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Feces are small rocks or firm liquid..?

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  • #83988 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    I recently weaned off my dog off his dog food and now I feed him raw chicken with bone maybe once a week but every day I either feed him raw beef or chicken breast. I give him chicken liver too.

    My dog is 11 pounds maltese. 2 weeks into his raw food regimen

    I see no symptoms of distress or anything abnormal besides his feces. He keeps straining to poo and when he does succeed it is either small rock shape or firm but liquid. This has been going on this past week.

    I gave him half a table spoon of 100% canned pumpkin yesterday after every meal (2 meals per day) but today, his poop came out to be small rock shape

    What to do now? Getting worried. Also I did not feed him yet.. Was planning to give him just a half tablespoon of pumpkin.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by kevin k.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by kevin k.
    #83992 Report Abuse

    Sounds like he might have a GI upset/blockage, my 9 pound poodle mix had to go to the emergency vet x2 for issues related to “raw meaty bones”. The bone, even when it is ground up into fine particles can turn into cement in the stomach and colon. It is painful and can be quite serious.
    I would take him to the vet (today), he’ll probably need an x-ray and then they will discuss treatment. Raw food has risks, especially for delicate small breeds (in my experience)


    #83993 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    I might need to take him next week due to financial reasons, till then, what should I be feeding him? He is acting normal right now and there seems to be no lack of appetite or energy.

    #83994 Report Abuse

    Hi Kevin K,

    Are you feeding a balanced commercial raw diet? If not, unless you are very knowledgable on feeding a balanced raw diet and are following a recipe that has been put together by a vet nutritionist, or at the very least, by a qualified professional, you need to rethink feeding raw. Too much liver, which is very rich and nutrient dense, can cause loose stools. Too much bone, which is very high in calcium, and lack of correct fiber can cause a very small dry stool.

    Raw food can be fed to a healthy animal, as long as there has been the proper adjustment period and that the diet is correctly formulated and nutritionally balanced. I do feed raw in my rotation of foods, but I use commercial raw food that’s complete and balanced. When feeding fresh cooked food, I use a commercial premix added to the meat. I have no problems with stools or any health issues with my dogs.

    You might want to either put him back on a traditional diet to see if that corrects the issues and transition to the correct raw diet gradually. If the sypmtoms persist or worsen, you do need to see a vet soon.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by C4D.
    #83996 Report Abuse

    I would call the vet, they must have a 24/7 emergency veterinary clinic near you. They have payment plans and they take credit cards.
    A veterinarian that has examined your dog should be the one to advise you.

    Stop the raw and all bones. Bland diet for a few days, is probably what they will say.
    Make sure he is drinking water, maybe add a little to his soft cooked food.

    PS: When he recovers, look into a high quality kibble, my dogs like Nutrisca, but I hear good things about Fromm and Orijen.

    #83997 Report Abuse

    At least find out where the nearest emergency veterinary clinic is, in case you have to take him in……a blockage can be a medical emergency. It can’t wait till next week.

    #83998 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    I have saved all the emergency clinics near me. As of now, I just fed him half a tablespoon of pumpkin and for later, should I feed him commercial kibble (blue buffalo) mixed with cooked beef? or should I skip today’s meal?

    #83999 Report Abuse

    I am uncomfortable about advising on how to proceed as I think the dog should be examined by a veterinarian. I don’t know if feeding him would make him worse or better. Only an x-ray can determine if there is a blockage.

    #84000 Report Abuse

    100% agree with anonymously. These are questions for a vet. You can talk with one over the phone for free.

    #84003 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    Just came back from the vet.. he offered a free exam and the vet gave me some medicine to balance my dog’s gut. Thankfully it was not an obstruction.

    #84004 Report Abuse

    Thats great! Happy to hear it Kevin. Does the vet have any idea what DID happen? Also what did he recommend diet wise from here on out?

    #84005 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    I acknowledge it was wrong for jumping into this process without enough research and the vet said my dog wasn’t getting the right amount nutrients (I thought I was doing it right the whole time). He told me about the website balance it and I plan to order the supplements they sell. As far as diet goes he just told me about using balanceit because that site is detailed.

    Another favor, since I am pretty bad at this stuff can anyone recommend me a meal to give to my dog for tonight that is balanced in nutrition. I must get to class soon and I can run to the market afterward if someone gives me a good recipe! My dog is 10 pounds.. Thanks. And if not, is it wise to mix alittle bit of kibble with cooked chicken or beef?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by kevin k.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by kevin k.
    #84010 Report Abuse

    Until you get a balanced raw diet, I would probably use a commercial kibble, mixed with canned food. If you’re dog can’t tolerate it, a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice is good to calm the digestive system down for a day or so. That’s what my vet, and I believe, most vets would recommend. Good Luck with your pup!

    #84011 Report Abuse

    Yes, a commercial kibble is going to be your best bet IMO. I would highly recommend consulting a nutritionist if you want to continue feeding homecooked meals.

    #84020 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    Last update: Fed him beef and some kibble and now hes super active 🙂 Going to research how to make balanced meals properly now.

    #84033 Report Abuse

    that doesn’t sound like a balanced diet.

    #84035 Report Abuse

    Hi Kevin, I’d start with home cooking first while your boy stomach & bowel heal, when their immune system is low & they have stomach/bowel problems, its not a good idea to start raw feeding also I wouldn’t mix kibble, feed kibble for 1 meal & the cooked meal for the other meal also if you feed raw don’t add the kibble, just feed the raw & the kibble for the next meal… go to Dr Judy Morgan F/B page
    you can watch her or her partner make easy simple meals, Judy also sells supplements …… Judy cooking- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB3bd84gwmA
    “Balance It” has recipes & supplements http://secure.balanceit.com/ there’s F/B group called “Cooking For Dogs” also…

    #84040 Report Abuse

    “Dog Food Logic: Making Smart Decisions for Your Dog in an Age of Too Many Choices” by Linda Case.

    “Linda Case is a canine nutritionist, dog trainer, and science writer. She earned her B.S. in Animal Science at Cornell University and her M.S. in Canine/Feline Nutrition at the University of Illinois. Following graduate school, Linda was a lecturer in canine and feline science in the Animal Sciences Department at the University of Illinois for 15 years and then taught companion animal behavior and training at the College of Veterinary Medicine”.

    This book has received excellent reviews. Hope this helps.

    #84041 Report Abuse
    Sky B

    I will just say that feeding your dog raw is SO awesome! I’ve done this for 2 years and has healed my dog of many ailments. I will say that in the end after lots of turmoil I have switched over to a commercial raw diet, that is balanced in its nutrients. I constantly felt like I wasn’t doing it right before. My dog’s bowels would be rock hard like yours or liquid…and usually that stems from having too much calcium of not enough and finding a balance is hard. If you ever have any trouble with this Honest Kitchen makes a wonderful supplement called perfect form. It’s essentially a probiotic and at our house we call it the Perfect Poop Medicine 🙂 Best of luck!

    #84079 Report Abuse

    I use the recipe book “Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats” and I also like Tuckers Raw because it comes in individually wrapped 8 oz servings.

    #84080 Report Abuse
    kevin k

    Thanks for all the info. I got a lot of reading to do now!

    #84081 Report Abuse

    BTW, have you looked up raw fed dog poops? They tend to be solid, round, like nuggets, turn ashy. I’m sure there are plenty of pictures if you google it! I’m sure I’ve posted some too, LOL.

    #84103 Report Abuse

    Just so you know for the future, those were NOT symptoms of a bowel blockage AT ALL. You were going back and forth between too much bone(small hard stool) and too much liver(liquid stool), but an actual blockage causes vomiting and watery diarrhea. No stools pass a blockage.

    #84104 Report Abuse

    I will go by my own experience and knowledge and agree to disagree with you.
    I respect your opinion, but that’s all it is, an opinion. Just as what I have to say.

    In response to the above post:”Just so you know for the future, those were NOT symptoms of a bowel blockage AT ALL. You were going back and forth between too much bone(small hard stool) and too much liver(liquid stool), but an actual blockage causes vomiting and watery diarrhea. No stools pass a blockage”.

    PS: Partial blockage? Hello! If you are a veterinarian that has examined the dog in question, I would be willing to listen.
    I would never discourage someone from seeking medical attention, I prefer to err on the side of safety.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by anonymously.
    #84106 Report Abuse

    Not even a partial blockage. Constipation, maybe.

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