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Grocery store Organic ground turkey?

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  • #16584 Report Abuse

    Since my 2nd bout with Pancreatitis and this girl is even worse than the first girl. I bought some Organic ground turkey and bought a bag of Organic brown rice and planned to cook the rice but mix the turkey in just raw. She cannot eat until tomorrow but I am afraid to feed her anymore Darwin’s. Shes has very runny stools all day so my vet said no food today so I plan to feed her tomorrow morning and the organic raw turkey is all I could think of to feed her unless I go back to kibble which I am trying to avoid. I should get my order from My Pet Carnivore tomorrow and I ordered 10lbs of the young ground beef but I am sure it will be in the afternoon before I get it delivered plus I want to try to mix that with the Darwin’s turkey meals to try to cut the fat in the Darwin’s meals at least in half if possible. Anyone have any thoughts to help me out?

    #16610 Report Abuse

    If they’re still in the acute phase I might lightly cook the turkey just to get the most fat out of it and then continue to feed low fat for at least a week and then very slowly increase the fat amount in weekly increments. That way you can judge the amount of fat they can handle and possible follow up with bloodwork. I’m thinking it could take a couple months. What amount of fat were they eating before raw food?

    #16668 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    NectarMom –

    I think Sandy had a good suggestion. You may want to forget the Darwin’s and possibly even the MPC and just use a pre-mix and mix in very lean meat (if you want to continue with raw). I would go with meat from the grocery store so you know exactly the level of fat you’re feeding – 95% lean ground beef, 97% lean ground turkey, chicken breast, etc. As for adding EFA’s – I’d just add a sardine or a fish oil capsule and maybe a very small amount of coconut oil a few days a week. I’m so sorry to hear that your dogs are having these issues. Some dogs just can’t tolerate high levels of fat and some breeds are pre-disposed pancreatitis. All of my dogs tolerate very high levels of fat (I sometimes feed up to 40%) – thank god, they eat so much the higher fat levels help me keep their food more calorie-dense.

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