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Is there a Dog Food for Bladder Stones AND Pancreatitis

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  • #12449 Report Abuse

    Our Min Pin Bandi, 8 years old. He was on Prescription Diet W/D his whole life. Never had health issues until he was diagnosed with bladder stones about 3 years ago. He had the surgery to remove them and turns out they were the kind that can be treated with the right kind of food, so they put him on Urinary SO by Royal Canine. He did fine with the food. A few months later we did another X-ray to see if he had anymore stones and he did not. However, they did find a herniated disc in his back. They put him on oral Prednisone to help with this issue. On Day 20 he developed an acute attack of Pancreatitis and almost died. After 2 weeks in the hospital, he pulled through. The doc suggested we put him on a low-fat food to get his diet right to keep the pancreatitis from returning because he couldn’t say 100% if the pancreatitis was from the new food, Urinary SO, or the Prednisone. So, he was put on Royal Canine Gastrointestinal Low-Fat. A few months later, peeing blood, took him in…more bladder stones. Had bladder stone removal surgery #2 and switched him back to the Urinary SO to prevent more stones. Several months later, he had another attack of pancreatitis. The only weird he did right before this was eat an apple he stole from my toddler. This time not as severe as the first because I brought him straight in. He recovered. Food was swapped AGAIN because the vet didn’t know if the apple or the SO food caused the pancreatitis so back to the Low-Fat Gastrointestinal, because the doc said Pancreatitis was more life threathening than the stones and we needed to focus on that. Well, he we are a few months later and last night he couldn’t urinate…took him to the emergency vet, said he had 20 stones in his bladder, 1 blocking his urine flow, and 2 in his penis. So, back to the vet this morning for his 3rd bladder stone removal surgery. Needless to say we are at our wits in with our baby Bandit. The thousands of dollars we have spent are insane, but he is our baby and not helping him is not an option. So…my question is…is there an answer for a dog who is suseptible to both Pancreatitis AND bladder stones??? No one seems to have an answer for us. Multiple vets have called the food manufacturers who don’t even have answers. If anyonr has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you soo much!!!

    #12451 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    What type of stones did your dog have?

    #32887 Report Abuse

    My bichon has the same issue. He is currently recuperating from his first bout of pancreatitis and is waiting for his 4th stone surgery. Diet had been hills ud which was high in fat. It did help with stones for 3 years until now. He’s now on hills I’d to help with pancreatitis, but it’s not good for bladder stones. Did you find a solution?

    #72700 Report Abuse
    Teresa L

    My dog has started the same thing. Has anyone come up with a dog food that works for both. Having a hard time.

    #72715 Report Abuse
    Kirsten W

    Luna is nearly 3, in January she had bladder stone surgery with severe complications and had to be referred to the specialist for an additional operation. It was one of the worst times in my life! She has since had 2 UTI’s and now a possible 3rd. Her last urine sample showed she still had crystals in her urine, she is currently on Hills c/d biscuit with encore pate, she wouldn’t eat the canned Hills food. I am so worried she is going to get struvite stones again! Can anyone suggest something else for her?

    #157763 Report Abuse
    Sara P

    Did you manage to find a new diet ?

    #157764 Report Abuse
    Sara P

    My dog has chronic pancreatitis and calcium
    Oxalate stones

    #157774 Report Abuse

    Have you checked out Royal Canin prescription diets? I know they offer some dual purpose formulas. I feed a calming + urinary food to one of my cats. Hope you find one that works!

    #157807 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    I’m having the exact same issue! No Royal Canin does NOT have one that covers both issues. My vet has her back on Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Low fat again and off of the Urinary SoHo but says she will most likely will have future bladder stones. I so wish someone would come up with a dog food that covers both issues! Mattie is just recovering from bladder stones removal surgery and i know we will have to do the surgery again since she is off the SoHo due to her pancreatitis! It’s so frustrating!

    #157810 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    Please let me know if anyone has any ideas!

    #157818 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    There are different types of stones with different reasons for formations. However, hydration is a big key in all stones to prevent recurrence. Helpful article below for Calcium oxalate stones.
    Nutritional management of Calcium Oxalate stones

    While it can be difficult to completely prevent your dog developing calcium oxalate stones (particularly if they have a genetic predisposition to it), there are some things that you can do to decrease your dog’s chances of developing bladder stones, and to prevent them coming back in dogs who have previously had them.

    Keeping your dog well hydrated is vital. This dilutes their urine, which in turn dilutes the levels of chemicals that promote stone formation, and so decreases the chance of your dog developing bladder stones.

    You can help your dog drink more water by placing a few bowls of fresh water in different locations around the house. Always make sure the water is fresh and that you change it regularly.

    In the ideal world we are aiming to maintain urine specific gravity <1.020. I always encourage my clients to buy a refractometer, which makes it very easy to measure your dog’s urine specific gravity.

    The food your dog eats also impacts on the development of calcium oxalate stones.

    To decrease the chances of your dog developing bladder stones, you should avoid feeding foods that contain high levels of oxalate such as spinach, sweet potatoes, organ meat and brown rice. Instead, include foods with lower oxalate levels like apples (peeled), wild rice and meats and fish in their diet. It’s also a good idea to boil vegetables and discharge the water before giving them to your dog – this helps to reduce the oxalate levels in them.

    Restricting calcium is another strategy for reducing oxalate levels in the urine – a reduction in calcium should be accompanies by a similar reduction in oxalate levels. However calcium restriction should be done very carefully, as too much restriction can be damaging and may lead to health problems including osteoporosis.

    Other dietary measures that can be taken to help prevent formation of calcium oxalate stones are reducing dietary sodium (salt) and avoiding excess vitamin D. This is because excess sodium and vitamin D promotes excessive urinary calcium excretion. Therefore moderately reduce dietary sodium, stay away from high sodium treats and do not supplement with vitamin D.

    Vitamin C supplements are not recommended because when vitamin C is metabolised and broken down, it produces oxalate – therefore avoiding vitamin C supplements avoids an increase in oxalate levels.

    Vitamin B supplements are water soluble and are excreted in the urine. Therefore in all cases of urinary tract stones it is prudent to give a vitamin B complex supplement.

    There is still some debate surrounding magnesium and bladder stones. Some studies have shown that magnesium in the urine impairs formation of calcium oxalate stones. But other studies have shown that when given to healthy dogs, magnesium supplements resulted in an increase in urinary calcium levels. So because there is no definite consensus, restricting or supplementing magnesium is not recommended and so both should be avoided.

    It’s important to note that not all of the oxalate in your dog’s body stems from their diet. Some is produced naturally by your dog’s body, mainly the liver. Nonetheless, avoiding incorporating foods with high levels of oxalate in your dog’s diet is an important preventative step against calcium oxalate stones.

    Including fiber in the diet may reduce absorption of some minerals and so should be considered as part of any dietary changes being made. However, take care not to increase levels too much which can result in overfeeding.

    Calcium oxalate stones cause the bladder to become inflamed by rubbing up against the bladder wall. To help reduce this inflammation, you can give your dog fish body oil supplements. However, avoid liver oil as this contains vitamin D which should be avoided (see above).

    There are a few veterinary prescription diets designed to (theoretically) reduce the likelihood of calcium oxalate stone.

    You can also prepare you dogs food at home using the same high quality ingredients that you eat. There are several health benefits of making your dogs food at home. By feeding your dog a home-prepared diet rather than a dry kibble diet, you can increase the amount of water they are drinking. And as mentioned above, increased water consumption makes urine more dilute and can help prevent stones forming.

    A home-prepared diet is also the only way you can truly control what is going into your dog.

    If you’d like to try cooking for your dog, the best way to ensure that the diet is meeting all of your dogs nutritional needs is to get your recipe from a qualified nutritionist. Dietary manipulation to address a health problem should be done by someone who will work with your dog.

    #157819 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    Also prednisone should NOT be given to dogs with stones since it causes stones to form. The following treats are acceptable for oxalate stone forming dogs:
    plain cooked chicken
    plain cooked turkey
    white potatoes

    #157820 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    Patricia thank you for your insight but my main issue is preventing the pancreatitis flare ups while preventing future bladder stones. Royal Canin Soho prevents future stones but does not deal with the Pancreatitis. Royal Canin Gastrointestinal deals with the pancreatitis. What I’m looking for is a food that does BOTH.

    #157821 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    Most treats you listed would be bad for Mattie’s Pancreatitis.

    #157823 Report Abuse

    Have either of you considered a homemade diet? It probably would be expensive, but petdiets.com or Balanceit.com are both run by veterinary nutritionists that may be able to help formulate a diet with approval from your vet. Best wishes. 💜

    #157854 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    I will check it out! Thank you so much! 💕

    #157855 Report Abuse
    Sara P

    Thank you all for your suggestions and help.
    Unfortunately there is no prescription for both health issues the diet to aid stones is very high in fat so not suitable for pancreatitis.
    My mini schnauzer has an incredibly sensitive stomach and doesn’t cope well if I change food. He’s had kibble and boiled chicken for the whole 9 years of his life. Now I need to give him a low protein diet so switched to carrot on his food and soak the kibble in filtered water.
    The vet has said to treat pancreatitis over the stones.
    I am happy to consider cooking home made for him but it’s daunting.

    #157859 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    Thank you for your insight! Now I’m beginning to think the Soho triggered Mattie’s Pancreatitis! I still have 3/4 of a bag and going to take it back and switch it for the Gastrointestinal food. Your right…treating the Pancreatitis comes first, I just wish there was a low fat dog food that could treat the urinary issues too. I hate to keep putting her through surgeries for removal of the stones. But I guess that’s my only option.

    #157861 Report Abuse
    Patricia A

    Maybe a starting point would be to find a food low in fat but has a good protein level. I feed freeze dried raw. This way with the hydration they are getting plenty of water. I also stick to only the LOW IN FAT proteins because my one would get diarrhea with the high fat. So maybe the best you can do with diet is the hard task of helping with the pancreatitis as well as the bladder stones is the high protein/low fat diet.
    I read this in Whole Dog Journal
    Low-protein diets have also been shown to predispose dogs to pancreatitis, especially when combined with high fat intake. Some prescription diets may be a concern, such as those prescribed to dissolve struvite bladder stones; to prevent calcium oxalate, urate, or cystine stones; and to treat kidney disease; especially for breeds prone to pancreatitis.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Patricia A.
    #162379 Report Abuse
    Piki G

    My 8 years old Daisy (mixed breed) have been on Royal Canine GI low fat diet his entire life until he developed bladder stones (calcium oxalate) and was put on Hills c/d diet. He was on this diet for about a month, and ended up getting pancreatitis.

    I too am struggling to find a diet suitable for both conditions, but am leaning towards home cooking just because I don’t understand /rely on dog food anymore.

    He is on boiled white rice, boiled chicken, boiled carrots and bone broth to begin with, while still trying to figure out a balanced diet.

    He surely is suffering way more from pancreatitis than from his stones and bladder surgery.

    #162398 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    My Mattie is doing well now after a lot of experimentation by my vet. Hopefully this can help someone else’s pet! My vet took her off the Royal Canine GI low fat and put her on the Royal Canine Urinary after her bladder stones(calcium oxalate) were surgically removed. This was a huge mistake to switch her food!! She developed the Pancreatitis which is SO much worse. We immediately returned her to Royal Canine Gastrointestinal low fat dry and wet food, plus I give her several Royal Canine GI snacks a day. She is also on one Denamarin pill each morning an hour before eating her first meal. I have to give it to her with a small amount of her GI wet food. Then twice a day after eating she gets a syringe of the compounded prescription Ursodiol (my vet sent the prescription to my pharmacy to compound). She finally is back to her old self and feels wonderful! We check her liver enzymes every two months now and they continue to go down. We also check her urine which is now normal. The following is what we are doing to prevent future bladder stones from forming: I feed her four small meals a day. A scoop of dry with water twice a day and 1/4 can of wet with lots of water twice a day. The water has her peeing the crystals out before they can form stones! I do have to take her out more frequently but it is so worth it! My vet recommended the wet in addition to the dry because it has so much more water in it than the dry. Plus he recommended to add even more water to it, which I do. My Mattie is 11 pounds and my vet has told me exactly how much to feed her so she will not gain wait. I give her 1/4 cup of dry twice a day and 1/4 of wet twice a day. So far so good!!

    #163604 Report Abuse
    Piki G

    My dog Tapi succumbed to death a month ago, from pancreatic complications after he was placed on the bladder stone diet. He had just turned 8 (his breed lives for about 16 years).

    Tapi always had a bit of a weak stomach; couldn’t tolerate fatty food. He was placed on a low fat diet all his life. I was never told why (& I never asked why) except for the fact that this diet suited him, so nothing to worry!

    Upon having a detailed discussion with the doctor who saw him last, I understood that a possible reason why Tapi couldn’t tolerate fatty food was most likely a sign of underlying chronic pancreatitis.

    Every year Tapi suffered from seasonal allergies and his vet prescribed him Prednisone. I am told now that Prednisone affects the pancreas. Supposedly Apoquel is a better alternative with milder side effects.

    The irony is Tapi could have continued with his low fat GI diet post surgery; all the doc needed to do was to add an enzyme to his diet to prevent the bladder stones from forming. It was just that simple.

    What I learnt from this is to not change your pets food all of a sudden, especially if the pet is on a special diet. There is always a way around it.

    #163606 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    Piki I am so very sorry for your loss! I agree with you 100% about not changing a diet that is working!

    #172043 Report Abuse
    Tracey G

    I am in the same boat. Walter, half shitzu and mutt, developed pancreatitis about 10 years ago after prednisone for allergies. The apoquel was not a help and was expensive. He is now 13. He has been on Hills low fat diet for years with no issues. If and when we tried something else, he had a flare up. We just picked him up from the vet today after having stone surgery. They pulled out a huge stone. It has been sent to the lab, but I’m pretty sure it’s a calcium oxalate stone. I read where carrots and spinach can cause this. He is addicted to carrots, so those have to go. I’m terrified his pancreatitis will flare up on the kidney diet after reading what you all have been through.

    Is it possible to use both foods? Will any fat send him into a pancreatic flare up? Like you all, he is our baby. I will do anything including cook his foods. It’s interesting to note there are many other dogs with these issues.

    Piki, I too am so sorry about your doggie. What enzyme would the doctor have added? Very curious.

    #172922 Report Abuse
    Tammie B

    Good morning Tracey! I’m so sorry your babies are going thru this! I give my baby a supplement that eliminated his incontinence and I have a friend who had great success eliminating the bladder stones/crystals. If you’d like more info, just let me know. He’s a yorkie and has had bouts of pancreatitis, haven’t had any of that in a very long time. He may not be as prone as your babies, but I’m happy to share what and why I feed what I do. He does have horrible allergies and was on apoquel for years, successfully off apoquel and on an all natural supplement now.

    #173009 Report Abuse
    Cara G

    We have had success in using an antiseptic mousse, as our vet recommended, to prevent future bladder stones. This has worked but you have to do it EVERY time after your pet goes to the bathroom. It’s a pain but so worth it. We use Royal Canin Gastrointestinal dry and wet food for her pancreatitis. We add water each meal to further help prevent stone formation.

    #175168 Report Abuse
    Brenda I

    My 4 yr old Pug, Luna, developed kidney stones, ureter stones; we ended up in ER with hydoflush and aggressive medications to flush stones into Bladder. After 7 days they were able to flush them out and she came home without surgery.
    Vet gave her R.C. SO food and Hills C/D.
    4 days later she almost died due to severe pancreatitis. The Vet was “preparing” us.
    She got a miracle and came home 36 hrs later with 5 medications and
    R.C. Gastrointestinal food.
    She is doing good with this food…
    We have 2 Dr appts with Internal Medicine in Boston on how to help her kidneys AND pancreatitis.
    We also have an appt with Nutritionist.
    Having said that, the only food ( In My Opinion) that I have found in my research for all this; that can do both Kidneys and Pancreatitis is
    Hills Rx Gastrointestinal BIOME.
    I have not yet asked Vet about this food. But I have researched it.

    Check it out.

    #175169 Report Abuse
    Brenda I

    What enzyme ?

    #175192 Report Abuse
    Brenda I

    Hill’s Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome Chicken & Vegetable Stew Wet Dog Food

    #175197 Report Abuse
    Tracey G

    Walter’s problems are ongoing. After stone surgery, he began showing symptoms of an autoimmune neurological disease. He was eating food to avoid stones, and the vet put him on prednisone. Guess what. Pancreas flareup again that had him in the doggie hospital for two days. Before he was released, they did a sonogram and found pancreatic cancer and confirmed the neurological disease which causes the esophagus to collapse. He was also put back on the Hills lowfat food because of the pancreatitis. I’m waiting to hear he has another stone. We live in Mexico, and a doctor in Guadalajara has created a cancer treatment for certain kinds of cancer. He has been on this for two weeks. Another sonogram in a few days will tell us if the tumor is shrinking or not. No one seems to have any ideas how to treat dogs with both pancreas and kidney stone issues.
    Walter is shockingly in decent health with all he has wrong. The vet is shocked. With where we are located, I doubt I can find a dog nutritionalist to create a proper diet- if such a thing exists.

    #181531 Report Abuse
    Caterina B

    There is a Hill’s food that is Urinary and low fat. I leave the name for you to investigate. hopefully this can help you. My dog ​​has pancreatitis and The presence of a urinary calculus in the bladder.

    Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare + Metabolic, Urinary + Weight Care Chicken Flavor Dry Dog Food

    #183349 Report Abuse
    paola M

    My dog Peter had surgery for bladder stone on 2.14.2022. Following the surgery he was put on Royal Canin Urinary SO. On Friday 5.13 he was diagnosed with Pancreatitis. How can I find out if Royal Canin Urinary SO caused or contributed to his Pancreatitis? Calling Royal Canin seems ridiculous but I will certainly give it a try. My concern now is what diet shall he follow? I am willing to cook for him and give him what he needs to ensure he has long and healthy life. Peter is 8 years old and he is a Yorkie. We live in Maryland. If any reader to this board has any advice please send me your recommendations.. from licensed nutritionists to veterinarians who specialize in these two health problem and have solution on how co-exist with both. Thank you.

    #184057 Report Abuse
    Meredith M

    Royal Canin makes a veterinary diet called “Adult Satiety Support Weight Management” that my Vet put our dog on for bladder stones. We use this because she is prone to weight gain but it also has the SO properties.

    #188501 Report Abuse
    Julie D

    My human patients with recurring pancreatitis are sometimes prescribed pancreatic enzymes (I have specifically seen Pancreaze used). Super type triglyceride control (which is essential to preventing pancreatitis- other things are as well) is also achieved by some human patients by using meds and diet. There’s actually a correlation between
    stones and pancreatitis. You should pick your own doctor’s brain about this subject and what would be recommended if he/ she had a human with these problems. I’d also see if you can get in contact with a human dietian to see what they’d suggest. My dog has had recurring vomiting and calcium oxalate stones so I’m trying to figure out what diet is best for her. Your doctor may be able to access “UpToDate” and print the current recommendations. I look to human medicine a lot for Chloe because I’m a human icu nurse. I read these forums to get ideas or resource ideas. Vets seem to be overwhelmed with animals so doing the work of giving them research isn’t bad especially if it’s from a reputable site. Mayo clinic has great resources for certain things. I’d ask a doctor and a dietian for help and the worse they can do is turn you down. But when I talk about Chloe, my doctor friends start asking questions because they like to help sick people (and animals). I got advice about chickens from my doctor. Best of luck!! This is the site that talks about pancreatitis and stones- ps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8783332/

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