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Dick Van Patton's Duck and Potato dogfood
- This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by
Laleah A
MemberI was surprised not to see Dick Van Patton’s duck and potato dog food on the editor’s choice list. Everything I read before coming to dogfoodadvisor led me to believe this food would be the best for my itchy, oozy Boston Terrier.
Its not a very good food. Its actually potato & duck (unless I missed a formula on the website), meaning there is more potato than duck. Have you looked at the review for the food?Other limited ingredient foods to look at are Canine Caviar, California Natural grainfree, Canidae Pure, Zignature, Wellness Simple and Natures Variety Instinct LID (my first choice)
Susan M
MemberI have a very itchy by Weimer runner and I have been through so many dog foods trying to find one that she’s okay with. I have finally figured out over the last four years that she needs a grain free and potato free dog food. Her problem seems to be some food sensitivities but also yeast problems, behind her elbows, groin and years. She can handle Horizon Legacy salmon and pea, Orijen Adult and Nutrisca Salmon and chickpea.
ParticipantLaleah if u have a dog with IBD or Pancreatitis its a excellent food, better then the vet prescription diets, a lot of dogs with IBD are on the Duck & Potatoes, Rabbit & Potatoes, Kangaroo & Potatoes, as there’s not many limited ingredient diets with low fat & low protein besides the vet diets…..just use sardines or other meats as a topper if you have a healthy dog..
The OP said she has an itchy, oozy boston. She didn’t say anything about IBD or pancreatitis.Susan
ParticipantI can READ MARIE, I’m just saying that the Natural Balance works for IBD & Pancreatitis instead of vet diets, probably not for skin problems, but who knows it may work for some dogs skin problems, you need to get a life, if your always checking my post..
MemberI rarely read your posts but the OP mentioned her itchy, oozy boston terrier; I just don’t understand what bringing up IBD/Pancreatitis has to do with itchy dogss.
MemberSusan. I too can read and the OP did not mention IBD with regard to her dog in any way shape or form. She talked about her dog being itchy and oozy. Why would you recommend a food that works for Patch for his IBD be appropriate for her Boston Terrier that is itchy and oozy? I’m just curious as to the correlation of your reply and the OP’s problem.
I’m also wondering about your response to Marie. I’m quite sure Marie has quite an active life. What makes you think she’s checking your posts in particular. I’m sure, like all of us, we see threads in the forums and comments on the comment side and want to offer some help if we can. I’m sure that if you re-read your reply to Marie you will see that it was a bit discourteous. There is also no need for yelling as that is what all caps typically means on line.
I also wanted to mention that IBD, Pancreatitis and Allergies are all inflammatory conditions. No one and that includes animals that has any of these conditions should be eating foods from the night shade plants. Potatoes are night shade plants as are tomatoes, egg plants, and many others that can be googled on line. Night shade plants are pro-inflammatory.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
ParticipantI think Laleah should give the limited ingredient Natural Balance a go, it may just work for her little dog….Why I mentioned IBD as its a inflammatory disease like skin allergies…sometimes dogs will have both illnesses like Patch has, once your fix their diet you fix everything..
Some dogs that have skin problems the NB Kangaroo & Potatoes or the Duck & Rabbit limited ingredients works great for their dogs & clears their skin problems up, just cause it has low protein it gets a lower star rating…… Every dog is different with their skin problems, what works for your dog will not work for my dog (Raw)….. Patch does not eat NB he can’t eat potatoes gets real bad Colitis…
I’m sick of Marie always having a go at my post, she has done it for 2 year now, I’ve had enough…..if I see something that I don’t agree with or a mistake or what ever, I just MIND my own business & move on….maybe take your dogs out for a nice long walk & smell the beautiful flowers….
Have a nice day…aimee
I’d disagree with your statement that potato and possibly all nightshades are to be avoided in inflammatory conditions. It may depend on the specific type of inflammation, however if you search on potato and inflammation in pubmed you’ll find that many/ nearly all of the papers describe the many anti inflammatory/ anti cancer attributes of potato. if I had listened to someone’s advice to avoid potato for inflammatory conditions I may have lost out on finding the food that has allowed Jack to heal.
MemberJust stop, Susan. I try my best to ignore you, I rarely read your posts and I haven’t responded to you in a long time. Two years? LOL. Get a grip.
MemberAimee. And I disagree with you. If you have an inflammatory illness, as I do, and inflammatory illness, as I do, having similar underlying attributes, as I do, the general advice is to avoid pro-inflammatory ingredients and supplements. Aimee you and I go back and forth on many issues but this one happens to be one that I am closely related to and completely informed on. I’m not only speaking of canines or animals but of all. Having an inflammatory illness since 1997 I know of what I speak. I don’t live somewhere in the boon docks and not knowing of what I speak. I have been to the best of the best around the world, not just the USA. All have told me the same thing in different languages as to their knowledge and experiences with inflammatory illnesses. Having a dog with allergies….again, I know of what I speak. I realize that you are well versed and researched on the areas of science which I will readily admit I know very little of in schooling and education. Not my interests. I know what I know from many years of experience and knowledge. Let’s leave this particular issue alone between the two of us. I’m coming from extreme personal experience, you’re coming from it from data. Very very different. I mean no disrespect Aimee as, if you know me at all from our posts back and forth, I have a great deal of respect for you and feel you are probably one of the smartest if not THE smartest person on this and other sites, but this is not an issue you want to go head to head with me. Let’s just drop it right here. I don’t want to stress myself which is not good for inflammatory illnesses and I have too much respect for Dr. Mike to put him in a position that he has to be put in the middle of this particular discussion.
MemberSusan. Once again, a dog with an inflammatory illness should not be eating foods with night shade plants. If you know and don’t feed Patch foods with potatoes why not have mentioned that to the original poster.
If you truly have issues with Marie and as you say, you just move along and mind your own business and avoid her then why didn’t you do that here on this thread in this forum? You and Marie are both entitled to your own opinions and experiences as we all are. I try very hard not to go head to head with anyone unless I think and truly believe that someone is giving someone else erroneous information that can forestall a dogs issues because they are here truly because they are looking for help and guidance. My issue on this thread with you is that you didn’t tell the woman that potatoes were probably not a good way for her to go with her dog. After all, you know enough that Patch shouldn’t be eating potatoes.
Personally my issues with you Sue 66, Susan, are when you give advice that can do more harm than good or not really hearing the pleas when someone is reaching out for help.
Mike……if you want to delete my post please go ahead. I try very hard, as you well know, as you all know, not to get into these tiffs. I typically try to mind my own business. But I really could not hold my tongue and I chose not to, knowingly and willingly.
How has my post cause any harm…..
I can not believe this, from 1 simple post that I posted yesterday has come to this, un believable….
If potatoes are so bad for IBD, then how come some of the vet prescription food for dogs with IBD have Potatoes.. Royal Canine, Salmon & Potatoes, Duck & Potatoes, Venison & Potatoes…. Eukanuba FP Fish & Potatoes the list goes on, also I know a few people that have dogs with IBD & their dogs are doing really well now after changing their diets to potatoes….so potatoes may not work for your IBD & Patches IBD (Colitis) but like I’ve said before what works for 1 person or 1 dog doesn’t always work for another with IBD….. also boiled rice can irritate an inflamed bowel more then mashed potatoes…Patch doesn’t have skin problems from potatoes, potatoes irritate his bowel given him Colitis……
Like the lady from Hills told me, dogs with IBD normally do really well on potato diets, Patch is just 1 out of a million dogs that doesn’t…
Maybe you should take your own advice & when you seen my post you should of just moved along & minded your own business… this is un believable….re read my first post how was it hurting anyone……you are a bunch of BITCHES (Dori & Marie) -
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
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Need any information on a dog food that has beef, bison, or goat, no potatoes…
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