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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
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dinner mixes
- This topic has 141 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
jakes mom.
ParticipantHi Akari,
You could try getting the article to read it and see if it says which pre mix was used. When I want to read articles that are published in vet journals I ask at the vet office if they would get them for me.Bobby dog
MemberHi Aimee:
Thanks for doing the math. One thing, I think the info Jake’s mom posted was for the cat pre-mix raw, not positive though. Hopefully JM will be by to confirm. The thread was originally started for info on dog pre-mixes; in an earlier post to me she wrote she bought the raw and cooked pre-mixes for her cats. I don’t think she bought a pre-mix for Jake yet.aimee
ParticipantHi Bobby,
If this is the cat product I missed that. But as the cat AAFCO standard is similar to the dog in regards to minerals, the diet remains deficient for main and growth for cats in the minerals I reported.
Bobby dog
MemberThanks Aimee. I am also interested in a cooked pre-mix for cats so I appreciate the update. When Jake’s mom stops back we’ll know for sure.
jakes mom
MemberBobbydog is correct, I bought the mixes for the cats not the dog. Guess I should have reminded people when I posted the info. Originally I was asking about mixes for Jake but when I found the cat mix too I decided to see what that was like. I have a lot of kibble for Jake so thought I’d experiment on the cats instead! I have no doubt Jake will like any mix I give him, the only thing he’s ever turned down was a piece of celery. I will see if they’re even interested in the idea of the meat mixture then will take it from there. I’ll use it up if they like it but won’t be feeding it exclusively so I’m not worried about their nutrition. Thanks, Aimee, for all your hard work. If they do well with the mixes maybe I’ll try another brand.
ParticipantAimee, since you’re here, what’s your take on Fresh + Oasis?
It’s one of the more affordable mixes I’ve been eyeing up. I’m unsure about using something that’s almost completely synthetic, almost as much as I am about keeping Bentley on just SSLL, and I’m also unsure about the use of yeast in the mix because Bentley already has his own yeasty problems, and he doesn’t need any help from his diet lol Dang dog and his allergies lol
ParticipantHi Akari,
The concern I’d have with this product is that the instructions are very vague. I couldn’t find it defined anywhere what “meat” is. There is a big difference between a lean meat and a fatty cut. Additionally, I see no mention in regards to fat supplements that would be needed to meet linoleic requirements.I “made” 2 meals one using 3% fat ground beef and one using 30% fat ground beef. I calculated out the Ca, Phos, Zn, Vit D,Vit E, and polyunsaturated acids and compared them to AAFCO. The meal made with 3% fat beef was excessive for calcium, deficient for Phos for growth profile, excessive in Zn, excessive in Vit D and excessive in Vit E. The diet was deficient in linoleic acid.
Of the six nutrients I checked the meal made with 30% fat ground beef was deficient in phos, and linoleic acid.
To use this supplement I think you’d need to get a full nutrient analysis for the supplement, then use a source like the USDA nutrient database to get nutritional information on the meat choice you make, then calculate out all the nutrient levels and compare to AAFCO and/or NRC tables and then add supplements as needed and balance the diet.
For myself that would be way too much work to do.
What I like about Balance it is that all this work is done for you and it tells you exactly what meat, what fat supplements and gives you a full nutrient analysis for the diet you create.
Any reason why Balance it wouldn’t work for you?
ParticipantInteresting. Thank you. I’m not sure if that website is also the company that makes the product, but I can’t really find anything else about them. There is one other site that sells it cheaper.
I’ve not looked into Balance it yet because the site doesn’t like my phone very much. However, it is true that it’s for a cooked diet only? Or can it be used with raw? I don’t have time to be doing any cooking (i barely even cook for myself!) lol
ParticipantYes, Balance it is for a cooked diet. You could call and find out if it could be used with raw, but I kinda doubt they would approve of it…because of the raw aspect. I think Dr. Bartges at Tenn is a vet nut who will balance raw diets.
ParticipantSSLL can be used with raw or cooked, so I don’t really see why raw would be a problem, other than the whole anti-raw standpoint they may have. Once I’m on a computer I’ll mess around on the website and see it there’s a way to contact them or any FAQs or something.
If I find anything else I’m considering, I’ll post them here for review, if you don’t mind 🙂
MemberWhat happened to Dr. Mike’s post? I don’t see it any more.
jakes mom
MemberJust an update on the cats and the KBPF mix. I’ve tried the raw mix for a couple of days, so far, no go. They seem to be wondering why I’ve ruined the nice raw turkey they had smelled. Everybody has had a sniff and a taste but that’s all. Might end up being toppers for Jake’s food. He loves it of course. Will try for a few more days….
Bobby dog
Member“They seem to be wondering why I’ve ruined the nice raw turkey they had smelled.” Very funny, maybe your cats are related to mine? 🙂
ParticipantShoot, that is what I am afraid of and have not tried the raw food yet that I bought. It’s so frustrating when you think you have something great for them and they sniff and turn. Or funnier yet, one of my cats tries to scratch at the wall or something close by as if he is trying to bury it. LOL! When he was a kitten he could get the cloth matt I had under his dishes to come up and cover up his food he didn’t want. He is the quirkiest orange kitty I’ve ever had! 🙂
jakes mom
MemberThey certainly know how to make their feelings known, don’t they? Still no luck at dinner time. I got dirty looks again. Jake is happy tho! I’ve kept a little bit in the fridge and the rest is portioned out and in the freezer. Maybe next week I’ll try the cooked mix and see if that goes over any better. Brats! 🙂
Member“ Diffuse osteopenia and myelopathy in a puppy fed a diet composed of an organic premix and raw ground beef”
“Aimee, is there a way of knowing what pre-mix it was that the dog was fed?”
——————–Akari, I recognized the name D Geiger as one of the authors of the paper.
It was Sojo’s pre-mix. According to Geiger, the malnourished pup was a patient back in 2006, and Sojo’s refused to reformulate or even acknowledge a problem, when it was clearly deficient when used as directed, UNTIL Geiger and colleagues finally published the paper in 2009.
IMO, Sojo’s current formula is STILL questionable whether the pre-mix makes a complete and balanced meal when used as directed, for some vitamins/minerals.
Bobby dog
Nice to hear from you, I hope you are able to find the time to visit more often!Akari_32
ParticipantInteresting, thank you! Sojo’s was one mix that got booted off my list the minute I saw how much was needed for my 8 lb Jack Russell mix. The poor dog would need a whole pound of meat and mix a day! Not to mention all the carbs. I pick up the sample packets when I see them, for my other dogs, but it’s not ever something I would buy. Just doesn’t look like a very good product to be using all the time. Too carby, even for a dog that doesn’t have issues with carbs, like Bentley does.
ParticipantLosul? Hmmmm… Sounds familiar? I remember a Losul that used to come to this site with some good really good info and humor to go along with it. I wonder if it’s the same one? Lol! I think he even gave me my nick name. Welcome back!
MemberI can’t wait to finish this bag of SoJo’s I have. I don’t like it at all.
ParticipantWhat don’t you like about it (me having never really used it)? And do you find it too low in calories?
ParticipantHi losul,
Very interesting back story on that paper.
MemberLOSUL!! Are you back? I’ve missed you!
MemberDear C4C, DogFoodie, BobbyDog, Everyone! My sincerest apologies not being able to respond sooner. I want to thank you very much for the kind words and sentiments. I’ve been following the threads and I hope to participate a little more again soon!!!
You “guys” are HUGE!! LOL I mean in that in BEST way
heartfelt and sincerely,
Losul.P.S. I ran across this quote recently and was touched, but the author was listed as “unknown”. I think you guys wrote it?
“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”
Bobby dog
Wonderful quote, and thanks for stopping by with an update. You are missed on DFA!! How is Turbo doing?Peggy
MemberI was at the pet store a few days ago and saw packages of meal mixes.
I have never seen or heard of this before.What are they exactly?
That is the most beautiful honest quote I have heard!
How true I am going to remember that forever,it says exactly how i feel about my girls.
Thank you for sharing thatjakes mom
MemberJust checking in with an update. Cats never would eat the raw turkey mix. I made the cooked mix today with some ground turkey. One cat tried it and seemed to like it but a little while later I heard the sound of a cat vomiting. Yep, it was that cat, Teddy. There was a hairball involved so maybe it was just a coincidence. Fingers crossed. I’ll give it a few more days and see how it goes. These mixes have a strong aroma, kind of like a boullion cube. Maybe the cats aren’t happy with that part of it. Do the other mixes have an odor?
Peggy, meal mixes are a supplement powder you mix in with your own meat to make a complete meal. Some are for raw meat, others are for cooked.Jakes Mom,
I do not have cats, but if you wouldn’t mind telling me what mix are you referring to?
I know that the Honest kitchen mixes that i have used just have a veggie soup mix kind of smell-really want to add it to soup i make for myselfBobby dog
MemberThanks for the update Jake’s mom! 😉
jakes mom
MemberCheryl, the mix I used was from Know Better Pet Food. If you go back to the first page you’ll see I originally asked about a mix for my dog. Bobby dog gave me links for a couple of companies that sell mixes and I decided to try a mix for the cats to save myself the trouble of constantly lugging home cases of canned cat food (I have 5 cats and a dog). But the cats are not cooperating. I have used Honest Kitchen for Jake and the aroma is not as strong as this other brand, I agree, it smells pretty good!
Jake is helping me use up the raw cat food I’ve made so it will not go to waste. He’s a happy boy at least!Jakes Mom
Oh yes I remember now, I went to the site after you asked about it, I am sorry, my mind forgets who posts what where, mostly i am referring to myself 🙁
Wow, what a guy you have, helping his mom out anyway he can-that’s why I am a d-o-g lover!!!jakes mom
MemberOh yes, Jake is always happy to help out when it comes to eating any leftover kitty food! At the moment he’s on the couch next to me chewing on a nice beef rib. Spoiled? Nah! lol
MemberBobbyDog, Cheryl PM-B.
I really like and relate too that quote. I’ve printed some up, and others keep them handy, sometimes I need reminders, LOL.
Turbo is doing amazing. I’ll be taking for his HW check in about a month or then and hope too close that chapter with a happy note. We have a new neighbor and turbo has a new sometimes friend. Miller a young black lab sometimes comes on our property and Turbo loves to play with him. Miller being such such a tolerant and good natured young feller, he takes all the abuse Turbo dishes out very well, LOL.
Bobby dog
Wonderful news for your family and Turbo! Fingers crossed for closing the chapter.Bobby’s rough housing friend moved away a couple of years ago. I miss seeing them play together. The new neighbors don’t let their dog come over although she sneaks over every now and then to play. He still has his older girlfriend next door, but he is very much the gentleman with her, no wrestling matches.
I am glad your turbo is doing well.
I hope you don’t mind but I printed out copies of your quote to pass along to friends who feel the way we do here on this site.
I am also going to give them to Pepper’s vets at LSU Veterinary Clinic-they saved my dear precious angel from a most certain death, they need to really understand what & how much she means to me. This quote says it in a way I cannot.
Thank you so much again for posting it.DogFoodie
MemberHi Losul,
I’m so happy to hear your update. Great news about Turbo! 🙂
I’ve thought about you often since you’ve been AWOL and am glad you’re back!
ParticipantHi Losul-
I second DogFoodie’s comment! 🙂theBCnut
MemberHi Losul!
It’s great to hear how Turbo is doing. Please don’t be a stranger. No one gets my sense of humor like you.
Memberglad you & Turbo are doing well, losul!
MemberAgain, my gratitude everyone for the warm welcomes! You guys have made it feel good for me being here 🙂 Thank you, all of you.
I have a few pics of Turbo and friend romping, I think back in August or September, I want too share, I’m very proud of him, but not here, I already hijacked this thread OT too much.
I have to try to get Turbo’s thread updated soon and hopefully some pics.
I better let back to the Dinner Mix topic now 🙂jakes mom
MemberJust a quick update on the kitties. The raw mix was a no-go for everybody, much to Jake’s delight. He has lots of raw food in the freezer for toppers. They like plain raw meat but I guess the mix ruined it for them.
All the cats were happier with the cooked mixes. I’ve tried ground turkey and ground beef so far. Thinking of trying it with some chopped/shredded stew beef next. -
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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
Colleen Kilbane
6 days, 17 hours ago -
FREE 1lb Prime100 SPD Fresh Roll
Prime 100
3 weeks, 1 day ago -
Acid Reflux
Sarah S
1 month, 3 weeks ago -
Hip and Joint supplements
Judy R
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Innovations in pet care
Troy Lex
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Mozelle Koss on Expiration on kibble question
Barb Conway on Acid Reflux