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Environmental Allergy Relief
- This topic has 25 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by
Jenn H.
MemberI was told labs are a breed w/ lots of allergies. Our almost 4 yr old, male, black lab does have moderately bad environmental allergies (grasses, trees, weeds, dust mites… ) which is no fun for Jazz or us.
I do a fairly good job at managing it, and I have recently gone to one RAW meal per day in hopes to help. What is the worst is the lose of hair under his tail and bottom from bitting. I’m able to remedy for the most part the paws, throat, chin, tummy and ear infections.
I’m looking for success stories for dogs w/ same allergies. I’m seeking a natural cure that will not compromise his health, such as Apolquel, steroids and antibiotics. We did try Respit w/ no success. I’ve also tried a probiotic and enzyme, both w/ rave reviews that did not seem to make a difference. I’ve tried a lot!
Thank you
MemberI tried everything too (times 1 year). The only thing that produced positive results for my dog was going to a veterinary dermatologist, getting intradermal skin testing and starting allergen specific immunotherapy.
Respit is not the same thing, the expertise of the specialist that evaluates and determines the results of the skin testing is crucial.
There is no cheap way out of this. I have posted ad nauseam on this subject, all you have to do is use the search engine here: /forums/search/allergies/There is no cure for allergies, they are complicated and they get worse with age. However, there is effective treatment.
Ps: Allergen specific immunotherapy is the most natural treatment for environmental allergies.
Stop looking for miracle cures, there are none. If your dog has raw bloody skin and scabs from pruritus, ear infections and such, the regular vet has no choice but to prescribe steroids and such to stop the suffering and risk of infection, temporarily.
Just my experience, hope it helps someone.anonymous
MemberYou may find this site helpful:
MemberThat’s it, locating a knowledgable doctor that practices holistic, NAET &/or homeopathy in my area.
In what way has the Allergen specific immunotherapy helped your pooch, and how long have you been doing this? As well as the age and breed of you pooch please?
I’m curious if you feed raw or kibble?
Thanks for your response!
MemberHomeopathic vets don’t believe in science based medicine. You can’t have it both ways.
I would find a board certified veterinary dermatologist. Just call the nearest Veterinary School of Medicine and they will refer you.
My dog is a small breed poodle mix that started with the pruritus and ear infections at about 2 years old. Did the steroids, antibiotics. Went back and forth to the regular vet for about a year (tried 3 of them) listened to the homeopathic vets (useless). Most supplements are a scam.
So, I made an appointment with a veterinary dermatologist, she had the testing and I had the results and a treatment plan the same day.
I saw results right away. The initial testing is expensive but the maintenance isn’t that bad (I gave up cable). We see the dermatologist once a year.
She has been stable now for several years. It is very natural, the solution is now available sublingual, so you don’t have to give shots.
She no longer has food sensitivity issues, but does best on a Nutrisca salmon and chickpea kibble as a base, a bit of cooked chicken or something and a splash of water twice a day.
A raw carrot here and there.
I have owned several dogs over the years, some had mild/seasonal allergies, but this is the only one that needed the expertise of a specialist. I avoid vaccinations with this dog, talk to your vet about a rabies waiver.
They still have occasional flare ups, but nothing severe. Prn Benadryl once in a while (it doesn’t do that much anyway).
Btw: raw made her vomit and caused a bowel obstruction requiring a trip to the emergency vet.Amy W
MemberI wholeheartedly agree with all allergy specific immunotherapy. I found a veterinary dermatologist at our local university, and with many patient months (8 so far) am seeing impressive results. We used to need 2 daily apoquel AND prednisolone just to calm down the allergies when we first got my dog. Now we are down to a prescription shampoo, her immunotherapy drops, and a half an Apoquel. I will hopefully ween her off the Apoquel altogether.
It’s a really hard thing to get a grip on, and I wish you luck! It is hard to be patient. Additionally, I would like to add that I have seen a big cost SAVINGS by doing immunotherapy.
Take care!
MemberI’ve used NAET and homeopathy with excellent results. NAET is totally non-invasive, which is awesome. Please don’t ask me *how* it works, but it works. My dogs’ allergies were diet related, and all but one allergy cleared (and one became much less intense) with two sessions.
Homeopathy has amazed me time and time again, but the big secret is finding an experienced homeopath who knows the science, and finding one who doesn’t write off other assets in assisting your dogs health…some homeopaths will refuse to work with anyone who uses nutritional supplements, etc. which is something I would absolutely avoid. A good holistic vet examines the big picture and doesn’t stick rigidly to one answer only. Holistic = whole!
The most common mistake I see with homeopathy is people choosing incorrect remedies, by themselves, within 5 minutes of reading about the symptoms present and not taking into account the smaller, more subtle symptoms that would point to a different remedy. Then they claim it didn’t work, even though they took no time at all to study it themselves or seek out someone competent to help them through, who will also be knowledgeable about selecting the correct potency. It would be no different than if you or I had a headache and decided to take Zantac. When we take the wrong medication for the wrong symptoms, the problem we’re experiencing isn’t going to go away, and it would be unfair to complain and tell everyone that Zantac doesn’t work because we took it for the wrong problem. If you try a remedy and it does not work, you should consult your vet to decide on what remedy to try next.
I would also research vaccines and develop a close relationship with a trusted vet who will only vaccinate your dog if and when he needs it. I would ALSO research problems associated with any flea and/or tick prevention you may be using or have used in the past (what works good for one dog may be hurting the next), as well as things like what household cleaners you use, right down to the quality of water you put in your dogs water bowl every day. If you haven’t done so yet, I would consult with your vet about the possibility of a good blood count as well as discussing whether or not a thyroid test would be a good idea for your particular dog. Discuss immune support with your vet; not all immune support is necessarily stimulating but balancing instead.
I hope this helps you and you’re able to find someone who can help you and your dog. Allergies are a pain, but they CAN be helped.
MemberThanks for posting, Amy W
I’m afraid they don’t believe us. All we can do is try. Maybe someone will listen and a pet will be helped.
Makes me sick every time I see supplements recommended for such a serious condition.
PS: I posted a comment with more info and it was promptly removed, that’s how it is around here, lolAcroyali
MemberAlso, in case you’re interested. Dr. Richard Pitcairn, as well as Dr. Martin Goldstein both have very good books on the subject of holistic care–Dr. Pitcairn’s book is more geared to every day living and Dr. Marty’s book is geared more towards holistic treatment options he’s used in the past, as well as some stunning success stories. If you’re interested in this subject, I’d really recommend checking them out. Also, Karen at Ottawa valley Dog Whisperer has a lot of very helpful articles on her blog.
Keep in mind, what works for dog A might not always work for dog B, which is why holistic medicine can be so challenging…every patient is an individual and it takes a talented vet to be able to form a comprehensive treatment plan for the individual in front of him rather than a text-book approach. This is why developing a good relationship with a vet you like and trust is so important. Again, best of luck and I hope this was at least a little bit helpful.
MemberAnon, I’m honestly curious…if a vet recommends a specific supplement for a specific animal (NOT internet diagnosis) and the pet is helped, what is the problem? Why would that make you sick?
MemberHope this helps:
Member“Anon, Iâm honestly curiousâŠif a vet recommends a specific supplement for a specific animal (NOT internet diagnosis) and the pet is helped, what is the problem? Why would that make you sick?”
Because dietary supplements are not medication, there is no testing or regulation, no scientific research and they are expensive. Veterinary medicine is a business, homeopathy included.
But, to each his own.PS: ER visits are way up due to people having side effects and serious reactions due to supplements.
MemberYour welcome. Yes, there is a genetic link. In fact, the breeder is supposed to stop breeding an animal that has environmental allergies.
For the umpteenth time, the allergen specific immunotherapy solution is all natural! No meds, if it comes to that.
However, the vets have no choice to offer band aid solutions such as steroids, antibiotics and such to stop the suffering and risk of infection.
I have heard positive things about Apoquel, especially if the allergies are mild/seasonal and the dog doesn’t have to be on it year round. Every dog is different. Hope you find something that works.
PS: Once my dogs environmental allergies were under control she now tolerates a variety of foods. I never did the blood test, the dermatologist said it wasn’t necessary (specific to my dog). The intradermal skin testing is the best.Jazzlover
MemberAcroyali, I have not been successful in finding a holistic, homeopath or NAET practicing vet in my large surrounding area. I don’t feel it would be all that helpful to consult w/ one by phone as so many recommend.
I don’t agree w/ giving flea/tick meds and choose to go w/ a natural spray remedy.
I am quite knowledgeable and absolutely an advocate for Jazz and is why I am seeking advise from others who have had success stories. But again I’m unwilling to compromise his health w/ something like Apoquel, steroid and cortisone injections.
Anon, One of the stories on the link you sent me said they gave their dog Zyrtec. I would if it worked. I was told human allergy rx has not been a proven remedy for dogs.
Amy, which shampoo works for your scooby. We bath Jazz every 2 wks. Also read this if you have not already –
Thanks for all the feedback.
MemberSide effects and serious reactions happen with medications, too, and aren’t exactly uncommon. One of my dogs almost died from an otherwise useful drug that has helped many dogs in the past, including dogs I previously owned. No decent vet OR doctor would assume herbal or “natural” (a complete buzz-word) automatically equals safe, and intelligent supplementation for a serious problem requires the advice of a professional, as many do more harm than good when ingested on a whim.
It’s not one sided, and I guess I don’t understand why a veterinarian that can help save or improve the life of a dog with a nutritional supplement would make you so upset, but again…to each their own, as you state. I’m just glad my dog in question is alive, and I’m glad I found a veterinarian who was able to save my dog and give him a good quality of life.
MemberIt’s not just the shampoo, or just the food, or just the supplements, or just the over the counter medications, or just the prescribed medication, or just the allergen specific immunotherapy.
Allergies are very complicated, that’s why it is best to spend the money on a consult with a veterinary dermatologist, if it’s been going on for more than 1 year/4 seasons you are just spinning your wheels trying all these different things. Meanwhile, the dog is uncomfortable, possible suffering.
Peace out.
PS: My dog is bathed twice a week in conjunction with allergen specific immunotherapy.
They still have occasional flare ups. Treatment tends to be lifelong.Jazzlover
MemberMy question was directed to Amy, “which shampoo are your using?” I have one I use that is antimicro and antimacro. I feel as if those w/ oatmeal (which as Holistic vet Dr. Karen Becker states not to use for does w/ yeast issues.) made Jazz more itchy.
Member“Anon, One of the stories on the link you sent me said they gave their dog Zyrtec. I would if it worked. I was told human allergy rx has not been a proven remedy for dogs.”
A veterinarian that has examined and diagnosed the dog can order a medication for “off label” use. In general, it is not intended for veterinary use.
Just as he would recommend a shampoo specific to your dogs condition.Acroyali
MemberJazz, I’ve consulted with homeopaths via email. It can be more time consuming than an in person visit, and it took time getting ALL symptoms (even those seemingly unrelated to the problem at hand) down in order to send them to the homeopath. If nothing else works, it might be a route to consider. I came up with several pages of symptoms and quirks (as well as personality traits) and sent them off. The homeopath took a few days to really read over the material, selected a remedy to try (we opted for classical preparation of a single remedy, not a combination remedy) and it worked in only a few doses. For another animal we did the same thing about 6 months later and he selected two remedies. The result wasn’t as quick as this pet was much older and had many more problems, but after a week or two we noticed subtle differences in movement, as well as a disappearing skin rash that had been present for quite some time. We opted to try another remedy topically to (hopefully) make the skin rash disappear for good, but this remedy did not work so we selected another over-all single remedy. The rash healed, though the hair never grew back. It was really cool to experience, and really cool to watch him re-blossom. His pain and arthritis medications were eventually (weaned off) stopped, which was saying a lot for an animal that was close to his mid-teens and had been having arthritis problems for years. We were all extremely happy with this experience, and we were thrilled to see our little friend changed from having difficulty walking across the room to being able to trot freely and roll around on his bed like a youngster again.
I’ve used the steroid injections, and unfortunately for the dog that received them they helped for about 4-5 days only. As far as NAET goes, I found someone who practiced it from word of mouth. Their name doesn’t come up on any holistic vet finder sites even today and it was many years ago that I first found NAET. Don’t stop looking!
MemberAs far as shampoo goes, I love Dr. Goodpet’s hypoallergenic line. The Honest Kitchen sells a shampoo (in bar form) that contains nothing but goats milk and essential oils (you might want to order a bar for yourself, that stuff is amazing!) Burt’s Bee’s has a nice hypo line too.
I don’t care for oatmeal shampoos, personally. My dogs have never felt nice after bathing with oatmeal shampoo, and for any dog who could possibly have an allergy or intolerance to oats (or grains), it might not be the best choice to pour it over their porous skin but that’s JMO.
Amy W
MemberI use Malaseb shampoo, twice a week. It is a prescription from our derm vet. (My dog is very yeasty, and allergic to her own yeast… in addition to her other environmental allergies:)
You can find the malaseb at chewy dot com at possibly a better price. I have found that after the first year of treatment by a veterinary dermatologist, I can now alternate with other gentle shampoos with good effect.
However, I had tried malaseb before seeing the dermatologist and it didn’t help. But, in conjunction with ASIT, it did.
I stopped recommending it unless prescribed by a vet as it is expensive and people expect too much. Plus, depending on the allergies, it may not be necessary.Amy W
MemberYep. Just what I use. In conjunction with the larger picture. Things are finally going well, so I’m not changing anything for awhile:)
Good luck!
MemberI agree, I feel the same way. Veternary care has become like our care.
When you have something serious going on and the PCP hasn’t been helpful, go to a specialist đ
Glad it worked out well for your dog.Susan
ParticipantHi Jazzlover,
Have you increased the Omega 3 in your dog diet? tin sardines in spring water are excellent, add about 2 small sardines to the raw diet a day, how come your only feeding 1 raw meal a day? is this raw meal balanced properly, is it home made raw or premade raw diet? after adding the Sardines you watch Jazz’s skin & coat start to shine & improve….
Have you tried using High Potency Vitamin C powder for dogs? Vitamin C is a Natural Anti histamine & strengthens the immune system, we use Vitamin C in Australia, it’s also added to our dog foods, here’s the Natural Animal Solution site, I’m pretty sure Jacqueline Rudan the Naturopath does sell her products in America, the Skin Pack is really good & a good price, it will balance the raw diet if it’s homemade diet, I used it when Patch was eating a raw diet…. done the bottom of my post is a link when you have clicked on the link read about Vitamin C then go to the top & click on “Pet Health” look on your left, scroll down a bit then you’ll see “Skin System” there’s a little green arrow facing down, click on arrow & all skin conditions will come up, click on “Skin Allergies” the last one, it’s a really good read, make sure you bath weekly or twice a week or daily in the bad seasons to wash off the pollens & allergens on the skin, bathing relieve the itch I also use “Malaseb Medicated Shampoo” it’s mild & can be used daily, excellent for red paws…
For Jazz itchy lower back tail & bum area have you tried “Sudocrem” it’s a healing cream sold in the baby Section at Supermarket or Chemist, when Patch starts rolling body on carpet & bum surfing on my carpet I should bath him but some days you don’t feeling like bathing the dog so I buy the Huggies baby Wipe the Coconut Oil wipes there’s also Cucumber & Aloe. I wipe his fur down then get another coconut oil wipe & wipe his bum & around his tail area, then I apply the Sudocrem, then straight away the itch stops… When he gets his itchy bum it’s from food sensitivities, as soon as he eats something he’s sensitive too he starts rubbing his bum on carpets… H
MemberI also have a dog with severe environmental allergies.
The 1 thing that I have found to work for him in preventing, managing and relieving his symptoms is raw wildflower honey from a beekeeper neighbor. It works best if he starts getting in Feb.
I’ve tried other raw wildflower honeys when I ran out and the closest to home the better.If/when he is having a reaction (because we ran out of his honey) there’s a whole routine we have to give him relief.
His brother also has these allergies and his people treat it differently with good success.
I can go thru the whole thing if you want. Just let me know.
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