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Hare Today Gone Tomorrow

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  • #25750 Report Abuse

    Freehold-I had two potbellies- Bacon and Porkchop. They were sweet littleguys, but as Patty said, they did have a temper, lol. However, both learned very quickly to “sit” for cheerios which they loved. They also loved any kind of people food they could get ahold of. The worst part was how LOUD they were when excited. They can “scream” and breathe at the same time, so no worries about the screaming stopping before they were good and ready!

    #25753 Report Abuse

    I can taste them already! I can’t wait for the day and we are going to get the most out of every bite!

    #25766 Report Abuse

    Rofl. they would have been less troublesome as dog food then as pets. But, alas, we can not eat or feed a pet to another, no matter what species it is. I would fail as a farmer.

    #25767 Report Abuse

    Hey Freehold, do you know that these guys deliver to various points along the NJ turnpike?


    Not sure if that’s a driveable distance for you? Their menu is more extensive than Raaw Energy and the prices are equally good if not better.

    #25787 Report Abuse

    Melissa, I have to agree. I had to wait until my kids were older before getting the calf because when they were younger they said no way would they eat that. I have a retirement home for old chickens because they were pets as babies. Besides I won’t do the deed myself, I send them off for it. When we had our nasty contankerous goat done, we didn’t have any of him for us. He all went for dog food because we had him as a baby. Even then we didn’t like him, but we still couldn’t eat him. The dogs love every bite of him though.

    #25795 Report Abuse

    Hey Beagles! Lol. Thanks for the link- I’ll have to check out where they drop off. Nearest exit for me is 7A and the construction zone there is HORRENDOUS !!

    #25797 Report Abuse

    Patty- abusive dog mom that I am … No furniture for Harry (we’d never get it back). He’s never tried & we don’t invite. Besides his sleep startle, he’s an XL model & there would be no place for us to sit. Spoiled hound has 3 dog beds & his crate to choose from. He does manage yo always spread out at hallway intersections so he knows exactly where all his humans are 🙂

    #25802 Report Abuse

    Whoa!! He definitely needs a LOT of floor space. Ours liked to curl up into little spaces. One loveseat was big enough for 3. I do understand the doorway sprawl.

    #25804 Report Abuse

    Patty- When Harry “cockroaches” he’s the length of our couch.lol.

    Has anyone tried the goat from Hare Today? I’m making up a wish list/pre order. Always looking to add something besides beef & tripe since poultry is out. He did well on the pork & liked the rabbit grind too. Want to try out the duck feet (so cute) also, my Asian Mkt didn’t have them.

    #25806 Report Abuse

    Before we processed our goat, we ordered goat from Hare Today. Mine loved it! They also love the mutton.

    I can just picture the six foot long, four legged dead cockroach. LMAO!

    #25811 Report Abuse

    Yes, he’s quite the sight…looks like he’s posing for a Playgirl centerfold. I keep threatening to buy him a kilt (Irish bloodlines) as his blatant airing out of his “junk” gets a bit old. Add in the obnoxious snoring & dream rabbit chasing & he looks possessed. But he’s always good for a laugh.

    Will check out the goat & mutton also. Attended a few Goat Roasts in Texas – I don’t remember if I liked it or not, but Harry’s not too picky w/ raw.

    #25814 Report Abuse

    Even my Saluki had rabbit dreams, too funny. Dogs that big shouldn’t make funny noises like that!

    #25816 Report Abuse

    I agree Patty- occasionally I hear something that I can only describe as a “Muppet” noise coming from him.

    #25819 Report Abuse

    I used to joke about how Frosty was obsessed with babies, in his sleep he talked about whelping all the time. “Whelp, whelp, whelp!”

    #25848 Report Abuse

    Freehold! 🙂 Here are the stops listed in the last email I got (all going southbound):
    Thomas Edison Rest Area, truck side
    Molly Pitcher (??)
    Richard Stockton rest stop (other side of WW rest stop), truck side
    Exit 4 – Parking lot of NJ Ale House
    Exit 2 – Dunkin Donuts/Gas station

    Hope that helps. I picked up my first order last night and I’m super impressed so far, can’t wait to try what we got. Incidentally they had a 30 lb case of duck necks on sale which I ordered, thinking it would be nicely packaged like the other small packs of necks I’ve gotten from Hare. Well it was actually 30 lbs of loose necks frozen into a giant 30 lb block. LOL. My husband and I just spent about an hour and a half tearing them apart and repacking them into freezer bags. There must be close to 150 or more. I think I’m set for awhile 😛

    #25851 Report Abuse

    Wow! I just went onto the Top Quality website and I’m impressed! I have a couple of questions. The bone content listed is from 22 to 30%, depending on the animal source. What is ideal? 30% seems high, no? So I’d have to add in boneless meat to this, right? Second question: Is dried liver as good as fresh? Does it still contain the same amount of nutrients? If so, It seems like a much more convenient way to include in the diet. I’m looking at an hour’s drive to pick up but the prices are good.

    #25857 Report Abuse

    About 15% bone is good, so yes you would need to add boneless meat.

    It depends on how the liver is dried, how much damage was done. Dehydrating damages a bit but not usually as bad as cooking, it depends on the temp they dehydrate at. And freeze drying damages a little, but not much. You have to be careful about how much you give, it’s easy to give too much when it’s dry. I like to use dried as training treats. I think it’s duck liver that I’m using right now.

    #25866 Report Abuse

    Hi neezerfan, not sure where you are but they also make stops in SE PA, DE, and MD if any of those work better for you.

    #25879 Report Abuse

    I’m on Long Island. It actually will probably cost quite a bit in tolls to go to the turnpike, so maybe have to re-think this.

    #25884 Report Abuse

    Hmm… they also go up into CT. No idea how easy it is to get from Long Island to CT but figured it’s worth mentioning 🙂

    #26644 Report Abuse

    My mini freezer is up and running- YAY! I’ve delayed another order until I was sure it worked. I can get the raw out of MY freezer now! And better yet start an order. It feels like Xmas (and that’s absolutely pathetic LOL). Forget sugar plums – I’ve got visions of goat, tripe, and duck feet & necks dancing thru my head 🙂

    #26646 Report Abuse

    HaHaHa!! I went to an herbal healing mini seminar yesterday and I have visions of essential oils, herbs, beeswax, mason jars, small jars and bottles dancing through my head.

    #26647 Report Abuse

    LOL! That’s exactly how I felt when I got my new freezer, lol! I had a lot more room and I just couldn’t wait to order a bunch more stuff from Hare Today to fill it up! Isn’t it great?! 😀

    #26648 Report Abuse

    Lol! @ Patty, I can picture you in a science lab type scenario, mixing up essential oils and stuff in beakers and rubbing your hands together while you do an evil laugh! Ha ha!

    #26651 Report Abuse

    That’s exactly how I’m picturing myself!

    #26652 Report Abuse

    Patty: Oh my yes- years ago I made my own scented oils for Aromatherapy & some soaps. It was wonderful. I could make the mixtures I needed. It was wonderful.

    Cyndi: it’s a small freezer but w/ only 1 dog on partial raw it’s enough for me & for $45 (originally $160) I couldn’t walk away! My Hare Today is going to be painful heehee

    #26653 Report Abuse

    We have so many issues with scents that I always made my own soap, scent free, or with things that don’t bother us. A big no no for us has always been lavender, but we made a wound ointment that had lavender in it and I tried it. It didn’t bother me at all and nobody died when I got home either. I think I’m really going to have fun with this.

    Your freezer was an absolute steal of a deal!! I really like being able to arrange the dog food according to what I want to feed when.

    #26654 Report Abuse

    It’s a top loader w/a small shelf 1/2 way up $ a sliding basket up top. I will have to figure out a system. He’s so limited on what he can eat that it shouldn’t be too hard – it’s just my OCD lol. The minute I try to move the pkgs I have out to the freezer Harry’s starts going crazy thinking it’s dinner time.
    Patty: I mixed a lot of oil brews when I was dealing with infertility & a very high risk pregnancy. I wasn’t born with a relaxation chromosome so I needed ALOT of help 🙂

    #26660 Report Abuse

    Jeanne (I hope that’s free holds name), you are an absolute riot! Glad you got your freezer, I assume you’ve gone through with the pregnancy & you have a child to love!

    #26668 Report Abuse

    Marie: I Mom to an amazing 14 yr old. She was born at 23 wks weighing a bit more than 1lb. She fought hard & she’s my hero. She is vision & hearing impaired but just started High School and is getting straight A’s. Our boy Harry the Greyhound is her constant partner in crime & she’s his Wubbie.
    And I still can’t relax for nothin. I truly suck at it. My yoga teacher tried to teach me meditation but gave up, as I kept
    going thru my “to do list” in my head. But I had some great smelling concoctions !!

    #26671 Report Abuse

    Oh Jeanne, I’m so thankful for your daughter, 23 weeks is so early! Bless you!

    #26672 Report Abuse

    She was my beautiful rubber chicken <3 Her twin brother passed 2 days after they were born. I am grateful everyday. Even when she’s being a teenager. I am blessed. Thank you Marie.

    #26682 Report Abuse

    Hey Jeanne

    Just so you know, it’s CDO. You HAVE TO put the letters in order!!!! Sorry, that’s my family’s joke.

    #26688 Report Abuse

    LOL Patty !

    #26697 Report Abuse


    #26708 Report Abuse

    Just completed my order! New stuff includes duck necks/feet, goat grind, and even the dressed quail pack. Got his faves too – beef grind, rabbit grind, and of course his addiction – Tripe. I ordered freezer containers for a good price off Amazon so I’ll be all set to stock the new freezer. 🙂

    Family coming over later so today will be turkey neck day- it’s so much fun grossing out company MWAH HA HA 🙂

    #26749 Report Abuse

    LOVE IT!!!

    #26910 Report Abuse

    Just got my order nestled into the freezer! Tracy was out of duck necks so she threw in a 2nd pkg of the dressed quail. EEK!!! I hope he likes those things.

    #26937 Report Abuse

    If I’m looking at the recipes in “Unlocking the Canine Ancestral Diet”, how does the Hare Today ground poultry/bone/organ fit in the recipe? Would I be better off just buying each individual thing to make it opposed to a mixed? Sorry for all the questions but I am really wanting to make my own food. She is on Darwin’s right now and doing very well with it.

    #26942 Report Abuse

    Read chapter 6 Building Beef and Chicken ABC Recipes Step-By-Step

    Go to Recipe #2: Poultry
    Your poultry grind that has meat/bones/organs should replace the chicken necks, thighs, hearts, and livers. You need to add the rest of it.

    #26946 Report Abuse

    Thank you for your response. I’ve been talking with Tracy at Hare Today and I think I’m going to go with the balance over time menu, feeding 80% meat, 10% bone, and 10% organ.

    #28077 Report Abuse

    Getting braver in my quest for “chewies” trying for duck necks again, and also the rabbit heads, and the large beef meaty bone.

    #28131 Report Abuse
    Brittany Mom

    I’ve been feeding raw for about two years now but I have not given my dogs any necks, etc. How do you feed necks without the dogs getting a mess all over? I have carpeting throughout my entire house, even in the kitchen.

    #28134 Report Abuse

    I feed my dog her turkey necks and other RMB’s (Raw Meaty Bones) in the laundry room on a towel. She’s real good about staying in one spot on the towel while she eats. Some other raw feeders here feed RMB’s in the dog’s crate. & some people feed them outside…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Cyndi.
    #28137 Report Abuse

    We’ve got a 230 pound English Mastiff that produces a puddle of drool the second he smells the slightest hint of food, so he only gets his chicken and turkey necks on the backyard deck

    #28158 Report Abuse

    I put an old beach towel over my dogs bed and eats all his nasty bits there. Now he knows when the towel comes out something good is right behind it. I just throw it in the wash later. Easy clean up 🙂

    #112691 Report Abuse
    anna b

    HareToday had great quality products. I have had numerous email conversations with Tracy, the founder/owner, and she sincerely cares about the well fair of animals. My main complaint is that the ground products are WAY too high in bone!
    It should be 80/10/10 or something close to that, but most of her stuff is more like 68/27/5! Not right. The only way to fix it is to buy more packages of boneless meat with more packages of organs and blend them all in. I don’t want to do that. I may not purchase from her any longer because I got tired of having to mix them myself.

    #112735 Report Abuse

    I buy from Hare, two of mine do fine with her bone content. one has trouble with some (pork, mutton for starters) so I just add a spoonful of store bought ground meat.

    #115192 Report Abuse
    Sloane K

    Very helpful info! I feed my yellow lab rescue a homemade raw diet but have been thinking of switching to a name brand. Might give this one a try.

    #147035 Report Abuse
    Hiren P

    All of you gives the best reply.
    Thank you for the info.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Hiren P.
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