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Galliprant for Osteoarthritis anyone?

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 188 total)
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  • #103632 Report Abuse

    Ps: You can go over here and ask Skeptvet a question (sometimes he answers), nothing is being sold at that site and real veterinarians participate. http://skeptvet.com/Blog/
    If you are new it may take a day or so for your comment to show up.

    #103669 Report Abuse
    Chris A

    My 17 year old mutt was on Galliprand for 10 straight days. she was amazingly active and we were so happy, but there is a downside. she seems to have lost a good deal of bowel movement control. she has messed in the house more in the last 10 days than in all of her life. we are going to try lowering the dose and see if that helps.

    #103677 Report Abuse
    Brian R

    Chris, Lots of discussion about this throughout this thread. Frequent BMs or diarrhea are not uncommon with this and any NSAID. Definitely talk to your vet, but might be wise to give your pup a break from the Galliprant to let her GI system rest and recover. Restart at a lower and/or less frequent dose until you find the lowest effective dose.

    #103678 Report Abuse
    Chris A

    I agree Brian, in fact We took Corona off the Galliprant on Monday of this week. We will move her back to Metacam and talk to our doc about possibly scaling back her dosage of Galliprant.

    #103785 Report Abuse
    Erica L

    We have had our 14 yr old lab on Galliprant for two weeks now and have seen zero improvement in her mobility. Prior to the Galliprant we had been making her meals gluten free (pollock patties and mixed veggies) and she seemed to do a little better but once she went back to kibble (grain free) she seemed to stiffen back up.
    Other than going back to the home made meals (which he have done) I am not sure what we can do for her.

    Has anyone had luck with acupuncture or any other medications?
    X-rays have shown her issues stem from the arthritis at the base of her spine.

    #103786 Report Abuse

    Hope these blogs help, check the comments too.

    Ps: You can ask a question over there, if skeptvet responds he will give you a general answer, as he has not examined your dog.
    Nothing is being sold at that site.
    Vets tend to participate, so you may find some helpful information.
    Good luck.

    #103787 Report Abuse
    Jamie W

    I’m posting with a update on my dog Booter- he is a 13 year old pit mix with mobility issues caused by arthritis. Galliprant gave him really bad diahrea but made such a difference with his quality of life we decided to take him off of it for 2 weeks to get his gi back on track and then ease him back in at a lower dose and eventually back to his normal dosage. He has now been back on the normal dose for about a month and we skip one pill a week or if we see loose stools we skip a dose that day. This seems to work really well for him. He has his energy back and he’s not in pain. He can jump in and out of the car again and go for walks. It’s been great for him and worth it to just lower the dose.

    #103796 Report Abuse
    sherry h

    My Jack Russel has had arthritis in her back for 2 years and has been on tramadol her kidneys didn’t tolerate remydal and the steroids made her crazy not sleeping walking around in circles. She has had leg issues when she stands her back legs buckle and she drags her legs when she walks. But today when I came home she couldn’t walk on her back legs she was dragging them. So I rushed her to the vet. They think it’s just the progression of the disease and gave me this new drug to try for a week galliprant. So from what I’m reading if she tolerates it and does walk better maybe I can continue To Give It To Her?

    #104205 Report Abuse
    Karen D

    Hi everyone, well its been 6 months since I wrote the original post & the Galliprant had caused no GI problems until this past week, but don’t know for sure that is causing Pnut to refuse all food & water in the morning, needless to say can not give her all her medications (Vetmedin, Tramadol, Metronidazole) when she sniffs every imaginable food I have tried to give her, NO diarrhea, just the opposite, she didn’t poop for 2 days till I gave her some pumpkin last night & she finally produced.She has been eating a lot of food in the afternoon along with water. I can tell she is nauseous in the morning tho….tried Pepcid before bed, not helping. The Rimadyl did the same thing, a month or so before I started the Galliprant….coincidence?

    #104268 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    My Crystal started taking Galliprant about 3 months ago. I am using the new soft pill pockets from Milk Bone for her to take them. One is hickory or some flavor that masks the smell and she readily eats them. I am not seeing issues with her eating or GI issues.

    Crystal was having increased difficulty with her back legs, not her spine, when walking. We have her on Gabapentin and Galliprant, both. We are thinking that she was in such pain and there was lots of inflammation, and now she has really improved and is perky and up and down steps more (of her own choosing). Just started to decrease her Galliprant to 1/2 tablet daily, same dose of gabapentin 100 mg am and pm.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Sue H.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Sue H.
    #104325 Report Abuse
    Michael P

    I have a 15.5 yr old chow/Belgian shepherd with lumbosacral disease, some arthritis, perhaps a disc issue, and a small degree of dementia. Her ability to walk and squat to pee or poop (I help her with both to reduce accidents) has worsened dramatically over the last 4 months.

    She’d been on metacam for about a year without gastric issues (good digestion was always a strong point) but since efficacy was diminished and for kidney safety switched to Galliprant. The effects were marginal- no better or worse than metacam- so we moved to Prednisone.

    The steroid dramatically improved ability to stand up and walk, made her drink/pee a lot (expected side effect), but created anxiety and much more dementia. As we reduced dosage the benefits decreased, so we weaned off and returned to Gslliprant 2 weeks ago.

    THIS TIME, the med came labeled ‘give on empty stomach,’ which I did, and I’ve noticed GI symptoms unlike previous time, when I gave with s meal. Soft stool, some diarrhea. So for the last three days (after giving with a meal) I have seen the first perfectly formed stool of the last 2 weeks.

    I spoke to the doctors at Galliprant and they say the med is “more bio-available” given on an empty stomach, but EFFICACY IS ABOUT THE SAME , when given WITH or WITHOUT FOOD.

    #104337 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    Thanks for the information. Helpful to know it can be given with or without food. Hope your dog will feel better!

    #104414 Report Abuse
    brian m

    If you want to kill your dog, put her on Galliprant. Mine started Galliprant a few months ago, and never had any stomach issues. She maybe had a 10% increase in mobility, but then she developed a terrible Ulcer from the medication (a common known cause of galliprant). She never had stomach issues before. The Vet immediately stopped the medication and now she is on emergency medication care to try and repair the Ulcer — but we don’t know how much damage Galliprant caused. And she was on the lowest dose! The medication is too new, only been out less than a year — so I’m sure it will eventually be taken off the market due to it’s dangerous side effects.

    #104415 Report Abuse
    Karen D

    OMG, I had told my husband a few weeks ago that my instinct was telling me she wasn’t eating cause of the Galilprant so I didn’t give it to her for a couple days but her legs got so bad & I resumed it, this week she refused all food & water in 12 hr. stretches, I had to force all the meds down her throat ;-( hand feed her, then yesterday she got the worse smelling & looking diarrhea that just ran out of her & was disoriented, we put her sleep last night…..granted it could of been just her time but I will be really interested in hearing news about Galliprant moving forward. Thanks for the heads up brian m.

    #104420 Report Abuse
    Andrea B

    I am go glad that I did not push for this medicine for my Max Maybe it would have helped but based on what I am reading, more than likely it would have done more harm then good…I cannot risk any more “take” a chance medicine on him

    #104979 Report Abuse
    gina M

    After much hesitation I tried Galliprant for my 15 year old muttagree, my dog did amazing more mobility and less stiff I thought WOW what a miracle! BUT then after a few days Gi Issues and Diarrhea which cleared up but my dog kept burping intermittently over a course of 24 days that my dog was taking Galliprant. After one night with bad pacing, panting and circling, burping etc. I took him off ASAP he was so sick it was sad. I brought him in to the dr to get checked and she was floored at how terrible my dog looked in two weeks! I ordered lab work and the kidney tests were not good very high BUN indicating kidney failure, but his creatine is still good I am praying that it is not too late and that I did not poison my dog with these pills! All I know is that other than stiffness from OA my dog was fine and he had great labs/blood work before Galliprant and he started getting sick weak, lethargic and even started acting zoned out and losing his balance after 24 days on HALF the prescribed dose of these pills. Not sure if anyone else had these issues too but I did call Elanco the distributor and spoke to ther vets they said no but that it does not mean it cannot happen outside the study! Beware this drug NEEDS blood checks too!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by gina M.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by gina M.
    #104989 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    My vet did lab work before we started Galliprant and she already had another set of labs and will have another set in 4-6 weeks. SO far, except for diarrhea, Crystal has done very well with Galliprant and we have been using 1/2 of a 60 mg tablet for the last 4 weeks.

    I hope your dog is feeling better overall without the medications.

    It is difficult for us to find the right medicine to help them get around better and feel better without side effects. Hope you find something that works for him.

    #105007 Report Abuse
    george h

    I joined to share our experiences and suggest additional OA options because we found a vet that stays on the cutting edge of treatments.

    Our 14 yr old golden retriever had mild hip dysplasia when we rescued her, so our vet recommended feeding an rx diet with high fish oil and glucosamine content. After more than a decade, our golden has only mild arthritis in her lower spine and mild stiffness/weakness in her rear legs. Now Doggo’s ancient for the breed, perhaps it’s an outlier in general.

    Nevertheless, when the rx food manufacturer switched to rancid fish oils, Doggo (and the others) refused to eat the rx food. While researching new dog foods, we started feeding Doggo human grade (aka “my”) fish oil and glucosamine/msm supplements daily with a primary protein grain free diet. After four months, Doggo’s mobility/cognition was better than when eating the rx food. (Btw- Rancid fish oils actually cause inflammation in the body instead of reducing inflammation.)

    And because Doggo was moving better, Doggo was playing to the point of excess. The vet recommended a short course of rimadyl, but Doggo experienced a personality change on rimadyl. The obedient without fail Doggo refused to stay in the yard or come when called. It was terrifying.

    Our vet found the rimadyl side effect unusual, ran bloodwork (normal liver with slightly elevated kidneys) and offered newly available pentosan injections that lubricate the joints to relieve OA pain– without affecting kidney or liver function. We were told it may not alleviate all the pain, but Pentosan has worked wonders! We learned how to inject it (subcutaneously) so Doggo doesn’t have to endure a long ride for a maintenance dose, and at $20-$30 per dose, it was worth trying.

    But Doggo played to excess again and instead of rimadyl, the vet prescribed galliprant. At first galliprant didn’t seem to be as effective as rimadyl but it didn’t cause the personality changes rimadyl did. After a few days on galliprant though, Doggo was feeling better. The dose is just enough to provide relief without allowing Doggo to play as hard as a puppy.

    Again, Doggo may be the exception not having any GI issues with either rimadyl or galliprant– btw, wrapped in American cheese slices and given before the morning meal. Glucosamine and fish oil supplements (and/or pentosan injections) may have negligible effects in other dogs. The other supplements may or may not be helping: recently, we started giving Doggo vitamin C and cholodin supplements, in addition to a human Nicotinamide Riboside with Pterostilbene supplement. Perhaps even minimal dietary supplements/changes are cumulative– our current theory. Whatever the case, we hope someone else can benefit from knowing what we’ve found effective with Doggo.

    #105008 Report Abuse
    gina M

    Watch Doggo’s kidney panel on Galliprant, my dog had no issues until Galliprant.

    #105012 Report Abuse
    Jamie W

    I have posted a few updates now- 13 year old pit mix with arthritis. Nothing else worked but galliprant helped right away. Jumping in and out of the car again ect. Severe gi issues at first so we took him off of it for a few weeks and then started him back 6 days a week with one rest day. It has been three months of this routine and it works well for us. Anytime we notice loose stools we cut the pill out for the day. Today we went on a 5 mile walk and he did amazing! 3 months ago he couldn’t walk more than 1.5 miles before laying down and giving up. Galliprant significant improved his life. As long as we keep him strictly on dog food (no people food) and only do 6 pills a week his gi track is just fine.

    #105017 Report Abuse
    Serge Z

    (Second post.) We have had both of our dogs on Galliprant for over nine months. Our Lab is almost nine and she had stopped jumping into the car etc. Rimadyl and Previcox showed no improvement. We used stairs for over a year until Galliprant came along. Less than two months of it and she started jumping again without encouragement! Weighs 61# and gets 60mg every morning in her breakfast. Also our 18# terrier mix who has a pinched nerve in her spine near her tail. She had been on Rimadyl and we switched over. She gets 20mg in her breakfast every day. Both dogs get a spoonful of pumpkin with every meal and we have had no GI problems ever. Terrier runs around like a puppy! Like all nsaid related meds you should give with food in the morning. It really works great for our dogs!

    #105154 Report Abuse
    Sharon B

    I started my 12 yr old border collie on galliprant & am very pleased with the results. Saadie has severe hip dysplasia & was noticeably uncomfortable. Her sassy , naughty self has returned thanks to the gallinprant. The company is presently has rebates which helps with the cost.

    #105281 Report Abuse

    My pit bull mix had a not so successful TPLO & his brother has a partial tear. Hip dysplasia starting as well. They get Previcox once a day right after dinner time, for a year now. We take breaks from it though here and there but itā€™s pitiful to see after day 2 without it. No side effects and healthy kidneys and livers. Does anyone think Galliprant would be better or stick to Previcox?

    #105282 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    hi zc. I would discuss with your vet, but if Previcox works and there are having no side effects, I’d probably stick with it. How old are your dogs?

    My Crystal will be 11 years old in a week.

    #105333 Report Abuse
    Brenda F

    My 14 year old golden retriever Amber has been on 120 mg of Galliprant daily for past two months.The 100 mg’s are not available, the company continues to say they are out of stock which makes this med. even more expensive now. Amber just started having daily very loose stool and I suspect from this new med. She has been on Metacam in past and I am thinking of returning to it again. It seems like as more people review Galliprant that stool problems are being observed. I thought this was the solution as Galliprant is supposed to be gentle on the organs…but it certainly does not appear gentle on the gastro area. She is on many natural supplements but still needs an nsaid unfortunately due to hip dysplasia and severe arthritis.

    #105334 Report Abuse
    Jamie W

    Brenda- you may want to try cutting it in half or skip a day. We skip a day when he gets loose stools and it seemed to resolve the gi issue. Galliprant worked wonders for my dog so it’s been worth it to just monitor for us.

    #105344 Report Abuse
    kate M

    Brenda – I feel your frustration with the lack of availability of the 100mg pills. I have a 106# lab/dane mix and our vet put him on 90mg a day ( 1 1/2 of the 60mg pills). How much does your dog weigh? Like Jamie W wrote above, I would also skip a day when the GI issues start, we have had to do the same. I have skipped up to three days after having been on it for months and GI issues starting. I have also gone one week on only one pill (60mg) a day –

    #105352 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    With Crystal’s initial GI upset her vet recommended Purina Pro Plan FortiFlora to help with her GI issues. I also gave her a large teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of plain pumpkin. This helped a lot. After about 8-10 weeks on 60 mg tablet, she has been able to cut back to half the dose of Galliprant.

    my Cody, not on Galliprant, has some GI issues and I switched him to Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct chicken and sweet potato dog food, helped a great deal.

    Hope your dog is feeling better.

    #105366 Report Abuse
    Brenda F

    My dog Amber weighs 72 pounds, and initially I tried her on the 60 mg dose for a few weeks and it was not helping much, so I then increased to 90….no real improvement there either…then when I could not obtain the 100 mg’s I tried a 120 mg a day and this helped…but now after two months her stool is not good. I have stopped the galliprant now for a day and will go one more day off then restart with 90 again and try to not use it daily…if this does not work will have to return to Metacam. In general I have found that Amber has better mobility with Metacam though it is not great for the organs. So far though her liver and kidney panels are ok. I was just hoping galliprant would be the magic nsaid the rest of her life since she is 14 now. I have her on Mercola probiotic and Colon Rescue for soft stool which has been helpful but not enough with this recent daily higher dose of galliprant. The galliprant study seems to indicate that you can give your dog a high does with few issues but I am very weary of that now.
    I am glad to have found this galliprant forum as there is so very little review info out there with this new drug.

    #105371 Report Abuse
    brian m

    I posted earlier that I stopped Galliprant as my dog got a serious Ulcer and the vet thought it might be from the Galliprant. The Galilprant wasn’t helping after six months anyway. Didn’t see any improvement. He’s been off Galliprant for two months now and is about the same as far as slow, but his stomach Ulcer has healed (after being treated). He is just about the same as he was when on Galliprant. Not any worse. If your dog does have diarrhea, he may have a CHICKEN ALLERGY! I took my dog off chicken, even though the vet said chicken is usually okay, and my dog has had perfect poops since! And still off the Galliprant. So you might also try NOT feeding chicken or chicken products to your dog for a few days to see if that makes a difference in his/her stool. Apparently chicken IS a common food allergy that bothers some dogs stomachs.

    #105992 Report Abuse
    Carol W

    Started my two old girls 14 y o Akita/shepherd and 13 y o lab mix on Galliprant on advice from my vet – they were Rimadyl for awhile but cant keep them on that without liver tests every month. They are both taking one pill per day – 60 mg. $67 per month per dog but there is a $30 rebate offered by the manufacturer and I have received several after submitting forms.
    I will say that this medication keeps my dogs comfortable. They have not suffered any side effects – no diarrhea, loss of appetite etc. So far so good.
    We know that it is a waiting game before they are no longer able to climb stairs etc but we still take two walks a day – the length determined by their mobility and desire.
    This has been a godsend for my dogs

    #105993 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    Glad to hear your dogs are doing well. I was able to cut Crystal’s to 1/2 tablet of 60 mg Galliprant after she was on it about 8-10 weeks, so something to try as well. You can always return the original dose if that is not enough.

    #105999 Report Abuse
    Judith K

    My 15 year old English bulldog responded well to Galliprant, but immediately had GI problems. She had previously had pancreatitis and IBD, so I was not surprised.

    #106061 Report Abuse
    Barbara P

    HI, I joined beacause my little doggie (a 11 year old Norwich Terrier) has been prescribed Galliprant 20mg 1x daily. He was suffering from arthritis in his left shoulder and I’m sure other joints . He did great wanting to do our usual 1/2 mile walk in the neighborhood circle. All was fine, but now a little over a month on the pills, he has been suffering from extreme dirrehea. Vet gave us pills for dirrehea, antibiotic and after a few days 4 “immodium” pills. I modified his diet (he loves to eat) still no relief. Although he still has his appetite ans drinks enough water, not as much as usual, I can’t help but wonder if this “Miracle drug” had caused this. I pray not. But until then, we have stopped the pill on & off, now it’s 4 days he still had problem ( not as much mucous). My little guy has also recently started losing his vision, vet sees a Cataract , but thinks it may also be other vision issues. (Taking us 3 1/2 weeks to get into an eye specialists for him. So needless to say I’m concerned both issues started after starting Galliprant . However, he does take pressure pills, and had an issue with high pressure which could be the cause of eye problems. I am in no way at this time saying Galluprant caused these problems just looking to see if anyone else had a similar issue. thanks

    #106063 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    I was wondering if just 1/2 tablet or (10 mg)of Galliprant would help your dog’s arthritis? Older dogs do get cataracts. What type of ‘pressure’ pill is your dog on? I am sure your vet considered your dog’s medical history before prescribing Galliprant for him. Hope he will feel better soon.

    #106200 Report Abuse
    Brenda F

    My 14 year old dog is now back on Metacam as it is clear that Galliprant has been the cause of several weeks of loose stool/diarrhea. Her gradual stool problems began after about 4 weeks on the Galliprant. I also noticed that it did not improve her mobility in general. Since I have stopped Galliprant her stool is ok. I was very much hoping Galliprant would be the nsaid answer, but in her case it was not . I gave it a good try with also reducing the dose and skipping a day for loose stool relief etc but this was not successful. So far my dog’s liver and kidney panels are ok……I will have to again do frequent CBC testing while back on the Metacam.
    I have read that the Galliprant trials were done on young healthy beagles, not elderly ones with arthritis and compromised systems, so that is not very comforting to me who has an elderly dog with medical issues.

    #106267 Report Abuse
    Barbara P

    Hi yes I was thinking of cutting the dose in half to 10mg, maybe every other day to start? And to see if it helps. My main concern see to have the soft stools/dirrehea stop. It seems to have slowed down finally today. We have the appt. with the he eye clinic next week, it’s about 1 hr, 10 mins or so away. The vet just prescribed Proviable DC a pre/pro biotic pill to sprinkle on food hope it helps. Galliprant is the only anti-inflammatory we can give him. He takes Enacard and Amlodipine for high blood pressure. He has an enlarged heart also. For awhile he was taking Furmoside for water, but we stopped that. Thank god it’s all under control. Holding off a little while on the Galliprant . Thanks..

    #106269 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    My vet suggested: Purina Fortiflora Canine Nutritional Supplement Box, 30gm/30 Count, which I can buy on Amazon.com for Crystal’s GI issues. I also use a teaspoon or so of canned pumpkin (not the pie mix). Both helped Crystal with diarrhea. Hope things work out well for your dog!

    #106372 Report Abuse
    Lanette R

    Started our 10 year old, 80 pound collie on Galliprant about a month ago. He needs the 100mg but it is backordered so he is taking 1 1/2 60 mg daily. I have seen improvement since we started it. He had been struggling getting up on his back legs and definitely had stiffness and issues with his hips. He also stopped jumping up on the bed to sleep and was slower jumping into and out of the car. The last session at the groomer had him really struggling to walk as standing on the grooming table for a long time really took its toll on his hips. X-rays not really showing heavy arthritis but the vet felt it was arthritis and old age stiffness causing the problem. He has been on Triple Max joint treats for years (glucosamine and chondrotin). Before trying Galliprant we had him on Rimadyl but it caused issues with his kidney levels. I tried other things before trying the Galliprant, including Duralactin, chews with Tumeric, and Green Lipped mussel, but none seemed to help. After a few days on Galliprant I saw significant improvement and he is more fiesty on walks and seems to feel better. Going in tomorrow for the one month check of his kidney levels to ensure no change but I am cautiously optomistic this will work for now.

    #106452 Report Abuse
    Barbara P

    Good luck Lanette..hope he does well..

    #106453 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    Hoping your Collie does well on the Galliprant.

    #107299 Report Abuse
    karyl w

    My 16 year old dog is on 60mg of galliprant, tramidol, and gabipantin because of a spinal injury. He had many issues with diarrhea until my niece whose dog had the same issue suggested I give him Doggone Best Advanced Probiotic (no taste) that I now add to his food nightly. He will not take any of the probiotics that have flavor but he will eat his food now with this probiotic added. It took a few weeks but he no longer has diarrhea. I also have him on Royal Canin gastrointestinal high energy canned food. I tried making a home diet and everything else I could find but this is the only combo that works for him. Thought I would share my results.

    #108692 Report Abuse
    John T

    My 11 year 0ld Doberman started Galliprant about 3 months ago. Itā€™s night and day for him. We used to have to pick him up off the floor, now he gets up on his own. He never liked anyone touching his backside. Now he looks forward to massages back there. We can go twice as long on his walks in the woods. He initially had a lot of diarrhea so we stopped for 3-4 days and slowly introduced it back in. He is doing great again. Life is good.

    #108693 Report Abuse
    John T

    Where did you get your information that trials were done on young healthy beagles? Lol. Every dog in the trial had osteoarthritis. Thatā€™s available information from the FDA. I canā€™t imagine the FDA approving a drug where they had no idea if it worked or not.

    #108702 Report Abuse
    Victoria L


    Galliprant is supposed to be “kinder” to the kindneys than the others. Who knows but why take the chance. Also, ALWAYS give the tablets WITH LOTS OF FOOD to try to protect the stomach/GI tract. Helps at least a little. Also, always buy these kinds of drugs online (always always cheaper). I can get 90 tablets (180 day supply) for $199 (so around 27ish a month)… at http://www.allivet.com/p-8055-galliprant-grapiprant-flavored-tablets.aspx. good luck!

    #108703 Report Abuse
    Victoria L


    also https://www.heartlandvetsupply.com/p-5444-galliprant-tablets.aspx is a really good site for vet meds.

    good luck all

    #109302 Report Abuse
    karen h

    My 17yr old baby (who doesn’t look or act 17) has kidney disease & arthritis. of course he is on Royal Canin Renal- kibble. I noticed he was arching his back crying a lot couldn’t get comfortable, not going down the stairs, having a hard time going to bathroom so we went to the vet and she said he was in so much pain because of the arthritis. I started giving him Rimadyl for the inflammation & joint supplements. Well he wasn’t eating, started losing weight and then he started having seizures in his sleep so I stopped giving the Rimadyl & the supplements. We went back to the vet, he had went from 14lbs to 12lbs and she said he was in a lot of pain and we needed to make him comfortable. Well I refuse to give him the Rimadyl . she then said there was a new drug on the market called Galliprant not too many studies on it yet but a lot safer on the kidneys & liver. so why not! yes, sure lets do it! I got a 3 week supply and changed his Renal kibble to Renal can food and 2 weeks later he has had no seizers, gained almost all of his weight back and is now doing great! there were few side effects in the beginning like he got drowsy sleeping a lot and his stool changed, upset stomach, throwing up but his lil’ system seems to have gotten used to the medicine now not noticing any side effects and I think he is back to a much more normal self. I just called the vet and asked for a refill and we are going to do blood at the end of this month since this a new medication but I am happy about the Galliprant and what it has done for little Chiha!! I hope this continues on for him for a long time. I recommend that at least anyone would give it a try. I was worried at first because of the side effects, but I was also on vacation for 2 weeks so I could monitor everything that was going on. I am a relieved happy satisfied mommy.
    -Chiha’s mommy

    #109303 Report Abuse
    Peg K

    Can anyone speak to how long it took to see the effects of dosing with Galliprant? My 10 year old standard poodle had surgery in August to remove a rather substantial cancerous tumor over his eye. The surgeon (who was amazing!) was able to save his eye and he has recovered well. However about a month ago he started yelping whenever he would crunch down on a treat or any food that wasn’t soft. Rimadyl seemed to help but wasn’t a long-term solution for all the obvious reasons. He then started yelping when he would eat or even turn his head. Knowing that the surgery was extremely invasive (part of the top of his skull was removed), we had him undergo another CT scan. Results were inconclusive; i.e., vet/radiologist could not see anything out of the ordinary. So the surgeon and my local vet both agreed he should start on Galliprant 60mg (Simon, my dog, is 76lbs), once a day. He has been on it now for 6 days but still yelps and avoids crunchy foods. Just wondering how long it will take for the Galliprant to actually help him??

    #109304 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    I wonder if there is a nerve in his mouth that hurts when he bites down on something hard. Maybe one in back of a tooth or above a tooth? Would be hard to pinpoint on a test, I would think. Maybe try gabapentin instead, since that is supposed to help with pain in a different way. My dog Crystal responded to Galliprant within a week, but she takes hers for pain in her back legs. Crystal is on Galliprant and gabapentin both.

    Glad he did well with the surgery overall.

    #109305 Report Abuse
    Sue H

    Karen H, glad this is working for your dog. As we know most medications have side effects of one kind or another, so we have to decide which are best tolerated and go from there. Hope he continues to do well.

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