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  • #68287 Report Abuse

    Awwh, well, at least you’re kind enough to let her stay with you guys…

    And wow, good job on the transfer!

    And no, I haven’t looked through the calendar, but I will happily take anything you generously choose to share with me! You may have an idea of what I feed, but I’m always open to new things too, so whatever it is really. 🙂 And no rush – whenever you get to it, just let me know. Or… If it’s not too much, you could shoot me an email with what you got available. Up to you!

    #68288 Report Abuse

    Eh, if it was up to me, she’d probably be sleeping in the yard LOL Not really, but she still isn’t my favorite person. She’s friends with mom, and since its moms house, it’s not really my choice lol Since its just for a little while, I won’t put up a fuss, but if she was staying-staying, I wouldn’t be very happy lol

    Well, it does help that most of the dog food is in big bags (a change in pace for me!), and that everything was organized in the room to begin with. I’ll have to post a picture of my closet right now. It’s a little ridiculous. It’s piled 5ft high with “stuff” LOL

    Oh yeah, I’ll email you first on what I have for you so you can decide on what you want. 🙂

    #68289 Report Abuse

    Oh wow! You kind of REALLY don’t like her! LoL!

    And hah, I can imagine a pile ceiling-high! LoL

    And okie! I shall be looking out for the email! 🙂

    #68290 Report Abuse

    I really, really can’t help it! LOL she’s just one of those people I can’t get along with for extended periods of time. We all have at least one of those, right?? Lol

    Pretty much! I’m kinda scared it might all pull me in and I’ll never come back out! :O


    I mean, look at it! There’s gotta be some sort of Random Crap Monster lurking in there somewhere! AND the floor is covered with stuff! If I ever drop off the face of the earth, check my closet first XD

    #68292 Report Abuse


    And lol, it’s not that bad! 🙂 I am sure it won’t take you over… Till you buy more food! THEN… it might, lol. If you go missing from FB too, we will come looking for you in the closet! LoL!

    #68293 Report Abuse

    I dunnooooo, my closest is like 7×7 and there’s maybe 1 square foot of floor space in there right now– that’s pretty scary! LOL

    #68295 Report Abuse

    UH OH! Where on earth ARE you gonna do with all the food!!! YIKES! OH, and people in our lives that we can’t stand to be around for more than a little while. YEP! I’ve got a couple of those in my immediate family. We avoid each other as best we can. We seem to only come together for funerals.

    Not to worry Akari, if you fail to post for a while we will dial 911. I still don’t know who you are on FB. I only know you as Akari 32. I’m Dori wherever I am. I couldn’t possibly keep track of too many alias’s. I’d lose myself for sure.

    #68306 Report Abuse

    So I added up all the food thats in there: 130.5 pound. LOL Too bad, at about 30 lbs a months, it won’t last long.

    Ugh, so this morning, she filled the sink with water, and put all the dishes in (dishes soaking in bacteria water is my FAVORITE! Not to mention she left the sponge floating in it….) and you can’t do that in our sink because our dish washer was hooked up wrong and everything leaks if you don’t baby it. So guess who got to take everything out from under the cabinet and clean up 3 gallons of sink water from under the cabinet and the floor?? Meeee! Yaaaaaaaaaay….. -_- She moved out, and that crap didn’t happen any more. Moves back in, 11 hours later, water all over the kitchen floor. Fantastic.

    I sent you a friend request the other night, and you accepted it! You should know who I am lol I only use one user name. So if you join an other forum, and see an Akari_32, its 99% likely me (I’ve only been on one site that someone already had that username lol).

    So I have a question for you guys. Is it weird that I like to hang on to more questionable brands as long as possible to make sure they aren’t going to be recalled or something? Like this IAMS Healthy Naturals stuff, I’ve had for several months. Plans to use it are very close, maybe within two months. I’m not a fan of IAMS, as you guys know, but I got it at a decent price, and picked one that rated well (I believe the flavor I picked is rated at 4 stars). But yeah, just wondering lol

    #68349 Report Abuse

    So long as you keep track of their expiration dates I guess you can hold on to them and feed before that. I know that you get some of these foods dirt cheap with all your coupon knowledge but you may want to avoid foods from companies that you feel are questionable because though you spent little for the foods, you did spend some money and now you’re afraid to feed them to your dogs. Better to just pass up the deals from the really questionable brands. 🙂

    #68351 Report Abuse

    I don’t mind IAMS so much any more, now that they’ve strighten themselves out after that huge crazy thing several years ago, but only the Healthy Natural’s varieties. I just like to be safe with IAMS, because you never know. Now that they are Mars owned, I’ll not buy them any more. This is actually the first bag of it I’ve ever bought! Lol If it’s not something I’m 100% ok with, I don’t buy it.

    I keep all my dog food in order of their expiration dates. The bag I bought must have just been put out on the shelf not too long before I got it because it doesn’t expire until sometime in 2016 lol

    #68354 Report Abuse

    Oh, okay Akari. I’m glad you’ve got a system in place also to keep track of expiration dates. Very organized.

    #68358 Report Abuse

    Yeah, I buy so much at a time that I need to make sure everything gets used in time lol If I get to where I have more than I can use in time, or it would be cutting it close, I have to resist deals and stop buying LOL

    #68388 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Hello all:
    Petco is offering free shipping, no minimum, with some exclusions today only!


    #68389 Report Abuse

    Oh man, that’s dangerous! Lol

    #68524 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Highjacking this popular topic for a minute, somebody please comment on my coco oil post from a few days ago, I want to make sure I’m not doing anything detrimental to the cat. Thanks 🙂

    #68528 Report Abuse

    Oh, sorry jakes mom. I saw your post a few days ago but couldn’t help as I don’t have any cats. I figured some of the cat people would have helped you by now. I’ll try to reach out to C4C for you. Also, your post and mine will bump it up in the forum column.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Dori.
    #68530 Report Abuse
    jakes mom

    Thanks, Dori 🙂

    #69059 Report Abuse

    Got all this for $31.15! Stay tuned for a break down 🙂


    I did three total transactions, two at Pet Smart and one at PetCo.

    First one at PetSmart:
    3x 5lb Purina Pro Plan Savor Salmon and Rice
    –Original Price: $13.99 ($14.97 after tax)
    –Clearance Price: $8.37 ($7.62 after tax)
    1x 5lb Nature’s Variety Prairie Puppy Chicken Meal and Brown Rice
    –Original Price: $14.99 ($16.04 after tax)
    –Clearance Price: $8.37 ($7.62 after tax)
    –3x $2 off any Purina product (found on random Purina products through out the store)
    –1x $3 off and Nature’s Variety Instinct, Instinct RAW, or Prairie pet food (received in the mail with samples from Nature’s Variety)
    –1x $5 off $25 purchase Pet Supermarket coupon
    –1x $3 off any purchase $3 or more PetSmart Coupon

    Total after clearance and coupons: $18.27
    –Total before clearance and coupons: $60.95
    –Total savings: $42.68!

    Second transaction at PetSmart:
    1x 5lb Nature’s Variety Prairie Puppy Chicken Meal and Brown Rice
    –Original Price: $14.99 ($16.04 after tax)
    –Clearance Price: $8.37 ($7.62 after tax)
    1x 2oz Omega One Algae Wafers
    –Original Price: $4.99
    –1x $3 off any purchase $3 or more PetSmart Coupon
    –1x $2 off $10 purchase for Pet Supermarket
    –1x $3 off and Nature’s Variety Instinct, Instinct RAW, or Prairie pet food

    Total after clearance and coupons: $5.95
    –Total before clearance and coupons: $21.38
    –Total savings: $15.43!

    And at PetCo:

    2x Temptations Cat Treats 2.1 oz (manager approved replacement for Friskies Cat Treats)
    –Original Price: $2.13
    2x 5.5oz Royal Canin Radiant Shine canned dog food
    –Original Price:$1.81
    1x PetLinks cat toy
    –Original Price: $5.99
    –2x Free 2.1oz Friskies cat treat PetCo coupon (manager allowed me to substitute with Temptations because they no longer cary Friskies)
    –1x 10% off any PetLinks cat toy PetCo coupon
    –2x 15% off any one can of Royal Canin dog or cat food PetCo coupon
    –1x $2 off $10 purchase for Pet Supermarket

    Total after coupons: $6.93
    –Total before clearance and coupons: $14.28
    –Total savings: $7.35!

    Total savings for my whole trip is $65.46 🙂 Some of this is for donations.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Akari_32.
    #69062 Report Abuse

    I can’t wait! 🙂

    #69067 Report Abuse

    Done! 🙂 47.5% savings– not bad!

    #69075 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Not bad is an understatement!!!!!!! Those toys look like fun. 😉

    #69076 Report Abuse

    Haha, thanks!

    Yes, he loves it! He’s alreay torn a couple feathers of… lol Weird cat as a feather fetish XD

    #69077 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Awwwwwwwww, I used to have a cat that used to go bonkers when any toy had feathers.

    #69080 Report Abuse

    My cats and psycho dog are bonkers for feathers! Nice work, Akari!

    #69113 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Petco.com is offering free shipping with no minimum purchase, some exclusions apply, today only. 🙂

    #69114 Report Abuse

    I’m glad I’m not the only one with feather crazes pets LOL

    Oh! And PetSmart has 99 cent shipping 🙂

    #69116 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Oooooooo, thanks Akari! I am going to order a bag of Simply Nourish for the kitties since I never seem to make it to the store. 😉

    #69118 Report Abuse

    Check your email! I received my Wellness and Primal coupons today. Woo Hoo! Happy Shopping!

    #69120 Report Abuse

    Oh yeah! Forgot to mention the Wellness coupons! I got mine yesterday lol

    #69124 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Me too! 😉

    #69126 Report Abuse

    Primal Coupons? Is that from signing up for their mailing list?

    #69127 Report Abuse

    Yep. I just printed out my Primal coupon!

    #69128 Report Abuse

    aquariangt, check your fb messages

    #69129 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    I am testing the new updated software version of the bbPress forums. In the last few minutes, are you guys receiving messages from threads you are subscribed to? Please post your responses here. I will delete all of these test messages once we are finished testing today. Thanks for your help.

    #69130 Report Abuse

    Yes, I got the notification via email just now

    #69131 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    Thanks, InkedMarie! Big help. Please feel free to post a test message to any thread you know that you are subscribed to. Thanks.

    #69132 Report Abuse

    My phone is blowing up, so it’s working on my end 🙂

    #69134 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    Thanks, Akari_32. As long as you guys are getting your emails from the threads you are subscribed to, it looks like the new update might be working OK, now. Feel free to post a test message on any other thread you know that you are subscribed to. Thanks again for your help

    #69136 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I received my e-mails from the coupon thread too.

    #69138 Report Abuse
    Mike Sagman

    Thanks for the good news, Bobby_dog. I appreciate your help.

    #69144 Report Abuse

    Yes, aqgt, it is from signing up for their emails. It is $3 off any 4-pound bag of Canine Primal Pronto and $2 off any 1-pound bag of Feline Primal Pronto. If you haven’t bought it before, they are small frozen nuggets.

    BTW, in honor of March Madness:


    #69145 Report Abuse


    #69146 Report Abuse

    Thanks. Marie sent it to me too, and then I subscribed. I’ve used the patties before, never the nuggets. I’ll have to try it. Do any of you have success with this with your cats?

    #69147 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    I haven’t tried Primal frozen with my kitties. But, I am going to give it a try because I am almost out of NV frozen. Mine like the Primal turkey FD every now and then. If they don’t like it, Bobby will gladly finish it off anyway.

    #69152 Report Abuse

    I’ve been getting the emails from this thread. It started a new email thread though. I freaked out when I saw I had gotten 23 emails in the last 3 hours, then I realized they were all from this thread. 😛

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Dog_Obsessed.
    #69218 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    Petco.com is extending their free shipping, no minimum promotion until the end of today!

    #69221 Report Abuse

    Oh man!! Why, PetCo? Whyyyyyyyy??? Must– resist– online shopping–!!

    #69222 Report Abuse

    Be STRONG, Akari! Don’t doooo – it!!!

    #69225 Report Abuse
    Bobby dog

    You can do it, fight the urge!! 😉

    #69226 Report Abuse
Viewing 50 posts - 551 through 600 (of 655 total)
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