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  • #22788 Report Abuse

    Hi everyone, and thanks for such an informative site with a lot of informative posts by those willing to share their hard-learned experiences. I’ve been poring over a lot of the discussions and digging in to the facts presented, and I’m trying hard not to duplicate questions already asked.

    One manufacturer I came across seems not to have a presence on this website yet – it’s listed in the topic, GreenTripe.com. What particularly intrigues me are their various formulations using trachea, gullet, and pancreas, among others. What do you experienced raw food people think of this variation? At a glance, it looks like shipping costs might be somewhat prohibitive unless ordering in serious bulk.

    I’m thinking my best bet to start is simply checking with the local grocers for various RMBs and organs on the cheap and using those as well as eggs, yogurt, and so on as a topper for grain-free kibble (currently rotating among Halo Puppy Salmon, Halo Surf and Turf, Nature’s Variety Instinct Duck, and Nature’s Variety Instinct Rabbit with canned toppings like Wellness Core and Solid Gold Green Cow Tripe). Ideally I would eventually transition to all home-prepared ingredients but I definitely need to read up more on vegetables and supplements for a while first.

    Oh, and my dog is a four-month old boxer/pit mix – he’s growing like a weed and I’m slightly concerned we’ve been using a few too many treats for training in addition to his three meals a day as he’s gone from 13 lbs on June 12 when we adopted him to 32 currently, but he seems healthy as a horse and has great energy. The only issue seems to be some scratching and itching which has somewhat receded as his flea treatment has kicked in (I still find fleas on him but they seem unwell and are easy to catch and crush), but he came home on SD of course from the SPCA so I am hoping that dietary improvements might eliminate any potential skin issues if they exist.

    I look forward to gleaning a lot more valuable knowledge from these discussions, and thanks again for expending the energy to inform more people – I really appreciate the love-driven data!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by emchide.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by emchide.
    #22792 Report Abuse

    Welcome to the forum! I’ve checked out GreenTripe before and they look intriguing, but as you saw, shipping was high.

    Ask questions! We love them!

    #22793 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I’ve checked out green tripe’s stuff and it looks great, unfortunately shipping to where I live (NY) is ridiculous – I believe they’re based in California. I think Sandy uses their stuff(?). I use the green tripe supermix from My Pet Carnivore (more reasonable shipping to my area) which looks similar to their mix – it’s whole ground beef, green tripe, trachea and gullet.

    #22795 Report Abuse

    I think she uses Texas Tripe, but I’m not sure about Green Tripe. She is where I heard of them though, so I could be totally confused.

    #22799 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I might have it mixed it up lol

    #22801 Report Abuse

    She could use both.

    #22804 Report Abuse

    I use both. GreenTripe.com is carried in better pet food boutiques so the price is reasonable versus paying for shipping to your house. Also my local raw group makes bulk orders. If you have a full size freezer or one that carries 500 lbs you can take advantage of their bulk ordering. Even my little mom & pops pet store carries it. TexasTripe.com is just in Texas of course and I get their tripe products for $2/lb. And another local source for goat and goat/lamb/beef blend is $2/lb.

    My first order from TT.com was over 300 lb and only took up about 3/4 of my upright freezer.

    Patty, now that you have an upright it’s time to post your picture of it!!!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    #22810 Report Abuse

    I can take a picture and email it to you, but I can’t post pictures here.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by theBCnut.
    #22813 Report Abuse

    Ok. I’ll post it tomorrow. I have to re-arrange my freezer! The pugs have stuff in 3 freezers right now! I’ve got an order started on for that walk-in!!!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by pugmomsandy.
    #22820 Report Abuse

    Hi! I actually use GreenTripe.com 🙂

    My Louie loves the Xkaliber blend, and I love the blend because it’s very unique and offers a nutrition profile that I don’t think I’d be able to offer Louie without some extreme work. I’m seriously very very lazy so I like the blend a lot!

    GreenTripe.com is based in Hollister, California, about 15 miles away from my house, actually, so I just pick it up from their location. I don’t think that I would be willing to pay the shipping if I was located further away, to be honest.

    I would like to find some more local places to get Louie’s food to add some more diversity to his diet, but for now I’m very happy with GreenTripe.com!

    #22833 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Sandy – 300 lbs. only took up 3/4 of your freezer?! I’m so jealous, it must be huge. I just got my order in yesterday and I now have 3 upright freezers and a chest freeze that are jam packed. I’ll have to try and post a picture later. I’ve never posted my freezers because I’m afraid everyone will be jealous of $50 craigslist freezers from the 1960s.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by Hound Dog Mom.
    #22835 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Hi mah4angel –

    The Xcaliber blend looks awesome. I think it’s pretty similar to a product I order from My Pet Carnivore called Beef Tripe Supermix which is 50% green beef tripe, 40% beef muscle meat/bone/organ and 0% beef trachea and gullet.

    #22836 Report Abuse

    So most of you are buying your raw from My Pet Carnivore? Do I understand this correctly?

    emchide, please watch all those treats because most don’t really have too great ingredients in them. I’ve been making little meatballs(teaspoon sized) out of ground turkey, I cook them in a skillet on a low temp covered then drain them on paper towels. They go straight in the freezer and when I need them I just get a few out. When they begin to thaw, I use a very sharp paring knife to slice them into four pieces. These make good training treats, healthy and good enough that she will actually pay attention. Of those 1/4 pieces, I usually tear those in half as a training treat. So she only gets a tiny piece. Then if it’s just a quick reward for being a “good girl” I keep her kibble in my fanny pack as the majority of training treats, they are no bigger than a pea. So I can treat treat treat but she doesn’t get much. You definitely do not want to use any sort of biscuit to treat, it’s not good quality food plus is way too much.

    #22837 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I order from both Hare Today and My Pet Carnivore. I order from Hare Today more often because the shipping rates are cheaper to where I live (NY).

    #22844 Report Abuse

    I’m sooooo jealous of your freezer!!!

    I order from Darwin’s, MPC, and Hare Today, mostly HT. I like their prices, they are slightly more than MPC though. Mostly I like the size choices, I like the 1 lb chubs. Shipping is close enough to the same for all of them to me, a buck a pound.

    #22873 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom
    #22876 Report Abuse
    #22884 Report Abuse

    It’s kind of funny what I see in the picture of my freezer that I don’t notice when I open the door to the actual freezer. It’s like those “I Spy” pictures. Who sees freezer burritos, 2 things of candy, 3 pumpkin puree, 6 bags of kibble, 7 Hare Today chubs, and 30 lbs of Darwin’s

    #22896 Report Abuse

    OMG it would take decades for Louie to finish that much food! Hahahahaha. He’s so teeny.
    I really want a standing freezer, though! Esp because I really want to order a traditional half from Morris Grassfed Beef for my fiancee and I, and some extras for Louie (180 pounds of beef o_O) and I have absolutely nowhere at all to store any of it!! When we move out, I’ll probably try to find one or two on Craigslist to put in the garage and then I can start buying raw in bulk like a pro! Haha 🙂

    #22897 Report Abuse

    Then you will have to get a bigger dog.

    #22898 Report Abuse

    I’m positive that I see a deer leg wrapped in foil in HDM’s freezer.

    #22900 Report Abuse

    Wow the pics look amazing, very jealous! By boyfriend would kill me if I took up the whole freezer like that, nevermind three of them. My first Hare Today order is finally coming in this week, I have to figure out where I’ll conceal the green tripe and turkey necks. lol Looks great though guys, can’t wait to see Sandy’s pics!

    #22908 Report Abuse


    You changed your name! After I explained my reasoning to my husband for needing another freezer, he didn’t bat an eye. Of course, my explanation had something to do with the grass fed steer we are raising that won’t be ready to go in the freezer for about 10 more months… Ah well, I needed time to figure out how the controls work, and if there is a preferred method of loading it, and will our generator really work with this thing.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by theBCnut.
    #22917 Report Abuse

    Same name, just worded different. It’s how I wanted the other name (SanDnMila) pronounced but nobody got it. Lol I just scored some raw green tripe from the local natural food store along with some more Bravo blends. It’s a spoiling Mila day I guess. 🙂

    #22918 Report Abuse


    My freezer is the one under Patty’s freezer photos. The first two pics are Patty’s and the third one is mine.

    #22919 Report Abuse

    Nice! I know you have a lot of hungry mouths to feed at your place. 🙂

    #22922 Report Abuse

    Got some food thawing right now!

    #22925 Report Abuse

    Speaking of thawing, I have a 5 pound box of pork neck bones that have been in the freezer for a few weeks, how long do I thaw them for so that I can be able to portion it out? I took it out of the box they were in but left them in the bag and put it in the fridge.

    #22926 Report Abuse

    Thawing out some tripe as we speak! I have freezer envy also. I have 2 old refrigerators in my kitchen but they’re for people food. Harry’s raw gets a corner of one of the freezers (not much room). I’m still separating my last order so I’ve got the chubs taking up too much space. Tomorrow I will prep them &get them flattened into their “doggie bags”

    #22932 Report Abuse

    That’s been most if my afternoon as well. Her food is taking up half the freezer with still more to come this week.

    #22937 Report Abuse

    *** Note To Self ***
    Do not EVER divide up Harry’s raw Green Tripe after eating dinner!!! That is best done on an empty stomach. Not the worst thing I’ve ever inhaled, but certainly eye opening…

    #22939 Report Abuse

    I eat at about 6:30 and feed the dogs at about 10. That is usually just enough time for tripe to not be deadly.

    #22940 Report Abuse

    I used to cut up tripe outside! Now, it doesn’t really bother me.

    #22941 Report Abuse

    I’ve left a 20 lb box of whole chicken legs and a 40 lb box of duck necks in the bathtub overnight to thaw. They were still partially frozen in the middle in the morning and I still had to run water over them to separate them. If you’re not comfortable with leaving them out overnight, it would take at least two days to thaw in the frig.

    #22943 Report Abuse

    The first few times I fed tripe I fed it outside. Now I just give the rest of the family fair warning to move it if they don’t want to smell it.

    #22944 Report Abuse

    I’ll probably have to do that with a bigger quantity but I was able to separate them after a few hours in the fridge. The green tripe I got today from the natural food store is from Bravo. It wasn’t too bad of a stench, sweaty gym socks is a good description. I lucked out finding it today, I have more coming from Hare Today this week. 🙂

    #22946 Report Abuse

    My frig must be set on max cold! My 1 lb containers of raw take 2 days to thaw all the way. I usually end up scooping the sides that have thawed first to feed after 24 hours.

    #22949 Report Abuse

    Mine too. If I want to thaw a turkey, I have to bring in a cooler, because it will never thaw in our fridge.

    #22956 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Yep Patty – those are a couple of deer (something? I don’t even know if they’re legs, I don’t remember) bones!

    #22957 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    On the topic of thawing – has anyone else noticed that green tripe takes about twice as long to thaw as other meats? One of the recipes I feed has 1 lb. beef organs, 1 lb. ground beef and 1 lb. tripe and the organs and ground beef will thaw overnight in the fridge but I have to take the tripe out two or three days ahead or it will still be rock solid.

    #24933 Report Abuse

    I’m just getting started feeding raw and I have a question? I have a 3lb Yorkie and was wondering how long it takes for food to freezer burn? Is it safe to thaw it, repackage it, and freeze it again? I’m just bought a 4lb bags of Nature’s Variety to see if she was going to handle raw okay because she HATES dog food and she is doing very well with it so it’s time to start buying in bulk but was wondering on the freezer burn thing where she doesn’t eat very much.

    She is currently munching on a chicken foot (we raise our own chickens so they are free range and no yuck is used) and is loving it.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by PrincessPiper.
    #24936 Report Abuse

    I’ve been wondering about the whole Green Tripe thing in general. Did I read on one of these threads somewhere that it’s available in a can? And if that’s the case, would it be useful as a topper to kibble?

    #24937 Report Abuse

    Don’t worry about freezer burn unless your dog does. Just because it is freezer burned doesn’t mean it is bad, it just changes the taste and dogs don’t seem to mind that. Partial defrosting, repackaging, and refreezing is common practice among raw feeders.

    Canned tripe is not raw since the canning process requires high heat, so it loses some of it’s positive traits. But the canned green tripe is still very smelly, so it makes an excellent topper. Some of them are not balanced, so they should not be more than 20% of the diet.

    #24938 Report Abuse

    I know Tripett and Merrick both have canned Tripe and are sold in most pet stores. I used the Merrick as a topper when I used to use canned food. Harry liked it but the raw is definitely Houndie Crack around here.

    #24940 Report Abuse

    Houndie Crack 🙂

    #24944 Report Abuse

    My dogs usually lie down but watch me intently when I’m fixing their food, but when it’s tripe they dance and roo roo.

    #24946 Report Abuse

    Oh yes.. and the days I’m dividing up the raw tripe into smaller portions — Harry has fits outside the kitchen gate. Of course I have to give him some to shut him up. I guess he never read that Greyhounds don’t bark LOL.

    #24949 Report Abuse

    Dogs have a funny habit of not reading about how they are supposed to behave.

    #88138 Report Abuse
    william C

    If your in California you can also check out http://www.happeedawg.com they sell green tripe in bulk or in 2 lb or 5 lb packages. They ship to any address in California, just to give you a idea they are located in Highland CA 92346 and it cost me 20 for next day shipping of 25lbs really good rate. They are a meat manufacture so they can get you anything, I just started purchasing rabbits from them. Go check them our http://www.happeedawg.com

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