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Diet for cancer in dog with pancreatic cancer

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  • #11938 Report Abuse

    Does anyone have any experance with their baby having cancer and doing blood transfusions and the type of food she will need if she makes it? Dixie is a 10 yr old wire hair terrier.I will post her pictures when I figure out how to. She is the love of my life. Her vet has been in contact with specialist from around the us as well as in England. Something is wrong and the specialist are saying she is bleeding from the inside but all test,all scans,all xrays,all mri’s show nothing. We were on a trip last spring in Tenn and I had found 2 ticks on me and I would use a flee comb on her every time she would go out side and come back in side and I had her on frontline as well as combing. But now I wonder if she got bit by a tick. I would have seen it since she sleeps with me next to my face on her feather pillow. Her hair isn’t that thick at all and has to wear sweaters and coats to stay warm. if anyone has gone through the cancer treatments,bloodtransfussions process,please let me know. They can not type cross blood matches on dogs. There is no protacal for it yet. I have a name of a Dr. in Houston,Tx who is treating dogs for free with cancer because they are also using info to help treat people with cancer. I can get there,just have no place to stay while she is there IF its not to late and if its not going to change the out come anyway. Am I being selfish in wanting her to stay alive because I need her as much as she needs me? Please say a prayer for Dixie

    #12835 Report Abuse

    Sending prayers for Dixie

    #15169 Report Abuse

    Thank you,thank you!!!! she does really well for a whole day and then she gets sick for a couple of days and then she does well again. It is 1 day at a time but she is 75 percent better then she was in dec,jan. She gets a shot every 12 hours,diabetes. Shes ok now with it,doesnt even flench at all. I have got to get her picture on here, I wonder how many Mike will let me fill up the pages?:)As if I only have a few! Again, thanks Penny for your prayers

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