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High Fiber,High Carbs, Low fat Wet Food

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  • #77951 Report Abuse
    Deby G

    I have a 7 year old chipoo rescue that can only eat wet food because she is missing many teeth. I am trying to get her off of Hills ID low fat which she has been on for about a year. She was put on it after gastro bleeding. She seems to be doing well on it but I am worried about long term use and of course Hills food. Lately I’ve been mixing in Wellness core beef and lamb. Half wellness half hills. I am so confused when checking percentages of ingredients that I’m making myself crazy. Also, Marley won’t eat pate, but does eat the stews. I have cured her severe anal gland problem (every 2 weeks at the vet) with 1-2 teaspoons of pumpkin a day. Haven’t been to the vet in 2 months. What a sweet victory. Will really appreciate your input. Thanks.

    #77970 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    High Deby G:
    Are you working with your Vet to wean her off Rx food? What has your Vet recommended you look for in a new food? If a food needs to be similar in guaranteed analysis as the Rx food finding a similar OTC food could prove difficult. Do you plan on continuing feeding pumpkin if you find a new food? How has she done with adding Cores to her diet?

    I agree with you and feeding some Rx foods long term, but not all depending on the health condition, would be a concern of mine as well. However, I would not be concerned with it being made by Science Diet or any other Rx food manufacturer.

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