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Hare Today Gone Tomorrow

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  • #24356 Report Abuse

    The possibilities really are endlees with that. You can dice apple, add cinnamon and a few nuts, and sprinkle with brown sugar. Or you can chop up strawberries, or any berries for that matter, then serve with a little cream or yogurt.

    #24367 Report Abuse

    LOL… I have only 1 refrigerator for dog and people. Dog food get 1/4 of freezer space human’s ice cream, bread etc has the other 3/4.

    #24377 Report Abuse

    Well, the ice cream is really important. That can’t be denied.

    #24394 Report Abuse

    Absolutely Patty! 🙂

    #24501 Report Abuse

    Well, I had ordered the rabbit heads from Hare Today last week and more of the rabbit pieces. Bailey had a rabbit piece with liver or some organ attached (I didn’t look that closely, lol!) & she also had a rabbit head. She loved it! 🙂 The whole prey quail was a dud, but she sure is liking the rabbit! I doubt I will be able to do a whole rabbit, but for now I am glad she likes the head and will be getting the benefits from the brain and stuff.

    #24504 Report Abuse

    Cyndi- good for you but I’m not sure others in this house would appreciate rabbit heads in the freezer, but I want to try the rabbit pieces out.

    #24508 Report Abuse

    Lol! Thats true! They’re not too bad to look at though, but I sure didn’t watch Bailey eat it, lol!

    #24511 Report Abuse

    My family has learned that if I put something in the freezer in a Walmart bag, DON’T LOOK!!!

    #24513 Report Abuse

    LOL! Learned the HARD way, I’m sure! Ha ha!

    #24532 Report Abuse

    Rabbit heads would be a good size for my boys!

    #24533 Report Abuse

    Has anyone tried the guinea pig or pinkie rabbit?

    #24534 Report Abuse

    Hi Sandy! Yes, rabbit heads would be the perfect size for your boys! Hare Today has a bag of 10 for only like $5.99, I believe it was. I was a little iffy about buying a whole bag, because I wasn’t sure if Bailey would like them. But, she does, and for a meal I will feed one to her with a bigger piece of rabbit.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Cyndi.
    #24630 Report Abuse

    Sheesh! My last order didn’t completely fill the freezer, so I’m thinking about what to order next. It’s like an obsession or something. MPV has a nice sale on whole turkey grinds.

    #24632 Report Abuse

    I was just looking at that turkey sale and totally want to get some! I told my husband about it and he goes “when are we going to stop buying meat for the dogs?” I said… um how ’bout when the freezer’s full? lol. I still have plenty of space so what’s the problem! 🙂

    #24634 Report Abuse

    My first thought was “When H**l freezes over.” My second thought was “When we no longer have dogs.” I never even considered stopping when the freezer is full. HeeHee!!

    #24636 Report Abuse

    I just put thru an order from Raw Pet Food Nation – just a little one. I couldn’t get my Tripe Patties locally so I gave it a shot.

    #24637 Report Abuse

    I also have my eye on a very small freezer – trying to figure out where I can put it 🙂

    #24641 Report Abuse

    I know what you mean. Do you have a guest bedroom, office, or computer room? You could work at converting them to a dog food room. I’m convinced that is what Sandy has, and I’m jealous.

    #24647 Report Abuse

    Patty, I like how you think!… I told him the “when h**l freezes over” line and he didn’t like that much, haha. He only has himself to blame though, he went with me to purchase the freezer! Did he think it would stay only half full? Admittedly I do need to reserve a little space for the deer he’d better be bringing me once hunting season starts. I like to tease him that it’s all for the dogs… (most of it is, I just let him think it isn’t).

    Freehold – no luck with Raaw Energy and the tripe patties? Good luck getting your freezer, it makes raw-feeding life much easier! My fridge freezer breathed a sigh of relief when every last inch wasn’t busting with meat anymore. And now i have room for a few human items again, hehe.

    #24648 Report Abuse

    Point out to the hubby that freezers are much more energy efficient when they are full. But you are right, you do need to have room for that doggy deer.

    #24649 Report Abuse

    My weekend hours got screwed up so I couldn’t get over to Raaw’s. My fault. I’m tempted to just buy the freezer & figure out where to put it later. At this point the garage is my only spot.

    #24653 Report Abuse

    I have 2 freezers in my garage. It works for me.

    #24899 Report Abuse

    Looks like Raw Pet Food Nation may turn out to be a bust (at least for me). I placed my order last weekend & never received any sort of email from them for confirmation. I emailed on Wed & got a reply that they were looking into it & nothing since. Sigh. I ‘ll hold out thru the weekend & then go thru PayPal to dispute the transaction.

    #24900 Report Abuse

    My freezer went down in price again. There’s 3 left & they’ ll go down a bit more on Thursday. Going to hold off until there’s 1 left & see what I can get it for – then figure out where the hell I’m going to put it 🙂

    #24901 Report Abuse

    I trust you heard about HDMs experience with them.

    #24902 Report Abuse

    I wondered if it was the same place. I guess it is.

    #24903 Report Abuse

    Hi Freehold… that website is definitely a bust. HDM posted that she placed an order and never received it, had to find their phone number through Paypal (since the one listed on the website is out of service), and got a similar BS line from them about how it would ship soon or some such thing. We dug deeper and found that this same creep of a woman (Suzanne) burned HDM once before with a different website but somehow she’s still putting up these sites and screwing people. Her former 2-3 businesses all have an F rating on the website of the Better Business Bureau. You can read our discussion here…
    /best-dog-foods/raw-dog-food/ (suggested raw dog foods)
    I wouldn’t wait to file the claim with Paypal – do it asap. They took care of HDM’s refund the same day.

    #24904 Report Abuse

    also wanted to add… it’s annoying because I only found out about the stupid site because that woman emailed our co-op (PA_NJrawfeedingnetwork)… so i can’t imagine how many other people are in the same boat. Not sure if you’re a member of the group or not but no one’s responded with any sort of feedback, so who knows.

    #24906 Report Abuse

    Damn. Didn’t know it was the same people. Contacting PayPal now!!

    #24907 Report Abuse

    Filed with PayPal. How aggravating!

    #24909 Report Abuse

    It’s super aggravating. I exchanged numerous emails with this person over product questions and she responded to each one promptly, lying the ENTIRE TIME. I emailed her this week after this whole thing went down and never received a response. What a surprise. If you google “Pet dynamix” and “river dog naturals” you’ll see responses from other customers who got burned after using her other “businesses”. Why she’s still getting away with this I do not understand.

    #25394 Report Abuse

    Finally got my refund from PayPal!! Only $40 but it’s the point of it. 🙂

    #25412 Report Abuse

    This month the special at Hare Today is LLama. And their 2 lb tripe is still on sale.

    #25416 Report Abuse

    I got a few containers of MPC’s tripe/gullet/trachea grind to try out. Hopefully the small freezer I’ve had my eye on at Target on clearance will go down again this week & I’ll pick it up. Then I’ll have to plan on some more goodies. Llama? Wow, I’m just happy he likes the beef & rabbit so far lol.

    I also ordered MPC dried beef trachea chews to give him a break from the turkey necks & something I can give him when we’re out and about – he loves them & they lasted longer than I thought they would. Will be looking at duck feet soon too at my Asian Mkt.

    #25418 Report Abuse

    I’m saving llama, goose, and a couple others, in case Micah ever needs a novel protein again. At least, for now I am, I don’t know how long that resolve will last. I’m less and less convinced that it is a necessary precaution anymore.

    #25421 Report Abuse

    Just for the record all of mine love Lhama! Patty I have not forgotten you. I woke up with a sinus infection and spent most my day at the Doctor so I am shipping out your box tomorrow 🙂

    #25425 Report Abuse

    I’m not one to worry or take offense. Don’t rush, take care of yourself.

    #25461 Report Abuse

    I’ve bought from Hare Today several times. Actually I just placed a $500 order for ground whole pork since I’m boarding my dog for 3 months and they’ll feed raw but not chunks and no bone. The grind is very fine and something I’m not used to being a MPC customer too. But it doesn’t bother me or the dog lol. I bought from her because she’s a small business and she was always friendly to me threw email and when I was starting out on raw she gave me a wealth of info. She also had the baggies instead of the containers which help me and my boarding place fit more in their freezer. However be warned most of these bags will have holes in them so thaw in sink or bowl. But honestly what’s so hard about that? Prices are of course a few cents more expensive but I like helping small businesses.

    #25703 Report Abuse

    I got my baby freezer today. But with clearance, gift card & employee discount it only came to $45! Hopefully I’ll get it plugged in this weekend & can get the raw food out of our freezer. Then I can figure out my next order 🙂

    #25710 Report Abuse

    I just replugged in my chest freezer, because I’m expecting a quarter steer tomorrow.

    #25716 Report Abuse

    Sweet mother of God – a steer? Impressive. I’m happy that I’ll be able to get the tripe away from my ice cream 🙂

    #25721 Report Abuse

    Just 1/4 of the steer, but I’m raising one of my own for next summer. I have 9 more months to put up with the pain in the a**. He thinks I am a big fun toy and tries to push me around all over the place. His call name is Cheeseburger and everyone in the family can’t wait until he is one.

    #25722 Report Abuse

    Lmao! @ Cheeseburger! Poor steer! Lol!

    #25723 Report Abuse

    Classic, Patty, simply classic!!!

    #25724 Report Abuse

    His “name” actually changes from week to week. Sometimes it’s Stew, Porterhouse, Chuck, Jerky, and more, but we always come back to Cheeseburger.

    There’s no poor steer about it!! He has all the grass he can eat, about 2 1/2 acres of pasture that he doesn’t have to share. He gets his head or tail scratched daily. And he has this really big squeaky toy named Patty that he gets to toss around twice a day.

    #25725 Report Abuse

    I spent some years in Texas working at a stable w/ lots of livestock – I completely get the squeaky toy thing. I personally have always wanted a mini pet pig -whose name shall be Bacon!! Or Bacon Bits 🙂

    #25730 Report Abuse

    I used to keep my horse at a stable where they had a potbellied pig and that is the one animal I have never wanted to own. Theirs was allowed to roam and was a total pain and if it didn’t get its way it would bite. Thank goodness its teeth didn’t line up right! I like the name though!

    #25737 Report Abuse

    A friend had one – litter box trained, dog bed/crate trained, very sweet. But with an 80+ lb Greyhound taking up all the floor space I’d need a bigger house

    #25739 Report Abuse

    Greyhounds don’t take up much floor space…if you give them their own couch. Ours folded up very nicely on the couch once we got them past their track training to never lie down in the presence of a human.

    Pigs are very smart, but they don’t think like dogs or horses. I found that I didn’t enjoy trying to get a pig to work with me like I enjoy working with dogs and horses.

    #25748 Report Abuse

    Lmao! “he has a really big squeaky toy named Patty….” LOL!! Now THAT’S funny! Sorry! Ha ha! I bet you’re really going to enjoy those steaks!

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