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Dog licking inside of legs, now skin irritated

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  • #80871 Report Abuse
    Boo S

    I’ve read on these forum pages several things to do with irritated skin for pit bull mixes, but there is ALOT of information. Prior going to the vet — what are some DIY things I can do for her?

    My pooch is otherwise fine but has been licking inside her legs, and now there is a red raw rash like thing happening. She doesn’t do this incessantly, but just now and then. She doesn’t seem that uncomfortable.I don’t know if this is an inner or outer allergen, but the licking seems to cause the rash itself or at least make it work.

    I don’t know if it’s yeast or another allergy, but do want to give her relief. Apple cider vinegar? Lemon Juice? Something topical? Food change? (She has a sensitive stomach and has been doing great with some high-quality kibble, infrequently, and usually, trader joe’s can food)

    Thanks i advance for your help.

    #80872 Report Abuse

    Did you check the search engine here? I do not agree with all of the opinions expressed. /forums/search/allergies/

    Do not put anything on it, it will only make it worse.
    Assuming your dog is in good health and has seen the regular vet recently.
    The best choice would be to see a board-certified veterinary dermatologist, if one is available near you (here is a list: http://www.acvd.org/).

    Most dermatologists will not skin test for allergies until the dog has been exhibiting symptoms for 1 year/4 seasons without any significant periods of relief. There are also other treatment options that a specialist could offer.

    Don’t be fooled by mail-in saliva and hair tests, I have heard they are unreliable

    A summary of treatments for canine atopy:

    Evidence-Based Canine Allergy Treatment

    And here is a recent update:

    Evidence Update- Evidence-based Canine Allergy Treatment

    More info here:
    Skin tests to determine what your pet might be allergic to are considerably more accurate, on the whole, than blood tests. However, they are not 100% accurate either. To have them performed, you will need to locate a board certified veterinary dermatologist

    excerpt below from: http://www.2ndchance.info/Apoquel.htm
    Food Allergies are probably over-diagnosed in dogs (they account for, perhaps 5-10%). Hypoallergenic diets are occasionally, but not frequently, helpful in canine atopy cases but you should always give them a try. Food intolerances are more common – but considerably more likely to result in digestive disturbances and diarrhea than in itching problems.

    PS: If you wait, it may get really bad, keep an eye on the chest area for a bright red rash developing. When this happened to my dog I had to go to the emergency veterinary clinic. They usually prescribe steroids to stop the suffering and to temporarily get the situation under control. The Dr there reprimanded me for putting witch hazel on the rash. There are prescription creams that a dermatologist will prescribe that help, but usually only in conjunction with other treatments.

    #80873 Report Abuse

    Douxo Chlorhexidine 3% Pads and Malaseb Shampoo were prescribed by the dermatologist that treats my dog, but, the dog also receives allergen-specific immunotherapy. Not sure if these products would have helped much without this.

    #80877 Report Abuse
    Boo S

    Thank you to these folks writing the posts so far!

    #80887 Report Abuse

    What food is your dog eating?

    #80895 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hi Boo S:
    My dog was in a similar situation a few years ago. He began licking his hind legs and tail area here and there. Then, it continued to get worse as time went on. He ended up losing fur, his skin was red and infected, he was itchy, licking incessantly, infested with fleas, and very smelly.

    I recommend you visit your Vet for starters. With my Vet’s guidance and allot of diligence in regards to bathing, antibiotics for infection, and a food change my dog has a beautiful coat and healthy skin today.

    Bathing therapy helped tremendously. It provided immediate relief; I used Nolvalsan cleanser throughout the healing process.

    It took close to a year for a full recovery. He still gets itchy throughout the warmer seasons about once or twice a month. I believe it is probably something he gets into during his travels. I just bathe him as soon as I observe this behavior. Other than that he’s an easy keeper!

    Here is a site I reference for skin issues. Check out their blog and library. I also signed up for their newsletters:

    #80912 Report Abuse

    Hi Boo, stop feeding the can wet food, I was feeding a wet can food & my boy started to scratch & shake his head, I was feeding the wet tin food of a morning & his kibble for dinner, since I’ve stopped the wet tin food no more scratching, I started a elimination cooked diet for breakfast, I knew his kibble wasn’t making him scratch its Fish & Rice kibble, he cant eat the grain free kibbles tooo many starchy carbs, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Tapioca, Carrots, Peas, etc, with his new elimination diet when I added carrots he started to scratch again & shake head (ears)….you need to work out is it from food or environment allergies??
    Be careful with the apple cider vinegar & lemon juice that will dry out the skin & make the itch/rash worse, also bath in Malaseb Medicated shampoo every 5-7 days when rash is bad bath time…..I apply Hydrocortisone 1% cream on my boy red paws & under his mouth when if real red & itchy… you can buy the Hydrocortisone cream over the counter at the chemist, thinly apply the cream of a night at bed time & thru the day if needed… or try the Sudocrem its in the baby section, its for eczema, dermatitis, nappy rash etc….

    #80923 Report Abuse

    In my opinion, the first thing to do would be to get a diagnosis by a veterinarian. I would do this before trying home remedies.

    It is best not to give over the counter medications and supplements (especially if they are intended for humans) unless recommended by a veterinarian that has examined your dog.
    These products are not always benign and may make the situation worse.
    If your current vet has not been helpful, find another one.

    How can you treat a condition if you don’t even know what it is?

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