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  • #17724 Report Abuse

    I didn’t want to have to start a new topic, because I know I read the answer to my question somewhere, but couldn’t find it…

    Anyways, for those of you that feed raw and fast once a week or however you go about fasting, I’d like to know what you do when your dog is bugging you to eat at that particular meal time that you are going to skip? I know fasting means nothing to eat, but is there anything you can give during that time to keep them “busy”? I know I had read someone’s response to this, but like I said I can’t remember where I read it.

    & while I’m asking questions, I might as well ask another one. Bailey is on her 2nd day eating raw. I started with chicken. How long should I feed her chicken before adding something else, like turkey or beef or organs or something else? I’ve read a week, or week and a half or two weeks…

    #17736 Report Abuse

    I only fast one meal. That has them 24 hours to clear out whatever is in their guts. I think that is long enough. We go for walks and play fetch and anything that occupies them if necessary. The meal we fast is usually the one I would have given them at bedtime so they usually just sleep and then are very happy to see breakfast.

    If your dog is having no upsets from his chicken meals then I would only go one week before adding in another protein. If there were any upsets to start with, I would wait longer.

    #17737 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    I fast my dogs every Sunday – so they go without food Saturday night until breakfast Monday morning (about 36 hours). I give them broth morning and night on their fasting days – 1 C. warm water, 1 tbs. The Honest Kitchen Ice Pups and 1 tsp. Swanson’s GI Detox. Once your dog gets the routine down, she should stop begging. My dogs begged a lot when I first started fasting them, now they just know what day is fast day and what to expect. Also – remember you need to compensate for the fast during the rest of the week by feeding more food. I notice my dogs are much more energetic the day after their fast.

    #17738 Report Abuse

    Thanks guys. I think, for now, I’ll just worry about getting her adjusted to different foods and stuff before I start fasting her. Today will be her 3rd raw day. So far, she’s been fine, maybe acting a bit happier after dinner, but pretty much the same. Her poop has been ok, til today. I didn’t see when she went so I don’t know if it started out as runny or ended as runny but the rest of was firm. I saw a few pieces of bone in with it, but that’s normal I would imagine, because they were pretty small. I may finish out the week on the chicken (thighs and legs) and this weekend go buy something else for her. Should I try organs from chicken or go right to beef or turkey and do that for a while?

    #17740 Report Abuse
    Hound Dog Mom

    Yes – sometimes dogs will pass small pieces of bone in their stool. It happens more often with denser bones – for example, my dogs will pass fragments when they eat a pork neck but not with poultry bones. Personally, I don’t think it would matter either way what you try next. When I started raw feeding I went right into a rotation of chicken, turkey, beef, bison, lamb and sardine and neither of my dogs had issues. If she seems to be tolerating the chicken you can probably move on to something else, if her stool stays runny maybe give her a bit of canned pumpkin and keep her on the chicken for a few days longer.

    #17742 Report Abuse

    Ok, thanks HDM. I have given her canned sardines a couple times already and she loves them. I’ll check her next 2 poops and go from there. I may also rotate morning meals with the Deli Fresh stuff and raw. I like the idea of keeping Deli Fresh in the rotation for a while because of the other stuff that’s in it and she loves it and that’s what I use to mix her DE with that I give her.

    Thanks again for your help!! 🙂

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