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homemade pre-mix for raw meat

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  • #49310 Report Abuse

    Hello everyone, I’ve been a lurker and finally decided to join. I wanted to get some advice about a homemade cooked veggie pre-mix. My little dog(Graham) does raw muscle meat with The Honest Kitchen pre-mix. He’s been on it for a little over 2 years. I want to make my own because I think I could save some money. Does anyone know of a recipe for a homemade pre-mix?

    Background- the reason he is on the pre-mix is because he has severe allergies. When I first got him I knew I was doing raw with him just like my cat. But he kept throwing up or regurgitating his food. No matter the brand of raw, homemade or commercial he couldn’t keep it down. He would thow up in his sleep, it was bad. We did an ultra sound, allergy test, x-ray… we even tried kibble but that only added diarrhea to the mix. It was really bad at one point. I cried thinking I might have to give him away because nothing that I was doing was making him better. I was sad and frustrated all at the same time. Then one day I noticed small bits of bone in his throw up and thought maybe it’s the bone? Sure enough that’s exactly what it was! We also stay away from things found on his allergy panel(potato, rice, lamb) but the bone was the main culprit behind him throwing up raw. He’s 3 and we had a hard first year but everything worked out.

    Also can someone point me area for directions on how to get a picture up? I’m missing something.

    #49312 Report Abuse

    There is a sticky on one of the pages under Help and Feedback that gives directions on how to create an avatar. it’s done offsite through a website called gravatar

    Graham is my name! I don’t feed raw-I do use HK and like it-but a lot of people here seem to use Steve Brown’s books as a guideline to a full on homemade diet. You can download them on Amazon or order the books there as well. From my understanding, completely homemade the most important thing is balancing, so hopefully someone like Sandy or HDM that already does this will chime in

    Good luck

    #49314 Report Abuse

    I started out using “Real Foods for Healthy Dogs and Cats”. It has boneless recipes along with a veggie mash recipe and a vitamin recipe to balance everything out. There are also guidelines for omega-3 and other supplements. It’s actually easy once you do it for the first time. You initially have to buy some vitamins and grind these up and either use bone meal or dried egg shells if you like.

    #49319 Report Abuse

    I know you are looking for a homemade pre-mix recipe. But, I was wondering if you have checked out Steve Brown’s See Spot Live Longer dinner mix? I just ordered some, but have not tried it yet. I think it might be cheaper than THK.
    Also http://www.dogaware.com has homemade recipes.

    #49328 Report Abuse

    Sandy, that is my favorite picture you’ve put up yet

    #49372 Report Abuse

    Thank you everyone. I really need to look into cost and break it all down. Is it much of a savings making it myself? I’m not sure. Especially considering how much I spend on my own veggies, vitamins and eggs… I probably just need to be a better bargain hunter.

    Also thank you for the name of that other premix…I have to take the time to look into it a little more but it does look like a less costly alternative.

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