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  • #79106 Report Abuse

    Yes Aquarianqt is right, that is what I’m referring to and the Federal Trade Commission governs it.


    “In a sharply divided 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has overruled its own 1911 decision in the Dr. Miles case and held that a manufacturer does not necessarily violate the antitrust laws by establishing a minimum resale price for its products and enforcing the policy by terminating a wholesaler-distributor or other reseller who sells below the minimum price. (Leegin Creative Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. d/b/a Kay’s Kloset
Kay’s Shoes, Docket No. 06-480)

    The Court ruled that “vertical agreements establishing minimum resale prices can have either procompetitive or anticompetitive effects, depending upon the circumstances in which they are formed.” Thus, these agreements should no longer be per se (or automatically) unlawful, as previously ruled in the Dr. Miles case. Rather, courts should apply the “rule of reason” standard to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether a particular vertical price restraint violates federal antitrust law. It should be emphasized that the Court’s decision still leaves vertical minimum resale price restraints open to antitrust challenge under federal and state antitrust laws.”


    “Under a Unilateral Policy (or “Colgate Policy” or “Unilateral Minimum Retail Price Policy”) a manufacturer, without any agreement with the reseller, announces a minimum resale price and refuses to make further sales to any reseller that sells below the announced price”

    Some of this is also covered with the Antitrust Law

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Pitlove.
    #79111 Report Abuse

    Under the “Commenting Policy” here:

    “Pet food manufacturers, distributors, retailers and representatives may also comment here. However, those with a vested interest in any product must publicly disclose this important information to others and always post using their real names.

    While you are here, feel free to answer readers’ questions and to dispense advice about feeding your products.

    However, please do not use this website as a means to distribute free samples or coupons, offer discounts, or conduct product marketing operations.”

    “In addition, we do not allow spam of any kind. This includes the repeated posting of links to any website in which you have a vested interest — and for the apparent purpose of promoting that site.”

    #79114 Report Abuse
    David T

    Dear Dutch and Pitlove,

    I am applauded at your lack of open-mindedness about my website.

    I am not sure how that applies to my business as we are a pet food aggregator service using fulfillment partners to deliver our products.

    I was just wanting to know the users opinions and I thank you for the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback from this community on my website ************

    Have a great day,


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Mike Sagman. Reason: Link removed as this post is in violation of our Commenting Policy
    #79116 Report Abuse

    I’m sorry, but this is not about “lack of open-mindedness”. There are laws that govern federal commerce to make it fair to the manufacturer and the retailer and other retailers as well. Your website is offering foods like Purina Dog Chow for a much higher price than what you could pay for it at Walmart and then claiming you plan to bring in very pricey foods like Orijen and Acana for far less than what they are worth and what YOU yourself will pay for them. Under the policy I just provided for you Champion can refuse to do business with you if you refuse to comply with their minimum retail price, which you are already doing without even having their food available to customers.

    I expect to see you having shut your site down fairly soon due to lack of funding since you will not convince manufacturers of actual high quality foods to sell to you based on your non complience with their minimum retail price and I do not think for a second someone will pay 39$ for a bag of Purina Dog Chow (when they can get it cheaper elsewhere) which is also falsely advertised on YOUR site as not containing corn, which it does.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Pitlove.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Pitlove.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Pitlove.
    #79120 Report Abuse

    I think we can all agree that none of us are going to now or in the future order food from David T.’s site. It makes absolutely no sense. There is no way possible that he can sell premium foods that we would buy and feed our dogs for the price he claims unless he means the service is $39.00 per month and then the actual food has it’s own price. Also does not make sense. Why would anyone spend $39.00 per month for nothing. He also has on the section of what brands he carries where it clearly states Orijen, Acana and Fromm. Is that just a come on to get one to sign up because now he’s saying in his response to me and others that those are some of the brands he hopes to carry in the future. Well as those are the only brands that most of us would order why would we sign up. None of this makes sense. I will also add that at any point in time were he to be able to offer Orijen or Acana for $39.99 a bag, no way no how would I feed that to my dogs. I don’t trust what would be in the bags or where it came from. Anyway, I’m done on this subject as I think the entire thing, concept, explanations, etc. to not meet any of our standards for food that we would feed our animals. I believe we have given him more than his 15 minutes of fame here.

    #79121 Report Abuse

    Lets also not forget the overall false advertising across your website, as you don’t actually carry over half the brands you claim you do on this page: http://www.petspectation.com/Dog-And-Cat-Food-Brands-We-Sell-and-Deliver.html

    If you actually carry these foods, they should be available for purchase at any time. The fact that they are not leads me to believe that you have not even contracted with these companies yet at all and may never.

    #79122 Report Abuse

    That’s why I said what I did in my post Pitlove. Way too much wrong going on. Avoiding it like the plague.

    #79123 Report Abuse

    Yes same, I would not feel remotely comfortable giving my credit card information to a website like that. I was typing that last post as you posted your response so I didn’t see it at first. Whether what David is doing on his website is in violation of the Antitrust Laws or any other policy, the whole idea is too convoluted for me to ever consider using the site or recommending it. I also find it hard to believe he even has a single subscriber.

    #79124 Report Abuse
    David T

    I thank you for your comments, however there is nothing false about my enterprise. I didn’t think this would turn out to be a negative post and I just wanted to introduce my business to the community.

    You are free to choose whichever vendor you’d like, and we’re always happy to serve our clients nationwide. Have a great rest of the day, and PEACE all.

    #79659 Report Abuse

    I have generally been getting my kibble from chewy.com. For some time, I’ve noticed that amazon.com has been offering my choice of kibble for precisely the same price with Prime (Free) Shipping. I also am seeing this exact duplication of price for dental Greenies, again with prime shipping. (I assume it is bots updating prices.)

    Be careful in the price comparison as Amazon is collecting Sales Tax in certain areas… presumably chewy is also.

    I live in MD and Amazon now has a big brick and mortar presence here and thus collects 6% Sales Tax.

    #79663 Report Abuse

    I liked Amazon, until I had a credit card fraud experience there, nothing major and it was caught in time, but still… I prefer Chewy.

    #79665 Report Abuse

    I LOVE Chewy.com. They have the best customer service! Once I accidentally clicked the reorder button twice. Within 5 minutes they were calling me and told me what happen and that they would take care of it. Every time I have needed to contact them they give excellent service. I like Amazon too but I can’t say they would give the same level of service.

    #79667 Report Abuse

    Petco was good too, except, they do not carry the brands of dog foods I currently use.

    #80620 Report Abuse

    I use Chewy. I noticed packing issues and any time there was something miss packed they replaced the item. They have excellent customer service, and when my dog cannot tolerate a food they credit me and I donate to the shelter – therefore I have stuck with them and the shipping has been okay since I think July. They recently switched shipping warehouses so I think it could be growing pains.

    #81357 Report Abuse
    Makali h

    This is a great company. We one time messed up the order and we asked if we can return it, and they refunded us no problem. Their site is easy to use. Shipps super super fast like I think two days. Plus they wrote us a handwritten card! What company does that!

    #82829 Report Abuse
    Janet O
    #83307 Report Abuse

    Contact Chewy’s they have the best customer service I have been told. Least give them a chance to make it right.

    #83394 Report Abuse
    Monica G

    Looking for a good online source. Have to take my dog off of fromm after a negative experience with that food. Wanted to try chewy but just not sure. There are so many sites listed here in this thread.

    #83396 Report Abuse

    Hi Monica-
    I was hesitant to order food and supplies online as well. But now…I’m like a maniac! Lol! I think that chewy.com is number 1 in customer service and value! I also have success with Pet Flow, Petco, Healthypets, and Amazon.

    You can register with all of these companies and they will contact you with their sales and specials. That way you can try to get the best deal. Just beware, they will send emails pretty much daily! Best of luck!

    #83397 Report Abuse
    Monica G

    Hello crazy for cats, thanks for all the great info, Monica

    #83410 Report Abuse

    Another good site is OnlyNaturalPet.com – they have really good, cheap food and all kinds of natural foods, chews, toys, supplements, all kinds of stuff!

    Also, if you don’t mind the membership fee, ThriveMarket.com is a site where basically Costco and Whole Foods/Trader Joe’s/Sprouts had a baby, and it’s awesome! They carry pet stuff too, and it’s all good stuff.

    #94279 Report Abuse
    Kathleen C

    Chewy has been an excellent company for a long time. My only rub with them has been that my fiancĂ© and i usually make purchases from my account but he’s done it once or twice. Between the 2 of us, the only one who receives $15 off coupons from Chewy is him… persuading him to return. This hasn’t deterred me from using Chewy for the most part until recently when Amazon (seems to have) started matching their prices. If you’re a Prime member you can get the Amazon store card for free, which gives you 5% back. I like that Amazon rewards the customers who actually buy from them regularly and not just the customers who rarely do.

    #157278 Report Abuse
    Fozan A

    I always order my dog food from Pet Mania from a long time, now want to switch and interested to know any good Dog Food Brand delivering to Pakistan.

    #157871 Report Abuse
    David C

    Last time I bought a gaming chair from Amazon but I also checked some reviews online on sites like this. So I always prefer checking reviews first and then buy from Amazon.

    #159571 Report Abuse
    Viola P

    I ordered a beautiful harness and leash for my dog from https://gigistore.co.uk/collections/pet-products/products/dog-harness-and-leash and I really love this store so much.

    #161114 Report Abuse
    kim M

    Once I bought flea shampoo in amazon. Seems quality!

    #161551 Report Abuse
    kim M

    I recommend reading this interesting article about your question https://pawsnose.com/best-flea-shampoo

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by kim M.
    #181441 Report Abuse
    Nastya P

    Mine is https://prideandgroom.com/ ! I swear by their shampoos and conditioners! Those smell soo good, and never hurt my dog’s skin or fur!

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Nastya P.
    #182329 Report Abuse

    I usually buy from Chewy but recently found a really good deal for very high quality food. I buy directly from Vital Essentials. I give my dog their treats and their rabbit mini-nibs raw freeze-dried. This brand is very expensive normally but they send me promotions and I am kind of shocked because if you buy a certain number of bags, they give you a discount up to 30%. I thought it was a gimmic but then I compared the price on Chewy and saw it was the same. My dog had a mast cell tumor that was removed and I try to feed him the best food–raw frozen and raw freeze-dried. Also, my vet told me about this cancer multi-vitamin OncoPet https://www.askariel.com/OncoPet-Cancer-Vitamin-p/135.htm that seems to give him energy and he hasn’t had a recurrence. My dog has a sensitive tummy and I am so glad he can take this one without any problems. This website AskAriel has a lot of information about pet food and supplements.

    #185566 Report Abuse

    Thanks for sharing your experience, I chose several sites for myself and my pet

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