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Kirkland canned

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  • #47428 Report Abuse

    Hey guys! I finally got a chance to go to Costco with my grandma to check out the new canned food and see if it would be good for Bentleys new low carb diet. It looked pretty good, with peas and such not coming up until 5th and 7th on the list (if I recall correctly). Now I’m wanting to email them and ask them the as fed carb value on the food, but I can’t seem to find their website anymore! I always got there by accident through the Costco website, but they seem to changed that. If anyone knows how to get back to the Kirkland pet food website, or knows the carb value of the new canned food, I’d love them forever 🙂

    #47431 Report Abuse

    I thought Kirkland canned is being replaced by Nature’s Domain. Here’s the ND site:


    Hopefully, someone else will chime in.

    #47432 Report Abuse

    There it is! Thanks Sandy 🙂 Doesn’t look like they have an email address :/ This girl ain’t got time for phone calls! However, judging by where the carby ingredients are, it shouldn’t be too high in carbs. Well, I don’t know. Looking at the first 10 ingredients, two are proteins, two are broths, three are carb sources, two are flavorings, and one is a thickening agent. So… Maybe it’s higher than I want?

    #47433 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Akari:
    I am jealous you had a shopping trip to Costco. I do like them better than BJ’s. My Dad’s cousin gets me a discount membership to BJ’s so I went with them.

    Hope they give you the answer you’re looking for!! It would be great to have another option for Bentley. Even if it’s not right for him now it may be okay for part of a rotation in the future when he’s all healed up. How’s he doing?

    #47454 Report Abuse

    He’s doing alright. I still think he needs a blood test done because he’s throwing up several times a week and his hair isn’t growing back as well as it should be, but whatever. If she wants to be stupid about it, let her. It’ll just continue to get more expensive the longer she waits to have it addressed. I got him some shampoo and conditioner for sensitive skin, which will hopefully soothe his skin after his medicated shampoo and strengthen and soften his fur. The fur on the front half of his body is so wiry and dry, and the new growth on his back half is soft.

    #47456 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I will keep my fingers crossed for the blood test. That is still good news about his fur growing back.

    Archie’s new fur is healthy looking and soft compared to the older fur as well. You can spot his new fur a mile away, the old fur has a reddish tinge to it from him cleaning himself so much. He doesn’t clean himself all day anymore, but he still has some healing to do.

    #47458 Report Abuse

    Dr Mike has Nature’s Domain canned at 44% protein 28% fat and 20% carbs. On a dry matter basis. /dog-food-reviews/natures-domain-grain-free-canned/

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by LabsRawesome.
    #47460 Report Abuse

    Didn’t even think to see if it was reviewed yet! I checked a while back but hadn’t seen it then. Would 20% carbs be too much for a dog that’s always digging at themselves from yeast problems? He’s on by Nature 95% right now, but his eyes are getting tear stained, which he hasn’t had in 2 years since we brought him home (came eating on yucky Puppy Chow).

    #47488 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hey Akari:
    It’s about 2x more carbs than what you have been feeding, but still lower than what he was eating in the past. I would be feeding it if I had a Costco membership (or knew someone who did)! lol C4c and Betsy have recommended it to you before; you can only give it a try and see how he does on it! 😉

    #47491 Report Abuse

    That’s why I was wanting to try it, because a few people has recommended it. I don’t really know what I want to do that much carbs, though. But nothing is affordable here! (Other than PB, but I SILL haven’t heard back from Simmons on that whole giant-black-glob-of-stuff-in-the-food thing). I didn’t even say anything about the food, either. Just asked if they made it… I may give it another try here soon and see how it looks. Someone said it was probably just guar gum that hadn’t mixed in all the way.

    I’ve been giving him about 2/3 of a can of By Nature on day, and then mixing the rest of the can and 1/4 cup of THK grain free recipes the next day, and adding some water. I know THK is pretty high in carbs for what I want, but I feel bad giving him just one brand over and over day in and day out, even though I do have two flavors of it.

    #47493 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Did you look into the EVO at Petsupermarket I think it was?

    #47494 Report Abuse

    Yeah. Haven’t tried it yet, though. He’s got like 10 cans of By Nature right now plenty for the time being. The fat content of the canned EVO bothers me some, but I think he can handle it.

    #47495 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Good to keep all ingredients in mind, you never know! 🙂

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