium level is higher — 1.37% as-is and 1.47% dry-matter (vs. 1.16% and 1.24% respectively with the Adult).

    I do normally try and feed a wet food topper, as well.

    I’ve just never been able to get my 2 year old on a food that settled well with her — she’s been on Nature’s Recipe (ugh, I know) and that worked great but was low quality, Taste of the Wild, Acana, and then Fromm’s.

    Perhaps I’ll try the grain-inclusive Kinesis and see how it goes? I do like how their stools are with Dr. Tim’s.

    #23910 Report Abuse

    Hi there! I have a Mastiff mix and I have been feeding 4 health grain free because the regular gave everyone gas. She has been doing fine but I want to switch to something more readily available. I bought Pure Balance today, the chicken formula. I was wondering if you think it’s still ok her being a large breed puppy and all? I know, or at least I think that I remember, that you said I should feed her an adult food so she doesn’t grow so fast and have joint issues. Just want you opinion 🙂 And she is having some aches and pains on occasion, in her hips. Should I give her some joint juice or something. Doggie aspirin?? Thank you!

    #23970 Report Abuse

    Hi everyone. I’m looking for suggestions for my 11-week-old Golden Retriever. He weighs 20 pounds, and is a healthy weight- can feel ribs and see a waist. Our vet says that he looks great, and if we weren’t reporting problems she would think him completely healthy. He came from the breeder at 8 weeks with Iams puppy food for small/toy breeds (!) and we immediately started switching him to Fromm Large Breed Puppy. His stools immediately got soft, with frequent diarrhea and a few incidences of bloody diarrhea. Our vet thought it was stress and treated with metronidazole, which showed temporary improvement but never really got his stool firm. A couple days ago I saw what I thought looked like worms in 2 bowel movements: rice-like, segmented, pale yellow, and profuse! Unfortunately, I didn’t think of saving a sample for the vet until after I’d disposed of it, and the later samples I took in tested negative. Based on my description, and the fact that he has already had Heartgard, they are assuming tapeworm, though at 11 weeks old I’m not sure where he would have gotten them. We visited him weekly from 8 days old, and his mom and litter mates never had fleas, and he’s never been off-leash to eat a rodent! So as of yesterday we are back on metronidazole, plus panacur dewormer, and he’s eating Purina prescription diet EN, which is almost entirely rice and corn, with just 23% protein and 10% fat. Only 18 hours after the switch, his stools are completely firmed up. Obviously we can’t keep him on this long-term, though. The vet said after 5 days we should start to transition back to regular food, and suggested perhaps something with fewer protein sources since the Fromm’s has duck, chicken, fish and lamb. So, in your much-respected opinions, should I give the Fromm’s a second chance, or go to another new thing? I want to stick with one of Hound Dog Mom’s recommended kibbles, but am of rather limited means. The breeder had recommended TOTW, but I would really prefer to avoid anything from Diamond. If environment might suggest another problem, we are in upstate New York. Thanks so much!

    #23972 Report Abuse

    Try Earthborn Coastal Catch or Meadow Feast. They are a decent price for a great food. Also pick up some digestive enzymes and probiotics at the health food store and canned pure pumpkin. Give him a heaping teaspoon of the canned pumpkin with all his meals while you are transitioning and for a little while after. Give the enzymes in every meal too, enough that he is getting an adult dose every day for at least 2 weeks after you have finished transitioning. Give an adult dose of the probiotic every day. You can do this any time you transition foods as long as you need to.

    You described tapeworms exactly, your vet is not guessing at all. It only takes eating one flea to get them, so they didn’t have to have noticable fleas. And he had to have eaten that flea fairly early on for him to be shedding segments already.

    #23990 Report Abuse

    Thanks, Patty! I apprecite your quick response. He has been getting about 3 tablespoons of pure pumpkin twice a day in his Kongs with diced apple or, more usually, kibble mixed in. Why add probiotics when the higher quality kibble is already coated with it? Are there not sufficient amounts on the food, or do you want different strains? I think I saw another forum on probiotics – I’ll have to go take a look. I didn’t mean to imply my vet was totally guessing in her diagnosis, just that she was basing it on my report and not on anything she saw herself. I did think my description was pretty textbook (though they didn’t look flat to me), and I do have a lot of faith in her, but it’s nice when the pros can see it themselves. I will take a closer look at the Earthborn. I originally ruled it out because it was at the high end of allowable calcium for a LBP, but I guess under 3.5 is under 3.5… I would also like to find a good canned food to use in Kongs as a break from pumpkin, but it doesn’t look like Earthborn makes one, and I should probably get the kibble issue sorted out before I add anything else new.

    #23993 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I’m not sure if it’d be within your budget but Nature’s Variety Limited Ingredient Turkey could be a good formula to try if you suspect protein sensitivities. Also be aware that, depending on what type of tapeworm he’s infected with, the Panacur may not work.

    #23994 Report Abuse


    I need your educated opinions on 2 issues

    first, my bernese puppy-5 and 1/2 months old came to me from California Memorial Day weekend-diagnosed with giardia 3 days later he has been treated 2 times with the combination of metronidazole and panacur—the second treatment occurred in the setting of a negative stool test BUT the specimen submitted was several hours old before brought in to the vets office –i treated him because his diarrhea the second time was exactly the same as the first time—yellow and greasy–he got better but 2 weeks later-on monday 8/26–he again developed yellow ,greasy diarrhea–the stool specimen at 4am obtained was brought to the ANIMAL Medical Center in nyc 3 hours later–the specimen results 2 days later was negative–in the 2 days waiting ,he was started back on the same combination-metronidazole and panacur with a significant improvement in 3 days—this most recent episode ,he vomited twice during the night as well–12 hrs a fter his last meal-dinner– and afterleaving the Medical Center he had yellowish diarrhea with undigested rice seen in it—-that i put in his kibble 12 hrs prior–this was brown rice from a local chinese restaurant—previously, i only gave white rice but i was told brown rice was more binding——
    to give you a little more information,icalled a human lab-QUEST-and was told a stool specimen would not be accepted unless placed in a container of theirs prepared with their preservatives so to speak———therefore the pup diarrhea clinically seems like giardia is the cause but the stool is negative—-do you guys think that the time delay before processing has led to a false negative result?
    other possibilities are inflammatory bowel disease or pancreatic insufficiency which i cant believe—i am an adult cardiologist in nyc and all people with the above conditions are skinny and unhealthy looking !!–my pup is already 80 lbs at 5 and 1/2 months–hardly the appearance of an animal not absorbing nutrients from a chronic illness?
    in summary, do you think that yellow greasy diarrhea could be caused by anything other than giardia?

    my second issue is nutrition–Kobe is back on Hills i and d kibble-actually since i stopped NATURES VARIETY LARGE BREED PUPPY KIBBLE 2 weeks ago due to diarrhea-he has been on this I AND D—how long should i wait before transitioning him to better kibble given this weeks illness–antibiotics will be completed on september 5th?AND i have decide to use ZIGNATURE kibble–here is the problem: my breeders handout reads to use 1 cup of kibble 3x/day until 6 months of age then use 2 cups 2x/day after 6 months of age—the zignature company has recommended to give my pup 5 CUPS OF THEIR KIBBLE PER DAY!!
    I am not an expert in nutrition-can you advise me how much i shoud give my pup of this kibble before 6 months of age but more importantly after 6 months—i dont know if their is a reason based on calories why 5 cups/day is recommended–i dont want to harm Kobe if i feed him only 3 cups/day
    I APPRECIATE ANY AND ALL ADVICE-unfortunately, i know much about human hearts BUT very little about yellow,greasy diarrhea nor about how much of this ZIGNATURE TO FEED


    #23999 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi Kobe’s Dad –

    Yellow mucousy indicates that the stool is moving quickly through the intestines and it could be caused by a few different things. It could definitely indicate giardia, it could also be insufficient pancreatic enzymes, increased bilirubin (a breakdown product formed in the liver) or a food intolerace/allergy. “Greasy” stool usually is associated with malabsorption. There’s really no way for anyone here to tell you for sure what the issue is – this really is something that should be discussed with your vet. Your vet didn’t have anything to offer concerning these problems aside from having him tested for giardia?

    No one can tell you exactly how much your dog should eat, however 3 cups per day for a 5 1/2 month old dog that’s already 80 pounds doesn’t sound like nearly enough. I start with what the bag recommends and adjust from there based on his body condition.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    #24002 Report Abuse

    Kobe’s Dad: have you considered an intolerance to one of the ingredients in his food? That would certainly cause diarrhea. If there is a kibble he tolerates, even the prescription diet, compare ingredient lists to look for differences. If he hasn’t yet done well on anything, maybe you could try a couple of the limited ingredient kibbles (one at a time!) to look for improvement with the elimination of things like different grains, potatoes, or protein sources. I would give each a couple weeks to look for improvement. Have you tried adding probiotics and enzymes, as I plan to do for my guy with diarrhea per Patty’s suggestion? As far as kibble amounts go, I would take your breeder’s advice as a general guideline only if feeding the same food the breeder was, as calorie counts vary so greatly. If switching brands, the manufacturer’s recommendation based on your puppy’s weight is more useful. And the 6 month cut off seems arbitrary. Consider how much growth happens between 2 months and 6 months – I’m sure he wasn’t close to 80 lbs when you got him! They need to get more food slowly and continuously as they grow, based on their weight and activity level. And 3 cups a day seems very low for an 80 pound puppy. My guy gets 3 cups/day and he is only 20 lbs! If your food is around 400 kcal/cup, I’d expect Kobe to need something around 7 cups a day. I think the 6 month mark is a good time to switch from feeding 3 times per day to 2 times, though; just divide the total amount of food daily by however many meals you are giving. Maybe the breeder feared people would keep the meal size the same and start feeding 1 cup a meal twice a day rather than increasing meal size with the decreased frequency? But remember that they’re general guidelines, and individual needs will vary. You wouldn’t expect 2 of your patients to eat the exact same number of calories, fat, and protein just because both were 55 year old males. And about the vomiting after brown rice: I would strongly advise against getting your dog anything from a Chinese restaurant, no matter how good a restaurant. There is a lot of cross-contamination in restaurants, so you never know what you are actually exposing him to, even in tiny amounts, that could cause problems. A bag of rice is cheap and readily available, and it cooks up easily. For diarrhea I would stick to white rice, though, as it is more easily digestible. I hope some part of this ramble helps.

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